Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 301: Bringing 4 Lolita to Meet Grandma, Tila’s Sanctuary Enchantment (7k)

Xia Kingdom.

Beijing, the headquarters of Dream Travel Bureau.

After receiving the report from Jiao Qian that Luo Xi was safe and sound, the head of the headquarters, Zhao Mucang, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Luo Xi was directly contacted by the Haicheng City Branch, it was the entire Xia Kingdom's Tourism Bureau branch that was mobilized on this day.

Just collecting and operating more than 30,000 kilograms of source marrow crystals consumed a lot of manpower and material resources. Fortunately, there was a certain reserve of resources in the warehouse of the headquarters, and with the emergency support from other provinces and cities, we were able to collect so much. quantity.

After last night's incident, Zhao Mucang was originally planning to go to Luo Xi in person to dissuade him from getting involved in danger himself.

However, he was rejected by Jiao Gan and Jiujian. Haicheng Branch asked him to trust Luo Xi and provide him with resource assistance.

Zhao Mucang agreed to Haicheng's decision after hesitating for a long time.

When the live broadcast started, his heart skipped a beat when he saw Luo Xi being carried away by a group of people using transfer props and surrounded by a group of extraordinary beings. However, he didn't expect Luo Xi's combat power to give him a big surprise. .

Complete crushing!

Ghostly movements like teleportation combined with terrifying fists.

He beat those people to pieces with one punch!

What is black death? (Lean back~)

To be honest, Zhao Muchang felt like his whole body was on fire at the time.

That kind of power that, despite being plotted by others, could forcefully break through and destroy everything, made him almost think that he was reading a cool article.

Of course, there are ups and downs of mood, and the opponent's sufficient preparation also scared him into a cold sweat, epic props that suppress abilities, and epic props that absorb other people's abilities to advance...

Fortunately, after Luo Xi used the power armor that had become his trademark, he didn't even lose at all. He was able to suppress the opponent and beat him until that person suddenly transformed into the form of a source beast.

Zhao Mucang regretted why he couldn't give Luo Xi more support.

There is actually an epic prop at the bottom of the box at the headquarters. If you bring it to Luo Xi, maybe he will be more relaxed...

Then, after seeing the red dragon suddenly appear, reversing the situation again, Zhao Mucang suddenly realized why Haicheng City strongly demanded that Luo Xi be believed.

A king-level dragon seed beast!

Various countries have come to the conclusion that the strongest weapons of mankind can only fight against fourth-order lord-level source beasts. King-level source beasts can no longer be killed simply by stacking the equivalent of mushroom eggs.

The existence of a domain can make high-level source beasts invincible.

Not to mention the most powerful race among the source beasts, dragons.

The terrifying destructive power can be seen from the doomsday scene when the red dragon spits out a nuclear explosion.

Although strange phenomena occurred after that, because the live broadcast was coded, Zhao Mucang didn't see much of the details, and it ended inexplicably and cleverly.

Zhao Muchang tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

Luo Xi said he was going to collect debts, right?

That's right, those guys went too far this time.

If they really hunt down Xia Kingdom's top players in this way, Xia Kingdom will never give up and will retaliate in the same way.

Although it's not at its worst now, there's no reason for them to take revenge.

But Luo Xi does.

He is the victim.

Zhao Mucang picked up the phone, dialed Jiao Gan's number, and said in a deep voice: Jiao Gan, can you still contact Luo Xi now?

Jiao Gan on the other side of the phone said he didn't want to answer.

Isn't this guy going to rob someone again?

Not to mention Luo Xi's own strong strength, the dragon that can appear in reality is enough to make many people jealous.

Well, Minister Zhao, we are also on the way back. The signal here may not be very good...

Don't talk so much.

Zhao Mucang said straightforwardly: Don't worry, I won't steal your people, I just give him directions, otherwise he won't know where he is going.

Jiao Gan: ...

Who believes what you say?

Even the headquarters of Dreamland Travel Bureau definitely needs talents like Luo Xi.

After all, for a young man with such great strength to stay in such a small place as Haicheng, it is really a bit unfair.


It's still daytime on the other side of the ocean.

On the beach of the uninhabited island, a bonfire was beating constantly, grilling fish, crabs and other seafood on top, and the smoke was rising.

After Ai Xue confirmed that her cousin had just fainted, the weight hanging in her heart finally fell.

If something happened to Sister Xinyue, she didn't know how to tell her family and uncle.

Ai Xue walked to the campfire and sat down.

Across the way, Luo Xi was devouring a bunch of big fish that Floresia had just brought from the sea.

He didn't bother to grill it slowly over low heat, but directly used the red flames to sear a few pieces of tuna into charcoal, then peeled off the outer shell and put the steaming red tender fish meat into his mouth.

In just a few minutes, Luo Xi had finished eating several large tuna.

Wei'er was speechless and said: Why are you acting like a starving ghost?

Luo Xi sucked the water on her fingers, feeling the deliciousness of the seafood juice, and said with a smile: I just went through a big war, so I'm hungry. You haven't seen how many tricks those dogs have prepared to kill me. If someone else came here, I would probably die a hundred times.

Because of the negative effects of dragon transformation, Luo Xi is still under the debuff that reduces 80% of all attributes. Although his basic attributes are already so high that even -80% is much higher than ordinary people, but the various discomforts caused are still there. of.

For example, sleepiness, fatigue, and hunger.

Cat, would you like a piece?

Luo Xi picked up a piece of meat and put it next to Weier's lips.

Wei'er's eyebrows twitched, and she saw that Luo Xi's fingers were a little wet, which was obviously his saliva.

A faint redness visible to the naked eye appeared on Maomao's pretty face.

She paused for a few seconds, shook her head and said, I don't want it, you can eat it yourself.

Ah wu—

After Aina noticed that Ai Xue was about to make a move, she raised her head decisively and bit the fish meat on Luo Xi's hand. At the same time, she looked sideways at her sister beside her with some hatred for steel.

I don’t know when my sister’s awkward character will change, so if my brother will be snatched away by the woman here first, Sister Wei’er must take at least half of the responsibility!

Luo Xi was also stunned by Aina's actions.

Then he felt a sucking sensation on his fingers.

Not to mention the slipperiness and softness, just the feeling of the little wolf girl's pointed little tiger teeth touching her fingers made Luo Xi feel refreshed inexplicably.

Weier: ...

Maomao pouted.

She didn't care.

It’s true Aina, didn’t you see the saliva above?

[Note: Traveler, the big hentai who likes to lick ice cream, and Aina, the little brother's lover, are going in both directions. Poor Maomao, I'm afraid he is really going to be beaten to the front by his younger sister~]

Luo Xi: ???

Dog text what are you talking about?

After Aina finished eating the fish, she picked up a crab on a wooden stick and asked doubtfully: Brother Luo Xi, Ai Xue said this crab is edible. Is such a strange thing really edible?

Ai Xue casually interjected: Of course, just look at her.

On the right side of Luo Xi, Floresia lifted up a crab that was roasted red and black. She stared at it with a red-gold vertical gaze for a while, then threw the whole crab into her mouth and swallowed it without even chewing. Go down.

There was no movement in her throat.

Aina: ...

Can something with a carapace really be eaten like this?

Give it a try.

Aina carefully put the crab into her mouth.



A crisp cracking sound.


The little wolf girl immediately spit out what was in her mouth, (〃>﹏<〃) pointed at Ai Xue and said: You bad woman, this is not how you eat!

Hmph, I didn't say you ate it like this, you just couldn't wait.

Ai Xue was a little happy.

This wolf-eared loli stood gloomily behind her several times before, and her 'terrifying' aura made her feel like she was going to be stabbed.

Then she saw Aina stand up, run to Luo Xi with her lips pursed, and sit down in his arms, showing a little aggrieved expression.

The little wolf girl looked up at Luo Xi with her moist tea-gold eyes, pulled his sleeve and said: Brother Luo Xi, she is good and bad, but Aina is very angry, so I forgive her, how can I eat this food? Ah? Brother, can you teach Aina step by step?

Ai Xue: ...

Why do I feel that this wolf-eared loli not only has yandere tendencies, but also smells like tea?

Sure enough, this wolf-eared girl was her biggest 'love rival'. If she and Wei'er's ages were changed, it would not be her turn to steal her senior.

Let me teach you.

Luo Xi took the crab from Aina and taught her how to peel it open and eat the edible parts inside.

Weier also listened with her ears pricked up.

She also wants to know how to eat this food.

Floresia didn't care much.

It's just a taste. This kind of food all tastes the same to her. With her appetite, if she wants to be full, she can probably wipe out the fish in an area of ​​​​the sea.


Ai Xue's cell phone suddenly rang.

Ai Xue glanced at the phone screen.

At 7:40 Beijing time, the call came, unknown.

Speaking of which, her talent judgment seems to be calculated based on the time of the dream world, and the time of the dream world is almost exactly the same as the base time of Xia Kingdom, so her body has begun to shrink now.

Senior, I should be here to see you. Ai Xue handed the phone to Luo Xi.

Luo Xi put down the crab in his hand, took the phone and pressed the answer and hands-free buttons.

Everyone here is our own people anyway, there is nothing we can’t listen to.

Hello, is this Mr. Luo Xi?

A calm male voice came from the other side.

Well, it's me.

Hello, Mr. Luo Xi, I am the person in charge of the Xiaguo Dream Travel Bureau headquarters, and my name is Zhao Muchang.


Luo Xi was stunned, and immediately said: Hello, Mr. Zhao.

Aina heard that Luo Xi was on the phone and did not disturb him. She returned to Wei'er with the crab and deliberately made a face at Ai Xue.

Ai Xue's mouth twitched.

I got carried away so quickly.

If there weren't too many people here, she would have done some intimate tricks with her senior in front of this wolf-eared lolita, so that she could watch her favorite brother being controlled by her...

Of course, just thinking about it.

Aina hasn't grown up yet and is nothing to be afraid of.

If the senior really dares to turn into a chef and attack this wolf-eared lolita, he may be killed by the great god named He Crab the next day.

Luo Xi talked for about five minutes before hanging up the phone.

Ai Xue asked: Senior, are they coming to pick us up?

She heard her senior ask someone to come over and shared the coordinates of their place.

I asked them to come pick up my classmates and your sister. You can come with me later.

Luo Xi looked a little weird and said: The headquarters of the tourism bureau said that they would send me the address of the United States and several other countries that may be behind this incident. The addresses of their departments that handle Dawn-related affairs. Let us Just don’t make too much of a fuss.”

Ai Xue: Huh?

Does this mean that the seniors should go to other countries to cause trouble for others?

Is this really possible?

It feels very dangerous...

Ai Xue glanced at Long Niang who ate another big fish alive next to Luo Xi.

Oh, as long as this person is here, it will be fine.

Aina took Luo Xi's hand, blinked, and asked softly: Brother Luo Xi, aren't you going to see grandma tonight?

Luo Xi: ......

He actually didn't really want to take so many people back at once.

If grandma saw him, she might think he was a criminal who abducted little girls.

However, who told them during the day that he could go there in the evening after finishing the things here...

Luo Xi thought for a while and said, After we finish dealing with things over there, with Mother Lesia's current speed, maybe we can go back to my hometown before the effect of homing disappears.

Floresia stood up and smiled: Mom has recovered some of her strength now. She can fly faster.

Then don't waste time, let's go now.

Luo Xi wrapped some uneaten seafood in coconut leaves and placed them next to the four fainted people.

After they wake up, if the rescue from Xia Kingdom has not arrived yet, they can eat some to satisfy their hunger.


At this time, a dull voice sounded.

Luo Xi stopped and looked back.

Wang Xiao put her hands on the ground and climbed up against the tree. She stared blankly at Luo Xi and the girls beside him.

When she was protected by the barrier of light, she also saw the process of Luo Xi fighting with those people. Every move and every move made her feel like she was still dreaming.

Especially the sudden appearance of the giant dragon behind.

If the pain hadn't been so real, she would never have thought this was a real world.

When did this child of her and her ex-husband become so powerful?

Luo Xi, where are you going? And where is this? she asked.

Luo Xi said softly: Auntie, I have contacted the rescue for you. Just wait here. Someone will come to take you back soon. Don't worry, you can still live your life as a rich wife after you go back.


Wang Xiao was in disbelief and said in a hoarse voice: You call me aunt? I am your mother!

No matter what, she is Luo Xi's biological mother, how can he call her aunt?

Luo Xi just looked at her with a dull expression.

I am her mother.

A voice suddenly sounded in Wang Xiao's mind.

Communication through spiritual power allows the other party to directly understand the meaning even if they do not know the other party's language.

Although Floresia didn't know what the woman was talking about specifically, she felt it.


Who is speaking?

Wang Xiao looked around blankly.

Floresia walked in front of Wang Xiao, and the red-gold vertical boy stared at her face.

A mother who abandons her child is not worthy of being a mother. It was you who gave up on little Luo Xi. He is mine now and no one can take it away from him.

Is this woman speaking?

Wang Xiao looked at the red-haired girl with dragon horns in bewilderment.

Who are you?

I am little Luo Xi's mother.

Floresia smiled and said: The child you don't want is mine now, do you understand?

What the hell!

Wang Xiao angrily spat at Long Niang, but the moment he got close to Floresia, the saliva was completely evaporated by the intense heat.

The golden dragon boy of the dragon-horned girl released a hint of power.

For a moment, Wang Xiao seemed to see an extremely terrifying dragon standing behind the red-haired girl, staring at her coldly.

Could it be...could she be the red dragon from before?

No, I believe there is such a thing in the world, I will never admit-

The woman roared, holding her hands on the sand and retreating.

Snapped! —

Luo Xi flashed to Wang Xiao's side at some point and knocked her unconscious again with a knife.

He said to Long Niang helplessly: What did you say to her?

Floresia blinked: It's nothing. Mom just told her that I am your mother now.


Luo Xi remembered something and said, Can you speak to us?

Hmm? Xiao Luoxi, what should you call me?

...Mother Lecia, can you speak to us?

It's just telepathy.

No wonder, let's go.

As the blazing waves spread, a giant red dragon nearly a hundred meters in size appeared on the beach of the island. It looked majestic, but its belly was still a bit bulging.

Ai Xue and Wei Erina climbed onto her back along the red dragon's tail.

Luo Xi jumped on Mother Dragon's head and grabbed the edge of a dragon horn.

Only he was allowed to stand in this position, and everyone else who came up would be shaken down.

Although standing on the head of the giant dragon does feel more like a dragon knight...

Floresia patted her belly with her paw and said: Little Luo Xi, mom's belly is still full. Those things contain a lot of energy, but eating too much can hurt your stomach...

It hurts my stomach so much.

When Luo Xi thought of the scene of Floresia swallowing hydrogen dan like jelly beans, she felt a little outrageous.

Dream World also doesn’t know if there are elements like uranium and plutonium.

However, even if there are estimates, they rarely exist in the form of simple substances. After all, even in the real world, those nuclear materials are separated, concentrated and purified.

call! —

Amidst the roaring wind, the red dragon's speed instantly exceeded the speed of sound, twice or three times, and then began to flash intermittently over long distances.

Thanks to the surging energy in her belly, Floresia, with her current 'weak' body, can cover a distance of about three kilometers in one second, and even seven or eight kilometers in a flash.

Thirty minutes later.

Luo Xi saw the edge coastline of a continent.

That was his destination this time.

West Coast time here still seems to be around early morning.

Mother Lecia, fly directly to the mainland without cognitive shielding.


A giant dragon that was 100 meters long flew into the airspace of the United States so blatantly. The air defense sirens in various cities were sounded, and several fighter planes were immediately dispatched to prepare to drive away anything that broke into their airspace.

Fake, what is that thing?

Can we fire?

Fire your head, the speed is too fast, it can't be locked at all!

Don't fire! Don't fire! Come back here!

The hysterical roar of a certain Air Force chief sounded in the earphones.

He saw the red dragon spitting out a mushroom cloud of nuclear explosion in the live broadcast.

Now that the red dragon has arrived on their territory, if they go crazy and attack every big city one by one, who can bear it?

In the city below, someone was walking on the road and was suddenly covered by a shadow for a moment. When they raised their heads again, the sky still seemed unchanged.

American Dreamland Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Admiral Karl hung up the call from the president with an angry expression.

He didn't know what the Black Death wanted to do.

But he has been successfully regarded as the scapegoat for this incident.

All the mistakes were laid on his head in preparation to appease the wrath of the black god of death who arrived in a huff.

Obviously you asked me to do it!

No, I have to go-

Bang bang bang bang! —

Karl turned around blankly.

One of his assistants took a pistol and shot him several times in the back.

As an ordinary person, he did not have the ability to compete with modern weapons like a transcendent, so in the mold lake of consciousness, Karl fell to the ground and died.

Admiral Carl, who was in charge of the Dreamland Federal Bureau, coveted the Black Death's high-end equipment and took advantage of his power to plan this operation. After the arrival of the Black Death, he committed suicide.

An hour later, the red dragon left the continent.

No one knows what happened except those involved in the incident.

On Floresia's back, Luo Xi looked at the epic piece of equipment he just got in his bag, feeling a little happy.

He went there this time just to grab something.

Those in high positions would naturally not give it to him at first.

He even wanted to use the head of the mastermind behind the scenes to apologize to him.

Damn, he wants a hammer for his head?

So Luo Xi asked Floresia to fly outside and spit a small shot at a mountain.

In the rise of a small mushroom cloud, the mountain was leveled easily.

The other party seemed to be frightened, and finally handed the equipment to Luo Xi.

[Tira's Sanctuary Barrier]

[Quality: Purple (Epic)]

[Category: Seal props]

[Attributes: After people outside the permission list enter the barrier, depending on the amount and quality of the source injected into the props, it will have a corresponding suppression effect on the enemy. Enemies with strength below level five will be able to move, domain and other space types. All abilities will be unavailable]

[Additional skills: Holy Blessing, Holy Light Cutting]

[Sanctuary Blessing: You can consume the source element to weaken 90% of the damage suffered by the person protected within the sanctuary boundary]

[Holy Light Judgment: Unlocked (can be unlocked by those who master the power of light)]

[Description: A functional epic-level prop. It was created by a master-level blacksmith named 'Tira' in the Kingdom of Yaoguang more than 1,000 years ago for his friend who likes to fight with others. However, that My friend suddenly encountered a source of disaster during a trip, and no bones were left, leaving only this prop]

Tila's holy realm barrier looks like a golden ping pong ball, but when unfolded, it will become a protected area. The area can be enlarged and shrunk. As the controller of the sacred tree, Luo Xi understands this quite well. A feeling.

It's easy to use, but it consumes too much source marrow crystals. It's okay to have flawless source elements in the dream world to replenish it. Using this thing in this world is simply pouring krypton gold into a bottomless pit.

Let's go home.

Luo Xi patted the dragon's horn and pointed in the direction of Floresia.

A journey of more than 10,000 kilometers.

At Mother Long's current speed, it would take more than an hour to arrive.

Luo Xi came to the dragon's back and lay down, hugging three sleepy lolita on the left and right, squinting her eyes and taking a nap.

After passing through a long and narrow country, Luo Xi suddenly remembered something. He asked Ai Xue to check the location of the next place. After knowing the specific location, he asked Floresia to go over and spit fire.

As for the compensation from Hishima, he was too lazy to ask for it himself.

The tourism bureau will help him handle the follow-up matters and collect more compensation.

With the power Luo Xi showed this time, as long as the red dragon is still there, who dares not to give it?

10:50 Xia Guo time.

In the night, a red dragon that had shrunk back to a dozen meters in length fell into the field and transformed back into a human form.

Ai Xue whispered: Senior, isn't it a little bad in the past? Your grandma may have fallen asleep.


Luo Xi shook his head and said: At this time, she must have just finished listening to the opera and is preparing to soak her feet.

Your grandma stays up so late?

A habit developed over the years.

Luo Xi shrugged and said, Anyway, the old man is very strong and can sleep until after nine o'clock the next day, so he still has enough sleep time.


Aina was so excited that she wanted to run towards the village.


Woof woof woof!

Dogs barked continuously on the road.

Soon, the dogs in the whole village were barking.

Brother Luo Xi, there is a dog!

Soon, the little wolf girl ran back and hid behind Luo Xi, her body trembling.

Luo Xi: ......

You are a wolf, why are you afraid of dogs?

There are still many people in the village on the road. Luo Xi is afraid that others will see him when he walks back, so he still lets Floresia fly them there.

Under the guidance of Mother Long, several people landed one by one in the backyard of a two-story double-bay building pointed by Luo Xi.

The lights are still on in the kitchen on the first floor.

Luo Xi walked to the backyard door, hesitant and did not dare to knock on the door.

Originally, if Ai Xue was normal... she could have explained that the other people were her sisters or something.

Now, all four are small.

Ai Xue has now entered the 'very torture' stage, so now he is really bringing four loli. UU reading www. uunshu.nnet

Except for Floresia's height, she might look more like an adult in terms of figure...

[Note: Grandma - let me see what my good grandson brought back? ...110? My grandson is a kidnapper. 】


When Luo Xi hesitated, Aina walked up and knocked on the door several times.


The old man's confused and frightened voice sounded in the room.

Who's knocking on the door in the yard?

Luo Xi replied helplessly: Grandma, it's me.

Xiao Xi?

There was the sound of slippers tapping inside. A dozen seconds later, an old woman in her sixties with gray hair opened the door. When she saw that it was Luo Xi standing there, she was surprised and said, Xiao Xi, why are you so late? No. You came back without making a sound? Why are you in the yard?

At this time, the old man noticed someone else standing in the yard.

Behind Luo Xi, a cute little head poked out.

Aina blinked at the old man, but did not dare to speak.

Although she has changed a lot recently because of Luo Xi, Aina is still a little scared when encountering this kind of thing.

What is this? the old man wondered.

Hello grandma.

Ai Xue pulled Weier and walked out of the darkness of the yard, bowing slightly to the old man.

Wei'er imitated Ai Xue and said hello, grandma.

Huh? Are you again?

The old man looked at these two beautiful but petite girls in shock.

Whose family has such a beautiful girl?

Your grandson won't do anything illegal, right?

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