Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 325: Mother-in-law No. 2, can you really agree to anything?

Kurea handed the document to Listy.

She was also a little helpless.

There has been so much backlog of government affairs recently that she did not see this document, otherwise she would have reacted immediately when Nunnally reported it to her.

The princes really regarded her as an outsider. They did not mention this matter during the royal court meeting during the day. Instead, they argued with her and asked for power. They secretly held such activities at night.

But Kureia can also understand what Homan and the others think.

Unlike humans, the fertility of the elves is indeed very low. The more noble the clan, the harder it is to have children.

There are a total of twelve royal bloodlines in the royal court, and Silamael's lineage is the rarest. For more than three thousand years since my father became the elf emperor, she and Listi were the only two daughters.

This was only accomplished when my father went to great lengths to create children during his later years in power.

Otherwise, the supreme glory of the Elf Emperor would fall into the hands of those great princes.

Should I also leave some heirs? Kureya would occasionally think like this.

But this thought only passed by for a moment.

After all, she still has at least three thousand years to live.

Not urgent.

Listy looked at her for a few times and said, Don't tell me that you asked Sasha to attend this bullshit social event? Don't you know what's going on with Sasha? What's going on with you recently?

Listy found it incredible that Kurea had changed.

Not only did he keep Shasha, he also wanted to change the elven laws, and even let Shasha take the initiative to contact other people.

Aren't you the one who keeps saying that Shasha's existence will tarnish the noble bloodline of Silamare?

You might not believe it.

Kureya showed a desperate look and said: These are the oracles of Master Mother Tree, otherwise do you think I would actively violate my own rules?

Listy nodded slightly: No wonder...you have been so abnormal recently.

People with alienation disorder are not allowed to enter the city openly. This is the law set by father, and naturally it is followed by Kureya, who respects his father the most.

Apart from the mother tree, there was indeed no one who could make Kurea change his mind.

I'm going to find Sasha.

Listy put the documents on the table and turned to leave.

Don't worry, it's almost twelve o'clock in the morning.

Kureia shook his head and said: Let me see if they have returned... anyone?

In her perception, in No. 88 Wangting, only Luo Xi and the ten-year-old girl were in the room upstairs. There was also a canine alien human on the first floor.

Why haven't Yin Lisa and Nunnally come back yet?

Curea cast his perception onto the Grand Theater of Enns.

However, the entire Grand Theater and a large part of the surrounding area were in the state of a black hole in her perception.

This is the territory of Duke Homan, and she cannot directly see the scene inside as she follows the oath of the Origin Code.

Kurea narrowed his eyes and said: They haven't come back yet, maybe they are still in the Enns Theater. I can't see the inside scene here.

Listy's voice was as cold as ice and she said, Then send me there quickly.

Okay, don't worry.

Kurea comforted her, As long as Nunnally follows her, nothing will happen to her.

Nunnally had her token in her hand, and even if Feiya's true identity was exposed, the princes would have to consider the consequences of breaking up with her.

In a faint green halo of light, Listy's figure disappeared.

Kureya stood up, walked to the window, looked up at the top of the mother tree where countless stars were shining all the time, and murmured:

Father, how did you face those bullshit princes and nobles? Do you also feel so powerless?

He clearly has supreme power and strength.

But it was suppressed everywhere.

If only there was a way to overcome the restrictions of the Origin Code Oath and Elven Law...

Fortunately, six of the eleven Grand Duke bloodlines were divided into commanding the six Davidic cities, otherwise she would have faced twice as many troubles today.



The time returns to eight forty.

When all the light went out in an instant, the screams of many elf girls suddenly rang out in the venue.

Feiya also immediately felt her hand being grabbed.

She wanted to pull her hand away, but Nunnally's voice sounded in her ears.

It's me, Miss Feiya.

Nunally, what's wrong?

I don't know, maybe it's a trap?

Nunnally pulled Fia towards the edge of the hall.

She didn't know if it was a coincidence or a trap. If she could, she would jump off the roof with Miss Feiya.

However, when she came to the place where the window was supposed to be, Nunnally was shocked to find that it had become a solid wall. She put her hand on it and poured in the source element, but the source element disappeared like a mud cow entering the sea. trace.

At this time, Feiya beside her said softly: Miss Nunnally, we seem to have been moved silently along with the entire hall.

Nunnally closed her eyes and felt the surrounding environment, and indeed felt the fluctuations in the space.

How dare those people set a trap for you, Miss Feiya?

Is the name of Duke Mel's extra daughter worthy of their testing?

Aren't you afraid that His Majesty will settle the matter afterwards?

Nunnally was confused.

Anyone with some sense wouldn't dare to do this, right?

Moreover, there are so many high-status aristocratic daughters here, including the daughters of several grand dukes. Is it necessary to take action against them and Miss Feiya?

Feiya said softly: Maybe it wasn't specially set up for me. I just happened to catch it. This is my 'lucky'.

Huh? Nunnally didn't understand what Fia was talking about.

Feiya raised her other hand and whispered in obscure language:


A slight burning sensation emerged from my hands.

But Feiya didn't see any fire.

Is vision blocked?

Many elves have also discovered this.

The lights won't turn on!

Where's the waiter, where's the lighting spell? Which of you knows how to use it?

I used the light spell, but there's still no light!

Everyone, come this way, let's go back downstairs the way we came!

For a moment, under the leadership of someone unknown, all the elves ran back along the way they came, and soon there were not many people left in the hall.

Feiya and Nunnally could only follow together.

Nunnally pinched the token she had been holding in her hand.

She has level 4 strength, she took the [Emerald-Bard Path] provided by the mother tree, and is now a level 4 natural singer.

This kind of strength is more than enough to protect a person outside.

But in the Emerald City where masters are everywhere, that's not enough.

If there is a master who cannot resist, she will have no choice but to crush the token and let His Majesty descend.

The two came to the stairs and headed down, then they heard a male voice below that was different from the girl's voice.

The way down to the second floor is blocked!

Are you Lina, the third daughter of Archduke Homan? Is the same situation happening over there as ours?

Damn it, who dares to plot against us?!

Calm down, everyone. I am the second son of Grand Duke Wiliam, William Callan Wiliam. I think this accident was premeditated, and it was probably caused by our elders! In the darkness A powerful-sounding voice came out.

Did our elders do it? Stop being funny. Why would they do such a thing?

Yes! Don't talk nonsense!


Suddenly, all the lights on the corridor came on, and the hundreds of people crowded in the corridor cheered.


But the way downstairs is still blocked!

what happened?

I used the jade token given by my father, but the transmission of the message seems to have been blocked!

Feiya looked down through the light.

The corridor going downstairs was blocked by a wall of unknown thickness.

Nunally, let's go upstairs.

Feiya held the maid's hand and ran upstairs.

Denise leaned on the railing, thinking about something in a daze. When she saw Feiya running upstairs, she also felt moved and followed her up.

The way downstairs is blocked.

What about the top floor?

Soon, many people realized this, and they also followed Feiya and ran upstairs. A bunch of people were crowded together. If the stairs of this large theater were not wide enough, maybe it would have happened. stampede accident.

Tens of seconds later, Feiya stood in front of the iron door on the top terrace and raised her hand to push the iron door open.


Step aside!

An elf girl passed by Feiya and was the first to run out of this door. If she could reach the top floor of the theater, she could jump directly from the terrace.

But when she went out, the smell of rust drifted into her nose, and a green light illuminated the cave-like structure in front of her eyes, and the girl fell into a daze.

Where is this place?

Feiya followed behind her, lowering her head to the ground and scraping up some of the dust with her fingers.

Hard ground.

Spell-reinforced walls?

Is this a place designed and built by man?

on the ground floor of the Enns Theatre.

A group of elven nobles laughed loudly after seeing their children in panic, teasing each other about the instability of each other's children after encountering an accident.

Is your daughter's pants wet?

You were so frightened that it leaked? How ungraceful.

Oh, your daughter is not much better. She is still hiding under the table and shivering. Everyone else has left.

By the way, whose daughter is the one leading the stairs? She's very courageous.

do not know.

Does anyone recognize it?

Duke Homan? Do you recognize that man?

Duke Homan frowned and looked at Feiya in the picture.

who is she?

Wait, is that the maid next to His Majesty?

Homan turned to look at Duke Mel next door.

This time Mel's two daughters also participated in this social event. Because his eldest daughter Shanlin seemed to like a girl from a poor family, Mel was anxious to get his daughter to change her crush. .

This time, the only Duke who came by himself was Mel, and the other three were too lazy to come. He and Mel didn't deal with each other. They didn't like each other, and their words were full of anger.

But even though they have a bad relationship, he wouldn't deliberately disgust Mel with this kind of thing, which would completely push his potential companion into the opposite direction.

Mel, that is your new daughter? Who is she? Could it be Her Royal Highness Listy...

Mel glanced at Homan indifferently and said, What do you want to do?

Homan was stunned for a moment, then chuckled: How could I do anything? Since she may be His Highness's daughter, then I will definitely not neglect it, but I am curious why the one who does not show alienation characteristics is Kureia. Is Your Majesty hiding? Also, why did she come to participate in our event?

Mel said casually: How do I know? In addition, I warn you, if something goes wrong with her and His Highness who regains the care of the mother tree goes crazy, I don't know about the others, and you will definitely not end up with a good end.

Homan narrowed his eyes: Are you threatening me? Does being His Majesty's loyal dog make you happy that much?

This is not a threat, I am just stating the facts. Mel said.


Homan smiled disdainfully.

Eh? Where is this?

Duke Homan, what do you think this is?

After hearing the sound, Mel looked up at the screen, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

This is...an underground ruins?

He only knew that Homan wanted to deepen the relationship and interaction between the children through friendship, preferably in several pairs, but it was not clear what he planned.

That's right.

Homan stood up, turned around, and smiled at everyone: This is an underground ruins that I discovered thirty years ago that can last up to thirty thousand years. It is located under the Enns Theater. Two hundred meters away, don't worry, everyone, I have eliminated all internal dangers, and I have transformed the ruins into various interesting projects. After this social event is over, the project will be officially opened to the outside world. Please welcome me. Support me!

A group of elven nobles: ...

Is it any wonder that Duke Homan tried his best to promote this social event, not only to find a suitable wife for his own son, but also to show off his discovery?

This kind of site that symbolizes the history of the elves is very precious.

Mel asked in a deep voice: Holman, are you sure there is no danger?

If he had known that this guy Homan's so-called 'social activities' were like this, he would never have sent his daughter here.


Homan smiled and said: I have traveled to every corner of the site and eliminated all dangers. Mel, don't you believe me? In order to allow these young people to deepen their relationship, I have set up many projects. Please take good care of them. That’s it.”


Mel snorted coldly.

Soon, three hours passed.

Hey, a distinguished guest is here.

Homan raised his eyebrows and looked outside the venue.

Outside the Enns Theater.

Listy looked towards the theater in front where the spell power remained.

She was about to step into it.

At this time, a voice sounded, accompanied by a door shrouded in gray fog.

—[Your Highness Listy, please come here. —Homan]

Listy's face darkened.

She entered the gray mist.

Then, a theater full of people came into her eyes.

At a glance, she saw the confused, hesitant, and restless elven boys and girls on the front screen.

Amidst the discussion among the nobles, Listy came directly to the front, looked at the sitting Homan, and said coldly: Let them all out.


Homan lay back on the seat and smiled: Your Highness Listy, you should be the one you want, right? The one you made forty years ago -

Listy just looked at him indifferently.

Don't say much, let me go.

Homan put away his smile, put his hands together, and said: I'm sorry, but I can't let go. The spell I set cannot be forcibly broken from the outside even if your Majesty comes down. Unless you disregard their life safety, why don't you sit down with me? Let’s take a look?”

A voice reached Listy's ears.

—[Your Highness, you don't want the fact that your daughter is a heterogeneous species to become known to the whole world, right? Although I can't tell this, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net But once it is seen by other nobles here? Do you want to think?】

Listy was silent for a long time and said, Then you send me in.

Homan was surprised and asked: Do you also want to find a companion? But no, there are more men and women inside now than women. If you go in, it will be even more unbalanced.

Is it okay if I bring the man in with me?

Yes, yes, but...


Luo Xi pretended to be dead after being kicked over by Maomao, and took the opportunity to revive Li Ming.

[Traveller, you saw the note on the door. Fia and Nunnally said they would not come back until later]

[Now is the time for you to go out and explore alone]

[You decide to take the opportunity to find other parts of the Black Moon Path]

[Traveler, you came downstairs and were about to knock on Li En’s door when you suddenly felt a faint fragrance coming from behind. When you turned around, you saw that it was the elf sister you saw during the day, Ailan! 】

[Sister Elf takes your hand and drags you outside]

[Traveler, if you want to resist, you are not the kind of casual person]

[The elf said: I have something to ask of you. If you agree, I can agree to whatever you want from now on.\

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