Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 292: The Red Dragon Loli Mother, the Black Dragon Sister, and the Traveler (4K)

Ai Xue looked at the sudden appearance of the tail with interest.

The overall length is estimated to be about one meter, with black and red scales arranged gracefully on it. The root of the calf-thick tail protrudes from under Luo Xi's clothes. The tail becomes more and more slender, and finally becomes a little pointy. of.

There are really more and more strange things about seniors.

Ai Xue hesitated for a moment, poked a few times with her fingers, and then grasped the middle part of the tail.

So hot!

Since she was in a late night state, Ai Xue could only barely hold her little hand. A hot feeling came from her tail, which made her unable to hold it.

I don't know where this thing came from...

The girl was curious and slowly pulled up Luo Xi's clothes from behind.

Well, just as she thought, it did grow from the tailbone.

You can also see the blood stains on the skin on Luo Xi's back that was forced open by the sudden growth of his tail.

I don’t know how it feels to the touch. Is it half the tail of Miss Cat Lady and Wolf-Eared Lolita?

Ai Xue put her fingers on the base of the tail, where the scales were sparse, but before she could touch it a few times, Luo Xi sat up with a flutter, and his tail was immediately lifted up by him.

Senior? Are you back?


Luo Xi responded casually, and then looked at the dragon's tail hanging in front of him with a speechless expression.

How come alienated traits appear so quickly in reality?

The dragon horn last time at least remained a virtual image for a period of time.

Is it because the source element in his body is enough for it to form?

Ai Xue jumped slightly and sat on Luo Xi's lap, her face full of anticipation.

Senior, can I touch your tail?

Luo Xi: ...

Touch, touch.

Luo Xi said helplessly: I still have things to deal with over there, and I have to go there again. I don't know when I will come back, so you should go to bed early.

[Note: Can we also touch your tail, Traveler? ~]

What are you doing with Dog Text! If you don’t give it, crawl! (〃> dishes<)!

It's so late, why do you have to go there again...

The girl's complaints did not reach Luo Xi's ears.

He was already lying down again.

Senior is really a master of time management...

Ai Xuedu groaned and grabbed Luo Xi's tail in her hand.


Squeeze a little harder.

The softness and hardness are moderate, and the feel is surprisingly good.

However, there is still no comparison between the scaly dragon tail and the fluffy cat tail and wolf tail.

Ai Xue soon got tired of playing.

Her eyes slowly looked at the lower part of Luo Xi's abdomen.

do not care.

She needs to be self-reliant.

The seniors should also be able to understand.



The town of Berggry.


Luo Xi returned to the body of the dream world, glanced at the tail behind him, and sighed softly.

How will I spend my days in the future?

You must use a camouflage scroll to travel, and your clothes must be customized, otherwise the clothes will burst if the dragon's tail moves casually.

No matter, as the alienation factors eroded deeper and deeper, this was already expected by Luo Xi.

Just come a little earlier.

Now he has to deal with the situation in Berggry Town first.

The town has experienced several major chaos in a row. If the townspeople don't be appeased, no one will be in the mood to work tomorrow.

After all, who would concentrate on their work if they knew the end of the world was coming in a few days?

Luo Xi looked at the housekeeper who stood up over there and asked, Ulysses, how are you injured? The town is in chaos now and we need you to step forward.

The corners of Ulysses' mouth were a little green, but his movements were still flexible. He shook his arms and shook his head: The two young ladies saved me at the critical moment, so I was not seriously injured. Lord, I know what you mean. , I will go and gather people to appease the townspeople.

Luo Xi said calmly: Well, let's also tell them that if someone wants to leave the town, starting from tomorrow, Bergere Town will open entry and exit channels, but once you choose to leave completely, then don't even think about coming back.

Okay, Lord.

There was a glint in Ulysses' eyes.

During this time, there were indeed many people clamoring to leave, even his two colleagues wanted to leave.

The lord did not allow them to leave before, probably because he was afraid that the change of lords in Berggry Town would be discovered.

However, starting tonight, Noah’s Church has been trapped here. After solving the problem of Noah’s Church, it doesn’t matter whether these people are let go or not.

The lord is indeed very powerful.

Being able to survive such a dangerous situation, his original decision was indeed right!

Luo Xi didn't know what his capable subordinate was thinking. In fact, he just thought that instead of forcibly keeping people who had a grudge against the town, it would be better to invite them all out.

The text of the Belgrim Canon appeared before his eyes.

[Power of the sacred tree: 655 ()]

This time his losses can be said to be extremely heavy.

The power of the 180,000 sacred trees accumulated by the Belgry Sacred Tree over the years was suddenly consumed to only a few hundred now.

Although most of them were used to maintain the existence of Blessing Glory and protect the townspeople, Wei Er and Aina only used a small part.

Luo Xi looked at the wolf-eared Lolita who was held in his arms.

This kid has amazing potential.

With the addition of the Belgrim Canon, she was able to suppress those priests with just her amplified basic alienation ability, and even almost crushed them all to death.

Wei'er said softly from the side: Aina is growing up very fast.

Who would have thought that that timid child could have such courage to fight against the enemy.

Luo Xi chuckled and said, Everyone will grow up. Fourteen is not too young anymore.

[Note: You are old enough to be a mother ~ what Traveler Dan once said]

Newborn Text, I never said such a thing!

Weier corrected: Aina is only thirteen years old!

Luo Xi shrugged and said, I'm talking about my time there... huh?

He turned around and glanced at Mother Long, who was following him and looking up at the sky, and suddenly remembered something.

A year in this world has 14 months, and a year totals about 410 days. Considering Floresia’s age of 8,000 years old, converting it to his world...

Well, it’s only nine thousand years old, not ten thousand years old, so okay, okay.

Floresia frowned, lowered her head, looked at Luo Xi doubtfully, and asked:

Xiao Luoxi, what's wrong?


Luo Xi brushed away this disrespectful thought towards Mother Long.

He asked: By the way, where is that dead old man? Is he dead?

The destructive bomb formed by the black dragon's power completely erupting in his body, I don't believe it can't kill that guy.

I don't know. Mom wanted to give him a punch, but he was pulled away by a ray of light.

The dragon-horned girl looked to the north. The huge dragon shadow coiled on the outline of the giant tree seemed to fly into the sky.

What is Lord Bahamut doing?

Luo Xi also looked towards the outline of Noah's tree and suddenly said:

Will my grandpa come over later?

The broken scales rated by [Legend -] disappeared after his resurrection. It was probably a one-time amplification product. Of course, even if it was just a one-time use, it was powerful enough to deserve the rating.

Luo Xi was wondering if he could get another one going. Not to mention, it felt quite nice to have a boss behind your back to help you cheat.

Floresia's expression twitched: Why are you still shouting! Bad boy!

Luo Xi pondered: What about grandma?

What grandma? Sir, you are male... huh?

Floresia paused.

She actually doesn't know Lord Bahamut's gender.

Logically speaking, all high-level origin beasts have no concept of male and female. After all, they cannot reproduce in a natural way. What is the use of the distinction between male and female?

However, high-level source beasts will still form gender differences when they incarnate. For example, Floresia herself, the human image she now incarnates is what she looked like when she was a human. She asked Luo Xi to call her mother, and Not dad, this is also a recognition of his female gender.

Therefore, high-level source beasts can also be said to have genders.

But she didn't know whether the original legendary dragons that appeared in this world together with the Great Will and the Eternal World Tree, like adults, had gender distinctions... Just the usual dull and majestic voice, more Reminiscent of men.

Floresia's voice trembled slightly: My lord must be male! Little Luo Xi, don't think too much about it. You have nothing to do with me, you are your mother's child!

Weier blinked aside.

Why does this dragon lady feel anxious?


Luo Xi pointed at the dragon tail behind him and said with a strange expression: The scales on my tail are all black and red. Why do I feel like I am more like a patient with dragon species alienation of the Black Dragon genus?

Because my mother swallowed the black dragon species of a high-ranking lord, and was given a bit of power by the adults, so she was able to successfully advance to the rank of king. The blood factor is naturally mixed with two different attributes, but she still uses the red The dragon genus is the main...

Floresia explained, taking a moment to feel the blood factor condition in Luo Xi's body.

? ? ?

The beauty of the dragon-horned girl changed dramatically.

She felt Lord Bahamut's aura lingering in Luo Xi's body, and his bloodline factors also showed certain signs of 'blackening'.

If things go on like this, the bloodline power that Luo Xi inherited from her may really transform into the black dragon genus, and may even be directly affected by Bahamut and become the lord's genus or heir!

So will little Luo Xi be her child or Lord Bahamut's child?

Want to snatch it back?

How could this be possible?

The girl with dragon horns, Chijin Shutong, gradually became dim, and she squatted down with her eyes blank. Her whole body began to turn gray, and she was still muttering something in her mouth:

Is it reasonable for an adult to steal my child?

No, no, not even Lord Bahamut. Little Luo Xi is mine!

I won't let you out!

Why don't you complain to Lady Alexelita? Will she pay attention to me?

Weier looked at Floresia who was squatting down and talking in confusion.

Is this guy also afraid of something?

Who else wants to steal her child and make this king red dragon so afraid?

Bahamut...is that the black dragon they saw together on the airship?

The corners of Maomao's mouth rose slightly.

Hum, let you also experience the feeling of having something important taken away, bah, this pervert is not my important thing!

Wait a moment!

Weier finally realized the key point.

That black dragon is also coming to snatch Luo Xi?

Maomao glared at Luo Xi fiercely.

How many strange beings did this guy have to do with without their knowledge?

A bunch of guys they don't know will pop up again, right?

Maomao said angrily: You perverted little carrot, give Aina back to me! And send us back to the bedroom!

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +100]

Luo Xi: ?

He handed Aina in his arms to Weier, snapped his fingers and used the remaining power of the sacred tree to send the two of them back. Then he sat next to Mother Long, dazed with her, and watched by the way. Download the various things you currently hold.

He remembered that he had not received the two rewards that were the top contributors in the DLC event of Tree of Void Darkness the day before yesterday.

Because so many things happened after going back yesterday, such as being fucked by Ai Xue, and accompanying Ai Xue to visit her parents during the day... Luo Xi almost forgot about various things.

Luo Xi flipped through the text columns.

[Do you want to receive the reward from the global epic mission ‘Tree of Evil—Void Darkness’? 】


[Traveler, you ranked first with your contribution value and received the following rewards]

[Number of talent effect upgrades x1 (up to golden talents can be upgraded)]

[Random talent extraction chance x1 (must be purple or above talent)]

[Warm reminder: In this talent pool, the probability of extracting white, green, and blue talents is 0%, the probability of extracting purple talents is 90%, and the probability of extracting gold talents is 10%]

It is indeed the number one reward.

Luo Xi clicked Collect with satisfaction.

Just when he was thinking about which talent to upgrade, a feeling of joy coming from deep inside made Luo Xi shudder subconsciously.

Floresia also recovered from her dull graying.

This feeling is unmistakable, Lord Bahamut is here.

At her speed, it would only take ten minutes at least to get from here to where the Noah's Tree is, and for an existence like this, it would probably take more than ten seconds at most.

The red gold vertical hair of the dragon-horned girl regained its luster, showing awe-inspiring eyes.

No matter what, even if she was dissatisfied, she couldn't show it in front of adults.

At most, she could wait for a moment to express her feelings and ask the adults if they could stop trying to steal the child from her.

How about she find a way to find one for the adults?

Are you waiting for me?

Suddenly, a dull and majestic voice sounded in their ears.

Luo Xi was slightly startled.


Amidst the sound of the wind, a black shadow appeared above the two of them.

It was a dragon with only golden eyes and a dark body. At this moment, his size was about ten meters. Around him, there were constantly terrifying space cracks spreading. It seemed that he was just staying here. This It's like the world can't bear his power.

Floresia lowered her head and said respectfully: Lord Bahamut, I'm sorry to trouble you this time.

The adults obviously had something very important, but they came back for them, which made her feel a little ashamed.

The black dragon slowly landed on the ground and said in a deep voice: Xiao Fu, you are too impulsive. You can obviously leave first. Fortunately this time, Alexlita and I just set off not long ago. If we were far away , I can’t make it back in time.”

Sorry... I have caused trouble to you, sir. Floresia lowered her head in shame.

Bahamut said casually: I just don't want to find other dragons to guard that coast. It's very troublesome, and they may not be trustworthy.

The black dragon turned to look at Luo Xi, who was standing blankly aside, then looked at Floresia, and asked jokingly:

Human, are you interested in becoming my vassal? I think you are adaptable to my power quite well.

Floresia: “!


Oh no, no, no, the adults are really going to snatch her child away╥﹏╥!

Luo Xi was stunned, shook his head, and said: Thank you for your attention, but no need.

Black Dragon asked in confusion: Why?

Of course I don't want to really be a dragon. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

A hand was placed on the shoulder of Floresia, who was in shock.

Luo Xi looked at the panicked eyes of the Longjiao girl and said with a smile: I already have a good mother, but if you just ask me to call you grandpa, that's not impossible.

There are so many things about recognizing your mother, but it is very easy to recognize your grandpa.

Little Luo Xi... Floresia looked at Luo Xi movedly.

next moment.

Snapped! —

Who did the naughty kid call me grandpa! Call him again? You were the one who called me grandpa before, right? Huh?!

Black dragon claws fell from the sky and knocked Luo Xi directly into the ground.

My lord, no!...Huh?

Floresia was about to plead for Luo Xi, but then froze.

A voice full of softness, magnetism and charm slowly sounded.

Ahem, cough, cough, it's been so long since I've acted like a human on land, I'm a little unaccustomed to it.

Luo Xi reluctantly poked his head out of the ground, like a rat peeking out of the sewer to peek into the human world.

After seeing the scene in front of him, his breathing stopped instantly.

It was a beautiful woman wearing a snow-white dress with waterfall-like black hair. She put her hands on her face and looked sideways at the sky. Her golden hair was shining slightly, and the curves of her body were as undulating as mountains and rivers. , through the translucent snow-white dress, you can also see the snowy white on the thighs.

[Note: Great! It’s actually a female! Bad! Not a little loli! 】


One more chapter, about two o'clock, four thousand words.

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