Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 291 The adults are going to snatch the child! The black dragon transformed by Yu Jie?

In the northern region of Pancontinent, an area directly protected by Noah, the Eternal World Tree, the City of Yaoguang has a population of nearly six million, accounting for one-tenth of the total population of the Kingdom of Yaoguang.

And in the very center of the city, the tree with a height of 10,000 meters reaching the sky and a tree diameter of 1,000 meters at the bottom is like the eternal tree of the world that touches the sky and the earth - Noah, as the foundation of the Kingdom of Shining Light, stands on this land. The years that mortals cannot count.

Only by coming to this city in person can you know the shock it brings.

Under the night, the warm light at the bottom of the 10,000-meter giant tree is like a falling star, illuminating all life in the city, dispersing the long-term cold winter that shrouds this land, allowing people to travel normally even late at night.

Even though it is late at night, this is still a city that never sleeps. All kinds of lighting sources and devices are lit up in the city for free. There are also all kinds of travel equipment, such as small airships, source power vehicles, streets train......

Compared with those backward towns on the fringes, travelers from other worlds who have been here will find that the City of Light already has the feel of an industrialized metropolis in the 19th century.

The real highest person in this country is the Pope of the Noahic Church, and the Pope is responsible for communicating directly with the Tree of Noah, obtaining oracles, and overseeing the protection of all towns along the Noah's root system.

Controllers of sacred trees that are more than 100 meters tall can only work in the corresponding towns after being recognized by the Pope. The Pope has the supreme authority to directly deprive the controllers of any sacred tree of authority.

The lords of the six Davidic cities were also under supervision.

In short, the Pope of Noah's Church is the most powerful person in the Kingdom of Light.

However, at this moment, outside the brilliance of Noah's tree, a terrifying black creature as big as a mountain appeared. Its claws held down the rising light of Noah, and it was still calling the Pope of Noah's Church. Let him come out and talk!

This situation is like a nightmare coming!

Thirty-third Street.

Dozens of people gathered in an underground wine shop.

Tonight, a 'Traveler's Gathering' is being held here. All players in the City of Light can come here to trade their items and important information with each other.

After the last update, although the Dreamland trading platform was launched, its matching mechanism brought too much uncertainty, and the number of daily transactions was limited. Sometimes it was more convenient to trade directly face-to-face.

Is there any replacement for the green excellent+ shield?

Is there any sublimation material of the genus Pyrogen? Urgent!

Does anyone have materials like adamantine and mithril?

Yellow Wind Singer's sublimation path - singer profession, zero-level, first-level and second-level emblems and formulas are complete, change to a blue outfit.

Singers? Those weak bards? What a rubbish profession that no one can play with. Don't be fooled.

If you don't want to buy it, you won't buy it. What do you want to do to slander my things?

Oh, singers are rubbish. They are far inferior to warriors and knights, the two common sublimation path professions. You can go to the forum and see for yourself. The first few levels have no fighting ability at all.

[Traveller, there is a quarrel in the wine shop and it is very chaotic. Do you want to go out? 】

Why are you arguing again...Forget it, there's nothing good to do today. Let's go out for a walk.


Yan Yuan clicked on the text and let the character walk out of the wine shop.

He is a player in the first large-scale closed beta test, and his birth point is in this city, but he has not thought about leaving. After all, there is everything here.

Sublimation paths, rare equipment, advanced skills...as long as you have money, you can get everything here.

Compared with those players who were born in a place where birds do not shit, they are relatively lucky.

You can make a lot of money just by mining here.

After entering the mine, many players used their dream bags to steal the source marrow ore in the mine and made a lot of money. However, it seems that more players have been doing this recently. Some people have been discovered and some have been arrested. The native NPC blocked and killed.

Although the existence of the players seems to have been completely exposed after the last Tree of Void Darkness DLC event, the natives of the Dream World do not seem to have the ability to directly determine their identities.

These travelers from other worlds are called immortals in the mouths of high-ranking people.

Yan Yuan also heard that some players were recruited into the palace as a blessing in disguise.

But this has nothing to do with him.

He just wanted to get some more initial resources here.

And isn’t the royal family here a mascot?

[Traveler, you heard a voice full of magic resounding in the mid-air of the City of Light]

[—That's it. The Pope of this generation of Noah's Church, come out and talk to me.\

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