Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 344: The power of the spiritual god, the strange and psychological disaster, the giant naugh

The silver-red spiritual giant just stood there, and the power it released at this moment made those who approached feel the death gaze of an abyss-level source beast.

Not to mention the golden sword held in its hand.

The golden light above is extremely warm yet sharp and dazzling.

It was repaired? Impossible. How did you do it?

The incarnation of the Black Moon God, which was made up of mycelium and flesh, retreated immediately when he saw something bad happening.

If the Fortress of the Spiritual God is the highest masterpiece of that era, then the Holy Spiritual Sword is a god-killing weapon built by gathering the fruits of an entire era of elves and humans.

When the two become one.

Even the incarnation of a god can be killed without mercy.

Don't ask her why she knows.

After sneaking into this world, she suffered a big loss at the hands of this guy. As a result, she was beaten away by the guy in a chain reaction, leaving only a trace of will in this world. .

Today, 30,000 years later, that guy is even more rejected by the world and can no longer even enter the incarnation. But this is just a flashback when the world is coming to an end.

Hundreds of years, decades.

Maybe the world will collapse next moment.

No matter what, it finally got an incarnation that could carry its will, and it didn't want to confront the spiritual giant at all.

However, by the time it wanted to leave, it was already too late.

A ray of green light spread from the spiritual giant's body towards the surroundings, covering the entire battle field in an instant.

Including the God of the Black Moon, the Grand Dukes, the Duke's retainers, and subordinates, all of them suddenly found themselves entering a field filled with boundless forest seas.

Their own fields were forcibly suppressed.

The Black Cavalry soldiers were moved to a place far away from them.

Xiao Ling shouted excitedly: The expansion of the Spiritual God Realm has been completed, and the transfer of friendly parties has been completed. Drivers, you can now do whatever you want!

As the source of energy power furnace successfully entered the load operation state, the increase after the sound of the Spiritual God's horn was still there, and several of the core abilities of this Spiritual God giant were also successfully unlocked.

Spiritual God Realm? Luo Xi asked.

Also known as the 'Supreme Artificial Realm Phase Blocking Spell'.

Stop, stop, stop!

Luo Xi was not interested in knowing how ridiculously advanced the technology tree of this world was 30,000 years ago.

After all, it’s an artificial realm similar to the realm world of extraordinary beings, right?

He glanced down at the cracked golden sword in his hand.

You can feel the terrifying power contained in the sword.


Xinghuo, who was sitting on Luo Xi's shoulder, looked like he was crying: The master has gone to drive another armored machine. Is Xinghuo about to be abandoned?

The elf girl vibrated her thin transparent wings and flew to Starfire's side. The traces of tears left just now could still be seen on her little face.

She grabbed Xinghuo's face and said, Since your master is the best in your heart, then you shouldn't have such thoughts. They may abandon anything, but they cannot abandon us!

Starfire shook her head and said, That's not necessarily true. For my master, those little girls with animal ears should be more important than Starfire.

Xiao Ling: ?

Luo Xi: ?

[Note: Traveler, now even your armored elf thinks you are a beast-eared lolita~]

Shut up!

Also, when will the ice cream you mentioned earlier be fulfilled in Dog Text!

[Note: Huh? We don’t know anything?~】

Feiya said abruptly from behind: Mr. Luo Xi, this 'partner' of yours is very interesting.


Luo Xi flicked the little guy on his shoulder,

There was no time to comfort an awkward Starfire.

He looked down at the elves who dared not come over in the distance.

Since you dare not come.

Then, let me pass.

Luo Xi raised his sword.

So, the spiritual giants raised their swords together.

The dazzling rays of light were endless, and the sword in the hand of the spiritual giant carried a devastating force, like tearing the sky and the earth apart, arousing the roaring winds all over the sky.

On the spiritual giant's body, those generated muzzles also blasted out countless green light balls.

Up, down, southeast, northwest and in all directions, whether it was air or sunlight, whether it was earth or stones, everything in this spiritual realm was under saturation attack.

However, people judged to be friendly, such as the Black Cavalry soldiers, did not suffer any harm.


Almost subconsciously, everyone stepped forward to resist.

They knew they would surely die if they resisted alone.

A total of more than twenty fifth-level extraordinary beings worked together. The dukes even had a legendary item in their hands, but they were all blasted away for an unknown number of meters by the sword light that locked them.

Duke Homan coughed up a mouthful of blood and said in disbelief: Is this what is buried under my Nance Theater?

Why doesn't such a powerful thing belong to him?

If he could get it, then he would be sure to take the initiative, and maybe the Elf Imperial City was already within his grasp.

When Luo Xi raised his sword again, Ander suddenly took action, driving an inscription into the chest of Diintous next to him, and then pushed him forward.

These people from the Church of Disaster have the ability to desperately suppress the situation. In addition, the source of disaster that Diintous believes in is still outside the city. So as long as he dares to sacrifice his life, even if the Emerald City has Bless the sky, the light disaster can also show its power on him!

Diintous looked back at Ender who pushed him out with eyes wide open.

Asshole! Ender, you have to die!

He has long known that the people in the Truth Church are evil.

If you seek skin from a tiger, you will eventually be eaten by the tiger.

However, he was still blinded by the desire for profit in his heart.

Duke Mel wanted to step forward to stop him, but was stopped by Ander.

The blond young man pushed up his monocle and said: Other smelly fish and rotten shrimps are of no use. Only by asking Diintous to stop us can we have a chance to get out of trouble. I think Diintous will also I understand.

Duke Mel: ...

If that old guy didn't scold you, I would really believe it.


The three Dukes were also surprised to see the old man blocking the front.

Such a selfless and dedicated person.

If you can survive this time, I must set up a monument for you!


Diintous summoned all the strength in his body to block the sword light coming in front of him, but even though he had a body transformed from a light source and contained the power of light disaster, he was still very vulnerable to this sword light.

squeaky squeaking—

It was the sound of bodies being chopped into pieces.

The old man looked back at Ender.

He recalled this period of time, he seemed to have been led by this man, as if he was possessed by a ghost.

No benefits have been gained, and even life is about to be lost at this moment.

- Mel, don't be deceived by him again, and I'm waiting for you below.

Diintous mouthed these words towards Ender.

Then, his body was submerged in the sword light.

At the same time, on the emerald sky dome of the Eternal World Tree, the cold light seemed to have found an outlet, heading towards a fatal convergence. Although it failed to break the blessing of the emerald divine tree, the spiritual god below In the domain world built by the giant, endless cold light erupted from Diintous' position!

Light disaster, Sikallis!

Come here!

【Ding! The spiritual giant was attacked by unknown energy]

[Energy is falling...48% remaining]

Luo Xi narrowed her eyes.

The cold light made him feel as if he had fallen into a bottomless ice cave.

A small part of the source disaster that broke away from the complete source disaster has this kind of power. If he were to face the real source disaster, even with this fortress, he would not be able to deal with it head-on.

Woo! —

On the shoulders of the giant, Kureia blew the spiritual horn again.


A small fragment fell from the horn.

Following the stream of cold light that hit his face, the spiritual giant raised his sword. The shadowy golden sword seemed to have countless stars twinkling, but when he looked closer, he saw that they were all illusory soul-like things.

No, those are the souls.

Spanning 30,000 years, they sacrificed everything for that era. Now these lingering souls must completely burn out the remaining ray of light for the people of this era.

Luo Xi saw the expressions on their faces.

No fear, no regrets, no worries.

There is only laughter and going back and forth.


The engine structure behind the spiritual giant emitted blazing flames, as if it had wings of light, and it slashed forward.

A high-pitched roar suddenly sounded, and the spiritual sword collided with the power of the light disaster entering the city.

In that cold stream of light, the long-dead souls continued to burn, transforming into the power to maintain the stability of the holy sword!

[Energy: 32%]

After consuming an immeasurable amount of energy, under the roar of the source power furnace, the Holy Sword of Spirit cut off this part of the light disaster introduced by Diintous!

Ender's eyes widened.

nmd, why!

Even if this spiritual god fortress has sixth-level power, it cannot reach the height of the Eternal World Tree or the Seven-Colored Dragon Emperor, but why can it cut off the power of the source of disaster so easily?

Fortunately, the world is broken in this area.

Ender saw the hole in the sky at the top, which was penetrated by the power of the light disaster.

Archbishop Mel, let's go!

Ender also wanted to win over the Elf Duke.

Mel just looked at him blankly.

Ender's monocle flickered slightly, and he growled: Mel, don't you want a way to advance the source of disaster?

Is this how you deceived Diintous before?

Mel smiled sarcastically: Do you think that after what happened just now, I will be like him and fall into the trap of being seduced and deceived by you?

Ender's body trembled, and he took two steps back with a livid face.

I am the messenger of disasters that belongs to the heart disaster. Mel sneered: How can your thought induction work on me?

Looking for death...

Ender took a deep breath and rushed towards the sky alone.

He roared ferociously: Luo Xi, it won't end like this! In the end, you will know that everything you do will be in vain!

After the spiritual giant truly showed its former power, Ander realized that his plan in the Emerald Forest had been ruined by Luo Xi again.

This Xia man was like his lifelong enemy.

No matter what he does, he can mess up his good things.

Ender responded with a golden sword light,

A ray of sword light struck, and Ander reluctantly dodged. His body turned into nothingness, but he was still left with a broken arm.

The Dukes also wanted to break through the hole above together, but Luo Xi healed it as quickly as possible after discovering it.

【Ding! The brokenness of the black cavalry armor has reached 98%, and it will be completely destroyed when the damage reaches 100%]

Luo Xi, who was inside the fortress, heard the unpleasant sound of the black gold armor on his body breaking.

We must seize the time to deal with those enemies.

Otherwise, when the black cavalry armor is damaged and the bonus he gets disappears, then this fortress can crush him to the ground in an instant. After all, it is not known whether Kureia can take over the fortress.

[Note: Traveler, go kill that bitch who wants to plot against us first! (〃> dishes<)! 】

Luo Xi's eyes sharpened.

The dog text is obviously talking about the outer god who resides in the Black Moon Path.

I had previously made a promise to punish Gou Wenwen, but I didn’t expect that this petty text would take notice of him. Gou Wenwen even gave him ice cream as a reward.

So...he wants to order this ice cream of unknown flavor!

The huge spiritual giant disappeared from the spot.

The giant tree of flesh and blood screamed sharply as it tried to eliminate its own aura.


The heavy punch landed on the giant flesh-and-blood tree, and a terrifying depression appeared!

The broken flesh and blood quickly rolled up, and the man whose lower body was inserted into the tree trunk cursed: Human, you are still being used as a weapon by the guy behind you! Don't think how good she is, everything she has given you, She will take it back sooner or later! She won’t even take the promise she made with you seriously! Only the God of Contract like me is truly trustworthy! Don’t go astray again—

[Note: Traveler, hack it to death, we will definitely fulfill our promise this time! absolute! 】

The golden light flashed away.

Under the continuous slashes of the spiritual sword, this giant tree of flesh and blood was chopped into countless pieces.

I will come back!

The hysterical and miserable screams made the Dukes in the distance feel their hearts trembling.

Kureya, I won't fight, I surrender!

Duke Homan was the first to choose to surrender and sealed his own origin.

Behind him, the four fifth-level transcendental beings who stood on his side surrendered together.

Lohe and Viliam hesitated for a moment, then raised their hands and chose to surrender, sealing their own origins.

If they resisted, the result would be death. If they surrendered, Kurea might be willing to spare their lives because they were her elders.

After all, it is better to live than die.

When the two leading dukes surrendered, the subordinates they led also knelt down.

At this point, the final victory comes... Is this really the case?

Luo Xi always felt that something was wrong.

Where is that Duke of Mel?

Sublimation, alienation, catastrophe, no matter what kind of extraordinary path it is, they are all keys to destroying the world. The elves and humans who hold these keys are potential destroyers.

Mel's voice sounded faintly: Heart-disaster, please let them feel their own insignificance and powerlessness!


Invisible wave spread.

Luo Xi looked serious, trying to find traces of Mel.

But no matter how hard I searched, I couldn't see him.

【Ding! The fragmentation degree of the black cavalry armor has reached 100%]

At this time, the black gold armor stomach on Luo Xi's body finally shattered completely.

Nearly 20,000 black cavalry armors also turned into points of light and dissipated.

After that, there was no more black cavalry in this world, and the Elf Emperor's ever-victorious army completely disappeared from this world.

When the black cavalry armor disappeared, extremely terrifying pressure was borne on Luo Xi's body. When he was bleeding from all his orifices, Feiya behind him finally couldn't bear it anymore and rushed forward to pull him back and escape from the spiritual god fortress. driving mode.


The spiritual giant half-knelt on the ground, his eyes dimmed.

The Holy Spirit Sword in Luo Xi's hand also broke into large pieces again.

Master! Starfire shouted anxiously.

Xiao Ling flew over and said worriedly: Driver, are you okay?

Okay... okay, Feiya, take me back...

It's the disaster of the heart, hehe, I'm here to help you too!

Outside, the voice of the disappeared Black Moon God appeared out of nowhere.


Volatility is coming again!

Everyone, including Kurea, felt as if something had been drilled into their brains.


Luo Xi felt an uncomfortable feeling of power being forcibly extracted from his body.

Tens of seconds later, a black and red dragon appeared in front of him. It looked very much like a small Black Abyss Flame Dragon.

He himself is...

Hey, where is my power?

Mr. Luo Xi...this is?

Feiya stared blankly ahead.

It was a golden nine-tailed fox.

There was also a very cute elf girl of similar age to her, wearing a thin dress and looking at her with a smile.

The fox-eared girl murmured in disbelief: Mia...



Wei'er, who was circling around the Spiritual God Realm with Aina and the others, found in some confusion that the source element in her body suddenly stopped obeying her orders.

A petite, snow-white cat was dancing lightly in front of her.

Weier, there is no way you can escape from my hands!

Wei'er not only trembled her body.

Who is calling her?

This voice reminded her of the Rat King North...

A middle-aged man with mouse ears walked out of the alleyway ahead.

Wei'er clenched her fists and forced herself to calm down: Impossible! You are already dead! You were killed by Luo Xi!

This is an illusion.

Yes, this is an illusion!

North is not Luo Xi, he can't be resurrected after death!

Sister, is that the bad uncle? Don't be afraid, Aina is here.

Aina gently held Weier's hand.

Wei'er felt better now.

Aina, can you see it too?

Yeah. Wolf-eared Luo Xi nodded.

Isn't it an illusion?

Nunnally also said that she saw it.

You hide behind me.

Listy stood in front of the two sisters and the maid.

Then she was also surprised to find that the source element in her body seemed to be blocked and could not be used.

My daughter, you finally came out of that small courtyard.

A voice that sounded a bit vicissitudes of life echoed.

Listy looked shocked.


The man wearing a crown suddenly appeared, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net looked at her kindly.

Listy quietly took a step back.

This is definitely not her father!

Get up!

When they gathered around, Listy threw the two sisters Veraina onto the cradle, and she and Nunnally jumped on as well.

However, the other party kept coming.

Even when he reached the edge of the cradle where the automatic defense should have been triggered, he still didn't stop.

Wei'er panicked and said, The cradle seems to have failed!

Listy and Nunnally could only take one person at a time, and with the two sisters, they got off the cradle and ran away.

In their original positions, North and the former Elf Emperor had strange smiles on their faces.



A nearby cat meows and a distant wolf howls one after another.


After being carried for about a kilometer by Listy, Weier got down and ran off.

Aina asked curiously from Nunnally's waist: Sister Weier, why do you seem to be growing taller? No, you have grown up?

Has grown tall?

Wei'er looked down at herself.


The cat didn't see the instep of his own feet!

A group of peaks so white that they almost exploded, almost pushing away the clothes she was wearing!


From here is the final stage of this article.

There will be a climax. It’s time for the protagonist to attack the fox-eared girl.

There is also a limited edition of busty cats. If you pass by this store, you will miss it.

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