Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 246: Nothing is allowed, plastic sisterhood

Luo Xi: ???

what's the situation?

I just unlocked a new map and it seems like I've been tricked. The little fox Fei didn't say anything about the special effects of the air here.


Is it because the other person thinks this is too common and is too lazy to talk about it?


For Feiya, this is the place where she has always lived. Even if the air has a strange influence, the other party may not care about it.

[Traveller, you noticed something bad happened on Weier and Aina]

[At the same time, you also feel that your body has become a little hotter]

【Ding! Your acerbity value +20]

[The air in this forest seems to contain strange power. For people who have never been here, it is easy to sink into it, and it will make people want to reproduce involuntarily]

[Note: Traveler, this is the power of life (spring)! [Tips - The power of the Emerald Tree is nature and life. In all areas under her root system, the probability of conception of all life will be greatly increased] ~ Let your beast-eared harem xx! 】

Dog text, do you think this is some kind of butter? !


[You activated the source element in your body. After a while, the flowing source element successfully dispersed the astringent things in the air.]

[Traveler, you have regained your composure]

[When Wei'er saw this, she immediately imitated your method. Her long snow-colored hair danced without any wind. With the flow of source elements, her little face that had become a little red gradually returned to normal.]

【As for Aina...】

[Traveller, you look at Aina who is trying to take off Maomao's clothes and fall into deep thought]

[This wolf-eared lolita is probably high...]

Luo Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be nice to have a corresponding solution.

In short, let’s go to the Dream World first and see the actual situation there.

Outside the town of Bergere, he was unable to use the authority of the sacred tree, so he could only save the few synchronization opportunities.

[Whether to use the talent: Immersive? 】


[Traveler, welcome to the journey of dreams]


Wei'er was in agony being stripped of her clothes by her sister. Seeing Luo Xi's demeanor and temperament change, she realized that he might have entered this world, so she immediately shouted: Luo Xi, help me quickly, Aina She seems broken!”

Luo Xi looked at the two sisters sticking together and said with a strange expression:

Are you sure you want me to help you?

Aina's current target is Weier. It is estimated that the two of them were closest to each other at the beginning, but if she passes by, her target may shift to him.

Weier: ...


Aina's attitude towards Luo Xi was even more enthusiastic than hers.

If this guy comes over, Aina will definitely pounce on him, and she just felt inexplicably in her heart that Luo Xi's body releasing heat seems to have an inexplicable attraction...

Maomao shook his head crazily.

What am I thinking?

Are you still affected by the substances in the air here?

Then...then don't come over. I can handle it.

Wei'er bit her lower lip. She suddenly exerted force and pushed her sister to the ground. Then she hit Aina's forehead hard with her forehead.

Stupid sister, please wake up!




After a dull crash, the two girls' different cries of pain rang out.

Luo Xi: .

Maomao's method of handling it, how should I put it, feels a bit unique.

[Note: We can tell at a glance that this cat has some kind of private vendetta. Normally, it is not easy to bully my sister openly. This time, I can take the opportunity to give it a beating and let my sister understand who is the elder sister~]

Stupid dog text, don’t underestimate the deep relationship between the two sisters!


Aina sat on the ground and rubbed her forehead. A small bump appeared on it. She looked at her sister opposite with aggrieved eyes.

Sister, what are you doing?

Who told Aina that you can't wake up?

Weier also touched her head.

Her forehead was a bit harder than Aina's, and there were no bumps on it, so it just became a little redder.

But it hurts!

Aina pursed her lips angrily.

As she breathed, the color on her cheeks returned to normal, and gradually became tinged with a hint of blush. This time, Aina looked at Luo Xi not far away, and her wolf ears suddenly stood up.

[Note: Traveler, run quickly, the pervert is coming! 】

What a pervert!

Wei'er decisively hit her sister on the forehead again.


As a result, Aina had another small bump on her forehead, but her will became clear again.

Wei'er shouted in her sister's ear: You idiot, stop breathing indiscriminately and use the source element in your body to filter the air!

Aina finally listened obediently to Maomao's words, and then rubbed the bag on her head with both hands, tears filling her eyes.

It hurts.

My sister is not gentle either.

She strongly suspected that Sister Wei'er was 'retaliating' against her!

Aina turned back to Luo Xi and said aggrievedly: Sister Wei'er is so cruel...Brother Luo Xi, why don't we ignore her.

Luo Xi: ......

[Note: Deep feelings (x) Plastic sisterhood (√)]

In short, this is what happened to them when they first came to the Emerald Forest.


But it makes sense.

After all, it is a world with extraordinary power.

Whatever you are feeling is normal.


In a very secret underground cave, a square altar stands in the center of the cave, quiet and solemn.

Dark yellow firelight illuminated the interior of the cave, and various twisted shadows reflected on the walls, intertwined together, like a group of demons dancing wildly.

Under the altar lay hundreds of corpses, most of them human beings, with a few elves. Thick blood was floating in the cave. All kinds of broken limbs and internal organs were scattered everywhere on the ground, like a picture of hell. .


Strange wind sounds blew in from nowhere, bringing a creepy echo.

A complicated pattern is engraved on the top center of the altar. Circles and lines of various sizes are the main elements forming this pattern.

If anyone knows the layout of the towns in the Emerald Forest, they will immediately realize after seeing this map. This is a map of all the towns in the Emerald Forest with hundred-meter-level sacred trees.

A white-haired old man squatted on the altar and murmured to himself: It's so slow. If we continue like this, how long will we have to wait before we can give these elves...

One of the three archbishops of the Church of Calamity, His Excellency Diintius Caldwell, your method is too low-level and outdated. Even if it can succeed, it will definitely take a lot of time. Are you interested? Let me tell you. Let’s work together to completely overturn this world of cannibalism?”

A gentle male voice sounded from below the altar.

The old man's cloudy eyes suddenly became sharp. He stood up and looked down.

It was a blond man with a gentle temperament wearing a monocle on his left eye. A golden chain hung from the side of the glasses and hung to his ear.

Who are you?

This is Ender Adnis.

The man smiled and said: Seniya, Medeiros, although the two thousand-meter Davidic City is already under the control of the Archbishop, there are still four cities that you need to capture, but they are under the nose of the Emerald City. , can you do it?

The old man's eyes changed drastically, and he snapped: How did you find out? Who leaked it?!

Your Excellency is overthinking.

Ender put his hand on his chest, nodded and said, Let me introduce myself first. I am the 58th Pope of the Church of Truth, Ender Adnis.

The Pope of the Church of Truth?

The old man stared at Ender suspiciously.

The Church of Truth and the Church of Disaster are both wanted cults on the Pan-Continent. Naturally, both parties know something about it. This person can come here through the layers of defenses above without anyone noticing. Whether it is as he said or not, The strength must not be underestimated.

After a long time, the old man asked: Then, Your Holiness, what are you doing here? You don't want to chat with me, do you?

of course not.

Ander said gently: As I said before, the remaining four Davidic cities are under the direct command of the Emerald City, and it is more difficult than heaven to conquer them. So, Bishop, why don't you just put the target there? What about the Emerald City?

Hahaha, I thought you were going to say something.

The old man smiled so hard that his face was about to burst. He said: As long as the scattered power on the root system has not been released, unless there are three major disasters that attack the Emerald City together, it is impossible for the Emerald City to be unable to stop it. , as the Pope, don’t you even know the power of the Eternal Divine Tree?”

Of course I know.

Ender pushed up his monocle, looked at the old man with strange eyes, and said with a smile: There is no need for three major source of disasters to attack the Emerald City together. As long as two major source of disasters will attack the Emerald Tree, With the power involved, we will kill the Elf Queen in the Emerald City who has had a lot of power taken away... and then let our own people possess the power of the source code, then the Emerald Forest will be It’s ours!”

The old man's eyes narrowed and he said: This is impossible! The power of the source code cannot be...

Ender smiled and said: That's your own problem, but I don't believe that the famous Church of Disaster doesn't have any trump cards, right?

The old man was silent for a moment, nodded and said: Yes, but it is almost impossible to want the two major sources of disaster to appear at the same time.

Ender wondered: Including Archbishop Diintous, there are three archbishop-level natural disaster walkers in the Disaster Church. There should be a solution, right?

The old man shook his head and said: The source disasters summoned in that way are still not complete. Those source disasters that can fight against the eternal sacred tree all appear in ways we are not yet aware of.


Ender pushed up his monocle and said with a smile: What a coincidence, we have a way to make Origin Disaster a complete body. Well... we can't say it is a complete body. Anyway, we can make Origin Disaster one step further. Let's Wouldn't it be beautiful if the two major churches cooperated? They are invincible?

The old man was stunned.

Are you sure you're not kidding?

Are you doubting me? Ander sighed softly: Yes, then I'll leave first.

He was about to leave.


The old man said solemnly: I agree, but you must first prove that you have the ability to increase the power of source disasters.


Ender turned around gracefully and said, Then, Your Excellency, why don't you unleash the great power you have? Bring disaster into this world?

Of course not me.

The old man shook his head and said: If I use my power, it will take at least twenty years to recover, and I cannot use my power again during this period.


Your Holiness, please go south.

The old man grinned and said: There is a place called Yinsmuer over there. We have a preparatory bishop there who has been preparing for a long time and is about to be promoted to the fourth level of 'Water of Erosion'. At that time, 'Water Disaster - Walter 'Some power will come.

Since you are interested, Pope, then go over there and take a look, and use the power you mentioned.


The corners of Ander's lips curled up: When?

Probably, in three days.

I will go, Your Majesty the Archbishop, please keep an eye on me.

Ender pushed up his monocle, and a ray of light reflected from the mirror, and then he left here without looking back.

The old man stood motionless on the altar for a long time.

The Church of Truth...

Is what is standing behind you really a god from outside the world?


Luo Xi successfully led Weier and Aina out of the forest within twenty minutes of synchronization.

But they still don't know where they are.

The map given by Liya did not have the ability to locate, and the part about the Emerald Kingdom was basically blank.

It seems that we still need to get a map of this place.

[Travelers, you have seen a sacred tree more than ten meters high, which releases a thin barrier. The barrier is surrounded by simple mud walls]

【Do you want to go over and take a look? 】


A sacred tree more than ten meters high, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net It should be a fake sacred tree, right?

Most of those who live under the pseudo-god tree are patients with alienation syndrome.

You can ask about the situation here.

[Traveler, you take Weier and Aina close to the false sacred tree]

[Someone spotted you and sounded some kind of metal wind chime]

[A man with antlers on his head walked out of the village]

[He looked at you solemnly and asked: What are you here for?\

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