Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 324: Being stepped on by the cat’s little feet is a reward. The departure of the little fox

[Note: Stupid Cat, why are you rewarding this traveler again? ! 】

Dog text shut your mouth!

Luo Xi would not admit that the contact between Weier's soft little feet and his head actually made him feel an inexplicable sense of pleasure.

Why being stepped on is a reward? If he admitted it, wouldn't it show that he was very talented?

He wouldn’t admit such a thing!

【Ding! Your happiness value +30]

Luo Xi: ...

[Note: Traveler, don’t hide it, you can’t hide the happiness in your heart! You are a big pervert who likes ice cream! 】

Mud, since you said so, sooner or later it will be your turn! Better not give me a chance! (╬ ̄俣)!

Sister Wei'er, why do you step on brother Luo Xi?

Aina blinked innocently.

The pure wolf-eared loli had only read about those things in books.

But she felt that her sister was doing something extraordinary to her brother.

And why did she think her brother's face looked a little happy?

If he stepped on Brother Luo Xi like this, would Brother Luo Xi be happy?

Humph, this guy asked for it!

Hearing Aina's voice, Wei'er took back her feet. She looked at Luo Xi, who was lying on the bed pretending to be asleep, and felt a little distressed in her head where she had stepped on a footprint.

This guy is real too.

Won't he resist?

On the other hand, Ai Xue looked at her little feet thoughtfully.

She raised her calf, lowered her head and sniffed slightly.


Ai Xue coughed twice.

Even though it has been washed, there is still some smell.

There is no such thing as a beautiful girl's feet being smelly.

Or are the beast-eared girls in the dream world more special?

She glanced at the foot that Aina stretched out next to her, and by accident, she went up and smelled it.


I can't smell any other strange smells, only a very strong floral scent.

She had smelled this smell on both sisters Weier and Aina.

Weier's body is relatively light, while Aina's body is relatively strong. How do these two sisters make their whole bodies smell fragrant?

Doesn’t it mean that they are replicas of the bodies of the dream world?

In other words, they are also so fragrant in the dream world?

[Note: It’s small and fragrant, hey? (cross out)]

If she can get rid of this smell, she can also imitate Wei'er and step on her senior with her feet...

Aina felt something, her petite body trembled, and she looked back at Ai Xue.

He happened to meet Ai Xue's little face that came closer with a curious expression.

The little wolf girl took her feet back in fear and said (〃>﹏<〃): You don't want to lick me, do you? I won't let you lick me. Aina's body is all my brother's!

Ai Xue: ?

Weier also saw the movements of Ai Xue, who was lying next to Aina like a madman...like a madwoman.

This made Maomao immediately alert.

Isn't this guy a pervert like Luo Xi who likes to touch girls who haven't grown up like Aina?

No wonder the two of them can get together.

Ai Xue didn't know that her image in Wei'er's heart had dropped a lot because of her actions just now.

She smiled and looked at the time on her phone.

It's past eleven o'clock.

It will take another two hours for the two sisters to go back?

After they leave, she will have some intimacy with her senior. The senior should be okay, right?

Senior? Ai Xue shouted softly.

There was no movement from Luo Xi's side.

Wei'er and Aina also looked at Luo Xi.

Luo Xi lay on the bed, motionless, her chest rising and falling steadily.

Ai Xue frowned: Senior, have you synchronized to the dream world?

Why is it so sudden?

Time goes back to four hours ago.

Eight o'clock.

The bright moon hangs high in the night sky, and through the gaps between the branches of the emerald sacred tree, it casts countless rays of light on the city.

In the dark bedroom, a thin girl sat on the edge of the bed, looking up at the night sky through the window, with her fluffy tail spread on the bed.


Please come in.

Excuse me, Miss Feiya.

Nunnally held a dress, opened the door and walked in. She looked at the fox-eared girl sitting by the bed. Her emerald green eyes, which symbolized the noblest bloodline among the elves, had no luster.

After a long time, Feiya came back to her senses and said softly: Is it time to set off?


Nunnally nodded slightly and said: Since Miss Feiya is going to attend today's First Day Tea Party, if you leave now, you can arrive at the Enns Theater almost before 8:30, and the tea party will be on time at 8:33. It’s time to begin.”

After the maid finished speaking, she asked with some worry: But Miss Feiya, are you sure you really want to attend the tea party? The people participating in this tea party are the daughters of nobles. With your current situation, you may be exposed... ....”

Will not.

Feiya showed a confident smile and said: As long as Auntie... As long as the item that Her Majesty Kureya gave me to hide the alienation characteristics does not fail, then I will never be exposed.

Isn't she just pretending to be the daughter of a noble?

It's not like she can't do it.

Before, it was because she had always regarded herself as an outsider in this city that she felt so uneasy and uneasy when facing other elves.

But she is indeed a royal elf.

No matter how bad her aunt is to her, she is still her aunt, and her mother is also her aunt's sister. The blood connection cannot be erased.

As long as she puts herself into the bodies of the elven ladies and noble gentlemen she has met during her wanderings over the years, she feels that she can also recreate the noble feeling unique to the nobility.

Nunnally was also infected by Faia's confidence.

In fact, she just asked.

She has already reported to His Majesty Kureya, and His Majesty has allowed her to take Miss Feiya with her.

His Majesty said that it was just a tea party held by a group of noble daughters. If you want to go, you can go, as long as you don't bring that human there.

It was already clear who that human being was referring to.

Nunnally felt her stomach hurt when she thought about what Luo Xi did yesterday.

It's true that we can't take him with us.

Otherwise, who knows what will happen.

Moreover, only women can enter the First Day Tea Party.

Of course, men also have their own party, which is on the second floor of Enns Theater, but it is impossible to just invite Luo Xi.

Ms. Feiya, please put on the gift instead.

Nunnally placed the dress on the bed and exited the room.

The maid glanced at the next door.

That person has been very quiet today.

What are you doing?

She walked over and knocked gently.

no respond.

Nunnally thought for a while, took out a piece of paper and pen from the white gap held up by her maid uniform, wrote a line of words on it, and then posted it on the door.

[Mr. Luo Xi, Miss Feiya and I have something to go out on. We may not be back until very late tonight. You don’t have to worry. Don’t just go out and cause trouble. I wish you a happy day. 】—Nunnally.

That'll be fine.

The maid turned and left with satisfaction.

She also went downstairs to talk to Li En, who was reading in a daze in the room at the corner of the corridor, and asked him to take care of his home and Luo Xi.

Rean shook his tail and nodded in agreement.

Mr. Luo Xi is his benefactor.

He will use his own life to protect Mr. Luo Xi!

Enns Grand Theatre.

top layer.

More than eighty beautiful elf girls were sitting and chatting in the top hall filled with pastries and flowers. Silver bell-like laughter filled the entire hall. The fragrant aroma emanating from the girls made some male waiters carry the food. When I came in, my sense of smell and sight were all lost.

The oldest of these elf girls is only about a hundred years old, and the youngest is more than thirty years old. No matter how young they are, they are still little kids who have not grown up for the elf family and cannot come out of their homes casually.

After all, the basic life span of elves can be up to a thousand, and some can be as short as 800. Humans' adult life is sixteen years old, but the adult life set by elves is thirty-seven years old.

However, many 30-year-old elf girls are only 1.34 meters tall, like human little girls of about ten years old.

Not to mention the elf in his thirties.

There are many fifty-year-old elf girls who look like human girls.

If Luo Xi were here, he would find that there are at least half of the little elves here.

Feiya is actually pretty well developed like that.

However, when the age reaches fifty years and above, the figures of some elves will develop rapidly. For example, Miss Denise of Grand Duke Christie's family, at the age of eighty, she has a figure that stands out from the rest.

Of course, there are also unlucky people who are still the same size at 100 years old. This is a matter of genes and blood.

At this moment, the time has reached half past eight.

Denise was drinking black tea with an enchanting elf girl in front of her.

Tea parties, of course, involve tasting tea.

Denise, will the guy you mentioned who may be pretending to be the daughter of Archduke Mel really come today?

have no idea.

Denise said casually: Whether she will come or not, doesn't our tea party have to be held regularly? If she doesn't come, then don't come, but Nia, why do you care so much about her?

Nia smiled and said: I don't care about her. So what if it's true? How many of us here are of the same class as her? What I care about is the sensational human governor of the Black Cavalry. '.

Then you might be disappointed.

Denise shrugged and said: This is our girls' tea party. The male human is not invited, and I didn't see him today.


Nia's eyes lit up and she said, Do you know where he lives?

I know.

Denise smiled slightly and said: You want to know? Then give me something in exchange.

In fact, it is no secret where Luo Xi lives.

No. 88 Wangting Street, that is His Majesty’s territory.

No one dared to offend at will, including the powerful grand dukes.

The Elf Emperor abides by the changed laws and does not peek into the territory of you nobles. If the nobles dare to peek into the Elf Emperor's territory, the consequences can be imagined.

Except for someone like Denise who happened to have a family business nearby and could peep into it 'reasonably', no one dared to do anything too extreme.

Nia curled her lips and said: Not to mention pulling it off, by the way, I heard my father say that there seems to be some surprise prepared for us today. Do you know what it is?

I don't know. Denise shook her head.

At this time, there was a commotion at the entrance of the tea party.

Denise looked over and was stunned.

Was that the girl she saw today?

Under the curious gazes of all the elf girls, the girl was smiling, bathing in the gaze focused on her without restraint. Her pure emerald green eyes were looking at the hall, and she was embellished with a light blue dress. Trimmed with gorgeous pleated gold threads, it has an extremely noble temperament and is as dazzling as the rising sun.

Behind the girl was a maid with her head lowered. After seeing Denise, she walked directly towards her and stood beside her.

Feiya smiled and said, I'm here.

Denise smiled too.

She waved to someone not far away and shouted: Shanlin, Oroda, don't you come to see your sisters? After all, this is also the daughter of Grand Duke Mel!

Nunnally behind Fia frowned.

Does Denise want to expose Miss Feiya's true identity in front of everyone?

All the girls cast curious glances this way.

Archduke Mel has a third daughter?

Not everyone knows what happened last night.

Soon, a 1.6 meter tall elf girl came over holding the hand of a 1.2 meter tall elf lolita who looked very young.

After seeing Feiya, their eyes widened slightly.

Just when Denise thought that the two Dukes of Mel would ruthlessly reveal the true information about this impostor, Shanlin and Oralda actually lowered their heads and said together: Hello, Sister Feiya.

elder sister?

Denise looked at Shanlin with a confused expression.

Didn't you say today that you couldn't have sisters?

Why did you suddenly change your tune?

Snapped! —

A small hand fell on the table in front of Denise.

Feiya looked at her coldly and said in a deep voice: Don't you have anything to say to me?

It was this person who asked her to come over on the pretext that Mr. Luo Xi might be in danger.

She's already here.

Why doesn't this person speak?


Denise panicked.

She just wanted to expose the identity of this impostor and get some more information about the human governor from her.

For this reason, she specially discussed it with the two members of Duke Mel's family.

But the two men changed their minds on the spot, which made her very embarrassed.

What are you doing?

Denise smiled charmingly and said, Didn't I tell you to ask for the news yourself? Are you, Miss Feiya, the kind of person who expects the world to fall into pieces?


Feiya smiled contemptuously.

This smile immediately made Denise feel offended.

at the same time.

Enns Theater on the ground floor.

All the nobles looked at the picture projected on the stage and couldn't take their eyes away.

One scene is of a tea party for the noble daughters on the top floor.

Another scene is a cocktail party for the noble gentlemen on the second floor. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett

Is it almost time?


Then, let's get started.

In an instant, all the lights in Enns Theater went out and darkened.

Royal Court.

Kurea, who was dealing with government affairs, saw a backlog of documents.

[About the social event to be held at the Enns Theater on March 1st]

[In view of the fact that among the royal nobles, fewer and fewer people have gotten married in the past fifty years, and the number of offspring has declined, and many have engaged in same-sex love affairs, causing many families a headache. I think the ultimate reason is because Our children don’t know each other well enough.

So I think it is necessary to let them know more. Now is no longer the time to pay attention to arranged marriages. They have to let them pursue their own happiness. I hope this social event will be approved] - [If there is no reply within three days, then I will treat it as Your Majesty. Permission granted]—Homan, December 24.

Kurea was stunned for a moment.

What the hell?

Over there at the Ens Theater?

Nunnally told her before that the place she wanted to take Yin Lisa to was the Enns Theatre, right?


Listy opened the door and walked in: Kureya, I have already issued the document notifying the little nobles... What's wrong with you?

She felt something was wrong with Kureya's demeanor.

Well...Yin Lisaphia may have gone to a place she shouldn't have gone.


do not worry.

Kureia continued: With Nunnally following her, nothing will happen.

Listy's face suddenly turned cold: What happened?

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