Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 251 Are you ready to feel your mother’s love?

Luo Xi: 0Дq!

Centered on the petite dragon-horned girl who suddenly appeared in front of her, the space itself, which should have been invisible and qualityless, showed ripples like a rippling lake surface due to the high temperature.

The surging heat almost melted his body.

However, after noticing his presence, the heat seemed to deliberately avoid him, so that the village behind him did not suffer any damage.

The field of view in normal sync mode is not originally clear.

But Luo Xi could still clearly see the petite dragon-horned girl standing in the sea of ​​fire. Neither the high temperature, which was enough to turn everything into coke, nor the undulating ripples, could cause any harm to her.

After all, who would be hurt by their own strength?

She was clearly standing there, but it gave people a feeling of being far away. The 'clothes' turned into red flames covered important parts of her body. Her pretty face was so delicate that she didn't look like a human being. Her long red hair As if the magnificent flames are burning forever, the red gold vertical boy conceals a cold gaze.

Luo Xi looked at the beautiful side face of the Longjiao girl and felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Why, he felt like he had seen it somewhere?

[Note: Traveler, have you forgotten how cute you looked after you turned into a little red dragon lolita? 】

Luo Xi: !

He rubbed his eyes and looked over again.

It really looks a bit like it!

It even reminded Luo Xi of the seven-point resemblance between Maomao and the big cat (Liya).

Wait a minute, wasn’t that costume made by you, Gou Wenwen? !

[Note: We are not that free! φ(≧w≦*)?】

I believe you as a ghost!

Luo Xi took a deep breath.

So is this dragon-horned girl who suddenly appeared also someone with the alienation factor of the 'Black Abyss Flame Dragon' in her body?

Is it because you noticed his existence through the connection between factors, so you came here to help him?

He didn’t have any doubts about the dog’s previous words of calling ‘Mom’.

You must know that dogs almost never act and speak properly.

[Note: Traveler, why not make a bolder guess? 】

Come on, could it be that the Black Abyss Flame Dragon came over in person?

That is a king-level dragon.

How could he have nothing to do and come here just to find him?

At the same time, while Luo Xi was shocked and confused, Lai Rui was already complaining endlessly.

He held up a silver light curtain to block all the strong winds and protect his daughter and niece behind him, but the source flames, which were obviously higher than him, were still eroding his defense.

Lairui tried to use the moving elf spell to leave, but found that the space here was completely chaotic. He also tried flying away, but the external pressure trapped him in place.

This made Lai Rui extremely horrified.

Even though he cannot use the power of the sacred tree outside Yuye City, he is a fourth-level ascendant, the city lord blessed and recognized by the Elf Mother Tree. He has been in power for more than 800 years, and his strength continues throughout the entire city. Each Emerald Forest is at the forefront.

But the power emanating from this dragon-horned girl has exceeded the limit of what he can defend against.

Could it be that this is a fifth-level alienation-type transcendent? As a human being, he entered the king-level realm that only source beasts can enter?

Past experience made Lai Rui feel that this was completely impossible.

But it actually happened in front of his eyes.

Otherwise, who would tell him who the dragon-horned girl in front of him was who put tremendous pressure on him before she even took action? !

Irina said in horror: Father...Father, what is that?

Aimee also said weakly: Uncle, why don't we leave.

Shut up, you two!

Lai Rui angrily scolded his two useless nieces and daughters.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he and his brother had only had one daughter for a thousand years, they would have been ignored today.

He got himself involved in such a dangerous situation.

At this time, the dragon-horned girl in front looked up at him. Although her whole body was covered with scorching flames, her red-gold vertical hair did not contain any warmth.

From the bottom of Rui Rui's heart, a chilling feeling of death emerged.

will die!

This is definitely a fifth-level existence!

Without relying on the sacred tree, he wouldn't even be able to compete a few times!

Just like the incarnation of a king-level source beast!


Lai Rui suddenly remembered that an elder of the elves once said that some king-level source beasts could be transformed into human forms, but they had no reason to do so.

Lai Rui looked at the young man behind the girl with dragon horns.

If this is the case, could it be that the source of the dragon alienation factor in his body comes from—

Lai Rui's body stagnated.

The moment his sight shifted, the dragon-horned girl had already come to his side. The red flames on her body receded, and layers of red dragon scales grew rapidly on her body, covering her fair body and body in the blink of an eye. Her limbs turned into her battle clothes!

Then, the Ryukaku girl punched him expressionlessly.


Lairui roared angrily, using all his strength to block the punch.

sublimation field.

Elven spell—the wall of purity.

After all, he is also a fourth-level peak sublime, and there is no way he can die from such an attack so easily, even if the opponent is the incarnation of King Dragon Beast!

The fierce power smashed away Rui Rui in an instant, and together with part of the airship's structure, it flew into the distant sky.

The dragon-horned girl raised her head and opened her red lips. After a moment, countless concentric circles began to overlap each other, and a blazing wave was more than ten times greater than the 'Flame Breath Judgment' used by the airship to wash the floor that Luo Xi had seen before. The flame pillar soared into the sky, completely covering Lairui who was still flying, and rushed towards the more distant sky.

Lai Rui barely resisted the flames on the horizon. He saw that the dragon-horned girl below seemed to have no intention of hitting him again after she fired this blow, which made him feel a little lucky.

We must return to Yuye City quickly.

However, he thought of his niece and daughter who were still in the half of the airship.

The thought of going back to save people only flashed through Lai Rui's mind for a second.

The daughter and niece appeared to be dead.

The girl could incinerate them all with just a breath.

It's hopeless. Say goodbye.

Let's make another one when we get back.

“?┃??”【Region Shift】

Lai Rui decisively chose to use the elf spell to move away.

He decided not to leave Yuye City for a hundred years, no, two hundred years!

Until the next child is born!


Wei'er, Aina, and Xiaolin all crowded at the door and looked at the battlefield over there.

The situation on the battlefield changed so fast that they could not react.

First, Luo Xi blocked the airship's attack, and then Luo Xi was knocked out by the airship's gray light cannon. After Luo Xi resurrected, he shot down the airship. When the powerful male elf arrived, Weier thought that this time he might have kicked an iron plate.

She held the precious scrolls her mother had given her and prepared to throw them out in one go.

Unexpectedly, a red-haired girl with dragon horns suddenly fell from the sky and knocked the seemingly very powerful elf away with a few punches.

Aina's tea-gold eyes were also full of surprise.

The face of the girl with dragon horns...isn't it the same face as the last time brother Luo Xi turned into a girl in that world?

Although not exactly the same, there are still great similarities.

For example, the eyebrows and eyes are almost exactly the same.

Also, the smell.

Fundamentally speaking, the smells on the two of them seemed to come from the same source.

How did brother Luo Xi meet such a powerful girl?

Wei'er murmured softly: It's so amazing.

Only possessing this kind of strength is the basis for ensuring that a person can travel around this continent, right?

Then, Wei'er saw the figure of the girl with dragon horns flickering, and the next moment she appeared beside Luo Xi, her hands grabbing at Luo Xi's body.

not good!

Weier immediately wanted to rush out.

Although the Dragon Horn girl helped them, they still didn't know each other's details.

However, as soon as Weier took a step, the other party seemed to notice something. The cold red and gold twins looked over, making her legs weaken and her body trembling uncontrollably.

Aina held Weier's hand tightly, and she also felt the sense of danger.

Xiaolin beside her was too frightened to raise her head. Peril, who was still outside, also lowered his head deeply.

This is the awe of the strong.

Then, Wei'er and Aina saw Luo Xi being grabbed by the shoulder by the girl with dragon horns. The girl opened the dragon wings behind her, fluttered slightly, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

In the air, only the smell of burning earth and vegetation was left. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Weier and Aina stared blankly at the empty village entrance.

Where are people?

Where is Luo Xi, who is their age?

Wei'er suddenly became anxious.

In the past, Luo Xi said that she would not die, and he had confirmed this statement, so she could feel at ease watching him do something to seek death.

But this time, the whole person was lost!

So can you come back?

What if you can't come back? That red-haired dragon-horned girl is not an easy person to get along with at first glance. Will she give that pervert to...

Aina pulled Weier's hand and said: Sister Weier, there seems to be elves in that airship. Let's go take a look first? Weier couldn't help but said: Aina, didn't you see Luo Xi being killed? Captured?

I saw it.

The little wolf girl lowered her head and murmured: But Aina has no way to save brother Luo Xi. That girl is too strong. If she really wants to do this to her brother, then Aina can only watch from the sidelines. It’s burning.”

Weier: ...

In her impression, is this the first time Aina has surrendered?

Aina said firmly: However, sooner or later, Aina will become powerful and lock brother Luo Xi at home!


Luo Xi stared blankly at the red-haired girl with dragon horns flying above him.

He tried to break free, but couldn't move at all.

[Note: Traveler, are you ready? Come and enjoy Mother Dragon’s love! 】

Dog text, don’t tell me that this girl is really the Black Abyss Flame Dragon!

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