Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 255: Mother will punish the bad boy if he disobeys!


Ai Xue looked at her phone.

More than half an hour has passed.

Why hasn't Senior woke up yet?

Could it be that the senior is still playing happily with the two sisters in that world?

But this is too long.

And when she thought that her senior might be somewhere she couldn't see, having stories with other girls, Ai Xue felt a little jealous in her heart.

Jiujian also looked up towards the stairs from time to time.

He drank almost three cups of tea.

Where are the Luo Xi people?

Just wait a moment...


After Luo Xi heard what the Longjiao girl said, he wondered if he had just woken up from a dream.

Is there really a dragon lady with such a gentle and amiable personality?

There’s no need to emphasize how big it is!

Luo Xi was just a little surprised as to why this dragon lady was so obsessed with the 'child'.

Or is it that her extremely gentle character is only shown to her 'child'?

How did she know that she would become a dragon in the future?

Humans or other creatures that have not embarked on the extraordinary path, after being infected with the alienation factor, will more or less transform in the direction of the source beast as the factor's erosion deepens and reaches a certain level.

However, there are also people who can maintain their human bodies and gain stronger power from the alienation factors. For example, the rat king North, who has the 'twin snake and rat' factor, has a fourth-level strength, but he still maintains his human form.

Can't he also master the power of alienation with his human nature?

And according to what the girl with dragon horns said, many source beasts spread alienation factors not only to make heirs with their own factors appear, but also to obtain 'material' for promotion.

Origin beasts with the same bloodline are more likely to devour each other and thus reach a higher level.

This is also one of the important reasons why those source beasts spread factors.

And this Red Dragon Lady's attitude towards children is just like humans towards their own children.

Is it because she was originally a human?

Luo Xi suddenly wanted to know the story of this dragon lady when she was a human.

Unfortunately, eight thousand years is an insurmountable chasm.

It has been so long that even this dragon lady herself has forgotten her days as a human.

Now, she is already a fifth-level king's dragon, and there is an essential life class gap between her and humans.

I just don’t know which level of existence she belongs to among the king level.

With such strength, she naturally looks down on humans like herself who have just embarked on the path of alienation. Even if it is used as food, it will not be enough to fill the teeth, right?

Kid, what are you thinking about?

The Longjiao girl felt Luo Xi's mind fluctuating, so she asked, What do you want to ask? Mom can answer it for you anytime, anywhere.


Call mom!

The girl with dragon horns raised her thin eyebrows in displeasure and put her hands on her hips. The red-gold boy glared at Luo Xi and said, Mom has said it several times. If you make this kind of mistake again in the future, you will be punished for being disobedient. It’s a baby!”

Luo Xi: ......

(〃> dishes<)! If you're going crazy with the dog text, then go ahead!

Mom... He whispered.

【Ding! Your shame value +100]

After Luo Xi shouted those two words to the Longjiao girl, she immediately felt ashamed and her mind went blank.

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?

Is there anything in the world that is more shameful than calling a girl who looks so young mom?

If there is, it can only be discovered by an acquaintance after turning into a rosary, right?


The girl with dragon horns nodded repeatedly, swaying the dragon tail behind her with a look of joy on her face.

Only then did Luo Xi realize that no matter how he talked with this dragon lady, the other party's various emotions and even favorability towards him were not reflected in any text.

Is it because she is so powerful that the text cannot detect it?

Luo Xi said weakly: Well, can I replace this 'mother' with 'sister'?

Calling her sister at least seemed more normal.

I can also shout out loud.

How can this be changed?

The Longjiao girl immediately rejected Luo Xi's idea, and then said thoughtfully: My child, do you want a sister? But there are almost no pure creatures that can carry the power of mother's blood. Most of them will go berserk because of their blood. If you become an out-of-control monster, in fact a lord-level existence, it will be difficult to have heirs.

So, you are most likely mom's only child!

The Longjiao girl suddenly took Luo Xi's hand and pushed him into her arms.

The first feeling is soft.

Then a pleasant aroma poured into his nose, stimulating his fragile spirit, and his already blank mind became completely confused.

What's going on?

Didn't you say you want to increase my strength?

Is this what is called increasing strength?

【Ding! Your happiness value +288]

Any normal man would be very happy!

Luo Xi tried to struggle.

Then gave up.

Certainly not because I wanted to deliberately enjoy the moment.

Without him, I can't move without struggling.

His naked strength is only eighty or ninety points, this one must be far more than him.

But to be honest, this feeling is indeed very... awesome.

[Note: In short, this is a feeling that cats and cute wolves cannot experience! 】

Indeed... I didn't say anything!

The girl with dragon horns caressed Luo Xi's head and said softly: My child, if you have anything you want to talk about, just tell your mother!

Luo Xi was completely confused about this dragon lady's brain circuit.

He let out a soft 'hmm', and as the girl's strength loosened, his face lifted from the soft side. A sense of loss just arose, and his eyes were attracted to the girl's feet on the soil.


This dragon lady is definitely here to test him!

Luo Xi took a deep breath, took two steps back and sat on the ground, holding her forehead and saying: Mom...Mom, your previous name was Floresia, right?

The dragon-horned girl nodded: That was my mother's name when she was still a human.

Then can I call you Floresia's mother?

It's okay, it's okay.

The dragon horn girl asked in confusion: Why do you need to add a name?

Luo Xi said: Because, in that case, it won't be too embarrassing and you can shout.

Mainly because Luo Xi planned to shout for a while.

If you meet her again in the future, you can try to remove the suffix of 'mom' and just call her by her name.

[Note: The traveler’s little calculation is really loud~]

The Longjiao girl nodded in understanding and asked, What's your name, kid?

Luo Xi. He said.

Floresia remembered this short name in her heart, then raised her head and said: It's not too early, how about we start? Mom just felt some of the blood power that has been activated in your body, and found that you still have many abilities. In a state of slumber.”

She pointed to the lava sea under the dirt platform, smiled and said, How about going down for a swim with mom first?

Luo Xi: ?!

Didn't you look like a loving mother and a filial piety just now?

Why do you want to murder the child now?

He glanced at the boiling magma below, swallowed, and said, Can you not swim?


The dragon horn girl walked over, lifted Luo Xi with one hand, and threw him directly into the magma sea.

puff! —

Luo Xi fell into the magma without any accident, splashing a large amount of magma.

However, the heat below was not as hot as he thought, and layers of black and red scales automatically appeared on his body, covering his whole body, reducing a large part of the high temperature of the magma.

Snapped! —

Another large amount of magma splashed, and some of it even touched Luo Xi's face.

The girl took off her clothes again, and the girl covered with red fine scales floated in the lava. She looked at Luo Xi's body and sighed softly: That adult's power still affects you a lot. Mom's side is just like this. A small number of them, when they come to you, are affected to a much higher degree.”

Luo Xi asked doubtfully: What?

Is she saying that she not only has the ability of the red dragon but also the power of the black dragon?


Floresia shook her head and said: You try to eat this magma first. This magma has been transformed by mother's overflowing power for thousands of years. It is now in a mild state. If you can absorb some of it, it will be enough. You activated abilities that were still dormant.

Luo Xi: ?

Is this thing really meant for people to eat?

[Note: Traveler, if it’s delicious, eat more! 】


Five hours have passed since Luo Xi disappeared. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

The sky gradually darkened.

Weier and Aina, along with dozens of people from the village, came to the place where the Hollow Flower was.

Half of the people in the village were unwilling to leave.

If you don't want to leave, Weier won't force you.

Aina bit her lip and said, Sister Wei'er, do we really want to leave our brother here and go back directly?

Wei'er said helplessly: Aina, you said that even if you find that guy, you can't get Luo Xi back from that girl, right?

When Weier thought about the powerful strength of the dragon-horned girl, she felt desperate.

So much time has passed now.

Luo Xi wouldn't have been subjected to this or that, right?

What she and Ai Xue agreed upon was completely useless.

Who would have known that this guy was just like a piece of cake? Now he has been abducted and no one knows where he has been. He has completely lost contact with him.

I have to think of a way...

By the way, is that cradle still in Berggli Town?

Sister, cradle!

Aina's voice also sounded from the side.

Weier and Aina looked at each other. It could be said that the sisters had a tacit understanding. Together, they thought that that thing might help them regain contact with Luo Xi.

The little wolf girl's expression changed, and she said to her sister fiercely: Sister Wei'er, last time it was you, this time it's Aina! We agreed to do it one person at a time!

Weier: ...

If I snatch this opportunity, what will happen to Aina when she wakes up?

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