Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 329: Miscellaneous Fish Traveler Wants to Eat Ice Cream Again? The meaning of living (6k)

The shape of the translucent object grabbed by the girl kept twisting, but the girl still managed to break free. After she realized that she couldn't escape, she finally gave up her struggle.

The translucent object laughed and said: Evil God, hehe, I am the evil god, so why are you not?

The petite girl snorted disdainfully: Don't confuse us with bitches like you. If we want this world, it's just a matter of words.

Having said this, the girl turned her head slightly and glanced to the right.

Luo Xi also looked over.

However, there was nothing there, only a few collapsed tombstones, dust scattered due to the stagnant time, and a few elves trying to attack here.



Luo Xi looked over, pointed at himself, and said, Are you talking to me?


The translucent object laughed and said: In this frozen space and time, is there any human being besides you?

Listen up, this guy is an alien god like me. Don't believe her words. Does she promise you something like 'climbing to the top of the world' and eventually transcending? 'Those who believe in her will never die in reincarnation and will have eternal life. 's wish?

After Luo Xi thought for a moment, he said, It seems not?

It seems that Gou Wenwen has never drawn these magical pie cakes for him.

The girl glanced at Luo Xi, and under the cover of the stars, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, showing a satisfied smile.

It’s no wonder that we’re so kind to you, Traveler.

We have already said that I am not that kind of evil god.

This guy actually wants to drive a wedge between me and Traveler. Do you think everyone is like her thinking about how to deceive people all day long?


The translucent object said categorically: Maybe it's not what I said, but she must have made a promise to you! Those promises are all false. You are just a pawn played by her. I am the only one who made a contract with you like this. Existence is the real credibility!

Let me think about it, speaking of commitment...

Luo Xi lowered his head and looked at the girl's legs, which were covered by the hazy starlight but could still be seen to be naked, and chuckled:

She said she wanted to give me her ice cream, does that count?

Translucent objects:


What is ice cream...

The translucent object followed Luo Xi's gaze. After the voice paused for a moment, he said in a shocking tone: Is this the promise this guy made to you? I've never seen it before! Wait, I can give you this promise too, As long as you let me enter this little fox's body, I will let you play with her legs as you like, even your body!

Luo Xi:

This time it was Luo Xi's turn to be confused.

Are all these evil gods so shameless?

What did you say, you bitch?

The girl finally couldn't bear it anymore. She used a little more force and pinched the translucent object to make it more transparent.

Also, Traveler, when did we give you this kind of promise? You can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense!

Luo Xi frowned and said: Really not? I remember you said that if I want to give up running away, then you can only use your-

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-shut up, Traveler! The girl raised her finger and pointed at Luo Xi's face.

Luo Xi felt that her voice suddenly disappeared.

Damn it, these gag techniques are more effective than the last. When will he have the right to speak freely?

Seeing that the interaction between the two was so harmonious, the translucent object gave up the idea of ​​bewitching Luo Xi. Taking advantage of the shift of their attention, she said:

Hehe, I was defeated this time. I never thought that beings like you would appear when the will of this world is silent and those trees are dumber than the last.

Her body began to collapse in an instant.

Don't even think about running away!

The starlight on the girl's body also condensed instantly, trying to stabilize the shattered fragments.

Hehe, you can't stop me. Besides, this matter is not over yet. No matter what, the contract has been made. This little fox has understood the cruelty of this world and is willing to sacrifice his life to correct the twisted destiny of the world. Everything I said was not a lie, I will really do what the contract says. It was you who hindered her wishes and the future of this world.

Humans, you should think more about what I said!


With a soft sound, the fragments in the girl's hands completely dissipated.

She looked down at her palms and frowned: She actually ran away. Apart from the Lord of Truth, there is such a thing causing trouble. It really makes us worry. That tree is also a fool. It was fooled by such a thing. You don’t care about it even after you come in. It is indeed a stupid tree planted by a big Hanhan.”

Luo Xi wanted to grab the girl's shoulders.

The girl immediately reacted, jumped aside, and hummed: Perverted traveler, what do you want to do to us? Don't want to vent your perverted desires for those beast-eared girls on us!

Luo Xi pointed to her lips.

Oh, this.

The girl snapped her fingers.

Luo Xi breathed out and said, So it's not over yet, is it?

That's right.

The girl nodded and said: We think the sublimation scroll of the Black Moon Path is very strange. It is a sublimation path that has been transformed by the power of the outer gods. It should have been lurking in this city for a long time. All people who take this path , to a certain extent, it is her believers who, after many years of accumulation, allowed her remaining will to come out to do evil.

Luo Xi said thoughtfully: Then when we get out, we are going to ask the Elf Emperor to arrest people?

The girl spread her hands and said, That's all your business, Traveler Tan.

Luo Xi thought for a while and asked: What is the correction of the world's destiny that she said before? What does it have to do with Feiya?

We don't quite understand. It should be something the 'Lord of Truth' did back then.

The girl hesitated for a moment and said: The Fox of Destiny is the companion source beast of this world's eternal world tree - 'Star Sui'. It has the authority over the starry sky and destiny. The alienation factor in this little fox comes from that little fox. Fox, so fate will always let her touch some dangerous things, but she is a part of fate, so she can be so lucky, and any danger will not really hurt her.

But fate is conserved. When she relies on physical power to turn the corner, she will bring misfortune to the surrounding beings.

So, Miscellaneous Fish Traveler, we were just talking before. If you really want to bring this little fox into your beast-eared harem as a velvet ball, then you have to consider whether you can afford to play with fate. ”

Luo Xi looked at the girl in silence.

What a velvet ball.

As expected of a female little devil, she always talks nonsense.

Where's the Eternal World Tree Star Sui? he asked.

It exploded.


The girl looked down at Feiya and said: Xing Sui is not the same as Gray Dream. On the continent of this world, only Yuan Dian is left, maintaining the basic operation of this world. The fox has also died, so this little fox The source of factors in the body...


Luo Xi waited for Gou Wenwen to continue, but she suddenly stopped.

The girl yawned and said casually: We don't know for sure. You, you miscellaneous fish traveler, go find the answer by yourself. I will feed you the answer for everything. What use do I have for you? In the recent period, Keep an eye on this little fox, that evil god will never give up.

Luo Xi: “(╬ ̄ Pan ̄)!

It's hard, the fist is hard.

I really want to give this little bitch a good education.

That's it, let's go.

The girl waved her hand, turned around and prepared to leave, and the starlight projected by her also moved away with her figure.


What else do you want to ask? There is not much time left. Although you have added another layer to your stagnant time, this time is also limited.

Luo Xi pointed at the group of tombstones and asked, What exactly is this place? I'm talking about the whole place.

Luo Xi walked down from the top and didn't find any living space in this building structure. Most of them were metal corridors like that.

The girl thought for a while and said: It's just history that has disappeared. Thirty thousand years ago, when the Eternal World Tree was destroyed for the second time, all the creatures of that era worked together to resist the invasion of that guy. It left a breath of life to the world, and this fortress is one of the highest masterpieces left by mortals.

No matter which world it is, it's the same. When the world comes to an end, there will always be a group of people with extraordinary talents who want to save the world. But now they are gone. We can only place hope. For your world, perhaps the fate of this world has indeed changed.

Are you done asking?

Luo Xi touched his chin, smiled slightly and said, Is there any ice cream this time?

Of course, Luo Xi just wanted to tease this female brat Wen Wen. Every time he left here, he would lose relevant memories. Even if he got the ice cream just right, he wouldn't be able to remember it.

The girl raised her head and looked at Luo Xi.

Just when Luo Xi thought that Gou Wenwen was so angry that he wanted to hit him, the girl chuckled.

You miscellaneous fish traveler, I really can't do anything to you.


The girl walked towards Luo Xi with elegant steps, and then she raised her calves. The slender little feet shrouded in the shining light had no smell at all. Luo Xi, who lowered his head, even felt the blow on his face. Get some heat.

The girl said with ill intentions: You fish traveler, eat it. This is our special brand of ice cream. The surface is hardened, harder than fine steel, and the temperature is 20,000 degrees. How many bites can you take?

Luo Xi: ...

Damn little bitch, how dare you provoke him like this!

Twenty thousand degrees...

Luo Xi found that his flame only reached eight or nine thousand degrees.

He took a step back and said with a lonely expression: Let's go, let's forget it's not sincerity. What that guy said seems to be true. I'm just a chess piece manipulated by you.


Does this guy really think so?

Or do you just want to deceive her?

It's a pity that in this state, unless she deliberately goes to see Luo Xi, she will not be able to think in sync with him.

She squinted and looked over.

However, I got a blank.

And... a little sad.

The girl was silent for a while and whispered: You are not a chess piece... Forget it, you can eat it if you want. Let's just treat it as a bite for the dog. It's not the first time anyway, so I'll give it to you.

The scorching heat on the girl's raised calf disappeared in an instant.

The hardened skin has also returned to its most delicate and soft state.

Luo Xi was stunned.

He subconsciously held the girl's stretched out calf.

The bright light above also disappeared, and Luo Xi saw Gou Wenwen's real body for the first time.

The skin on the feet is very delicate, the small pink toes are bent downwards, the instep is slightly arched, and it can be seen that they are still trembling, and they seem to be very nervous.


This jade-like feel, if you can put a piece of white silk on it, it will feel like you can touch it for a year.

Luo Xi just touched her gently and then let go.

Under the surprised gaze of the girl behind the hidden light, Luo Xi smiled and said: I'm not really that kind of pervert. The two times before were because I wanted to see you, a bitch-like god, get angry or in my heart. Now I know what it would be like to feel unhappy, you also have that kind of humanity.

See you next time, Gou Wenwen. I quite like the feeling of talking to you like this. It would be great if we could actually meet you one day.

The girl stood silently.

Starlight flickered on her body.

After a while, the gray world collapsed.



Luo Xi frowned and looked at where he was standing.


Feiya leaned back and fell into a pool of blood from her own cut wrist.

A pile of debris was soaked in blood on her front.

What happened?

At this time, some memories flooded into his mind, which were scenes of his previous conversation with the evil god.

There are also some words that I don’t know who said about the ‘Fox of Destiny’ and the Eternal World Tree Star Sui.

I see.

But is there something missing?

Who said those behind?

Dog text?

[Note: I am the one complaining about you, Traveler. Also, we will not be deceived by your little tricks! If you give up this opportunity, you will never have it again! (〃> dishes<)! 】

Luo Xi: ?

What does the dog text say?

There is no chance.

Luo Xi ignored the dog text. He squatted down and tested Feiya's breathing.

People are still alive, but a little weak.

The wound on Feiya's hand had also stopped bleeding.

Asshole, get down! Human, what are you doing!

William, kill them together first!

William below, together with Linas, Wumu and others who hurried back, regarded Luo Xi on the stage as a 'thief' who wanted to steal their treasures.

No! Sister, she is a good person!

Susie, who was rescued by Feiya, also tried to stop these jealous aristocratic young masters, but how could she stop them because she was so thin? William slapped her directly into the tombstones on the side, and the broken tombstones flew up. Kicks up a lot of dust.

Luo Xi originally wanted to use Kureya's wooden sign again.

But think about it and forget it.

He didn't think the elves would stop because of this.

Moreover, the things they wanted were indeed very precious. Now that Luo Xi had seen it, he had no intention of giving it away.

[Spirit Holy Sword (magic use, to be repaired) - currently repaired: 33%]

[Quality: Gold (Legend++)]

[Type: Sword weapon (Lost Source Weapon)]

[Attribute: To be repaired]

[Additional skills: to be repaired]

[Description: Each lost source artifact is a rare treasure on each continent, witnessing the epics and legends of the lost era, singing a poem that has been destroyed but is still immortal]

This is legendary ++ level equipment!

Not counting the two source books, this is the second piece of legendary equipment Luo Xi has seen, besides Cradle and Return to the Nest.

It's just broken into pieces.

Not enough. Is this 33% repair degree originally built into it, or was it done by Feiya?

He tried to put these fragments into his dream bag.

White light appeared on the fragments, but quickly disappeared.

【Ding! Traveler, you are not recognized by the ‘Spirit Holy Sword’ and the collection failed]

Luo Xi: ...


As expected of such high-level equipment, even if it is damaged, there is still this process of 'recognizing the owner'.

During this period, the elves below had already come to kill them.

Luo Xi took off the hat from his head.

As the black material squirmed and fell from his back, soles, and trouser legs, Luo Xi's body was instantly covered by black armor, and a beautiful flower formed on the chest of the red and ice blue armor. flower.

Under the horrified gazes of these elves, Luo Xi kicked the leader, William, in the chest and kicked him away.

Snapped! —

The world came to a standstill.

When time resumed flowing, those elves who wanted to rush up to grab the fragments instantly felt a sharp pain in their heads, and then they were hit hard on the ground and lost the ability to move.

Everyone has a light that represents life-saving equipment.

If their elders hadn't given them the tools to protect themselves, they would all be dead by now.


Luo Xi was also a little surprised.

How come it's all blocked?

He had no intention of holding back. Luo Xi would rather kill all the elves than let anyone know that the fragments of the Holy Spirit Sword fell into his hands.

These elves wanted to kill him anyway.

Just when Luo Xi was about to give them another shot.

Mr. Luo Xi, they cannot die. They carry the curse of life source tracking. Once they die, the curse will be brought to you! Even His Majesty will not be able to anger the men of the great nobles by then. I’ll save you!”

Nunnally's voice came from the 'heart' side.

Luo Xi looked up and saw the maid running over with a pale face, her pale green eyes full of exhaustion.

In order to find Luo Xi and Feiya, Nunnally groped in this huge 'maze' alone and fought with a bunch of white ghosts and strange mud monsters for a long time. Finally, she finally found this place, and then she saw Luo Xi almost She was so frightened that she almost suffered a cardiac arrest.

You are all going to die! A hoarse voice filled with hatred sounded.

A sharp green wind blade slashed towards Nunnally's back at a speed that even Luo Xi couldn't see clearly.

At the same time, the noble elves also used the items they got from their elders to protect themselves.

Most of them are level four attacks.

A few can reach level five.

The hair on Nunnally's back stood up. She instantly opened her domain world, but the domain was shattered inch by inch by the wind blade.

That is a power stored by Archduke Viliam!

Those grand dukes are basically the best among the fifth-level ascendants. The life-saving items they give their heirs can make some assassins with no brains tremble.

Mr. Luo Xi, take Miss Feiya away!

Nunnally reluctantly turned around and used all her strength to strengthen the area in front of her. At the same time, she crushed the wooden sign of His Majesty Kureya in her hand. She didn't know if the wooden sign here was useful, but this was the only thing she could do. Something happened.


Time stops flowing.

A second passes.

Luo Xi jumped off the platform and tried to move Nunnally.

Two seconds pass.

Move failed.

Nunnally withstood the pressure of all the attacks, and the pressure made her body seem to be frozen in space.

Three seconds passed.

Time resumes its flow.

Nunnally, who was still barely holding on, saw the strange armor coming to the front.

The maid growled: There's no way you can't stop me, take Miss Feiya and go!

The storm generated by the attack released by the elves has completely shattered the nearby tombstones, and Nunnally's domain world is also in danger.

Luo Xi squinted her eyes and looked forward.

Nunally, you know what? For people like me, what I like most is to challenge the impossible.

A fifth-level attack plus a bunch of fourth-level attacks.

It has indeed exceeded the limit of his abilities.

But if you don’t try it, how can you know it doesn’t work?

It's past 12 o'clock now.

At worst, it will be back to zero.

At that time, he must kill all these elves in advance. No matter the life source curse, he will not die anyway, and he doubts that kind of thing will be refreshed after his death and resurrection.

The fox-eared girl lying on the table in the back seemed to hear something. She raised her head slightly and looked forward with her pale and bloody face.

Mr. Luo Xi, why are you here...and Miss Nunnally...me, it's really my problem, why am I still alive?

The fox-eared girl pressed her head sadly.

If she locked herself in the room, nothing would happen, right?

If she didn't touch the cliff, she should be fine.

If Mr. Luo Xi doesn't save her.

If Mia didn't take her in back then.

If I hadn't been born...

Why are you still alive?

What's your problem? Besides, isn't it normal for people to live? We have things we want to see and things we want to do.

Luo Xi turned around, and the red eyes of Starfire's armored head shone slightly. He said: Life is bright and beautiful, and the world is grand and brilliant. We frogs in the well have never known how big the world is and how wide the ocean is, but You also know the blue of the sky, don’t you?”

The fox-eared girl looked at Luo Xi blankly.

Luo Xi looked away from the platform, looking away from the words of Calvis, and turned her head forward again.

Nunnally's domain world has been pushed to its limit.

He took a deep breath.

Spark, power furnace, load start.

“Be there and be angry.”

Dragon Transformation LV3.

Eternal Disaster.

Brilliant Flame Breaks the Boundary!

It will definitely be 9k tomorrow! I can’t adjust my work and rest schedule, sorry.

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