Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 302: Are they all girlfriends? Punishment, the text of the female imp is Pink Hair Luo?

Luo Xi pulled Aina, who was hiding behind him, in front of him.

This wolf-eared girl had been clamoring to see his grandma before, but she didn't expect that after she actually came, she would become so timid, just like when he first met this child.

[Note: That feeling of cuteness, lightness and ease of being pushed down? 】


Isn’t it the same now...cough.

Aina, who has gone further and further down the road of being a yandere and wolf-eared lolita, really cannot be described as 'light and soft, easy to push down'.

When did the change begin?

Luo Xi thought for a moment.

It seems that it started after he successfully brushed Aina's favorability to the point of deterioration?

[Note: Yes, Newborn Traveler. 】

You crawl.

Grandma, this child's name is Aina.

Luo Xi pointed at Maomao and said to her grandma, who seemed to have not yet recovered her head: This girl is Wei'er, Aina's sister. Both of them are...foreigners, so they are not yet here. She can speak the language of our Xia Kingdom. This is Ai Xue, my college junior, and this... huh? Where are you, mother Lecia?


Whose mother is this grandson calling?

And what the hell is a college girl?

The old man looked suspiciously at Ai Xue, who was almost as tall as Aina.

This girl looks to be thirteen or fourteen years old at most, right?

Ai Xue saw the old man looking at her, so she smiled sweetly and said, Hello, grandma, brother Luo Xi didn't make it clear that my sister is brother Luo Xi's junior schoolmate.

Only then did the old man suddenly realize.

Let me just say, how could such a young child be Xiaoxi’s college junior?

Luo Xi was slightly stunned.

But he soon realized the reason why Ai Xue said that. Her current state was switching between a slim girl and a tablet loli. If he told his grandma that she was his college junior girl, then during the day she was What?

In the future, Ai Xue might come over during the day, which would be difficult to deal with.

Luo Xi immediately changed her words: Yes, I remembered wrongly. Her sister is my college junior. Her name is Ai Xinyue, and she is Ai Xue's sister.

The old man frowned and wanted to ask where her sister was.


Suddenly, the frightened cries of a group of chickens came from the chicken coop at the back of the yard.

The old man turned on the yard light in confusion, and she saw a girl with long hair flowing like a burning flame in the night, walking over carrying a chicken.

Red hair?


Wait, is this guy with white hair also dyed?

The old man's eyes stayed on Maomao for a moment, and his eyes passed across Maomao's flat chest. After judging that this was also an underage girl, he looked towards Floresia who was walking towards her.

This girl's pretty face also looks a bit immature, and she is not very tall, but her snow-white figure is almost full of her dress, and she is swaying as she walks. If this girl is also an underage girl, just I can say that this development is really good.

Why do you feel like they are all girls who haven't fully grown up yet?

The old man looked at Luo Xi with something more and more strange.

Luo Xi: ...

Of course he noticed grandma's gaze.

But now is not the time to explain.

Xiao Luoxi, this is the chicken we met today.

Floresia brought the hen to Luo Xi and said, Mom just injected some source elements into it before, but I didn't expect that it would have a tendency to mutate.

Luo Xi: ?

He took the hen that Floresia was carrying.


The hen fluttered and struggled in Luo Xi's hand.

Luo Xi fiddled with it and soon discovered that some of the feathers on the hen's body had fallen off and something similar to scales had grown.

Is it because of the influence of the source element injected by Floresia?

Luo Xi suddenly thought that if the source beast really appeared in the real world, then with the density of the real population and various animals, once the alienation factor spreads out, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The kind of doomsday scenario seen in Resident Evil is not impossible.

Until now, the two worlds have not been able to be connected in a true sense. Is it also to protect real human beings?

Xiao Xi, what are you doing?

The old man couldn't understand it at all.

My eldest grandson brought so many girls back just for the chicken in the player?

Luo Xi coughed, put the hen on the ground, and let it run back to the shack.

I'll handle the chicken later before I leave.

Anyway, I can't stay here.

Luo Xi walked into the room, turned around and said, Weier, Ai Xue, you guys can come in and sit for a while.

Aina, Weier, Ai Xue, and Floresia walked into this self-built rural house one after another, and led the way into the living room at the front door.

The living room in his hometown has been renovated once, so when guests come, it doesn't look so shabby. Luo Xi asked a few people to sit on the stools, got up and went to the kitchen to get tea.

The old man smiled kindly at the four girls and said, Wait a moment, grandma will go get some food.

Then, the old man closed the door to the living room and walked straight towards the kitchen.

She had to ask her 'good grandson' why he brought back so many girls who looked very illegal tonight.

If Luo Xi brought back a normal female classmate, or a girlfriend, she would definitely be very happy.

She was even thinking about calling Luo Xi back recently and arranging several blind dates for him.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xi came back with a girl, but each of them looked younger than the other, and the red-haired girl had a figure more like that of an adult.

Could it be that his grandson awakened to some strange hobby while he was in college?

The old man's face turned a little pale as he thought about it.

If something like that were discovered, he would definitely be arrested and put in jail!

No, you have to ask clearly!

in the living room.

After the old man left, the little wolf girl ran to Weier's side, pursed her lips and said, Sister Weier, Aina doesn't know why she didn't dare to speak after seeing Brother Luo Xi, a grandma.

Ai Xue wanted to say something on the side, I still like Aina, how unruly you were before, but she also knew the tension in the hearts of the two sisters and had no intention of burying Tai.

She also hopes that they can play a role in the dream world and not let the seniors have more and more harems there.

My sister doesn't dare to speak either.

Weier smiled bitterly and picked up Aina and put her in her arms.

Like Aina, although she also wanted to get to know Luo Xi's grandmother, she was also a little timid.

After all, they can't even communicate properly using language.

Maomao looked with envy at Ai Xue, who was sitting on the stool skillfully and without any sense of restraint, taking photos everywhere with her mobile phone.

Is this the calmness of people who originally lived in this world?

However, the other one didn't seem too restrained.

Wei'er took one look, her face suddenly darkened, and she turned her head away.

Floresia put her white hair on the table in the living room, held her delicate chin in both hands, and looked at the direction outside the door with a pair of red and gold hair.

Who is this dragon lady showing off to?

Is it great to be big?

Wei'er suddenly gently grabbed Aina who was sitting in her arms.

Aina: ???

What is Sister Weier doing?

However, as a good sister, Aina did not resist her sister's close contact. She just adjusted her position and allowed Weier to touch her.

Wei'er (⊙﹏⊙) felt the soft touch in her hands.

Aina seems...as if she has grown up a bit over the past few days.

As expected of a girl who has reached the developmental stage, her growth rate is very fast. In comparison, her situation is really hopeless.

I really wish I could be half the size of my mother...


When the cat was in 'despair', a soft meow sounded outside the front door.

Weier put Aina down and turned to look outside, her light red eyes lighting up slightly.

Is this the sound of a cat?

As a feline factor alienation patient, she is naturally very familiar with cats.

Weier walked towards the door, gently pressed the door handle, and opened the door.

She looked towards where the sound came from.

A kitten with snow-white fur stood on the wall, and a pair of faint green cat boys looked up at her.

Light red and dark green, two different colors of eyes, one person and one cat looked at each other several times.

The kitten meowed softly.


Weier paused.

Then she also screamed softly.


The cat ears and tail that had been hidden by the concealment scroll emerged again.

The little white cat's body trembled.

Why does this human being smell like one of their own?

Meow? (Who are you?) the kitten meowed again.

Wei'er was stunned for a moment.

How could she understand what the cat was meowing?

There used to be many stray cats on Greystone Street, but she had never heard any intelligible language from the cats' calls.

Wait a moment.

Is it because she was not eroded enough by the alienation factor before?

It is possible that she has only recently entered the second level of alienation.

I heard that after the factor infection in some people reaches a certain level, they can indeed understand the language of some animals of the same type as the factors in their bodies or low-level origin beasts. Although those animals do not have high IQs, it does not mean that they are not intelligent.

Meow-(do you understand me?)

Meow? (You seem to understand?)

Ai Xue and Aina heard the sound and walked out of the living room. They looked at the little white cat in the corner with confused expressions, saying meow to each other.

Ai Xue pushed Aina lightly and whispered: What's going on with your sister?

The little wolf girl shook her head: Aina doesn't know.

My sister seems to have never behaved this strangely before.

After Weier exchanged cordial greetings with the kitten, she realized that although the cat could communicate with her, its intelligence was still not high enough.

Wei'er slowly walked over, opened her hands and hugged the cat in her arms.

The kitten did not resist Weier's behavior and lay in the girl's arms obediently.

Ai Xue remembered that her senior had said that he had a cute little white cat in his hometown.

Could it be this one?

At this moment, over there in the kitchen.

Luo Xi found that the hot water seemed to be gone, so he put the hot water that had been used at home for many years and was almost swollen into a thermos and plugged it in to heat it.

This thing heats up quite quickly and can be done in just a few minutes.

Grandma walked in in slippers and said in a hoarse voice: Xiao Xi, did you do something you shouldn't have done? What happened to those girls?

Luo Xi turned around helplessly and said: Grandma, it's like this. I've just recently changed my employer, and I'm in the foreign trade-related field. Wei'er, Aina, Mama Lecia... they're all foreigners. I met him at work.

I'm going somewhere on a business trip tonight, and I happen to pass by the national highway above our village. I thought I still have a lot of time, and I haven't been back for a long time, so I thought I'd come down and see you. We'll be leaving later.


Grandma frowned deeply.

As an elder who had watched Luo Xi grow up, she could tell at a glance that her good grandson was definitely lying.

Xiao Xi, tell grandma the truth.

Luo Xi: ...

He felt that the lie he had told was quite good.

Why doesn’t grandma believe it yet?

Luo Xi pondered for a while and said: Actually, I am working as a teacher in a school now, and they are all my students. There is an event to take them to participate in tomorrow, and I happened to drive by our house, so I came over to take a look. It’s up to you, grandma.”

Grandma said nothing, as if she was weighing the authenticity of Luo Xi's words.

After a while, grandma looked at Luo Xi and asked doubtfully: Primary school teacher?

Luo Xi: ...

Junior high school, he said.

If there is any school that can accommodate Maomao Aina and Xiao Ai Xue without feeling out of place, it must be in elementary school or around the first and second grade of junior high school.

The old man asked suspiciously: More than a month ago, Xiaoxi, you told me that you were interning in a design company. Why did you suddenly become a teacher?

Luo Xi blinked.


He really wouldn't lie to his relatives.

Grandma's face became stern: Grandma is old, but not stupid yet. Tell the truth, have you done anything bad?


After a minute of silence, Luo Xi decided to show off. He spread his hands and said:

They are all my friends.


The old man covered his mouth and coughed heavily several times.

I'm afraid my sweet grandson has really awakened to a strange habit.

You are a college student and you find so many little girls to be your friends?

Very punishing.

If Luo Xi was not her grandson, she would have to report it to the village committee. As an old man who came from the 1960s and 1970s and experienced all the sufferings in the world, she could not bear to see such evil things and evil deeds. .

After all, no one would want their lovely daughter to be killed, right?

Luo Xi immediately went up and patted her grandma on the back.

After the old man stopped coughing, he said in a deep voice: You haven't done anything bad to them yet, have you?

Of course not, they are still so young, and I am not a lolicon. Luo Xi laughed.

Just smiling, Luo Xi thought of Ai Xue, who had been pushed down by him.

But Ai Xue shouldn't count.

In fact, except for Aina, the other three are all legal, especially Mother Long. With her eight thousand years old in the dream world and nine thousand years old in reality, she is more than enough to be the 100th generation ancestor of Luo Xi. .

Floresia, who was still holding her chin in a daze in the living room, sneezed unexpectedly.

Grandma was keenly aware of the unnaturalness in Luo Xi's expression.

This made her heart suddenly sink.

Has the worst already happened?

How old are those children?

On average...over 18?


Who are you fooling?


The old man sighed and said: Xiao Xi, grandma has raised you since you were a child and knows your character best. Grandma knows that you will not bring girls back for no reason. They must have a deep relationship with you. .”

Luo Xi listened to her grandma's words in silence.

As expected of grandma, she guessed it right away.

Grandma glanced at the other side of the living room and lowered her voice: Xiao Xi, tell the truth, did you make any of them have a bigger belly?

Luo Xi: Absolutely not!

Although he and Ai Xue had no protection in those two times, they might win the prize, but how could it be so fast?

And Ai Xue also said that his blood has the effect of strengthening the body similar to Mother Long's blood, and maybe it will be completely absorbed.

Grandma continued to whisper: You don't have to lie to grandma. You are grandma's grandson. Grandma will not call the police. Grandma just wants to know the truth of the matter and help you find a solution.

In fact, the old man also has a headache now.

It would be fine if it were just one, but there are four sitting in the living room now!

And those girls seem to get along well with each other. When did his grandson become so capable?

It's just that this ability is not on the right path.

It is better to find ten women to be a scumbag than to find one illegal girl!

The former will only be morally condemned, the latter...

Luo Xi fell silent again.

It feels a bit self-defeating.

Grandma didn't believe him at all, but became more and more worried about him.

Luo Xi thought for a while and was still ready to reveal something to her grandma.

The announcement of Dawn was already a matter of time.

So, it is not impossible to let the old man understand a little bit.

As long as he doesn't tell anyone about the danger he encountered.

Grandma, let me tell you something, don't be afraid.

Grandma immediately said: Tell me, grandma won't be afraid, even if all four girls are pregnant -

She stopped mid-sentence, looked at Luo Xi with cloudy eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: They can't really all...

If it was really what she thought, this grandson of hers was just a proper... newborn.

If she hadn't been caught by the police and sent to jail, she would have felt sorry for the life creed she had upheld throughout her life.

Luo Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: Grandma, what are you thinking about? It's like this, look at it.


Luo Xi snapped his fingers.

On his thumb, a bright red flame appeared, releasing scorching heat.

The old man was suddenly shocked: This fire? Magic?

This isn't magic.

Luo Xi thought for a moment and threw the fire into the water at the kitchen sink.

In an instant, when the high-heat flame comes into contact with the water, a large amount of water vapor gushes out.

He opened the kitchen door and let the steam out.

Grandma stood there in a daze, with a confused look on her face.

Is this magic?

It doesn't feel very similar.

Luo Xi felt that it might not be enough, so he took out the 'Snow-Colored Silver Wolf' from his dream bag and waved his sword towards the sky in the backyard. The light and shadow of the silver wolf rose into the sky along with the sword light, emitting in the air. A rather harsh sound.

Then Luo Xi inserted the sword directly into the concrete ground at his feet, smiled at grandma and said: Grandma, your grandson and I are now working for a special agency of the country. These are the abilities I gained from it. The ones outside Several girls, you may not look at them because they are young, but except for Aina, everyone else is over 18 years old.

What department? And what's going on?

The old man looked confused.

She felt like she didn't have enough brain power.

Let someone else explain it to you later.

Luo Xi counted the time and felt that the people squatting near his house should have rushed in after noticing something strange, right?


who are you?!

There is an enemy attack, reinforcements! Request reinforcements!

From the living room, there were suddenly several screams and calls for help.

Luo Xi: ?

Snapped! —


In the darkness of the world and the stoppage of time, he opened the living room door as quickly as possible and ran outside. Then he saw several people lying dead on the ground separated by Mother Long.

Luo Xi: ...

He forgot to tell the tourism bureau when he came, and he didn't tell Maomao and the others just now. Fortunately, Floresia didn't want to kill them and just locked them in place.

Three seconds passed.

As time resumed flowing, Floresia suddenly discovered that there was another person beside her. She stretched out her palms into claws and wanted to grab them, but found that it was Luo Xi who came.

Mother Long put down her hand and said, Xiao Luoxi, these people are sneaky and they are not good people at first glance.

Who is sneaking around! Wait, are you Mr. Luo Xi?

On the ground, a young man in casual clothes looked up at Luo Xi and said excitedly: Brother Luo Xi, I am your fan. Your performance in beating those bastards today was really cool. Ah, that sword just now Did you do it? Sorry, if we knew it was you, we wouldn't have made such an own mistake.

Mother Lecia, let them go.

Luo Xi walked over and helped the young man up. Looking at the enthusiasm in his eyes, he said apologetically: I am the one who should be sorry. I just wanted to call you here in this way, but I forgot to tell my partner Explained in advance”

Huh? Did you call us here specifically? What's the matter with you? The young man was stunned.

At this time, Luo Xi's grandma came out of the living room.

Luo Xi whispered: Go and explain to my grandma. Tell her that I am currently working for the country. I can also reveal certain supernatural-related information, but don't tell her those things about me.

The young man nodded repeatedly.

He understands this.

The young man chatted with several other tourism bureau staff, took out their work IDs and work clothes from their backpacks, and then went to communicate with the old man they had protected for a long time.

About ten minutes later, the young man told Luo Xi that he had made it clear and winked at Luo Xi deliberately.

After Luo Xi expressed his gratitude, the other party left with the people. He had no idea that he would stick to his idol after meeting him.

In the living room.

The old man finally recovered from what the young man had just said.

She looked at Luo Xi, her eyes filled with pride.

The young man showed him many documents to prove his identity, and told her that Luo Xi had joined a well-paid covert operations department and dealt with things that ordinary people could not understand, but she did not have to worry, Luo Xi It's just a logistics staff, they only have to deal with some relatively easy tasks, there is no danger, and there will be a lot of bonuses every month.

She didn't need to worry about those girls.

The young man said that based on his grandson's recent work results, even if he did something bad, he would not be punished. What's more, those girls are indeed adults as Luo Xi said.

Then does she have anything to worry about?

You guys sit down first. The tea is ready. I'll get the kettle.

After grandma left, Luo Xi also sat on the stool. Then he felt his back sink and something jumped on his back.


Intimate cat sounds.

It's Xiaobai.

Luo Xi smiled, lifted the kitten lying behind him, put it in front, and rubbed its head a few times.

Luo Xi has fed it since childhood, so it has a very good relationship with Luo Xi. When it used to eat mice, it would even leave half of it for Luo Xi.

This cat is seven years old, which is considered middle-aged for a cat.

Wei'er walked to Luo Xi and whispered, You really like cats.

During the communication with this kitten, Weier learned that this kitten liked its owner very much and kept saying that the owner was very good to her. However, the owner often took a long time to come back, so it always made it very happy. lonely.


Luo Xi looked up at Maomao and was startled: Maomao, how come your alienated characteristics are exposed?


Wei'er raised her hand and touched her behind.

Don't touch it. The scroll cannot completely conceal the alienation characteristics.

Luo Xi said helplessly: Maybe the scroll has run out of time.

After using the scrolls obtained from Liya during this period, whether they were attack types or functional types, they were almost consumed.

Luo Xi doesn't have any extra scrolls now.

He himself hid the dragon's horns and tail by relying on the badge he got from the bar owner.

Forget it, anyway, after the staff of the tourism bureau explained it, grandma should be able to accept it...

Da da da-

As the steps progressed, the old man opened the door and came in. He put the kettle on the table and said with a kind smile: Xiao Xi, come and pour the tea. By the way, I can introduce these girls to grandma.

Luo Xi: ...

Didn't that young man say anything superfluous to his grandmother?

He pointed at the cat beside him and said: This is Maomao... Hey, this is Weier, and this is Aina, they are sisters.

This is Ai Xue...'s sister. Her sister is my school girl.

Grandma looked at the girls with a smile.

Then she felt as if she was a little dazzled.

The old man rubbed his eyes and stared at the pair of cat ears on the white-haired girl's head.

Was this thing there before?

Where's mom?

Floresia looked at Luo Xi dissatisfied.

Luo Xi thought that if I introduce you as my mother again, my grandma might think that I really have some weird hobbies.

He took a deep breath and said bravely: This is Floresia, she is my... mother.


She just wanted to say that my grandson is really good at playing.

I heard that many young lovers now engage in cheating in this way. I didn't expect that my grandson would be one of them.

The more the old man looked at these girls, the more he felt that they were all beautiful. They were a little too small, but since they were adults, it could only be said that they were petite.

Grandma smiled happily and said: Xiao Xi, there is no need to hide it. That person told me that they are all your girlfriends. Because you have made great contributions to the country, it will be okay even if you marry four at a time. Even if you are really... very young, it's okay.

Luo Xi: ???

What did that young man say to his grandmother?

Outside the old house.

The young man who was lying on a tree and taking a nap was smoking a cigarette and looking up at the moonlit sky, hiding his merits and fame.

Today I met the elder who can only be seen in the live broadcast. I was very happy. I also confirmed that the elder Luo Xi is indeed a lolita, and those around him are all cute little lolita.

The young man turned on his mobile phone, logged into the forum, and posted a post using the account of ‘Argo’.

[Is there any way to quickly and effectively pick up cute little lolita with animal ears? I'm going to follow in the footsteps of my idol Black Death! 】

[I’m not a stockings addict: Reject immature aesthetics and start with mobile and telecommunications]

[Bear King: 6, Black Death is indeed powerful, but he didn’t ask you to learn his xp, right? 】

[Heart of the Deep Sea: You can bring some delicious food to the slums on the edge of big cities. As long as you are handsome enough, you may be able to trick one or two back. However, I suggest that you don’t take action against them. I just want to It’s okay to cultivate something, but if you really want to do that, you’re a scumbag]

[Argo: I just want to give it a try. The reason why the elder is so strong is that the red dragon girl accounts for 90%. If I can bring people from the dream world here in the future, then...]

[Bear King: That makes sense, but shouldn’t you be looking for a high-level source beast that can transform? 】

[Bai Longge'er: I'm overthinking it. Why are high-level source beasts so easy to guide? If they don't trample you to death when they see you, it's considered good. They still want to play guide]

[Shen Nong: I'll try it first. There seems to be a king-level tiger-like source beast near me. If I can ride on it...]

[sensei: After you succeed in this strategy, what should you do if the tiger turns into a man and turns out to be a man? 】

[Shen Nong: Wouldn’t that be better? 】

【sensei:? 】

[White: 6. 】


Luo Xi naturally didn't know what the death-seeking players on the forum were thinking.

He is now a little hurt by his grandma's enthusiasm for Maomao and the others.

Brown sugar egg tea again.

Another big red envelope.

Four people have it.

Ai Xue said that she got it for her sister, and her sister would come over next time, and her grandma happily gave her a new red envelope.

Wei'er and Aina couldn't communicate directly with grandma. They could only nod their heads and let Luo Xi convey the meaning of their words.

Floresia drank the egg tea in her hand and put the bowl aside.

She still has a good impression of the food in this world, but the amount is too small, she can only taste it, not enough to eat at all.

After some exchanges with Ai Xue and Weierina, the old man finally looked at Floresia, who had the calmest expression. Her expression had not fluctuated since she came in.

Judging from her years of experience, this girl is indeed the kind of person who has experienced many storms. If there is only one girl here who has reached adulthood, it must be her.

And...so big.

This kind of figure is easier to give birth to than the other three versions.

As for the 'mother and son' game she played with her grandson, the old man didn't take it seriously.

Although it sounds outrageous, as long as there is love, it is a game that both parties will be happy with.

Thirty minutes later.

Luo Xi said that it was time for her to leave, and there were still tasks to be done over there, so grandma reluctantly let Luo Xi go.

But this time, Luo Xi brought the family's little white cat and the hen that was influenced by Mother Dragon.

Wei'er said that Xiaobai missed him very much, and if he didn't take Xiaobai away this time, Xiaobai would definitely be very sad.

Luo Xi didn't know how Maomao could understand Xiaobai's words, but he didn't mind taking away the cat he had raised until he was big. Anyway, there was plenty of room to live in Haicheng.

When it was approaching twelve o'clock, UU read a book www. uukanshu. net Floresia transformed into a dragon again in the night, and flew towards Haicheng with Luo Xi and others.


Haicheng Tourism Bureau.

Jiujian, Jiao Gan and others who had returned were also celebrating.

The fruits of victory brought by Luo Xi this time were too great, and he dealt a heavy blow to those restless and well-intentioned guys.

As long as Luo Xi stays in Haicheng from now on, except for some short-sighted people, attacks like before will probably never happen again.

The name of the Black Death is as loud as thunder.

Nine Swords, is he back?

Not yet, but there are reports that he has returned to his hometown.

Take those little girls to meet their parents?

Haha, I feel like my legs will be broken.

boom! —

Outside the park, there was a huge falling sound.

Jiujian and Jiao Gan immediately got up and ran out.

In the end, only a crater was found where the sound came from.

As for where the meteorite went, the two searched the surrounding area but couldn't find it.

On top of Luo Xi's villa.

There is a small figure sitting by the eaves.

It was a young girl with pink hair, her tender little feet swaying in the wind, like her eyes reflecting the stars, looking at the deep night sky.

Finally we found a material that can accommodate our arrival.

As the guy riding a dragon approached in the night sky, the girl turned into bright stars and spots of light and completely disappeared.

We can't let that bastard traveler know that we can come down, that pervert will definitely lick us...

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