Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 366: Maomao’s Loli Grandmother and Global Action (6k)

Under Feiya's black and white maid skirt was a pair of white stockings. Since she had never worn such clothes before, the girl's slender legs seemed to be trembling a little. She stood there with a red face, six fox tails behind her Nervous group together.

The fox-eared girl's shy appearance, cute face, and characteristics of fox ears and tail, and the various cute attributes brought to people's feelings, made Luo Xi's happiness reach an unprecedented level.

Luo Xi couldn't help but raise her hand and rub Feiya's fox ears.

The girl's fox ears were upright, revealing the pale pink inner walls and pale white fluff.

[Note: Traveler, congratulations on getting the SSR card—Yin Lisafiya x1 (Fox-eared Elf White Silk Maid)]

Luo Xi's hand froze.

Is this dog text playing some strange second game recently?

His other hand moved behind Fiya.

He had already felt these six big tails when he went to bed last night.

Soft and soft, it's hard to put it down.

Aina stared at Feiya closely, her tea-gold eyes filled with the word annoyance.

This is indeed a purebred vixen! (〃>﹏<〃)!

Not long after she arrived, she already wanted to seduce brother Luo Xi. Brother Luo Xi had less need for her tail. After a while, wouldn't he want to climb on top of their sisters?

Weier also felt that she had been challenged the most ever.

If Ai Xue was destined to be unable to fight Floresia, then Feiya was the biggest opponent who suddenly stepped in.

Maomao's thoughts became much firmer.

No matter what, this vixen must not be allowed to get ahead.

Next time, I must hold Luo Xi down next time. No matter what he says, I will do it...

【Ding! Wei'er's desire for you is +100]

Luo Xi suddenly trembled.

He looked back at the sisters.

The cannibalistic gaze almost appeared from the eyes of the two of them.

Xiao Luoxi, do you like this kind of clothes? Mom seems to have some too, do you want to see them?

Floresia's soft voice also sounded from the side.

Under the dull gaze of the two sisters, the dragon lady disappeared for a moment. When she came out again, her white skirt had been replaced by a complicated maid skirt.

Weier: !


The already extremely proud figure became even more prominent under the maid uniform, especially the plump white figure, which was much larger than the figure Weier herself might have acquired in that dream. One lap.

Is this really what a girl of her size should be like?

Obviously the others are about the same age as me... No, I have to do something.

Aina, we-

As soon as Wei'er opened her mouth, she found that her sister had disappeared.

She then remembered that her sister's mobility far exceeded hers.

Not long after, Aina jumped out of the hollow flower. She brought back two sets of maid white dresses from Bergere Town and gave one to her.

But when the two sisters entered the wooden house and came out confidently, they found that Luo Xiren had turned into an idiot.

It is obvious that consciousness has left this world.

This made the two sisters feel disappointed.

If Luo Xi was not conscious here, he would not be able to intuitively feel the description obtained through words.

Feiya straightened the folds on her clothes and said softly: Miss Weierina, Mr. Luo Xi said, when you come out, I will tell you that he has something urgent over there. You can arrange the construction of the town here as you like, whatever you want. Just build whatever you want, and if there is any danger, just go to Sister Lecia.


The wolf-eared loli nodded dullly.

She also pulled at the small lace of her skirt.

It's a pity that I didn't show it to my brother.

Under Fiya's puzzled gaze, Aina came behind her, sniffed here and there, and finally hugged the six big tails that looked like carrot baskets.

Aina wants to see what fun these six tails have. Aina's tail has made it very troublesome for Aina to go to the toilet. She has to hold her in front every time, otherwise she will get something on her. There’s no way you can’t get it!”

Miss Aina, no, don't do this.

Fiya was forced to run away in embarrassment due to the rough tactics of the wolf-eared lolita, but she was only deliberately messing with Aina. Her relationship with Aina was not good to begin with, and now they can be considered to have eased their relationship.

After being caught by Aina again, Feiya let the wolf-eared girl go.

Anyway, no piece of meat will be lost.

Why are there so many bald spots? Are you losing hair?

The wolf-eared loli poked some hairless parts of Feiya's tail that exposed flesh and turned red.

Wei'er looked on and felt a little unbearable.

Because it was given to Mr. Luo Xi.

Doesn't it hurt? Weier asked from the side.

She knew some of Feiya's strange attributes.

Feiya shook her head and said with a bright smile: It's okay. As long as I can help sir, that's great.


Wei'er walked over angrily and kicked Luo Xi's body, which was standing there blankly.

Go to hell, Huaxin Carrot! What kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into us?


In the real world, a certain pink-haired lolita was sitting on the eaves of Luo Xi's villa, holding a large-screen mobile phone in her hand and tapping cards wildly. Her cute little face became wrinkled.

Hurry up and ship it to us!... Why is it blue again?

Okay! Ziguang... Huh? What kind of warehouse manager role is this? 140 thousand dollars is wasted, where is our Uncle Shui! Didn't I agree to have it? What a rubbish game!

The pink-haired loli immediately threw her phone away in anger, but the moment it touched the ground, it disappeared without a trace.

She hugged her flat chest, looked into the distance with her pink eyes, and muttered: The fish crumbs traveler is too comfortable and makes us uncomfortable, so we have to find something for him to do.

Although there were mountains in the distance, her eyes were indeed boundless.

Suddenly, the pink-haired loli frowned.

Is the integration progress so fast?

Her expression was somewhat serious.

Although she had expected it, even the big update of Dawn was something she had prepared in advance, but when the situation really came, she still felt very heavy.

She had never done anything like this before.

In other words, in terms of world creation and transformation, Dahanhan is far ahead of her. She has never had the experience of creating a world.

According to common sense, it is basically impossible to integrate the underlying rules of the two worlds without hundreds of millions of years as a buffer.

After all, the original structure of the dream world and this world do not come from the same god. If you want to integrate the different rules in them, time is the best medicine.

However, with her intervention and Da Hanhan's full faith and granting almost all authority to her, the progress of this fusion was just like the game in which she spent hundreds of thousands of krypton, with the progress bar tens of millions of times longer. shorten.

It just brings about the emergence of various unexpected situations.

For example, the intersection and overlap of two worlds.

And the creatures in that world can, to some extent, have a reverse influence on this world.

Originally, the Lord of Truth had only scratched the surface of the invasion of this world. After the last incident of the Tree of Void Darkness and the evil book, the power of the Lord of Truth to invade this world was completely cut off by her.

But when the integration of the underlying rules of the two worlds officially begins, it will be different.

The Lord of Truth might be able to follow the connection and find the true location of this world in the vast and infinite void.

At that time, even she would probably end up with the same fate as Dahanhan, or even worse. After all, she was not the real master of this world.

You must know that Dahanhan's frontal combat effectiveness is still very strong in his complete state. Even if he is based on a home world, he cannot withstand the devouring of the Lord of Truth, and he probably can't either.

The pink-haired loli looked up at the sun that was releasing scorching heat and sighed: It's such a strange world. Who created this world with extremely low utilization rate? Luo Xi, who are you? .”

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't feel any divinity belonging to the gods in Luo Xi, she would have thought that Luo Xi might be a clone-like existence left behind by the gods who created this world.

Mortal spirits with eternal soul attributes...

The pink-haired loli bit her finger, lowered her head, and looked at the young man with his eyes closed on the bed through the eaves.

Teacher, is this what you said back then, that even mortal beings have infinite possibilities?

Precisely because we are born ordinary, we yearn for greatness more than any other existence, just like the creatures on earth are always eager to pursue the end of the stars.


Pacific Ocean.

On the calm sea, at this moment, a Ticonderoga-class cruiser with the stars and stripes was standing in the deep sea.

An unknown scene appears in the sea area of ​​​​3443. From the appearance, it is highly suspicious of the sacred trees and cities in the dream world. Please apply for reinforcements.

The commander of the cruiser called his headquarters over and over again.


But all that came over the radio was harsh noise.

After entering this sea area, the radio seemed to have suffered some interference and lost its function. Fortunately, most of the equipment on the ship was still functioning normally.


The commander finally gave the order to retreat.

Even if he is the first person to discover something strange, if he can get any information, he will definitely receive a huge reward, but he must be alive to use it.

The real world does not have the ability to resurrect after death like the dream world.

If you die here, you will really die.

Since the last time he witnessed the 'disaster' caused by the Black Death, he has deeply understood the truth that no matter how powerful he is, it is fake, and only living is the last word.

The cruiser set off and returned the way it came.

However, before they had gone far, they discovered that the way back was covered in hazy fog. After traveling for more than an hour, the ship still failed to return to an area with a clear view.

【Ding! Travelers, welcome to the area where the two worlds overlap]

[The overlapping area is marked: 001—Twilight City]

[You triggered the special mission: Twilight City]

[Task description: Please explore the overlapping areas that appear]

[Reward: Unknown]

[Description: A city that overlaps from the dream world to reality, which seems to contain some kind of strange fluctuations]

[Description 2: Overlap does not mean that the area disappears in the dream world. If your character in the dream world comes to the corresponding place, you will obtain the corresponding control permissions, and your character cannot leave the overlapping area]

Sure enough, it's because of the game again.

The commander looked grave and gave instructions to move forward.

Now, since they are trapped here, they can only move forward.

As for what happens, it just depends on luck.



Senior, senior, wake up!

Amid Ai Xue's pushing and shouting, Luo Xi slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing Luo Xi wake up, Ai Xue handed her cell phone over and said, Director Jiao Qian and Master Nine Swords are asking Senior to come over. Something seems to have happened.

problem occurs?

Luo Xi sat up, took the phone and put it to her ear.

it's me.

Jiao Gan on the opposite side breathed a sigh of relief: Luo Xi, you're finally awake. Come to the entrance of the park quickly. There's an emergency.


Luo Xi agreed immediately.

Xia Guo's Dreamland Travel Bureau helped him unconditionally last time, and he would not be stingy with his strength even if he could do it.

When the two arrived at the entrance of the park, they saw a group of people standing next to a large car with serious expressions.

What happened?

Get in the car first.

Jiao Qianla drove the car in the back seat, glanced at Ai Xue next to Luo Xi, and said, You want to bring your girlfriend with you? How is her strength now? If she is too weak, it is better not to go.

Ai Xue immediately said: I'm very strong, don't underestimate me.

She took out the life-sealing golden gun from her bag and fired a shot into the sky.

In an instant, the sky seemed to darken a lot, and the power belonging to Guangming spurted out from the gun, bursting out into a burst of bright light in the dark environment, pouring towards the sky.

Ai Xue can now master this firearm, which is modeled after the famous gun [One Hundred Thousand Lights] from the Kingdom of Tiangong.

Ai Xue's shot made Jiujian and Jiao Gan look sideways.

This firearm definitely has epic quality.

It should have been left by the president of the hunting club that attacked the base last time.

Since Ai Xue can use it, her strength is indeed sufficient, at least enough to protect herself.

Ai Xue, you stay here—


Ai Xue turned her head.

Jiao Gan said: Ms. Ai Xue has such strength, it doesn't hurt to follow her together. Let's get in the car and talk.

Luo Xi frowned: What's the problem?

A region of overlap appears in the Pacific Ocean.

Jiujian said directly: There is a kilometer-level sacred tree among them, and many warships and passing civilian ships have been trapped in it.

Luo Xi said in astonishment: Kilometer level?

The overlap of the two worlds is one of the updated themes in version 3.0.

But isn’t the thousand-meter level a bit outrageous?

Those are the sacred trees that are only possessed by the City of David under the Eternal World Tree.

Jiao Gan solemnly said: Yes, after our advance team's inspection, there have been changes in the surrounding environment. Source marrow veins have appeared on the seabed, and there are also some minerals that can only be found in the dream world, so we must dispatch enough manpower. Seize the nearby sea area.”

Now, several big countries are going to convene a Joint Council of Dream Travelers to discuss joint development of nearby areas. We, the Xia Kingdom, have to send out enough representatives. Luo Xi, this time it's up to you. It's best to send your family's Loli Dragon Lady...bring the mount here.

Luo Xi: ...

Do you already have the only impression of me as a loli?

It's approaching evening.


The meeting was almost over, and Luo Xi and his team arrived belatedly and sat at the front.

Many Westerners looked towards Luo Xi.

There is no way, his dragon-type alienation characteristics are so obvious that it is difficult for people not to recognize his identity.

Luo Xi, the Black God of Death, is almost unknown to everyone in the player circle.

That Zhao Mucang from Xia Kingdom was smiling kindly at Luo Xi.

Then, as we said before, this time the action will be a joint action of organizations around the world that are capable of participating. We will be led by Mr. Luo Xi. The requirements are not many, as long as 30% of all resources are allocated first. ”

Who disagrees?

These words made people from other organizations suddenly feel that this was so fucking bullying.

The right of priority distribution is nothing more. After all, it is a collective exploration operation. If there is something good, several large organizations will definitely be the first to distribute it. Small organizations can only look forward to getting a little bit of soup.

But this is 30%!

It's not that outrageous for a lion to open his mouth so loudly.

Big organizations were the first to jump out and disagree, or they said I wanted at least 30%, otherwise there would be no discussion.

Luo Xi felt a little sleepy as he listened.

Until someone said: How about everyone just depends on their abilities?


Hanging in the sky, Liya breathed in the air with the smell of the ocean, and her eyes were filled with shock.

This sea is not ours.

The beautiful woman on the side said: Our ocean is already full of weirdness and disasters. It can never be as beautiful and vast as this.

Then where have we come?

Liya looked around the entire Twilight City.

The City of Dusk covers a very vast area. Apart from the city walls, extending about two kilometers further, is the sea that they can now see with the naked eye.

But the locations where these seas are located were originally mountains and forests.

Looking back, the Dusk Tree was still as usual, without any reaction.

What kind of existence can bring them here silently?

Such miracles, yes, they are miracles.

It makes people feel sincerely in awe.

have no idea.

Melissa suddenly turned her head and looked: The Hekmedia family is here, Ya'er, get down.


Liya also didn’t want to meet the Hekmadia family.

One by one of those old dogs, she will have to settle accounts in the future.

After Liya went down, about ten seconds later, several old men wrapped in gray clothes came to the front of the beautiful woman.

The leading old man with white beard asked: Melissa, do you know what happened?

You ask me, who should I ask?

Melissa rolled her eyes charmingly and said: In my impression, the only person who has the ability to do such a thing is the Holy Emperor of Dawn, or the great God of Creation, but Chenxi The Holy Emperor would not do such a thing to us, and the God of Creation has only been circulated in myths for a long time.

The God of Creation? Great Will?

The old man was lost in thought.

The person next to him coughed lightly.

It took the old man to react.

Where's Einstein?

For such a major event involving the entire Twilight City, the current city lord has not shown up yet and doesn't know what he is doing.

And those Dawnguards.

No response?

Melissa also felt a little strange.

At this moment, a sharp wave struck.

Although Melissa was already prepared, she was shocked to find that the attack was too fast. She had no time to dodge, so she could only open up the realm and hide in.

Liya, who had been watching below, wanted to go out angrily, but was held in place by a hand.

Ya'er, don't be impulsive.

After the childish voice sounded, a little girl with white hair and purple hair, whose appearance was somewhat similar to Wei'er, took Liya's hand and held her firmly in place.

Liya looked confused and said: Who are you?

Don't recognize me?

The girl exposed her sleeves, and there was a jade bracelet on her white wrist.

Liya: ???

Are you a grandmother? No, how did you become like this?

That's it after breaking through the fifth level peak. This is not the point.

The white-haired girl squinted at the sky and said, The Enstein family really don't want to step down like this. Ya'er, use your runes to strengthen the family's restrictions.

Mom is still outside.

Little Melissa will be fine, don't worry, with grandma here, nothing will happen to any of you.

Liya remembered what her grandmother had just said - after breaking through to the fifth level peak.

An incredible possibility came to her mind.

Could it be that my grandmother became a sixth-level ascender?

In the entire Empire of Dawn, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net is the only one who is the Holy Emperor of Dawn and is a sixth-level ascendant. If Grandma breaks through, it means that even if Enstein and Hekmadia stand together, they can still stand together. Keep your footing.

As if aware of what Liya was thinking, the white-haired girl shook her head and said: We haven't made a formal breakthrough yet, so that's why we are like this. I'm ashamed to let you, Ya'er, see you in such a miserable state.


Liya wanted to say in her heart, you are so cute now, you look so much like my daughter.

But she couldn't say such an offensive thing.

The white-haired girl was a little confused and asked: And what's going on outside? Is this...the smell of the sea?

Grandma, you can find out by going up and taking a look yourself. Bring mother back by the way.

Andres Enstein should be outside. Grandma, I haven't officially broken through yet and can't go out. It's better to let your mother stay in the realm world.

Liya's eyes widened immediately.

Then you still say such big words that make you look powerful!

How can we officially break through?

We have to wait for the angels sent by the Holy Emperor of Dawn to deliver the branches and leaves of the Holy Tree of Dawn... Logically speaking, it should arrive today? I have paid a huge price for this promise.

The white-haired girl frowned and kept looking out of the courtyard, looking a little cute.

Liya took a deep breath and said, Grandma, don't look any further, we seem to be in another world.



Will update later

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