Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 343: The God-Destroying Giant Spirit God! The power of mortals is comparable to that of gods

The Spiritual God Fortress lifted into the sky in the green light beam, and its shape gradually began to shrink, from a few hundred meters long, wide and high, and finally turned into a silver 100-meter-long steel creation.

Texts jumped out crazily in front of Luo Xi's eyes.

The same goes for Feiya, but the words displayed in front of their eyes are different.

[Lingshen Fortress has corrected the owner of advanced startup permissions]


[Operation cycle: years (exceeding the design operation upper limit of 800%)]

[Energy: 56% (activated)]

[86 problems such as aging of mechanical structure and loss of mithril material were detected]

The crimson mechanical heart burst out with blazing heat. Even Luo Xi, a member of the Crimson Dragon genus, felt a burst of heat.

[First-level authority owners, advanced startup authority owners, please go to the main cab]

A wave of heartbeat flashed through the two of them.

Luo Xi and Feiya moved their positions.

They came to a lightless room.

Once upon a time!

The room lights up instantly.

Feiya exclaimed.

She and Luo Xi seemed to be standing on transparent glass at the moment, with the Emerald City thousands of meters below them.

A voice sounded cute but full of exhaustion.

Two respected authority owners, the intelligent core of Spirit God Fortress, Xiaoling is at your service.

From the void in front, a girl in a white floral skirt, with green hair and golden eyes, a pair of transparent wings, and a girl the size of a fairy came out.

She said to the two of them: Do you want to change the form of the God Destroyer Arms?

Luo Xi asked: Are you the soul of this fortress?


Luo Xi was a little confused and said: Then why didn't you come out before—

In thirty thousand years, even a soul created by an artifact like mine will feel extremely lonely.

The fairy girl flapped her wings and flew to Luo Xi's side, saying: That's why I often sleep and block myself from all feelings of the outside world, otherwise I will feel very uncomfortable when I see those tombstones... .If you hadn’t been given the driving privileges, I wouldn’t have been woken up by this.”

So that's it...

Luo Xi's heart moved, and she took out the Xinghuo she had put in her luggage. Since she had just experienced a battle not long ago, Xinghuo was still recovering, but if Luo Xi called her, she could still come out.

Master...Starfire is still sleepy...? Huh? Huh? Huh?

The elf condensed with golden light spots fell on Luo Xi's shoulder and wiped his eyelids. After he opened his eyes and saw what was in front of him, he suddenly let out several surprised squeaks from his lips.

Why is this little girl so similar to her?

Xiao Ling asked curiously: Is she a soul born from the artifacts of your era?

That's right.

Luo Xi nodded and said, This child is called Xinghuo.

Xinghuo stood vigilantly on Luo Xi's shoulder, glaring at Xiaoling and said: Where did you come from, vixen? Don't try to compete with Xinghuo for the master!

Feiya silently glanced at the fox tails behind her.

Xiao Ling chuckled and said, I am just a sad, lonely soul that should have been buried long ago. You don't have to be so wary of me.

Starfire blinked: Then you also have a master?

Of course.

Xiao Ling raised her head, showing a confident look.

The master of Xiao Ling is the best and most powerful one in the world!

The master of Starfire is!

Humph, if you haven't seen the master's power, you won't understand—

Luo Xi said coldly: Is your master that Elvidin?

The elf girl's body instantly stiffened.

She turned around blankly and said, Have you ever seen my master?

Isn't he right over there at the tombstone...

The fortress shook.

Luo Xi stabilized his body, looked down, and found that something was coming from the bottom of the emerald sacred tree.

When Luo Xi turned around again, the little fairy had disappeared.

At the very bottom of the Spirit God Fortress.

The little spirit appeared near the tombstone with golden fonts, its beautiful face full of tears, and she kept calling the person's name and the word owner.



However, no one called her.

Has it completely disappeared?

After 30,000 years of waiting and hoping, nothing was seen in the end.

The elf girl stayed quietly for about ten seconds, wiped away her tears, and disappeared here.

Luo Xi also suddenly saw Xiao Ling running out again.

Her expression was dull, with neither joy nor sorrow visible.

Do you want to change the form of the God-Destroying Arms?

Luo Xi nodded.

Kureia still doesn’t know what’s going on.

This conversion sounds very powerful.

We must hurry over. The position of Elf Emperor must not fall into the hands of others.

86 problems were detected, such as the aging of the mechanical structure and the loss of mithril materials. Forced conversion may cause the main program to overheat. Do you want to continue?

Luo Xi hesitated and said, What will be the consequences of this?

Xiao Ling said: It won't be anything. At most it will fail. The Spirit God Fortress will fall from the sky.

Luo Xi: ...

That's already serious, okay.

Feiya said aloud: Little Ling, what kind of person is your master, Mr. Elvidin?

She was still a little curious about the alien elf who had a formal fight with Mr. Luo Xi.

Master, I can't finish talking about all the advantages for three days and three nights.

Xiao Ling smiled brightly and said: Anyway, he is no worse than the human gentleman next to you. The lovely little girl of Xi Lamaier's family. The fact that he can be recognized by his master is enough to show his excellence. Little girl, your vision is It’s really good.”

The pretty face of the fox-eared elf blushed slightly.

She glanced at Luo Xi cautiously, and after seeing that Luo Xi's expression remained unchanged, her ups and downs calmed down.

Why do you feel happy when you hear such words?

Obviously I am not qualified, so I should not continue to get close to people like Mr. Luo Xi.

Thinking like this, my heart tightened involuntarily.

Then, let's begin.

The fairy girl flapped her wings and opened her arms.

Between her eyebrows, letters that Luo Xi couldn't understand appeared.

Feiya whispered: This is the symbol of the elf spell.

The transparent color disappears and becomes the black space again, with wisps of golden-green light and dense lines connecting each other in this space.

The huge steel fortress, the passages that Luo Xi once walked through, were filled with silver liquid spewing out from the holes, and various parts were constantly folded, including the hands, legs, torso, and head.

Under the support of the green light pillar, the shape of the Spirit God Fortress finally became a steel giant with a height of 100 meters, and suddenly raised its head.


Under the emerald sacred tree.

Kurea endured the severe pain in his chest and stared at Mel opposite him.

The elf emperor's inner emotions were extremely complicated.

Except for Duke Christie, who still doesn't know his position, every one of the five grand dukes who are still in the Jade King's Court is actually a young man.

Why does this happen?

In the past, the Dukes had fought openly and secretly with the Elf Emperor, but it only involved the power they wanted to fight for. Never before had the Church of Calamity, the Church of Truth, and even the unknown alien gods been so deeply involved as this time.

This is digging the foundation of the Emerald City. Even if they can really succeed in usurping the throne, are they confident that they can suppress these things?

His Majesty!

Alan, go!

The two black cavalry commanders were preparing to fight to the death with Duke Loe and the others. After noticing the changes in the rear, one of them immediately led his troops back, while the other had to guard against the flesh-and-blood monsters and several dukes on the other side of the river bank.

Lightless disaster.

Diintous raised his hand, and a cold pure white light spread out from his hand, covering the ten thousand black cavalry approaching from the front.


Marshal Ailan roared angrily, his purple-black and golden armor and stomach connected with the ten thousand soldiers he commanded. His strength had already reached the fifth-level intermediate level, but at this moment it skyrocketed to the point where he could easily defeat the fifth-level peak. level of power.

In this state, even if the Black Cavalry does not need a commander, it can release extremely terrifying power. Under the guidance of the commander, the manic source of energy spreads out, causing the surrounding trees to grow wildly.

Immediately afterwards, countless big trees grew up, withered and prosperous, and a large number of Black Cavalry soldiers fell to the ground. Having been drained of their strength, they no longer had the ability to stand up, and the foundation of sublimation in the human body was broken.

At this time, a cold light came, and the light in Marshal Ailan's eyes dissipated, turning into a dark world.

This is the power I prayed for from Sikallis, the light disaster that has completely arrived.

Diintous showed an old but fanatical smile: Even if you can only use a little of its power, it is enough to trap your so-called black cavalry. The rotten items should be completely swept into the trash. In the pile.”

The old man looked at the blond young man beside him, nodded and said: Your Majesty, I have kept my promise and brought you into the city. Can you fulfill your agreement with me?

Not urgent.

Ender pushed up his monocle and said with a smile: Although the two major disasters have affected the origin of the Emerald Tree, the Emerald Tree must still have some remaining power, so the Elf Emperor is likely to still have hidden power. , be prepared to drag one or two of us into the water at any time.

Speaking of which, what is that?

Ender looked at the terrifying giant tree of flesh and blood across the river bank.

That thing was the same as the great 'Lord', making his soul feel trembling. This was not a matter of faith or worship, but a gap in personality.

Diintous also asked: Mephisto, what is that?

Duke Mel said: Gods from the outside world, I also just found out that Lohe's plan is to join forces with the gods from the outside world of unknown origin. Originally, I wanted to watch His Majesty Kureya and them both lose, and then continue. You come in, but she was about to blow the spiritual horn just now, so I stopped her, otherwise the situation would be one-sided.

Spiritual God's Horn?

Ender looked towards Kureia, who was protected by a maid and a silver knight.

That horn was engraved with densely packed spell runes, exuding a gleaming light.

Even if it is a legendary-level lost source weapon, it can't turn the tide of the battle instantly after it's blown, right?

Mel said: Diintous, I haven't asked you yet, why did you come in with him? Didn't you just say it and then use your own methods?

Because, profit.

Ander smiled and said: Without my help, you can only summon the power of the sixth level of source of disaster, and you can only hope that they will become the real source of disaster. Cooperate with me, and I can give this method to you.

Mel fell silent.

So, that's okay.

The people of the Disaster Church have been pursuing the path of eliminating disasters and praying for the source of disaster all their lives, but there has never been anyone who can truly call for the origin of the disaster to come. They can only guide, not force.


Hearing Kurea call his name, Mel looked over.

Kureia lowered his eyes and said softly: Mel, when did you become a member of the Church of Calamity?

Mel said: When? I think about it, it was probably when my father was about to pass the position of Duke to my incompetent eldest brother.

Kurea's eyes narrowed suddenly.

No wonder, according to what my father said, Duke Mel had an older brother, but he died in an unknown accident while going outside the city.

But I have no pursuit of power.

Mel said: This is why I have still stood by your Majesty all these years.

Then why do you want to-

Mel interrupted Kureia and said: Because I hate our elves.

Kurea: ???

Don't you look at what you said?

You are a Duke, and you still have the blood of the original elves in your body. Why do you hate the elves?

Diintous laughed and said: Your Majesty the Elf Emperor, don't be surprised. We have been preparing for many years. To tell you the truth, two Davidic cities have been under our control for a long time. Everything is for today. From now on From this moment on, the elves will perish on Pancontinent!

A cold light shone on the old man's body, and he was about to take action.

Alicia and the Knight in Shining Armor came to Kurea.

Your Majesty, we will buy you time!

No, please step back.

A cold smile appeared on Kureya's face: No matter what, I am still the Elf Emperor after all. You came to my territory and used these tricks without breaking a sweat. Do you really think that I have nothing to do?

In an instant, the shadow of the Jade Source Code appeared in front of her, turning rapidly.

This is the last part of the power that Mother Tree can give her while maintaining balance. It can also be called divine magic, which allows her to temporarily use the sixth level of power.

This is the limit that ordinary fifth-level ascendants can reach using the Jade Magic. However, Jade is already having a hard time fighting against the two major source of disasters. No one except Kureya can use the Jade Magic.

The most dangerous moment has been reached.

Across the river bank, several grand dukes and the outsider god stared at him with eager eyes.

Here, Mel also rebelled, and two entities of unknown strength entered the city.

They all regard themselves as meat on the eucalyptus board.

However, they don't know that no matter how weak the tiger is, it is still a tiger.

Mel, last question.

Kureia's emerald green eyes were filled with intense light.

You have taken the path of the source of disaster. The sublimated source element in your body should have been transformed into the power of disaster long ago. Why can you hide it so well?

Mel realized that his Majesty seemed to be desperate.

But he still explained: The power of mental disaster is ever-changing, and it is the most illusory and illusory. As long as it is not truly implemented, your Majesty will naturally not be able to discover it.

While talking, he, his original subordinates, and Ender stepped forward to greet him.

Divine magic, green torrent!

The phantom of a smaller version of the Emerald Sacred Tree appeared on Kureia's body.

When Kureia was about to bring back these lunatics who were intent on subverting the elven kingdom, the words spoken by the ignorant consciousness of the mother tree rang in her ears.

[Transfer is coming soon]

Kureia was stunned and immediately changed the magic he used.

Divinity, the tomb of natural splendor!

The remaining power was converted into this magical technique by Kureia.

Under the flickering of the emerald shadow, countless emerald green trees grew from the ground and rivers, tying up and pulling everyone on them, no matter what state they were in, standing, flying, or riding. They went to the ground and wrapped them into something like rice dumplings.

The shadow of the mother tree released a dazzling green light.

Pure judgment magic may not be able to kill these people who have been prepared for it.

But this move does not distinguish between friend and foe, but it has the most powerful ability to imprison and suppress, as if someone is being forcibly sent into a coffin.

Even the monster tree made of flesh and blood was imprisoned on the other side of the river.

As a caster, Kureya himself merged with the phantom of the Emerald Divine Tree and could not perform other actions.

If this continues, she will definitely die when the power of the mother tree dissipates. The only thing she can do is delay it for a while.

But she believed what the mother tree said.

Just as the mother tree asked her to let Luo Xi and Feiya in, she let them in.

Ask her to change the elven laws that prohibit aliens from entering the city, and she starts changing the elven laws.

The world fell into silence.

In the field, only Ender and the giant flesh-and-blood tree bound by countless forest trees could occasionally move.

Ender thought with disdain that at the last moment, he would use all his power to create a natural cemetery for himself?

It is in line with the temperament of the elves.

After getting the jade source code, he dedicated it to the 'Lord'. How would the 'Lord' reward him?

As for the two archbishops of the Calamity Church?

It's no longer useful.

He had no intention of actually absorbing them into the Church of Truth.

Everything is just use.

After these two people called for the source of disaster, their abilities entered a cooling period, and they would not be able to call for the source of disaster again for at least a few decades.

He doesn't need such trash.

When he has the opportunity, he will take over the Church of Calamity. Now there is still an archbishop left in the Church of Calamity, and there is also a pope who doesn't know where he is, which is the most suitable for him to take over.

Let the glory of the ‘Lord’ become their spiritual sustenance.

While Ender was dreaming, the flesh-and-blood monsters who joined forces with the Dukes on the opposite side smelled Ender's scent.

He is that guy's representative?


As for the several dukes, they were also planning their next actions in their minds. It was obvious that there were some changes outside. Mel was on their side, and now they were in a three-legged state.

Who has the last laugh?

Time passes minute by minute.

When the time came to half an hour, Kureia, who maintained the magic, felt the power of the mother tree disappear.

Kurea sighed in his heart.

When did the turning point that Master Mother Tree mentioned happen?

No matter how confident she was in Mother Tree, she felt a little tired at this moment.

Tomb of Glory will be lifted in one minute.

She will face attacks from both sides.

The chance of survival is slim.

Father, what else can I do?

Just one minute, fleeting.

When the suppression disappeared, the first to take action were the three dukes.

Lowe shouted: Sir, what are you waiting for?

The Outer God hidden in the Black Moon Path shrank the mycelium and flesh on his body, turned into a bloody dragon, and attacked Kureia.

The black cavalry army that tried to stop it was ruthlessly overthrown even after the commander combined everyone's strength.

At the same time, Diintous and Mel launched an attack on Kurrea.

Alicia, the head maid, and Laishia, the commander of Kureia's bodyguards, worked in tandem, preparing to protect the Elf Emperor with their own lives.


Suddenly, the ground trembled from a distance and something appeared in the sky, making everyone here stunned for a moment.

What happened?

Everyone looked up to the sky.

Thanks to this time difference, Ailan, who had escaped from the light disaster, and Skeles, another commander of the Black Cavalry, could finally return.

They moved to Kureya's side, and the two purple-gold and black armors resonated faintly, converting all power into protective power.

The black cavalry armor itself was born for protection.

The bloody dragon was bounced away by the purple-gold wall of light.

Of the 20,000 elven soldiers, more than a thousand died in an instant.

Kureia stared blankly at the huge steel creation rising into the sky.

From the green light pillar that went straight to the bottom of the emerald sacred tree's canopy, the silver fortress slowly rose into the sky. Terrifying source element fluctuations were released from its interior, and massive amounts of steam spewed out, forming thick fog.

Is this what's hidden beneath the Enns Theatre?

That seems to be the location of my theater...

Homan was a little confused.

He couldn't understand the current situation at all.

He was actually recruited by Lohe and Viliam to be a thug. With the appearance of the giant flesh-and-blood tree and the Church of Calamity, Homan suddenly understood why Duke Christie chose to be a tortoise.

He didn't know anything, and even if the rebellion succeeded, the Elf Emperor wouldn't be able to do it.

He seems to be a complete clown.

Ender pushed up his monocle with a solemn expression.

He had seen it in some classics collected by the Church of Truth.

This kind of fortress is the ultimate creation that any mortal can build, and it is said to have the ability to kill gods.

The Emerald City actually has such a trump card?

So why not take it out sooner?

He might as well make some arrangements for this, but now that he suddenly had to face this kind of thing, Ender also felt a little troubled.



The old man released a huge light wave towards the ascending fortress.


The fortress just shook.

Under the gaze of everyone in the city, including an entire city of elves, humans, the black cavalry led by Luo Xi, Weier and Aina, the shape of the fortress changed.

The green light beam tilted slowly.

Then, the fortress rushed towards the roots of the emerald sacred tree and landed in an uninhabited area. The silver liquid that appeared from nowhere flowed like blood in the body of the steel giant.

boom! boom! boom!

On the giant's chest, the faintly visible heart was red. As the heart continued to explode, part of the Iron Giant's body turned red!

And, when he slowly raised his head, his originally black eyes turned red!


[God-Destroying Arms—Reconstruction of the Spiritual God Giant has been completed]

[Completed physical and mental synchronization]

Xiao Ling's reminder sounded in Luo Xi's ears.

Current energy remaining: 55%.

Esencelasm core load activation mode is on standby.

The dark field of vision suddenly opened up, and Luo Xi suddenly realized that his height seemed to have increased by a hundred meters. At a glance, the elves in the distance looked like little ants.

He moved his hand, and the giant silver hand also held it.

Luo Xi's eyes lit up.

He is familiar with this!

Spark also has the same control mode, except that one is small and the other is large.

[Note: Traveler, you are now driving the Dream World version of Gundam, come on! 】

Luo Xi twitched the corner of her mouth.

This thing might be really good against those big monsters.

But dealing with the humanoid feeling is very troublesome.

You can't just shoot down a map cannon and blow up everything in front of you, sending everyone to the west regardless of whether you are the enemy or not, right?

But it is indeed possible to solve some things with obvious goals first.

For example, the giant dragon turned into flesh and blood is the outer god hidden in the Black Moon Path.

From the eyes of the steel giant, two streams of green light instantly shot out, penetrating the strange thing.

At the same time, a huge pressure came on Luo Xi's body, making his bones and organs throughout his body wail.

Luo Xi finally understood why it was said that a person other than a blood recipient could not control this spiritual fortress.

It is impossible for a sublimate who takes the normal path to withstand such terrifying pressure.

Only some patients with alienation syndrome whose source of factors are particularly powerful can resist with force. That Elvidin is not only a sublimate, but also a mutant, which allows him to easily control this fortress.

But Luo Xi is still only a third-level transcendent after all.

Even though the Black Abyss Flame Dragon and the Black Dragon Emperor had an impact on his body, Luo Xi was still a little powerless in the face of this legendary fortress.

Feiya shouted worriedly from the side: Mr. Luo Xi, are you okay?


Not afraid of death, this is his confidence as a traveler from another world.

Luo Xi tried to take a step.

Then he almost fell to his knees with a snap.

His body seemed to be carrying a huge amount of power, making it very difficult to take even one step.

In the distance, Ender felt relieved when he saw how quickly the fortress moved.

It seems that the manipulator inside is not very good.

Kurea's heart sank.

Who could be inside?

Luo Xi, Shasha and the others?

Is it too difficult for those lowly children to drive such a thing?

Why is this fortress buried deep underground?

If he could get it earlier, who would dare to make a mistake?


The bloody dragon, pierced by the giant's two eyes, transformed back into the form of a giant tree made of mycelium and flesh.

It didn't hurt much.

But it was still surprising.

Were they really brought out?

But it has little to worry about either.

The Spirit God Fortress is not a big threat to it, and that fortress is already at the end of its strength. This time it takes off and changes, it is likely to be its last.

As long as the spiritual holy sword has not been repaired... After all, it requires the whole body of the little fox girl's blood to repair it. Based on its understanding of that human being, it is impossible for him to do such a thing. .

Then, all it needs to do is watch that human being, and those who jumped in behind, the agents of the dog that injured it back then, both suffer losses.

It just wants to reap the benefits.

Could this be a beautiful thing?

That's right.

However, the steel giant suddenly seemed to have strength and ran towards this side.


The two commanders of the Black Cavalry Army noticed the loss of strength in their bodies, and even all the surviving Black Cavalry soldiers lost part of their strength.

Tens of thousands of beams of light visible only to the Black Cavalry headed toward the sky and connected to the core of the steel giant.

Commander Ai Lan looked pleased.

A more advanced black cavalry armor? There are always talented people in the country.

squeaking - squeaking -

There were dense fissures on his purple-black golden armored stomach.


Just when Luo Xi was about to be crushed, the black gold armor he wore suddenly gave him the power to move.

[Black Cavalry Commander has been activated]

[Black Cavalry Commander: You can borrow the power of other people wearing black cavalry armor (there is no limit to the number and distance you can borrow, and it can be extracted by force, but please pay attention to your body's tolerance)]

[Your strength\\/Physique +1000+1000....]

With the surge in physical strength and physique, Luo Xi was finally able to withstand this borrowed power and was able to take steps forward.

【Ding! The brokenness of the black cavalry armor has reached 94%, and it will be completely destroyed when the damage reaches 100%]

Borrowing too much power has also made this legendary armor stomach, which is about to reach its limit, move one step closer to the edge of destruction.

Your Majesty the Elf Emperor, bring your people up quickly!

Luo Xi's voice sounded from the Iron Giant.

Kurea looked happy.

He really is that human being.

Could it be that the mother tree was what it is today?

Diintous felt that this voice was somewhat familiar for some reason.

Damn Luo Xi, why is it you again!

At this time, Ender next to him roared hysterically, making the old man look confused.

A golden-green halo appeared from the bottom of Kureia's feet and engulfed all five people.

Stop her!

Damn it, she still has the power of the mother tree left behind!

Before, Kureia didn't want to leave because she couldn't leave and she had to protect the mother tree.

Now, since Luo Xi has hope, she will naturally not wait there to die.

The five of them landed on the shoulders of the Iron Giant.

Kureia glanced at the spiritual horn in his hand.

Maybe the real purpose of this thing is...


A high-pitched horn sounded.

This time, the horn blowing was particularly easy and fast.

【Ding! You have gained the bonus of the Spirit God’s Horn]

[All your attributes are temporarily +500% (including the machinery you control, the power and skills of all things will be improved)]

On the Iron Giant's body, a large area of ​​the silver part became red.

Lohe and the other three Dukes wanted to quit.

What the hell is that?

Luo Xi raised his fist, making sure not to hit those people first.

Fire exploded from the giant's chest, the engine was fully turned on, almost just accumulating power, and the space was distorted by the condensed power.

Kurea's eyes narrowed and he shouted: Wait a minute, the soldiers of the Black Cavalry are still there!

The strength in Luo Xi's hand loosened.

Over there, Ander said in a low voice to the three dukes: You should be able to feel the terror of that thing. We must work together to dismantle that scrap metal, otherwise no one will be able to get it!

Mel said solemnly: Why don't we wait here? Obviously because of those soldiers, the giant will not use excessive power to attack us. That thing must have an upper limit on its operating time.

Because... there is a limit to the duration of the source disaster that advances. We don't have much time. Ander said with a wry smile.

Diintous's eyes widened: You clearly told me that there is no difference between the upgraded source of disaster and the real source of disaster that occurs naturally!

There's really no difference in destructive power, is there? Ender said.

When the three dukes heard that the original disaster was about to end, they became even more panicked. It would be okay if the original disaster was gone. Kureia, who had regained his strength, didn't know how cruel he would be to them.

Then let's join forces first!

After reaching the agreement, a total of more than twenty fifth-level masters flew towards the Iron Giant.

Only the tree of flesh and blood moved slowly behind.


Facing these people's active attacks, Luo Xi felt a little excited.

Is there such a good thing?

I don't know what to do if you shrink back.

Almost all attacks were swallowed directly after touching the Iron Giant.

That's the difference in power levels.

This spiritual god fortress is worthy of the name of God Destroyer. Even though there are many problems now, it is still powerful enough.

Luo Xi blasted directly towards the position of these people.

The Iron Giant swung his arm and swung out as well.

In an instant, within a radius of about a kilometer where the fist struck, countless blue and white flashing arcs of lightning flew and danced wildly.

That is the electrolysis phenomenon produced by the air under extremely tyrannical force!

The surrounding air and wind pressure suddenly tightened, as if an invisible heart in the entire world beat heavily, rolling up a majestic whirlpool and tornado, as if it wanted to punch a hole in the sky before it would give up. .

Kurea was also frightened by this terrifying power.

Did their elves really have such a powerful fortress giant?


Suddenly, Luo Xi felt that the energy supply was suddenly broken, and the power that could have blasted through the front stopped abruptly.

Luo Xi: ?

The figure of the elf girl appeared: There has been no maintenance for too long. The fortress has aged and damaged too much, and the armor stomach on your body will also be damaged. If you want to solve the battle in a short time, it is recommended to turn on the source of core load activation mode.



After a moment, Xiao Ling lowered his head and said: The source core seems to be stuck and cannot open automatically.

Luo Xi: ......

Forget it, what more can you ask for.

These things from the lost era are all antiques, and they are good if they can support the battle.

I'm going to turn it on manually.

The elf girl said, then disappeared in an instant.

The lowest level of the original fortress is where the chest is now.

Xiaoling appeared on the edge of the mechanical heart.

She stared forward, then at the tombstone, and closed her eyes with regret.

It's a pity that I can't see my master again until the end.

Manually turning on the load state of the source power furnace, even if she is the soul of the Spirit God Fortress, she cannot withstand the power of the explosion.

But it doesn’t matter.

She was already very tired.

In this way, I can keep up with you, master, right?

The little spirit floated towards the heart.

Xiao Ling.

When this gentle voice sounded behind her, the elf girl was stunned for a moment, looked back, and then burst into tears.

The man who was always fighting, with bloodstains on his face, but always with a sunny smile, was right in front of her.

The young elf with lynx ears said softly: I'm sorry for leaving you here alone.


The Spirit God Fortress was created just for fighting. I know that you, who was born later, are not of that temperament, but I can't help it.

It's okay...Master, I'm fine, this is my responsibility...

It was never your responsibility.


Elvidin held the elf girl gently.

This is our responsibility.

Countless rays of light rose from the damaged but still existing tombstones, which were the last traces left by the dead souls in this world.

The glow poured into Elvidin's body, making him become more solid. Then, he threw the little guy in his hand upwards, and he entered the red mechanical heart.


Luo Xi barely maintained her body's stability and read a book www. uuknshu.net will not let the spiritual giant fall.

The black cavalry armor on his body was also more damaged.

After Xiao Ling disappeared, those who turned to attack him together saw that the Iron Giant was down, and immediately realized that this was an opportunity, and threw various skills that could make Luo Xi evaporate directly under normal circumstances.


It seemed like an engine was roaring.

The steel giant reorganized again, and the mechanical cannon body glowed with cold metal light emerged. The luster representing death and destruction shone in the complex texture around the cannon body.

[Entered the source core load state]

The goblin girl appeared in front of Luo Xi wiping her tears.

Suddenly, a man seemed to be next to Luo Xi, lowering his head and patting his shoulder.

Young people, we leave the future to you.




Countless soul lights appeared again, pouring into the fragments of the holy sword held in Feiya's arms.

[Spirit Holy Sword (currently can be used once, to be repaired) - currently repaired: 50%]

The elf girl stared blankly at the broken golden sword that had been reassembled, and her clear tears could not stop flowing down.

Outside, under the astonished gazes of all the enemies, a sword with broken marks suddenly appeared in the hand of the steel giant who had changed his form again.

This is the highest masterpiece of the era that the elves and humans jointly created in the past in order to fight against the Lord of Truth.

Thirty thousand years later, it regained its former glory.

With his mortal power, he can rival the gods.

this is-

—[God-Destroying Giant·Spiritual God! 】

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