Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 330: Alienation Level 3! Dahanhan, why are you just watching? star fire disaster mode 9k

Incredible energy fluctuations emerged from the jet black armor, and then, two completely different attributes, ice blue and red, spurted out from the palms of Xinghuo's two hands.

The ultimate ice from the Snow Catastrophe Muselite and the blazing fire from the Black Abyss Flame Dragon were combined with each other in a way that Luo Xi had not thought of. The power and destructive power were increased by 1+1\u003e2. The realm world that replaced Nunnally withstood the pressure from all kinds of strange attacks ahead.

All the elves watched in disbelief. The pitch-black armor was like a demon coming to the world. It lay across the front of the platform, blocking their combined blow from taking out the life-saving items given by their fathers.

What also surprised them was that even if these powers were released so horribly, they still did not cause even a trace of damage to the physical structure of this area, only the tombstones were constantly damaged.

An elf noticed the swaying dragon tail behind Xinghuo and the protruding dragon horns on its head, and shouted in horror:

He is a different species, a different species of human being!

Sure enough, it's another alien species!

There was fear and hatred in William's eyes. The first blow of the wind blade just now was released by him with a dagger. The power left by Archduke Viliam should have easily killed those who dared to tease him.

Why is it blocked like this?

That is a power that Father can match!

No, he can't stop it!

William had already seen signs of brokenness on the armored body, with many parts cracked, exposing his inner body!

that's the truth.

After the initial burst of power, Luo Xi did withstand those attacks, but after all, it was a blow struck by those high-ranking nobles for the sake of their heirs, similar to the magic scrolls that Liya gave to Wei'er and the others. Any request is required. It can be released. The fact that Starfire can do it to this extent is enough to illustrate the excellence of this epic armor.

Luo Xi also wanted to deploy the 'Tira's Sanctuary Barrier', but when he took it out, he discovered that since the last battle with the people of the Calamity Church, his source marrow crystal reserve had been gone.

But even if Luo Xi is really deployed, it probably won't be of much use.

The opponent is a real five-level attack.

Even if it was just one blow, it was like a dimensionality-reducing blow to him. Just like last time, he could rely on the equipment and various skills on his body to deal with the person from the Disaster Church who controlled the flood, but he couldn't deal with the person who controlled the light disaster. The power of the old man's men went on for several rounds.

The fifth level of the sublimated extraordinary person corresponds to the king level of the origin beast, not to mention those archdukes must also be the best among the fifth level, just like the archbishop who attacked the small town before in the Kingdom of Light, even Floret West Asia cannot deal with it easily.

And Starfire seemed unable to withstand such output. The armor on her body showed signs of cracking, and faint white runes were beating in it.

The little guy, Luo Xi, who was strong, shouted in front of his eyes: Master, Xinghuo may be broken, or it may be broken.

That's it.

The text in front of Luo Xi was like a running program box, and he started to list fonts frantically.

At the same time, Luo Xi felt that the upper limit of power in his body seemed to have broken through some kind of shackles, and it was skyrocketing crazily.

【Ding! Traveler, your alienation factor concentration has increased! 】

[Factor concentration: 13.58%→15.01%]

【Ding! Traveler, you have entered the third level of alienation]

【Ding! Your strength +150, constitution +150, agility +50, intelligence +50, and the power of your fire skills +20%]

【Ding! All your normal skill levels have been upgraded]

[Your skill: [Abyssal Flame] has been upgraded to [Brilliant Flame]]

[Your skill: Dragon Transformation LV3→Dragon Transformation LV4]

[Dragon Transformation LV4: In addition to the specific alienation characteristics, you can alienate at any time, expand or converge dragon wings and dragon scales, and gain different strength and defense capabilities according to the degree of alienation, increase your own regeneration ability, and gain anti-spells. High resistance to magic and physical attacks, the skill duration is up to 1 hour (you will get a 30% weakening effect after each end, and your factor erosion will be deepened according to the degree of alienation)]


However, Luo Xi had already anticipated entering the third level of alienation.

If he often uses dragon transformation skills, it is only a matter of time before the alienation deepens, not to mention that he has consumed so much essence from Dragon Mother.

The surge in power within his body, amplified by various skills and sparks, finally gave Luo Xi a chance to breathe.

At this time, beautiful singing came from behind.

A breath of vitality flowed into Luo Xi's body along with the singing, quickly restoring his injuries and consumed energy.

It was Nunnally who sang with her throat open and used her ability to assist Luo Xi.

As an ascendant who followed the path of the Emerald Tree Bard, Nunnally was not very strong in combat, and her domain world was also in tatters, but her real strength lay in the assistance of various abilities.

【Ding! You have received the blessing of Nunnally's Song of Nature, and your life recovery ability and source recovery speed are +100%]

【Ding! You have received the blessing of Nunnally's Song of Courage, and all your attributes are +50+%)】

【Ding! You have received the blessing of Nunnally's Unyielding Song, and you can suffer a fatal injury]

[Note: Traveler, the right time and place are right, now is the time to use that stone! 】

Luo Xi was stunned.


What stone?

[Note: Idiot, that natural disaster stone! 】

With a thought, Luo Xi took out the melted liquid of the natural disaster stone from the dream bag.

[Stone of natural disaster (molten state)]

[Quality: Purple (Epic++)]

[Category: special materials]

[Attribute: Can be used for forging, or promotion of certain sublimation paths]

[Description: The stone left behind after some unknown natural disaster has the power to attract disaster]

The last time he repaired Spark, Luo Xi had considered whether to integrate it into it.

However, I was dissuaded by the prompts in the text.

He didn't want to choke on water stuck between his teeth for no apparent reason or get hit by a car while walking.

As the liquid of the Calamity Stone merged into the Spark, the Spark, which was originally based on black, became darker in color, and the two touches of ice blue and red on the chest also dimmed.

A violent aura overflowed from the armor's surface.

In front of Luo Xi's eyes, the Spark Elf, who was originally wearing a white silk dress, hugged her head and cried out in pain. The white dress on her body gradually turned into jet black, and her golden hair gradually turned to black.

Damn it!

Are you cheating on dog text?

At the same time, somewhere Luo Xi didn't see, a tuft of golden hair fell and fell on the armor, becoming part of it.

Starfire's 'blackening' was also suppressed at this moment.

But a few seconds later, the spark transformed into darkness again.

[Note: Traveler, please call that little fox to help and get some more fur! This is not enough! 】


What hair?

Wait, disaster, luck...

I see!

Luo Xi finally understood the meaning of Gou Wenwen.

The only thing that can neutralize the hidden properties of the Calamity Stone is Feiya's lucky attribute.

But why Mao?

Where else do you want hair?

[Note: Of course it’s tail hair! That fox already has three tails, so having fewer tails is not a big problem. Of course, Perverted Traveler, if you want to use the fur from that place as a neutralizer, it’s not impossible, but whether there is that loli fox or not is a problem. ???~]

Luo Xi: ...

I feel like you are driving again, but I have no evidence.

Fiya, borrow something!


The fox-eared girl with a face as pale as snow did not listen to Qing Luo Xi's words.

I told you to get some hair on your tail!


Although she looked confused, Feiya nodded looking at Luo Xi's very difficult look.

She still remembered what the unknown being said before.

If Mr. Luo Xi hadn't saved her again.

Then she may no longer be herself.

Although if she really succeeds in being saved, maybe it will be like what she said, and everything will get better?

Live because there are things you want to do and things you want to see.

Life is bright and beautiful.

But can my life also become dazzling?

In confusion, Feiya stepped over the fragments soaked in her blood, came to the edge of the platform, grabbed a tail behind her, and plucked out a large tuft of tail hair.

This fierce look made Nunnally, who was assisting Luo Xi, have her eyelids jump and feel a slight chill behind her.

Doesn't it hurt?

The alienated characteristics of the alien species are originally part of the body. What is the difference between plucking out the hair and pulling out the hair?

What should I do? Feiya asked.

Throw it right here at me!


Faia threw the plucked tail hair onto Starfire.

The moment the hair came into contact with Starfire, it was swallowed up by the wriggling outer layer of armor.

The sparks that gradually turned into deep black lit up with a dazzling golden light. Inside the armor, the little guy in front of Luo Xi also glowed with light at the same time.

anything else?

Not enough! Come again!

After hearing Luo Xi's request, Feiya did not hesitate to pluck out a piece of hair from her tail again. There were even more hairs than the previous time, and blood stains could even be seen on the roots of the hairs.

She didn't know what Luo Xi needed these for.

But she could tell that her hair seemed to be of great help to Mr. Luo Xi.

Then that's it.

She has already caused a lot of trouble to Nunnally and Mr. Luo Xi, and she would not care if she could help them even if she might die.

Not to mention plucking some hairs, at most it only hurts a few times.

After plucking out the tail hairs about seven or eight times, an average of three times for each of Feiya's three tails, Luo Xi finally shouted to stop.

The golden light on Starfire's armor shell was so dazzling that it was hard to open your eyes. The originally dark outer layer was actually dyed a pale gold!

However, it can still be seen that the base is pitch black, and the light golden light lingers on the surface of the spark.

Luo Xi glanced at the description text of the newly appeared Spark.

[Rune Powered Armor·Starfire (Frost\\/Fire\\/Natural Disaster\\/Lucky)]

[Quality: Purple (Epic]

[Type: rune creation]

[Attributes: After wearing it, the user's basic attributes can be greatly improved, and the extraordinary/alienation ability can be greatly enhanced. After fusing the natural disaster stone with the hair of the little fox, new abilities are obtained]

[Additional skills: Eternal Frost Disaster, Brilliant Flame Breaking Boundary, Disaster Reflection, Lucky mAx]

[Disaster Reflection (Active): Reflect the disaster caused by the most dangerous thing you face (skills, damage...) to the person who inflicts it on you (currently it can be effective on any existence below level six, Cooling time 1 day)】

[Lucky mAx (passive): When wearing Spark to fight, you can share her lucky attributes with the little fox]

[Description: The rune creations that were reborn from destruction have been strengthened again and have reached the pinnacle of epic equipment. Travelers, please believe that even the weakest sparks can one day start a prairie fire]

The little guy fell on Luo Xi's shoulders. She had returned to normal. Only her clothes were still black. She asked doubtfully: Master, Xinghuo seemed to be acting strange just now. Did something happen?

No, Starfire, prepare to stop the power furnace output.

Ah, but...


Luo Xi took away the two powers of ice and fire.

This time, Starfire's enhancement is in its life-saving ability.

He doesn't need stronger output either.

Everything has its limit, and it is enough for him to be able to fight against others across such a large class with these 'foreign objects' at the third level of alienation.

Mr. Luo Xi, be careful!

When Nunnally saw Luo Xi stop releasing his ability, she thought he had finally reached his limit and wanted to come up and block him for a while. Then something strange happened.

Those unstoppable attacks suddenly changed directions after reaching a certain limit, and each flew back towards the releaser.


What the hell?

The elves were also stunned by the sudden attack.

Why does this happen?

What did that alien human do?

William's eyes were splitting as he looked at the wind blade that had returned, although it had faded a lot, but was still capable of cutting everything into pieces, and he turned back and ran desperately.

The same goes for other elves.

Everyone is trying to dodge the attacks they unleash.

But it's all in vain.

Guided by disaster and fate, these attacks that attempt to kill Luo Xi will definitely come back to them.

This is the bitter fruit they have brought upon themselves.

Ten seconds later, William screamed and was cut into two pieces by the wind blade.

The other elves who had exhausted their life-saving items also died directly from the attacks they released. Most of these elves were only at the second or third level. How could they face the attacks of these elders who were at least the fourth level.

After the elves died, Luo Xi did not feel the appearance of any 'life source curse', and there was no prompt in the text.

But think about it.

After all, they committed suicide. What does it have to do with me, Luo Xi?

Nunnally looked at the tragic scene with a heavy expression.

Although she did not feel any heartache over the deaths of these noble elves.

But even if they can get out this time, the high-ranking elves who have lost their beloved sons and daughters will definitely not give up.

There are still six or seven female elf girls left here, all brought here by William, including little Susie.

Luo Xi looked at them and frowned.

Logically speaking, if he doesn't want to return to Shuo this time, then eradicating the root cause is what he should do, otherwise each of them will be a hidden danger.

But these elf girls did not make any attack on him.

If he kills these cute little girls in order not to be exposed, what is the difference between him and a crazy murderer?

Forget it.

The worst case scenario is to run away later.

Susie climbed up from the tombstone, and when she saw the armored eyes looking at her, a chill ran down her back.

To die, to die.

However, there seemed to be a warm feeling like a spring breeze, telling her that the person in the armor would not hurt her.

【Ding! Susie’s favorability towards you is +50]

Luo Xi was stunned.

Why did you add favorability?

[Note: Traveler, look what title you have pretended to be? 】

Oh, Black Death.

That's okay.

For a cute little lolita, murderous aura will be transformed into a sense of warmth. After assuming this title, even if she is not a little lolita with animal ears, Luo Xi can still gain considerable initial favor.

Luo Xi was thoughtful.

He didn't know how old these elf girls were, but they were all small in appearance, almost all younger than Feiya. If he could use the effect of this title to brainwash them more, he might be able to make them shut up about what happened here. talk.

Starfire, you can stop.

Good master.

The sparks quickly fell off Luo Xi's body and condensed into a sphere glowing with pale golden light. The sphere softened again and attached to various parts of Luo Xi's body.

Nunnally shouted from the platform: Mr. Luo Xi, let me treat Miss Feiya first!

Feiya was half-kneeling, her face was extremely pale. She had lost too much blood before, and it was more than a girl of her size could bear.

Luo Xi hesitated and did not hand over his blood.

Now that he is already a third-level alienated transcendent, the factors in his body seem to be infectious and can infect others through body fluids.

You have to talk to Ai Xue after you go out.

Let her not just eat what she has while she's not awake.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome if she gets infected.

You must take safety measures when doing that kind of thing in the future, and you can't just get it in casually.

I don't know if I will be able to perfectly control the factors in my blood one day... I can only say that it is really difficult for a high-level alienation supernormal. When you reach the fourth level, you might actually turn into a dragon.

Thinking of this, Luo Xi became more interested in the contaminated Black Moon Path.

After using sublimation to balance alienation, those negative effects should be suppressed, right?

[Note: Traveler, you originally wanted to take the path of sublimation so that you could do unscrupulous things without any scruples? (⊙_⊙)! 】

Don't slander me casually! (╬ ̄俣)!

Luo Xi has always had a casual attitude towards this kind of thing.

In fact, if Ai Xue hadn't been too proactive last time, he estimated that he would still be a simple boy now.

While complaining about Gouwen's nonsense in his mind, Luo Xi walked up to the elf girls. He looked at these long-eared elves that were about the same size as wind chimes, and thought that if so many elf lolita turned back, then... We can open a kindergarten...no, we can open a junior high school class.

These elves and lolita are also very afraid of Luo Xi, the alien human being who 'killed' those nobles.

The text prompts also sounded like crazy, and their fear level increased.

Strangely, the favorability also increased.

Brother, what's your name?

A bold elf girl walked up, staring at Luo Xi with her green eyes full of curiosity.

Several of her friends tried to hold her back.

But after seeing Luo Xi's very tall body shape, handsome face, and heartwarming temperament, although he had alien features, their fear level quickly decreased.

can not say.

Luo Xi looked at them with a smile and said, Little sisters, can you pretend that you haven't seen what is going on here?

Little sister?

The elf Loli who asked Luo Xi's name said dissatisfiedly: I am already thirty-nine. As a human being, big brother, you are not necessarily as old as me.

Yeah, I'm forty.

I'm thirty-eight.

Luo Xi: ......

Damn it, aren’t all these elf girls all loli old ladies?

And Feiya...

Luo Xi looked back at the fox-eared girl lying on the platform receiving Nunnally's treatment.

Hmm...it's really funny to talk about age with the elves as a race.

[Note: There are so many legal little lolita, Traveler, shouldn’t you be ecstatic? 】

Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean you can go!

Luo Xi felt that the elf girls she was talking to were still like children who had not grown up.

Perhaps the elves should change their age of adulthood.

Susie walked over, clutching her injured leg, and said with jealousy, Brother, is that sister okay?

Luo Xi nodded and said, Well, I can't die.

That's good......

Susie breathed a sigh of relief.

Although her father has the title of Marquis, he is not very strong. In addition, this time it was just a tea party between sisters, and she did not bring any protective items. When everyone wanted to give up on her, it was Feiya. showed up and saved her.

Now that she knew that William had such a powerful trump card but didn't need to show it, and had to watch her die, Susie felt a trace of resentment towards William.

It seems!

Elf Loli thought for a while, raised her head and said, Brother, let me talk to my friends. Don't worry, I can definitely persuade them not to tell anything about this place.

Luo Xi was also happy that they could discuss it among themselves.

Then you can discuss it and I'll go look elsewhere.

He passed by these lolita and came to the place where the male elves died. Even though they were killed by his own attack, there was still something left on them.

But they are all green-grade equipment with little utility.

Luo Xi didn't even bother to take it away, taking up space in his luggage.

Some white beads were found from the corpses of the later elves.

Including those in Luo Xi's hand, thirty have been collected.

He came to the 'heart' area and put all these beads into it.

Although Fa saw the relevant panel of the 'Spiritual God Fortress', he still felt the ground shake violently after all the beads were integrated into it.

It feels like something big is about to revive.

Returning to the forest of tombstones, Luo Xi walked through the forest and witnessed with his own eyes the achievements of the people of the 'Lost Era' recorded on the tombstones that had not yet been destroyed.

Finally, near the corner, he saw a large paragraph written on the corner.

[If someone in the future can come here, then take the broken fragments of the Holy Sword out. The prophet once predicted that when the Lord of Truth returns to this world, more terrifying disasters will restart. In our era, for You have lost too much by fighting against her, and you will never be able to repair this spiritual sword, but you will still have a chance in the future.

The damage degree of this spiritual god fortress is also very high. Those extraterrestrial sources that are the source of power will jump out sooner or later. If one day you encounter the danger of legal confrontation, please let the blood-receiving person with a strong enough body to endure it. There is one last chance to fight.

In order to prevent them from being lost due to the passage of time and accidents, I will leave the fragments of the Spiritual God Fortress and the Spiritual Divine Sword here, waiting for you to collect them one day.

I hope that in your era, flowers will bloom and stars will shine.

—The 22nd Generation Elf Emperor-Akaris Kuya Siramael]

No wonder the fragments of this Legend++ level sword are buried deep underground.

Did it turn out that people of that era had anticipated that accidents might happen during these tens of thousands of years?

Luo Xi had heard that an unknown accident happened to the elves ten thousand years ago, which caused a 'historical fault' and caused the loss of many precious things and recorded history. If these holy sword fragments were outside, they might have been lost as well. .

In other words, is it possible that that accident was the result of some beings trying to take action against these things hidden underground?

But it failed in the end.

Of course, Luo Xi is only guessing about these unconfirmed histories.

He returned to the place where the little elves were.

Susie told him with a smile on her face that she had convinced the others that if they could leave, they would never tell anything about what happened here, and they were willing to swear to the mother tree.

After listening to the oaths of the elves, Luo Xi nodded and ignored them.

These elves will never violate the oaths they swore to the Eternal World Tree.

After Luo Xi left, an elf girl with a ponytail took Su Qian's hand and said dissatisfied: Why do you have to agree to his request? Although it was for self-protection, he killed so many people. He is a murderer. magic!

Susie said: But don't you think he makes us feel very comfortable?

That's right, but...

There is no but. If we don't agree, the human may kill us to silence us. I don't want to die yet.

Does he really dare to do such an outrageous thing?

What do you think?


The questioning elf Loli glanced at the lying corpses and shuddered.


She'd better not commit suicide.

Moreover, even though that brother was of a different species, the feeling he gave her was indeed very warm. That kind of masculine temperament was much better than those weak elves of the same age...

The strength is also too strong to be understood.

Could it be that the aliens are actually not that bad?


How is Feiya?

It's stabilized.

Nunnally let go of her hand, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said: There was too much blood loss. If Miss Feiya hadn't been able to recover very well, she would have been unable to hold on long ago.

Luo Xi knelt down and lifted the long blond hair from Feiya's head. Looking at the fox-eared girl's pale and haggard face, which looked like a terminal cancer patient, she couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

Cough cough—cough cough—

Feiya suddenly coughed heavily. She opened her eyes, sat up and clutched her chest, saying, Mr. Luo Xi, did I...did I help you?

Luo Xi smiled slightly and said, Of course.

Feiya lowered her eyes and said, But, it was because of me that you and Miss Nunnally entered such a dangerous place. By the way, Mr. Luo Xi, how did you get here?

It was you who m...

Luo Xi changed her words mid-sentence: I thought that Fiya and Nunnally might be in danger when they went out, so I followed you secretly. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

The fox-eared girl looked even more lonely, and said sadly: So it was because of my own actions that we ended up in this irreversible situation? When Denise told me about this, I should have acted decisively Rejected.”

So many children of high-ranking nobles died.

How could those nobles endure it?

Even if they go out at that time, they will face unimaginable dangers, and Aunt Kureya may not be able to protect them.

Seeing the sad face of the little fox, Luo Xi chuckled and said, Fiya, do you know one thing? It is said that people cannot breathe when they smile.

Huh? Really?

The fox-eared girl looked at Luo Xi and blinked at the emerald green boy, a trace of suspicion flashed across her pretty face.

Feiya raised her thin lips slightly, and her beautiful eyebrows curved into two shallow crescents.

You can obviously breathe, right?

Nunnally was stunned for a moment.

real or fake?

She also tried it.

After a moment she silently cursed herself for being an idiot.

She would also fall for this trick of deceiving those ignorant children.

I just want to see you smile.

Luo Xi poked the fox-eared girl's little face and smiled gently: Isn't this very beautiful? What does it look like to be compassionate all day long? You are not an old woman in her seventies or eighty.

Feiya's lips moved slightly. She wanted to say that for the elves, seventy or eighty years old, even if they have not set foot in an extraordinary ordinary family, they have only lived one-tenth of their life.

After thinking about it, I still didn't say it.

I just want to see you smile.

The young man's gentle voice kept echoing in Feiya's mind.

The fox-eared girl felt the tip of her nose was a little sore.

A long time ago, there was a person who said similar things to her and was very kind to her, but she died in the end. In front of her, in the crumbling castle, the girl who tried to save her died herself, and her body was destroyed. Under the crushing gravel.

- It's okay, Xiaoya, please go quickly. Dad will come to save me later. If you want to follow me in the future, just look at the star in the sky. I pointed it out to you, and I will always look at you from the sky.

Even in the last moment, the girl still maintained a friendly smile, trying to comfort her panic.

- Xiaoya, don't cry. Why don't you smile? I heard that people breathe when they laugh. I don't know if it's true. I kind of want to know.

- Hey, hey, don't you look beautiful when you smile? It's so cute. I wish I could have fox ears and tail like you in the future...

The clear eyes of the fox-eared girl were covered with a layer of moist mist.

Luo Xi took a breath.

I just wanted to make a joke to tease this fox-eared girl, but why did she start crying?


Before Luo Xi could apologize or do anything, Feiya had a bright smile on her face.

Mr. Luo Xi, thank you. I haven't felt so happy for a long time.

The girl's smile was as pure as the clear sky after the rain, and Luo Xi was also distracted for a moment.

【Ding! Feiya’s favorability towards you is +50】

[Fiya’s current favorability towards you is: 138 (hazy favorability)]

[Description: Under your inadvertent 'joke', Feiya seems to have thought of the past things, and coupled with the things you have done before, her favorability towards you has greatly increased. As long as you are more powerful, Traveler , then it’s not a dream to capture this fox and her mother~]

[Note: It’s over, it’s over, another unknown animal-eared loli is about to be poisoned by Traveler]

What do you mean by taking down her and her mother?

Dog text, you have mixed it with personal goods, right?

Feiya pointed to the heart in front of her and said, Mr. Luo Xi, I really want to know how to get out. Do we want to leave now?

How to get out?

Now the source of power furnace has 4% energy. Although it cannot be restarted, it can send us away.

Luo Xi asked: Where will we go after we leave?

Feiya shook her head and said, I don't know either, it didn't tell me.

Luo Xi thought for a moment.

You can try it.

Anyway, no matter where he goes, if there is a problem, he can always call back.

Now that the person has been found, he has to find a way to get out. No matter what, the fragments of the Holy Spirit Sword must be taken out, otherwise it will be a big loss.

Luo Xi said: Then let's get ready to leave.

Feiya nodded, and with Nunnally's support, she came to the audience. When passing by the tombstones, there was a trace of sadness in the girl's eyes.

Why is there no record of this history that should be engraved?

Feiya came to the heart. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

The girl put her hand on her heart.

Suddenly, the ground shook again.

[Dear first-level authority, do you want to turn on space isolation? 】



Under Luo Xi's gaze, a very familiar wave spread from his heart, and when it came to him, a text prompt appeared.

[Do you allow unknown space magic to have an effect on you? 】


When everyone was focused on looking at the Source Power Furnace, no one noticed that after the 'heart', several elves with black moon marks on their foreheads and empty eyes appeared.

Don't think you are certain to win!

[Note: Traveler, stop! 】


Luo Xi hasn't reacted yet.

For a moment, his mind went blank.

[Note: Isn’t this the ‘absolute space stagnation’ technique? When was it replaced? The idiot Traveler allowed this thing to take effect on him... Dahanhan, come and help me! 】

[Note: Hey, why are you sitting there motionless? Why are you just watching? 】

As if time had stopped, in a completely stagnant world, a petite girl with cherry hair pulled another girl with cherry hair and blue eyes, trying to get her to touch Luo Xi, but the girl behind was completely unmoved.

Because there was no death, the synchronization time was extended, so Luo Xi could not wake up in reality.

So time, half a month passed in the blink of an eye...

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