Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 252: She really wants to be my mother!

The dragon-horned girl flies extremely fast.

Almost as soon as Luo Xi saw something in the distant sky, the next moment, the girl took Luo Xi there, and then went to a more distant place again in the same way.

Rather than flying, it's more like 'flashing' in the sky at a speed that Luo Xi can't understand at all. It's like an ability to move, but the frequency of use and the distance each time are so high that it's as if Her source of energy reserves are endless.

Luo Xi didn't know what the other party wanted to take him to do.

Of course, there was no such thing as fear. He would not die anyway, so Luo Xi was a little worried about Maomao and Aina who were still in the village.

If he saw it correctly at that time, the two female silver-haired elves should not be dead yet.

The young lady who was dragging him probably didn't regard those two people as a threat at all.

[Note: Traveler, hello, it’s not like your two beast-eared girls can’t do anything after leaving you. They have lived alone in a place like Greystone Street for three years, so they are no better than you~]

Luo Xi: ...

It's heartbreaking.

But it is true.

Not talking about Aina, Weier's current age is only 18 years old in reality.

18-year-old Luo Xi had just graduated from high school and started working during the summer. At that time, he foolishly found a shady agency and was cheated of hundreds of dollars. From this point of view, the two precocious and sensible sisters were indeed better than He is much stronger.

Weier also has many scrolls drawn by Liya.

Simply dealing with those two elves shouldn't be a problem.

And they probably won't stay in that dangerous village anymore. They know they won't die. At most, they just don't know when they will come back.

If they don't go back for a long time, the two of them should return to Berggry Town through the Hollow Flower.

Luo Xi also left a cradle in the Berger manor.

Calculating the time, the cooling time of Cradle and Homing will be refreshed around one or two o'clock this afternoon.

This is also a channel they can use to connect.

Thinking of this, Luo Xi's anxious mood relaxed a lot. He looked up at the girl with dragon horns who was holding him, feeling the strange connection hidden in his body, and his expression gradually became weird.

real or fake?

Is this girl really the transformation of the Black Abyss Flame Dragon?

Luo Xi had seen the appearance of the Black Abyss Flame Dragon in a dream.

So why did the violent, ferocious and domineering red dragon become like this?

Turned into a petite and cute little red dragon loli...

Moreover, the Source Beast, the source of the alienation factor, personally came to the door and forcibly abducted the humans infected with the factor... How outrageous is this!

[Note: Traveler, doesn’t this fit your aesthetic perfectly? The mother of the red dragon was also kidnapped. Compared to the mother-in-law who still doesn’t know where she is, this is a new thigh! 】

Who dares to do this!

Luo Xi witnessed with his own eyes the girl beating up the elf city lord of Yuye City.

The strength of that city lord may be comparable to Liya.

But he was knocked away with just one punch.

Not on the same level at all.

Luo Xi looked at his remaining synchronization time this time.

There are still about twenty minutes left.

When he was predicting how long he would have to fly this time, the dragon-horned girl slowed down and led him down.

The two flew for about two minutes.

Luo Xi looked back.

The emerald outline of the Eternal World Tree hidden in the clouds and mist looked increasingly distant. He suspected that he might have covered a distance of nearly a thousand kilometers in the past two minutes.

This speed is really terrifying.

Below is a volcanic mountain range with white smoke everywhere. There are large and small craters everywhere. The pungent smell of sulfur hits his nose. Hot lava is constantly surging in the volcano, and it can erupt at any time. Maybe, some volcanic craters are already flowing out of magma.

Further ahead, there is an endless blue sea. The sea surface is as calm as a mirror, unlike the rough sea in Luo Xi's impression.

The ocean forms a sharp contrast with the volcanic communities here, with one motion and one silence.

Luo Xi remembered someone saying on the epic journey list, ‘Don’t go into the sea’.

Is there something hidden in the ocean?

Anyway, he knew that the 10,000-meter-high sky was not a place for people to go up and play.

When she was about a hundred meters close to the ground, the girl suddenly let go of her hand and let Luo Xi fall towards the ground. Luo Xi quickly adjusted his body, and finally landed firmly in a volcano crater. edge.

A heat that made him feel extremely comfortable poured into his body from the volcano.


It was so comfortable that Luo Xi groaned involuntarily.

【Ding! You have unlocked the area: Red Flame Mountain Volcano Group]

【Ding! You unlocked the area: Ocean (the southernmost part of the Emerald Forest)]

【Ding! Your factor concentration has increased by 0.3 percentage points]

[Current factor concentration: 5.51%]

The increase in factor concentration is also expected.

After all, he used the dragon transformation skill.

Even resurrection cannot erase the fact that he used the dragon transformation skill.


Warm wind blows.

Luo Xi's eyes flashed, and the girl with dragon horns came to him. At this moment, she had lost the flames and red scales that were wrapped around her body during the previous battle, and only her gorgeous red hair hung around her waist.

Even under the synchronous vision of this model lake, the fair and tender skin can still see some important parts. The pair of snow-white tall and beautiful legs are completely different from the flat body that Luo Xi originally thought.

【Ding! Your happiness value +10]

[Note: Traveler, this is your red dragon mother, you can’t look at it! 】

Where did I get the red dragon mother? Dog text, you crawl!

Even for the Origin Beast, humans who can activate factors are their children, but Luo Xi didn't want to admit that he had an extra mother inexplicably.

This kind of thing is too weird!

The Longjiao girl stared directly at Luo Xi's face.

Luo Xi forcibly resisted looking down. He was also looking at the girl's face. The cold gaze in those red-gold eyes had faded away, and turned into curiosity about the unknown.

A clear and beautiful voice sounded directly in Luo Xi's mind.

My child, when did you obtain the power of my blood?

Luo Xi: !


Is this a high-level source beast? Not only can it be personified, but it can also speak.

[Note: Traveler, this is why we say it doesn’t matter if you become a dragon or a human, you can still change back in the end~]

That’s different, okay!

Whether one is essentially a human or a dragon is quite important to Luo Xi.

Luo Xi's lips moved slightly, wanting to speak, and then he saw the girl in front of him hugging him, her soft body pressed against him, and the hot body temperature penetrated into his body through his clothes.

【Ding! Your happiness value +20]

[Note: The traveler is going to be poked, okay! 】

Okay, what a size you are!


This girl, who is most likely transformed into the Black Abyss Flame Dragon, doesn't really want to force him to do anything, does she?

Luo Xi thought uneasily, but the kind of plot that only appeared in the first episode did not appear. The girl with dragon horn seemed to be just holding him and feeling something.

That clear and beautiful voice sounded in his mind again.

In all these long years, no creature has ever been able to carry my power. How can you do it with such a weak body? And it is perfectly integrated.

Luo Xi just wanted to say how do I know.

You have to ask Dog Text about this.

The alien talent was also forced upon him by Gou Wenwen.

I do not know why.

Luo Xi whispered: Well, can you put on some clothes first? And who are you?

Although he already had an answer in his mind, Luo Xi still wanted to get confirmation from the other party in person.

Me? I am the source of the blood power in your body. And clothes? Do you mean useless things like this on your body? I remember I collected some before.

The Longjiao girl frowned slightly. She let go of Luo Xi's hand, then took out a box from somewhere and opened it. There were many clothes piled together in the box.

She casually picked one up and put it on in front of Luo Xi.

Luo Xi was a little surprised.

Judging from the tone of the other party, it was obviously just the first time to wear it, but her proficiency seemed to be that she had worn it countless times.

The girl was wearing a pure black dress that matched her petite body very well. It was decorated with exquisite patterns and had layers of lace pleats, but the chest showed off the white color that did not match her body shape.

If a cat sees it, he will definitely be furious about why such a body is so big.

Further down are the pure white stockings that wrap around the calves. The texture is delicate and soft. This is completely invisible in the Kingdom of Light, but it is comparable to the long white silk stockings in reality.

Luo Xi's face was filled with questions.

What's going on with this red dragon lady!

Is it the Black Abyss Flame Dragon?

And why on earth did you bring yourself here?

It can't be just to show him clothes, right?

It should be okay, right?

The girl raised her head and looked at Luo Xi, with a maternal smile on her face.

She said: You are the only descendant that I have waited for thousands of years to inherit the power of my bloodline. You are not the kind of low-level thing that has been corroded into a brainless thing. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net As long as you are I will try my best to meet your requirements.

You can stay here until you successfully digest all the blood power. I will protect you well and never let you encounter the same dangerous things as before.

Luo Xi: (((;???;)))!

Damn it, she really thinks of herself as his mother!

[Note: Traveler, this is the greatness of maternal love! 】


Weier said to Peril: Do you want to go with us? This village is already very unsafe. We come from a very far away place where there is no discrimination against people with alienation syndrome.

Peril didn't quite believe what Weier said.

Is there really such a place in the world?

Even if it does happen, how long will it take?

It won't be long.

Weier said softly: Just wait for another three or four hours.

We'll wait for him here. If he doesn't come back by then, we'll leave first.

Aina asked from the side: Sister Wei'er, what should we do with these two elves?


Weier glanced at the two useless elves in the corner who were trapped by the power of the scroll and were unable to move, hugging each other and shivering.

She wanted to just kill him.

But this is an elf.

Never seen before.

Maybe it has great research value.

Why don't you take it back first? We'll deal with it later.

Anyway, that guy Luo Xi probably wouldn't be interested in this kind of elf without a tail and ears...

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