Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 361 Listy’s Fantasy, Black Moon Doll, Aina’s Future Daughter (4k)

The brown wooden ceiling and bright lights appeared in her eyes.

Listy was in a daze for a long time, and it wasn't until Nunnally's face came into her eyes that she realized that she was back.

Everything I saw before was like a dream.

However, she knew that it was definitely not a dream.

I never thought that other worlds really existed.

Your Highness Listy, are you awake?

Nunnally's voice sounded softly.

Listy sat up, nodded to Nunnally, and said, Well, please, go and rest. You should be very tired too. I will take care of Sasha and the others next.

It's okay, Your Highness, this is my duty...

Halfway through Nunnally's words, she felt something darkening in front of her eyes.

Her body still bears serious injuries from yesterday's battle, and her domain world is also in dire straits. She was able to survive until now only because the emerald mother tree suppressed her and disappeared.

Go, this is an order. Listy said without hesitation.

Then...thank you, Your Highness.

After Nunnally left, Listy looked back at the three girls still lying in the cradle.

The cat, wolf, and fox all have animal ears and tails, just like sisters.

The reason why she wanted her daughter to stay with Luo Xi was because of her own selfish motives.

Although Kureia later planned to reform the laws of the Emerald City, it was impossible to achieve corresponding results in a short period of time. Instead of letting Shasha stay with her like a caged bird and suffer, it would be better to let Luo Xi take her away with her.

And they seem to be about the same age, so they can definitely talk to each other. The little friction today is just because they are not familiar with each other.

As long as Luo Xi doesn't give up on Sha Sha, other girls can only slowly accept her.

Listy saw this matter very clearly.

I just feel sorry for these two sisters who are obsessed with Luo Xi.

There is also the human girl named Ai Xue.

Speaking of which, when she saw Ai Xue, she originally thought that Luo Xi's preferences were somewhat normal. Unexpectedly, after late at night, Ai Xue actually became smaller and smaller, and finally became smaller than Aina.

After some insinuations, Listy learned from the shy Ai Xue that the two of them had already done everything.

This made her a little confused.

Is it really okay to be that small?

Listy put her beautiful hands on her breasts, imagining scenes she had never known before, and her beautiful cheeks turned slightly rosy.

Listy, are you awake? How is it over there?

After hearing the familiar voice, Listy jumped down from the cradle. This elf lady with a temperament full of intellectuality and maturity was like a frightened little rabbit at this moment.

W-when did you come here?!

Kureya looked strange and said: You just came, what's wrong?

She glanced at her sister and then at the corner of the room.

Strange, no one else is here?

Why is Listy acting like a mistress who was caught stealing?

Listy regained her composure and said, It's nothing. I just came back from there and was thinking about something. You suddenly appeared again and scared me.


Kurea thought to himself that I believed your lies.

This was the first time she saw Listy look like a little girl.

Don't think too much. Listy pointed to the cradle and changed the subject: The world over there feels pretty good. Do you want to go and see it?

Is it really okay?

Kureia was a little moved, but still shook his head and said: I can't go. If you are willing to take over the position of Elf Emperor, then I can-

It's a beautiful thought.

Listy immediately said: My father trusted you and gave you this position, and I am not worthy of this position.

No matter what, she did not fulfill the Mother Tree's instructions. Although the Mother Tree's care for her has not disappeared, she is an elf who has betrayed the Mother Tree after all.

The most important thing is that the Emerald City is in chaos now, and all kinds of monsters and monsters have appeared, and she doesn't want to clean up the mess here on Kureya's behalf.

Kureya laughed and said: I don't expect you to tell me about the situation over there. Is that Luo Xi really a human from other worlds?

That's right.

Listy told Kureia some of what she saw today.

The more Kureya listened, the more outrageous he felt: To them, our world is a game called Dawn?

Listy explained: Yes, but most people don't really play our world as a game, even if they don't die, and their resurrection is also limited.

Kureia said with some pity: It seems that there is no 'player' group here in the Emerald Forest. Otherwise, we can recruit some people to come and study it.

Listy thought for a while and said: Maybe tomorrow will be enough. Luo Xi said what version will be updated tomorrow? There will be more travelers from other worlds coming to our world. This time they may be born in our world. The Emerald Forest has even entered our city directly, so let’s be careful not to be annoyed by those players.”


Kureia nodded: I understand. That Luo Xi will be back tomorrow, right? Shasha hasn't woken up yet. Did you leave her there alone?

Listy looked at her daughter beside her with soft eyes and said, Well, that human being is not bad. I trust him. I feel relieved to leave Sasha to him.

Kurea smiled jokingly and said: My good sister, you don't really have feelings for him, do you? It's not impossible, but I think the girls next to him are all petite. You are like this-

Listy interrupted Kurea and said coldly: Kurea, if you are too busy now, I suggest you go back and take a nap.

Okay, let's go. I won't disturb you anymore. I want to go to Christie's house to see him. This time he is the only one who is safe.

Kurea smiled and moved away from here.

Some things are just funny enough.

Now she finally understood that her sister might not have given birth to Yin Lisafiya with some alien species. The origin of this child was a big problem in itself.

After Kureia left, Listy looked down at the three people in the cradle again.

Does he like petite girls...then Zsasha is just right.

Shasha's body shape is actually relatively mature among elves of the same age. You must know that most of the elf girls in their forties have the figure of a young girl who has not developed much at all.

In another forty or fifty years, Shasha should be almost the same as him, right?

Decades are not long, but they are not short either.

However, time is of no practical significance to the immortal species.

Two hundred years seemed like a long time, but the only life she truly felt was meaningful was the past few decades.

A hundred years passed by in a hurry.

Thousands of years.

Although the elves are not truly immortal, they just live longer than humans.

Suddenly, a pale green book appeared next to her. The pages turned slowly, and a faint light appeared.

Master Mother Tree...

Listy looked at the fragment of the Mother Tree Origin Book in astonishment.

Those glimmers of light continued to fall towards the cradle and entered Feiya's body. Finally, a layered and extremely complicated tree-shaped pattern appeared on Feiya's forehead, and was hidden two seconds later. .

Is this...Mother Tree's blessing?

Ever since Shasha was born, Master Mother Tree has never paid any attention to her, let alone cared about or blessed her.

Unexpectedly, I received such a high-level blessing today.

It can be said that if Shasha was not a patient with alienation syndrome, then just based on this mark of blessing, she would be the next Elf Emperor.

Afterwards, Yuandian disappeared beside Listy.

A voice that was a little immature, but sounded much clearer than before, sounded softly in her ears.

[Take good care of her, and him]

Yes, Master Mother Tree.

Listy bent deeply towards the direction where Yuandian disappeared, her beautiful face covered with tears.


Luo Xi had a dream.

It was a 10,000-meter eternal world tree with bright light on its leaves.

There seemed to be some force attracting him.

Guiding him to go there.

【Ding! You triggered Yin Sera's blessing, and you received instructions]

Suddenly, the pleasant ringtone of the cell phone and the text prompt woke up the sleepy Luo Xi.

After he sat up, he found that Ai Xue was the only one left on the bed.

Luo Xi rubbed his eyes. He didn't know when he fell asleep last night.

The clock hanging above the bed showed that it was already 12 o'clock.

He had a particularly hard time sleeping anyway.

The scent of girls is everywhere around him, as well as their soft and delicate bodies, plus their fluffy tails and other parts. If his control ability is even worse, last night might really turn into a silver party. .

Senior... Wow, it doesn't taste good, it's so sticky... Hehehe... But I still want to...

The corner of Luo Xi's mouth twitched and she glanced at Ai Xue, who was still sleeping soundly and holding his arm beside her, talking strange words in her sleep.

The other three beast-eared girls, including Maomao, were all relatively reserved. Only Ai Xue, the little demon school girl who only had a pensive mind, kept teasing him, making him almost want to go straight to her in the middle of the night. Take this girl out alone and teach her a lesson.

【Ding! The internal beta version of Dawn version 3.0 has been updated and all quotas have been distributed]

[The contents of this update include [Dream Dungeon - Gray Dream] [Synchronization Delay] [World Overlap]]

The update prompt sounds.

Luo Xi immediately opened his text.

After this update, leaving aside the first and second functions, he was a little concerned about the third update.

The world overlaps, is it similar to the last Tree of Darkness event?

In other words, maybe I will have the opportunity to enter that world and meet real cats and the others?

[Traveler, you have died, will you be resurrected? 】


[You have been resurrected to the previous event node]

【Ding! Your legendary missions: Light Calamity Sikalis, Heart Calamity Shikarant’s Attack have been completed】

[Because you played an important role in it, in addition to regular rewards, you will receive special rewards]

[Rewards have been distributed: talent effect upgrade times x1 (highest gold), random talent extraction opportunities x1 (highest gold), talent deletions x1, Black Moon Doll (special reward), pen of destiny (special reward)]

Luo Xi: ?

The other three rewards are all regular rewards. Dawn almost never gives any physical rewards, but only gifts related to talents. He has become accustomed to it.

But what is this Black Moon doll at the end?

[Take it out to your location? 】


Under Luo Xi's confused gaze, a little black-haired girl with her eyes tightly closed, only about 1.3 meters tall, wearing a Gothic dress and white stockings, appeared next to his bed.

【Black Moon Doll】

[Quality: Golden (Legendary)]

[Category: automatic doll]

[Attribute: A life-like doll made from the leftover will of the god of heaven and earth. It has powerful combat capabilities (requires source marrow crystals or alien source matter as energy drive). It can also be used for sesame when not fighting~]

[Description: The current owner is Luo Xi. Due to the disobedient will in him, in order to ensure controllability, before reaching the sixth level, the highest strength is your level as a traveler + 1 small level]

? ? ?

What the hell is this?

The black-haired girl's appearance is as delicate as a doll. No, this seems to be a doll.

[Note: Traveler, are you moved? This is a reward specially created for you based on your preferences as a lolita lover and an ice cream lover. φ(≧w≦*)?~】

Luo Xi: ...

Sure enough, it was you who did it.

Black Moon Doll, Black Moon...can't be that Outer God, right?

Dog text you this time, you did a good job this time!


Dream world.

Weier, Aina and Feiya sat in the house for a long time after they woke up.

Because they are not very familiar with each other, there is actually nothing to talk about between Wei Erina and Fiya, not to mention that Fiya has become the 'enemy' of their sisters.

Now that Luo Xi is gone, it's good that Aina can still keep smiling when facing this fox-eared girl.

Aina said with some disappointment: Brother said that Feng Chime left, will she never come back again?

Wei'er's eyes wandered and she said, Didn't that guy say she would come back in the future?

I don't know how long it will take.

The wolf-eared loli touched her swollen belly and muttered, Actually, Aina can also give birth to a lovely daughter by herself.

It's still early for that kind of thing, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net You should grow up a little bit.

Wei'er knocked her sister's head helplessly.

Maybe it was the influence of the characteristics of the Emerald Forest, but she found that Aina was becoming less and less caring.

But Aina had a dream last night.

The little wolf girl smiled and said: Aina dreamed that she really had a lovely daughter, and Aina had a very good figure at that time. Also, the sister in the dream was exactly the same as now, nothing has changed.

Weier: ......

What a strange dream this is.

She felt inexplicably that she was being ridiculed by her sister again.

Well...actually I had a dream too.

Feiya said softly.

Weier and Aina looked at the fox-eared girl who had been silent and sitting in the corner reading a book.

Feiya looked at Aina and said, I really want to see Aina's future destiny.

Aina blinked curiously.

What fate?

Feiya hesitated and said: In my dream, you will indeed have a daughter in the future, and Mr. Luo Xi will be by your side at that time.

Okay! It's indeed with brother Luo Xi!

The wolf-eared loli shouted out happily, and her eyes when looking at Feiya became kind.

This vixen is very smart.

Feiya didn't say that although the picture of the power of destiny's feedback was very vague, she was also included in the picture she saw.

That's fine.

She was already satisfied.


This is the pitfall of the subsequent Aina chapter.

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