Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 362: The Scumbag Brigade only attacks Mother Dragon, and the legacy of Starfire continues

[Traveler, welcome to the journey of dreams]

[You open your eyes and look, and find a giant emerald tree in the distance that reaches straight into the sky]

[You feel very shocked]

[Unlocked area: Emerald City]

Is this the game Little Mule and the others are playing?

Chen Yao looked at the text that appeared in front of him with a very excited expression.

On the bed next door, Wang Yuanjie also shouted excitedly: Chen Yao! I have it! I have it!

Chen Yao smiled and said: Bastard, what do you have?!

Go away, I'm talking about the test qualification for Dawn. Judging from your expression, you also have it?

That's right.

The two looked at each other and smiled, their eyes filled with desire for extraordinary abilities.

After returning from the sea, Chen Yao and Wang Yuanjie were arranged at a base by the Dream Travel Bureau. They had been trying to contact Luo Xi, but Luo Xi had been sleeping during this period, so they were unable to contact them.

Unexpectedly, today's update made both of them players of Dawn.

Chen Yao asked: What talent did you draw?

Not very good. Two blues, one for stealth talent and one for agility.

I'm one purple and one green.

Mad, there is a dog, but I won't say who it is.

Wang Yuanjie was a little jealous of his good classmate.

Although they were unable to actually play the game during this period, they also learned some knowledge about Dawn through the simple channels provided by the Dreamland Travel Bureau.

Even now, purple talents are still marketable and priceless. They are only traded on some black markets abroad, and they are basically sold at sky-high prices.

Where were you born?

A place near the Emerald City, where are you?

Wang Yuanjie said in surprise: Are you here too? But I am in the city. The text prompts that there are long-eared elves everywhere. The place is very heavily guarded and there are many soldiers patrolling.

Chen Yao said with envy: Then you are lucky. From my description, it is probably quite far. It would take a long time just to get to that city.

Wang Yuanjie's expression changed: Stop talking, my character was captured by the elf soldiers. They said that I am a human without identification, and I am probably a spy. They want to send me to prison.

Chen Yao: ...

He immediately didn't want to go to the city.

It's better to explore around first.

At this time, a new text appeared in his text.

[Traveller, you feel a fishy wind coming, and when you look back, you see a snow-white leopard charging towards you]

[You had no time to react, and the leopard disemboweled you instantly]

【you are dead】


In this way, the two began a pleasant and painful journey to dawn.

There is more than one person who has a similar experience to them.

After the Dawn update on this day, nearly one million of the more than two million new players were assigned to the Emerald Forest west of the Lost Mountains.

Thousands of people suddenly appeared in the Emerald City.

Then they were rounded up by soldiers patrolling everywhere and sent to prison. Since there was no safe place set up, even if they committed suicide and were resurrected, they could only be resurrected in the city.

The major international traveler forums and hunter forums are filled with the wailing of a group of new players, saying that this game is unfair and that they will be 'banned' as soon as they come.

No one could have imagined that the 'culprit' who put them in jail when they arrived was also in the city at the moment.


[Traveler, welcome to the journey of dreams~]

[Do you want to enable synchronization delay? 】


[Your synchronization time has been increased to five times (2.5 hours)]

Luo Xi jumped on the grassy ground with satisfaction.

After this function is loaded, you can have more synchronization time under normal circumstances.

He looked up and back.

The steel giant still stood in place, but its eyes were dim, like a dead steel mountain range.

I don’t know if the little goblin inside that looks like Starfire is still alive.

Suddenly, a pale green circle appeared next to Luo Xi, and the elf emperor Kulea stepped out of it. The child with emerald green eyes looked at Luo Xi and said, Are you resurrected?

Luo Xi nodded in surprise.

He was found just after he was resurrected.

Isn't this elf emperor always staring at him?

At noon today, many travelers from other worlds did appear in the Emerald City.

Kurea said: I followed what you said. As soon as they appeared, I sent people to arrest them. Now they are all in prison. What do you think?

Luo Xi: (⊙x⊙).

Good guys, have they all been arrested?

He said to ask Kurea to pay attention and not let her arrest everyone.

If those players knew that it was him who put them in jail, the result can be imagined. He would definitely be scolded badly. It is estimated that the title of rape would be placed on his head.

But it's not a big problem, no one knows he did it anyway.

Luo Xi asked: Where are they?

On Wangting Street.

Kurea smiled: How about I give you a ride?

Luo Xi nodded slightly and said, Then thank you, Your Majesty, but I still have somewhere to go, so please wait for me.

After receiving Kureya's permission, Luo Xi used his dragon transformation ability, spread a pair of dragon wings behind his back, and lightly flapped his wings to fly to the head of the spiritual giant.

After returning from the open hatch, the lights in the dark cockpit came on again one by one.

Only this time the little goblin didn't come out.

Actually, I'm very curious about how you control this fortress. It's incredible.

Kureya appeared next to him and said: I checked many broken books and found out some descriptions about this fortress. It was the highest masterpiece of the elves in that entire era, and it was generally used by fifth-level extraordinary people. Neither can withstand the stress of driving it.”

Luo Xi leaned over, picked up a piece of black armor from the ground, put it gently on Kurea's hand, and said with a smile: So, it is not my fault alone, those heroic spirits back then, and those black ones now The cavalrymen all gave me a lot of help.”

I see.

Kurea seems to have some realization.

No wonder the black cavalry armor suddenly disappeared.

What heroic spirit are you talking about?

Hearing Kureya's question, Luo Xi was silent for a moment and said: Your Majesty, you can go and have a look somewhere in this fortress, where the heroic epics of your elves are buried. If possible, I hope you can It is opened so that more elves can see it.

The forest of tombstones that record the lost era is either a priceless treasure or a source of trouble for the current elves.

In that alley, when Luo Xi saw Feiya being beaten and scolded like trash by the ignorant elves and civilians, he realized that those elves were hopeless.

Prejudices in people's hearts are like a big mountain.

The same must be true for the elves.

They will not accept the fact that their ancestors were once alien species, and even take the alien race as an honor.


Kurea looked down.

She seemed to feel something.

Although this fortress had the property of blocking her perception, as it became weaker and weaker, this property was already dissipating.

Yesterday's battle seemed to have consumed the little life it had left.


Luo Xi released Xinghuo from his bag.

Master? Is there still a fight?

As soon as Xinghuo came out, he eagerly wanted to unfold his armor, but was stopped by Luo Xi.

He said: Go and find out. Is Xiaoling still here?

It's that guy.

Xinghuo looked around unhappily, then dived into the floor, going deeper and deeper.

If there is anything to find, that guy must still be there.

This fortress just cannot be activated, but it is not completely destroyed, and the spirit resident in it will not suddenly die.

Hey, you're here, the master is looking for you.

Where are the people?

Come out quickly!

But no matter how Xinghuo called, the soul of the artifact similar to hers did not come out to see her.

Until she came to the place with a red mechanical heart.

The heart has stopped beating, and there are many cracks on it. The high-intensity load has almost completely destroyed it.

Behind the heart, on the tombstone with dull golden fonts, a beautiful golden petal and a transparent crystal were left.

Is this the core of the fortress?

Kureya's voice sounded, and she took Luo Xi and sneaked directly in here.

Luo Xi looked at Xinghuo and asked, Xinghuo, didn't you find Xiaoling?


Starfire shook her head and said, But those two things seem to have some traces of her.

Starfire slowly flew over and touched it lightly.

In an instant, everything around them changed, and the fragrance of green grass blew on their faces.

Luo Xi opened his eyes and looked, and there was Elvidin with lynx ears in front of him. On his shoulder, the little spirit with green hair and golden eyes was sitting there with a happy expression.

Kurea said in disbelief: You are, you are...

Elvidin chuckled and said: It has spanned tens of thousands of years. Hello, the current Elf Emperor, I am Elvidin.

But as I said, we have done everything we should do anyway, and the future will be left to you. Originally, this little guy could still help you, but you already have the soul of the weapon of the new era, and the little spirit also She’s really tired, so let her rest for a while.”

From now on, it will be your time.

Xiao Ling got off Elvedin's shoulder, took the petals and transparent crystal in his hand, flew to Xinghuo's side, and gave the two things to Xinghuo with a proud look on his face.

The little goblin said seriously: I can no longer activate the fortress, but you still have a chance. I can feel that your potential is far greater than mine. If your core structure can be improved, you may be able to revive this fortress. Be reborn.

Xinghuo held the petals and crystals, looking a little lonely and said: What about you?

She already knew the answer.

Originally, she was afraid that this little spirit would compete with her for the master.

But now she doesn't have to worry, but she has also lost the only one of her kind she has ever seen.

I will temporarily accompany my master to a faraway place for a trip.

Isn't your name Xinghuo? This is Xinghuo's inheritance, which lasts forever.

The little goblin flew back to Elvedin's shoulder and made an interesting face at Luo Xi and Kurea.

Then, Elvidin turned around, waved to them with his back, and walked farther and farther away.

There was a misty voice echoing in their ears.

In a place not illuminated by light, no matter how ordinary or humble a person is, they will still have the desire to look up at the stars.

We frogs at the bottom of the well have never known how big the world is and how wide the ocean is, but we also know how blue the sky is.

“Remember, never give up hope.”


No. 88, Wangting Street.

Mr. Luo Xi?

Luo Xi?

elder brother!

After Luo Xi looked at the three beast-eared girls beside him, the depression in his heart finally eased a lot.

After squeezing Aina's wolf ears and adding a lot of happiness points, Luo Xi turned around and asked: Your Majesty, can you give me access to the Emerald City?

Kurea asked in surprise: Are you leaving?

Well, there are some places I want to go back and take a look at. Luo Xi nodded.

Although there is Ulysses taking care of the town of Bergere, without him, the sacred tree can only passively protect the residents of the town. If any unscrupulous and kind-hearted guy sneaks in, it will be troublesome.

Kureya thought of Master Mother Tree's preference for Luo Xi, and said with a strange expression: Actually, you can just ask Master Mother Tree directly without asking me.


Luo Xi was stunned and said: Is this okay?

Just try it yourself. If it doesn't work, call me.

Okay. Luo Xi thought of one thing and said, Your Majesty, there is one more thing. The traces of the outer god in this city are still not eradicated. There should still be many humans or people who have followed the Black Moon path that she transformed. Residents, if they are not identified, the same problem may arise again in the future.”

I've sent people to search, but it's a little hard to find.

Kureia frowned and said: As long as those who take this path do not use their abilities, even if I stand in front of them, it will be difficult to find them on the spot. There are nearly ten million people in the city, and it is impossible for me to check them one by one. What a waste of time.

Li En might be able to smell it, Luo Xi said.

Rean? That canine alien species?

Yes, alienated patients with excellent sense of smell may be able to find them easily.

Luo Xi hugged Aina to him and said with a smile: For example, my Aina, but it is impossible to lend Aina to your Majesty for your use.

Kureya also smiled and said: That's not necessary. If you want to find a different breed of dog, it's still easy.

Then that's it for now. I'll go back first and come back after I'm done with it. Luo Xi said.

How do you want to go back? Do you want me to send you off?

I have my own way. Your Majesty, do you want to come and take a look?

When Kureya saw Luo Xi making a hollow flower out of thin air in the back garden, he was shocked.

What the hell is this?

The Emerald Divine Tree really gave me permission.

After Luo Xi used the power of Yuandian Kong to create the Hollow Flower, he glanced towards the Emerald Sacred Tree. He always felt that there was something looking at him from there.

This is the flower seed leading to the Chiyan Mountains.

From there, he could divert to the town of Bergere, and at the same time, he could also report to Floresia that she was safe.

He didn't know how worried the dragon lady was about him.

Let's go, let's go.

Wolf-eared Loli happily pulled Weier into the hollow flower.

Feiya hesitated and followed in. She had already told her mother in advance.

Luo Xi wanted to lift his legs to get into it, but Kureia behind him suddenly said: Luo Xi, what do you think of Fiya's mother... Listy?

Luo Xi almost fell down on the spot.

He hesitated and said, Why do you think so?

Luo Xi suspected that the elf emperor wanted to harm him.

Like it?

Ahem, UU Reading www.uukansshu.net Your Majesty, Listy is your sister, right?

Yes, half-sister.

Then it's not good for you to make fun of her.

Anyway, she went on a mission and is not here now.

At this moment, Kureya didn't have the majesty of an emperor at all. Like a girl who likes gossip, he continued towards Luo Xi: I think she seems to like you quite a lot. My father and I misunderstood her at first. Unexpectedly, In fact, she is still a little girl who doesn’t understand anything. If you think she is good...

I'm leaving, see you next time.

Luo Xi immediately ran away.

What is this elf emperor doing?

The little fox girl is following him now!

Is he the kind of scumbag who would attack someone else's mother?

As soon as Luo Xi came out of the hollow flower, before he could stand still, he immediately felt a hot fragrant wind coming, and the soft feeling instantly buried his whole head.

Floresia skillfully gave him a white face wash and looked at every part of his body with distress.

Xiao Luoxi, mom misses you so much. Do you miss mom? Are you not injured? When the adults come back, mom must take a few more days off to stay with you.

Maomao and Aina looked at Floresia's actions with dissatisfaction.

Feiya's expression remained unchanged.

There was no way she could make Mr. Luo Xi happy like this.

[Note: Traveler, we know that you are a scumbag who would attack your own mother~= ̄w ̄=]

Fox said!

This is force majeure!

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