Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 179: Mother-in-law’s physical examination and a journey no longer lonely

【Ding! Your shock value +30]

Luo Xi couldn't understand Liya's commission at all.

The other party should obviously have a better candidate.

As her disciple, isn't Reina better than herself?

Even Weier and Aina don't need others to take care of them at all. They have been living on Graystone Street by themselves for three years.

[Note: So this is your daughter (a parting gift) given to you by your mother-in-law~ Traveler, why don’t you kneel down and thank your mother-in-law? 】

What nonsense are you talking about? How can any parent give their child as a gift to others?

Luo Xi glanced at Maomao aside.

Weier also looked shocked and confused.

Aina had the same expression.

Both of them looked like they wanted to talk, but couldn't utter a single word.

So what's your answer? Lea asked.

Uh, cough.

Luo Xi coughed twice, Yes, yes, but are you sure you want them...

Sure, but if you accept this commission, then I have one more request.

Liya stared at Luo Xi's face and showed a beautiful smile: I am very concerned about your body. Let me check and study it a little. It should be fine, right?

Luo Xi: ???

What the hell?

Wei'er was originally a little anxious.

After hearing what her mother said, her pretty face suddenly froze.


Mom wouldn't cut up Luo Xi and study it, right?

If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your promise.

Liya chuckled and said: Without further ado, let's get started, Wei'er Aina, you two take a rest here first. It will take me about ten minutes to confirm his physical condition and that he can carry the king-level factor. , as well as the ability to resurrect after death, and the ability to store things in space at the first level. I can’t imagine any sublimation path or alienation ability in this world that can do this.”

【Ding! Liya’s desire to explore you +60]

Luo Xi: !

In an instant, a dazzling light burst out, and countless white runes covered Luo Xi's vision and passed by him.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a white space with beating runes in all directions.

【Ding! You have entered a special place, your synchronization time is updated to? ? ? 】


Luo Xi was numb.

Can you let me go out first?

[Note: Danding, my mother-in-law is here to check whether your development is normal~]

Liya snapped her fingers.

This white space suddenly became warm, and a large number of runes began to gather and reconstruct.

Then, the aroma of green grass entered Luo Xi's nose.

Breeze, warm sun, green grass, flowing water, in just one minute, this white space changed in front of Luo Xi's eyes.

Liya rubbed her eyebrows and said, Isn't it true that it's still a bit reluctant to use your own power without relying on the sacred tree?

Luo Xi just wanted to say that this was outrageous enough.

[Note: So the mother-in-law has the biggest thigh~]

This is my realm of sublimation.

Liya saw Luo Xi's dull look, so she explained: This is an ability that all extraordinary beings above the fourth level have, but they cannot be used under the influence of the sacred tree, so don't think that just because you can defeat North, you can I underestimated the fourth-level one, his strength at that time was suppressed by at least 80% by the Winter Divine Tree.

Luo Xi nodded like a madman.

Mother-in-law is right.

Liya smiled and said, Can I start?

Luo Xi swallowed: Do you want to take off your clothes?

Liya shook her head: No, it's similar to my projection's examination of you that time, but this time it's just more thorough.

[Note: Traveler, are you a little disappointed? 】

How can it be!

Liya's purple eyes had strange inscriptions appearing.

In an instant, Luo Xi's body was frozen in place, and many runes jumped into Luo Xi's body from the grass nearby. Liya closed her eyes and felt it carefully.

After a while, Liya said doubtfully: It's strange that the fifth-level factor exists so stably in your body. Although there are signs of deepening erosion, you shouldn't feel any pain, right?


Use your alienation ability. You should have the fire attribute ability, right? Use your maximum strength.


As a result, Luo Xi's clothes were burned by the black and red flames.

Before he ran around naked, Liya snapped her fingers, and the runes came to him and made him new clothes.

I can't tell... and how did you resurrect? Apart from being eroded by the alienation factor, your body is obviously normal. By the way, can you still be resurrected now?

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time, please move to the permanently operating source app as soon as possible, huanyuanapp]

I wish I could come...

Then can I kill you once?


Liya frowned.

Luo Xi's situation puzzled her.

Fortunately, she is proficient in runes, not alchemy, otherwise she would not be able to help but dissect high-quality experimental materials like Luo Xi for study.

Do you know why you can be resurrected? Liya asked.

Luo Xi said tentatively: Great will?

Liya's purple eyes suddenly shrank: You mean the Great Will has been protecting you? Impossible! The Great Will is absolutely fair. She exists in every corner of the world and cannot protect an individual alone. !”

Luo Xi thought for a while and said: Ms. Liya, I have something to tell you. In fact, there are many people like me, such as Chu Tian, ​​and what I am using now is a way similar to dreaming to enter the world. In this world.”

I understand.

After Liya was silent for a moment, she said: So your spirit and soul came to this world in some way, and your body is still in another world, right? After your death, the great will reshaped you in the world. The body here, no wonder you say you are a traveler from another world.


Luo Xi had already told Maomao and the others these words, but they didn't believe them at all at first.

Luo Xi wanted to know, after Liya found out, would she retract her words?

Liya frowned and asked: Then why did you come to this world? What is your purpose? Can I pass the world you are in?

【Ding! Liya’s desire to explore you +70]

Luo Xi shook his head.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but he doesn't know that he can't satisfy his mother-in-law's desire to explore.

Forget it, let's get back to the topic.

Liya narrowed her eyes and said, What do you think of Weier and Aina? I want to hear the truth, otherwise everything I said before will be invalid.

Luo Xi: ...

Isn't it a physical examination?

Why did the conversation change and come back again?

He hesitated and said, I like them very much.

[Note: This is the truth~]

Liya narrowed her eyes and said, Why them?

No reason.

Luo Xi shook his head and said: At first, I wanted to remove their ears and tails, but then I found out that they were in danger and fell into the quagmire of Winter City, so I wanted to pull them out, that's all.

And don't get me wrong, when I say I like you, I don't mean that.

Ha. Liya said coldly: Your sweet words remind me of those playboys who pursued me when I was young. Is this how you deceived Weier and Aina?

Luo Xi: ...

It’s not like I didn’t get deceived.

[Note: If my mother-in-law doesn’t come back, Traveler, you have really deceived me~]

No road race!

Okay, there's nothing left to check. Let's go out first. Weier and the others are already impatiently waiting.


Sister, where did mom take brother Luo Xi?

Aina kept wandering around Weier like an ant on a hot pot.

Wei'er sat on a stool and played with her tail listlessly, saying: Who knows, I just want to know why mom left. I thought she just wanted to take us to live somewhere far away.

Aina paused and stopped in front of Weier, then jumped onto her sister's lap and sat in her arms.


It's been a long time since I sat in my sister's arms~ Sister Wei'er, you don't have to think too much.

Aina said seriously: Didn't Mom say that it took a lot of effort to bring you out as a baby? Now that she wants to go back, she can't take us with her.

Weier said softly: But why does she have to go back...won't that place make her sad?

Aina said softly: Mom must also have difficulties, and sister. Just now, my mother said that she wanted to check my brother's health. Did you hear it?

Hmm... Weier nodded.


Aina's little mouth tightened, and she looked like she was about to cry.

After checking her body, she didn't dare to think about what else to do next.

Is her mother her biggest opponent in the future?

How can we possibly compete?

You won't call Luo Xi brother dad in the future, right?

Don’t do that kind of thing!

Suddenly, a white runic halo appeared in the bedroom, and Luo Xi and Liya walked out of it.

Aina's depressed mood suddenly came back up.

It's only been ten minutes, so they must have done nothing yet!

Then, Aina keenly noticed that Luo Xi's clothes had actually changed.

Where's my brother's original set of clothes? !

Aina rushed over and hugged Luo Xi, and said with a sad face: Brother Luo Xi, why did you change your clothes? Did your mother do something to you? But don't worry, Aina will not dislike my brother.

What are you talking about, stupid daughter!

Liya was so angry that she gave Aina a headache.

What has this child watched in the past three years?

It hurts!

The little wolf girl squatted down with her head in her hands, her aggrieved look made people feel heartbroken.

Luo Xi felt dumbfounded and touched Aina's head twice.

At this time, Weier asked softly: Mom, you should be back, right? It won't be like the time three years ago, right?

Liya turned back, UU reading www.uukanshu.nett looked at her biological eldest daughter, and said with a smile: Yes, absolutely. Mom will come back to you in half a year at most. You two just need to protect yourselves.

I see.

Wei'er looked at Luo Xi, blinked, and said with a bright smile: So you won't invite me? Or is your courage only getting bigger when you take advantage of others?

Luo Xi was stunned.

[Note: Idiot Traveler, hurry up? Do girls still need to take the initiative? 】

Only then did Luo Xi realize what Maomao was telling him.

He smiled, stretched out his hand to the girl, paused, and said, Would you like to travel with me... to see the thousands of mountains and rivers in this world?

Wei'er's pretty face was stained with a trace of crimson. She put her little hand on it, then turned her head and hummed:

That sounds disgusting. He is indeed a pervert.

【Ding! Wei'er's favorability towards you +10]

Aina held Luo Xi's other hand (〃>﹏<〃) and said: Brother Luo Xi is so partial, why don't you tell Aina!

Liya's brows twitched at the sight.

Was she really not wrong in leaving her daughters to this guy?

【Ding! Free Mission: Travel No Longer Lonely Completed 100%]

[You have received the reward: Cradle and Return (Gold\\/Legendary\\/Unique)]

[Description: When people in the dream world fall asleep in the cradle, there is a chance that they will dream about the world you are in and lay eggs when they return to the nest (did I dream about you, or did you dream about me?)]

[This synchronization ends here, welcome to come again next time~]

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