Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 254: Follow the lovely Red Dragon Loli mother!

Eight thousand years?

This Black Abyss Flame Dragon has lived for eight thousand years!

You must know that the Xia Kingdom has a recorded civilization process up to now, which is more than 5,000 years!

Are all the source beasts' lives so long?

The red dragon seemed to sense the surprise of Luo Xi above her. She chuckled and said: When you complete your transformation, child, you will also be able to have such a long life. Different from the small and fragile body when you were a human being, we are Having truly completed evolution and transcendence in the nature of life, a king-level existence can live for tens of thousands of years, and the abyss emperor above it has a lifespan of almost infinite.

Many human beings are stumbling on the road to pursuit of sublimation, but who says that the alienation of blood is not a different kind of sublimation? It's just that too many people are unable to carry the power that is too transcendent.

For example, you are the only one who has integrated mom's blood factor so perfectly. It took mom more than five thousand years and many hardships of life and death to achieve her current strength, and you only need to combine it with her. By slowly developing, integrating, and adapting, it can grow countless times faster than its mother.

My child, mother is waiting for the day when you transform.

Black Abyss Flame Dragon's voice was full of expectation.

Luo Xi just wanted to say don’t do that kind of thing!

If he completely turns into a dragon, with the synchronization of soul and essence changes between the dream world and reality, he will also become a dragon in reality, right?

[Note: Hey hey~ Become a dragon queen and be re-humanized. You can choose and reshape your appearance independently. Traveler, you can turn into your favorite little lolita (???)~]

Luo Xi: !

He has been worried about whether Gouben has any other ways to trick him besides the dream trading platform.

So you are waiting for me here!

Since we can't use the Hollow Mother Flower, let's go up first. It's not good to stay here for too long.

The red dragon said something, then flapped its wings in the sea water, pushing away countless sea water, and the huge thrust carried Luo Xi upwards.

The red dragon made a lot of noise this time. At this moment, Luo Xi felt a shuddering will coming from the distant deep ocean. However, the red dragon was very fast and entered the place after a moment. In the bright volcanic gap in the deep sea, Luo Xi was taken upwards.

Ten seconds later, with the violent eruption of a large amount of magma and the earthquake that shook the earth, the giant dragon more than a hundred meters long reappeared above the volcanic community and reached an altitude of about a thousand meters.

Luo Xi took a big breath of fresh air. He tightly grasped the edge of the red dragon's horns and looked in the direction of the sea, his eyes suddenly shrinking.

【Ding! Your fear value +99! 】

In the originally calm sea, an unknown object hundreds of meters high, made up of seawater, actually climbed up. The surface of the object seemed to be a mixture of countless limbs, and huge tentacles of purple-black sticky lake stretched out from the object. They kept waving towards the sky, and many of them were stabbing towards Luo Xi!

What the hell is that? !


The Black Abyss Flame Dragon let out a thunderous roar in the direction of the unknown object and the sea, and spit out black and red entangled flames from its mouth, burning the piercing tentacles to ashes, and also burned the seawater in a large area of ​​the sea. into a large sheet of white steam.

The huge monster with unknown tentacles was also hit by the flames. It let out a soul-piercing cry from nowhere, then dived into the sea and disappeared.

The sea soon returned to calm.

Those things really want to climb up all the time.

The red dragon flapped its wings in the sky, and a disgusted voice said in Luo Xi's ear: Time and time again, whenever there is any movement, I want to go ashore. I don't know when I will be able to burn them completely to ashes, and I will never be able to do it again. Resurrection, my mother is almost sick from these things.

Luo Xi asked: What exactly are they?

Mom doesn't know either. After the three eternal sacred trees were destroyed, the sea became full of these weird things, so the adult asked my mother to guard here to prevent them from landing.

That lord?

The red dragon said in an admiring tone: Don't say more. As long as you can continue to transform my child, maybe one day you will see him with your own eyes.

Luo Xi fell silent.

The water in this dream world is too deep.

Except for the land where people can stay on the ground, the sky and the ocean seem to have become a restricted area of ​​life. As for the thing just now, ordinary dream travelers or humans in the dream world will definitely die if they go to the sea.

This Black Abyss Flame Dragon is so powerful that it can take Luo Xi in and out of this strange ocean at will.

In other words, you need at least level five strength to go into the sea.

[Note: Traveler, we urgently need talented people like you to save the world! After you save the world, all the little lolita with animal ears in the world will be yours. Maybe someone will write a biography for you called The Legend of the Lolita King in the future. Thinking about it this way, isn't it wonderful? Feeling motivated? 】

Luo Xi's mouth twitched.

Just by looking at the title of the book, this biography is definitely the type that cannot be opened!

This guy definitely knows a lot.

But it just doesn’t tell itself.

[Note: Sometimes, ignorance is also a kind of protection~]

Luo Xi suddenly remembered the way to sublimate the 'Ice and Snow Disaster' when he got it, and the Hui Zhao column was full of ****.

Does the mere knowledge of something cause problems?

The red dragon stared at the sea for several minutes, and after confirming that nothing there had hit the coast again, he took Luo Xi and fell from the sky again.

Luo Xi jumped off her head, stepped on the edge of the crater with her feet, looked at the hot magma inside, and had many thoughts in her heart.

This visit was not a loss, and he learned a lot of things that he didn't know before.

[Note: There is also an additional red dragon loli baby mother! (This is the point!)]

That's not the point!

The huge size of the Black Abyss Flame Dragon gradually began to turn into an illusory shadow in front of Luo Xi's eyes.

Finally, a red-haired girl with dragon horns who was naked and without any clothes appeared in front of Luo Xi again. Her petite figure and snow-white erectness added a touch of beauty to the emerald forest that was already full of spring. Touching colors.

Luo Xi: ???

Weren't you wearing clothes just now?

Why did the clothes disappear after changing back to human form?

The girl with dragon horns noticed Luo Xi's gaze, glanced down at her body, and then said with a smile: Wait a moment, mom forgot that she took away the clothes when she changed back. She was still a human before. , seems to care about the clothes on my body, but it’s been so long ago that I can’t even remember the feeling of happiness when I have new clothes.”

Luo Xi put aside his head and said, Can I ask what your previous name was?

The Longjiao girl frowned and said, Don't use the title 'you', call me mom.

Luo Xi: 0Дq.

The human form transformed by the Black Abyss Flame Dragon seems to be almost petite except for the white snow there which is much larger than that of a cat. It is really difficult for him to say Mother!

The girl with dragon horns frowned her delicate eyebrows and said: As for the name, let mom think about it. Mom's human name at that time seemed to be 'Frolesia'.

Eight thousand years was so long that she had already forgotten many things about her time as a human. She couldn't even remember when she transformed from a human into a dragon.


Luo Xi recited the name silently and looked at his synchronization time this time.

Less than two minutes left.

In two minutes, he can exit this world and communicate with this dragon lady in the form of text.

This is what Luo Xi originally thought.

Until the red-gold eyes of the girl with dragon horns looked over, the volcanic communities around him and the forest scene in the distance suddenly transformed into a fiery magma land, and he himself was on a suspended earth platform.

【Ding! You have entered a special place, your synchronization time is updated to? ? ? 】

Luo Xi: !

A familiar situation!

Liya did this to him last time too!

Generally speaking, the player's synchronization time is only 30 minutes per day, but when trapped in certain special situations, this time will be extended indefinitely.

Unless you die, you cannot escape at will.

The Ryukaku girl had already put on her clothes again. The black dress fit her perfectly, but when she put on her socks again, the white socks were inexplicably ignited.

She angrily wiped the fire off her socks, and then threw the socks into the lava below.

Luo Xi subconsciously glanced at the place where the socks fell.

[Note: Traveler, don’t you feel a pity? 】


The Longjiao girl didn't wear socks and shoes at all. She stood barefoot on the dirt platform, walked to Luo Xi and said, You are too weak. Even if you say you want to go back, my mother doesn't trust you. We are going like this, so I have to think of a way to increase your strength, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net, to give you more ability to protect yourself.

Well, actually I am very capable of protecting myself.

No need to show off.

The girl with dragon horns raised her hand and put it on Luo Xi's head, touched his horns, and showed a loving smile: Mom didn't know you existed before, but now that she knows, she will definitely not let you get hurt outside. Danger and harm.”

As for what you said about being able to use the Hollow Flower, it has not been confirmed yet, but mom already believes you. There is a small fossil hollow flower nearby. When this time is over, mom will take you there in person.

Luo Xi: ...

Is this red dragon mother determined to give him a 'special training'?

At least let him go back first and talk to Maomao and the others!

Luo Xi finally asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

Are other Origin Beasts...or dragons, like you, so gentle towards humans infected with their alienation factors?

I told you not to use the title 'you'.

The dragon-horned girl tilted her head and said in confusion: I don't know about the mothers of other dragons, but that's probably not the case. Many dragons will eat their transformed children as materials for advancement in order to reach a higher level. level.

As if she was afraid of scaring Luo Xi, she immediately continued: Mom would never do this! How can anyone eat their own children? That kind of evil dragon will get its comeuppance sooner or later!

[Note: Traveler, if you have such a righteous outlook on life, the cute and petite red dragon loli mother, why not just follow her~]



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