Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 245: Spring is coming for sisters

Sister Feiya!

Lin shed tears the moment she saw Feiya.

Peril was also stunned on the spot.

His lips moved slightly.

He wanted to ask, Feiya, why do you want to come back?

Then came a sense of relief.

Feiya is back.

So, this elf master from Yuye City should let them go, right?

Snapped! —

Perry raised his hand and slapped himself hard.

What was he thinking about?

Let such a child take on such a thing.

What is the difference between him and Varden?

Peril's momentum, which had begun to weaken, rose again, and he took a step forward.

Ice-blue light began to shine around him, and the cold source overflowed outside his body, causing ice to form on the ground he stepped on.


From Feiya's mouth, two obscure words suddenly sounded.

As a result, the raging elements in Peril and the source elements in his body stagnated at the same time.

Silvio's eyes also changed instantly.

The look of ecstasy on his face turned to horror and uneasiness.

Silvio's eyelids trembled with difficulty, and his long pointed ears turned white.

His body also lost any ability to move at this moment.

The elf spell that Feiya recited means [solidification].

In the system of elven spells, it is only the second level.

Logically speaking, even if Feiya's extraordinary level is the same as his, it is impossible to freeze him with a spell of this level, unless...unless the other party's bloodline is far more noble than his!

It might even be those with royal blood from the Emerald City.

But how is it possible? !

Silvio clearly saw the alienated characteristics of the fox in Feiya.

Will the beings he needs to look up to be infected by alienation factors and become alien species?

I can't figure it out at all.

Not to mention that the possibility of alienation of the elves is very low. The Emerald City is the city of origin where all elves were born. What source beasts can spread their own alienation factors into it?


Feiya walked up with steady steps.

You...who...are you?

Broken sounds came out with difficulty from Silvio's lips.

Fiya walked to Silvio's side, slowly raised her beautiful face, looked into Silvio's eyes, and said, I'm here, what next? What do you want to do?

Silvio cursed in his mind.

Can you remove the [Freezing] spell first and then say this to me?

You, you can't kill me, otherwise these people will die...

You didn't want to let them go in the first place, did you?

A sad smile appeared on Feiya's face. She lowered her eyes and whispered softly: It was like this last time. It was like this last time. Wherever I go, it will always bring disaster to others. The so-called lucky fox , does it bring me luck or misfortune?

What nonsense is this unidentified alien elf talking about?


Lucky fox?

Silvio suddenly thought of a legend spread in the Emerald Forest.

It is said that anyone who can see a fox with nine tails can gain the power called lucky and be free from disaster and bad luck.

The name of the fox origin beast is called the 'Lucky Fox'. The specific rank is unclear, but it can become a legend. If it really exists, it is at least the level of a high king.

Fia slowly placed her hand on Silvio's chest.


It's still the two obscure elf spells.

It doesn't seem to have any lethality.

However, when the spell fell, Silvio felt a pain in his chest and his eyes quickly darkened. He realized that his most important heart, which was used to maintain the normal operation of his life, had stopped beating.

Not just the heart.

All organs, as well as the flow of blood, were stopped.

However, as a third-level transcendent, he can persist for a period of time even if his organs stop moving.

However, when the second different elf spell came out of the fox-eared girl's mouth, he became desperate.


This is a first-level elf spell that makes water boil in a short time.

Under normal circumstances, it is naturally impossible to have any effect on people, unless you can make a person stand still for a long time and then personally touch the body of another person.

No...you can't do this...

Silvio gradually lost the strength to speak.

The blood in his body began to boil and surge, destroying various organs crazily.

After a while, a large amount of blood continued to pour out of Silvio's mouth, eyes, ears, and nose.

Grandma Yadson, Grandpa Luyins, Grandpa Nanu...

Feiya's voice finally sounded in his ears, with a hint of coldness.

When you killed them, didn't you think that one day you would be killed too?

Those are just despicable alien humans!

Silvio wanted to snap.

However, his consciousness quickly fell into darkness.

Then, there was no more light.

Feiya pushed the dead elf to the ground, then looked up at the people in the col.

Many people were injured.

Her eyes passed from Frey and Varden to Peril and the daughter Lin in his arms.

Peril was standing there at the moment. Because he was forcibly interrupted from Factor's rampage, he entered a weak state. He was now a little unsteady and looked at her with complicated eyes.

At this time, a hoarse cry sounded.

There was a woman in the back holding her dead husband and crying bitterly towards Feiya: Give Lancer back to me! It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have encountered this at all. Such a thing!

You damn plague!

Why don't you die!

Feiya could not defend herself against the woman's accusations.

She was just silent.

The woman seemed to take Fiya's silence as a retreat, and the death of her husband made her completely lose her mind, so she stood up, took out a knife, and rushed towards Fiya.

However, when she was about two meters away from Feiya, the woman's foot happened to step on a round stone on the ground. She lost her balance and fell sideways, falling into the haystack.

Feiya didn't move.

When the so-called luck manifests successfully in her, what she brings to others is something called 'bad luck', and this misfortune can manifest in anyone around her.

This is the reason why during her ten years of wandering, she was able to communicate normally with others, but she always stopped briefly and would leave after a while to look for the next place.

After the woman fell into the haystack, no one dared to attack Feiya suddenly.

In their opinion, Feiya easily defeated the elf master who forced them into a desperate situation, so Feiya must be stronger than them all.

What about alien elves?

Strength is the real foundation.

Feiya nodded slightly towards Peril: Uncle Peril, I'm sorry for involving you. I will try my best to remove the village from this matter, so you don't have to worry.

As for those who are already injured... there are also those who died.

Feiya said softly: I can only say I'm sorry.

After saying that, Fia leaned over, took off the emblem certificate from Silvio's sleeve on the ground, and then placed her hand on top of his body.


A blazing flame ignited on the elf's corpse.

Feiya stood up and walked towards the outside of the forest.

It takes at least two and a half hours to get here from Yuye City.

I don’t know if I can make it before dark.

Peril shouted Fiya, what are you going to do?!

Lin's soft and crying voice also sounded: Sister Feiya, it's obvious that you protected everyone, why did you leave?

Feiya's body paused.

But she didn't look back. The fox tail behind her swayed, and then something flew towards Lin and landed accurately in the girl's hand.

It was a green leaf with a texture like finely carved jade.

Lin held the leaf in her hand, and when she looked up again, Feiya's figure was gone, only the fire was still burning.

Sister Feiya...

Peril put his daughter into his arms and comforted her, Fiya will be fine.

It'll be fine.

Feiya threw down a handful of leaves in her hand that had been partially transformed into jade texture.

She picked these randomly from the roadside.

After pouring in the unknown power that only she can feel, these leaves will transform into this form. The success rate is not very high. It can be successful once in 10 times. People who get the leaves will more or less be able to A little luckier than before.

For example, a person who always loses at cards can occasionally win one or two hands after taking a leaf.

And there will be no side effects.

This is a way of using her own alienation ability that she has observed and summarized over the years.

After some distance from the mountain col, the redness on the girl's face faded, and an unhealthy pale color quickly filled her pretty face.

With her power still at the peak of the second level, it was originally impossible to use a spell to solidify an elf whose strength was far above hers, but with the blessing of her bloodline, she could easily kill Silvio. .

But this is her limit.

If Silvio was stronger, she might... no, she would be fine. With the blessing of luck, she could even escape from the mouth of the peak lord-level source beast and ascend to heaven. Although the price was that a [Source Beast Tide] occurred in that area, completely destroying a town with a population of 10,000.

Mother, is this the so-called ‘lucky fox’?

Use other people's misfortunes to become my luck.

Feiya lowered her head and glanced at the tail behind her, with a look of disgust in her emerald eyes.

That night, a shocking event occurred in Yuye City.

The elves of the Inquisition were killed by a strange elf.

All the emblems symbolizing glory were taken off and thrown outside the gate of Yuye City. She waited outside for a period of time, so angry that the lungs of the city lord of Yuye City exploded.

Where did the bold guy come from?

Even though it was night and the Emerald Forest became very dangerous, the city lord still sent a group of elite soldiers to chase people.

However, by noon the next day, no one came back.

The city lord realized something was wrong and sent people to search. They found a large pile of things that had been digested into black aggregates.

That was the excrement of the lord-level source beast, and there was a lot of undigested equipment and armor in it.

The city lord immediately shouted that he had been fooled.

It's that group of alien elves that are plotting against them in Yuye City!

Feiya put down the map in her hand.

She shouted softly: Hui Hui.


The bird landed on her shoulder and sent a red berry towards her face.

eat by yourself.

Feiya poked the bird's head back and said with a smile: Next let's go to Yinsmuer. There is the land of white flowers. The white flowers in the sky are like snow. I have long wanted to go there to see it.


[Traveler, as the controller of the sacred tree, your town is prosperous. The people's sense of belonging to Bergery is +10. Your power of the sacred tree is +1000. The classic Bergery provides you with 3000 points today. The power of the sacred tree]

Luo Xi lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

Time has passed zero point.

It's almost time for bed.

Tomorrow, the Master of Nine Swords said that he would be back and asked him to practice swordsmanship by the lake as agreed in the past. Luo Xi naturally agreed.

Barry is only half of 90.

The swordsmanship that has been practiced to some effect cannot just be wasted.

Things in Berggry Town are probably pretty much arranged. Luo Xi is going to explore the Emerald Forest opposite the Hollow Flower tomorrow to determine the geographical location and specific conditions there.

[Note: Traveler, you don’t want to catch that little fox-eared loli back, do you? 】

How can it be!

Feiya may have gone far away now.

In Luo Xi's mind, the pretty face of the fox-eared girl and the fox-eared and fox-tail parts of her body flashed across her mind.

Emmmm... Let's go to Rua Aina tomorrow.


[Traveler, you took the two sisters to the vicinity of the Hollow Flower]

[Originally, you wanted to run away secretly, UU read www.uukanshu.net and try to come back in six hours, but when you remembered that if you were discovered, you might be killed by the little wolf girl, so you took them with you. 】

[Traveler, you have stepped into the hollow flower]

【Transferring...please wait】

【Ding! You have unlocked a large area: Emerald Forest (Country)]

[Traveller, you smell a refreshing smell, which is a unique smell that permeates this forest. Various small insects crawl around you, and from time to time there are birds, bees and butterflies flying around. Pass】

【Ding! Your happiness value +20]

[Weier is also in a very happy mood, which can be seen from her swaying cat tail]

[Aina seems to be intoxicated by this smell]

[This wolf-eared lolita seems to be drunk on oxygen, her little face is red with drunkenness, her sense of smell is much more sensitive than all of you, maybe she smells something different]

[Completely different from the white snow everywhere in the Kingdom of Shining Light]

[This seems to be a world full of spring! 】


Weier sneezed a little.

Somewhat itchy.

She looked doubtfully at Aina, who was lying in her arms with a red face.

What happened to my stupid sister?

Aina hugged Weier's slender waist, pursed her lips and said, Sister Weier, Aina feels like she is getting weird...

Weier: ?

However, she immediately felt a heat coming from her body.


Why do I feel so hot all of a sudden?

[Note: Spring is coming for sisters~]

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