Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 178 Mother-in-law wants to entrust her daughters to Traveler?

Luo Xi just wants to pull out the guy squatting behind Gou Wenwen and give him a hard education!

Why are you so gloating about misfortune!

You have stolen so many things from my house and you want to leave without paying them back? What a beautiful thought!

Liya smiled gently and stepped on Starfire's head with her shoe. The armor shell that should have been extremely strong made an overwhelming sound of shattering under the pressure that came from nowhere.

【Ding! Your happiness value -20]

【Ding! Your fright value +10]

Luo Xi (o﹏o?) stared at Liya's snow-covered soles.

[Note: Traveler, why don’t you take the opportunity to observe what color your mother-in-law is wearing today? 】

Look at the hammer!

Since Liya was wearing thick winter clothes, those classic welfare scenes would not appear. Moreover, in this situation, even if she could see Luo Xi, she would not dare to look.

Luo Xi felt a little aggrieved at the moment.

Isn't it just some furniture? I'll just give it back to you.

And didn’t I leave your two precious daughters with you? When did I take them away? Why are you still telling lies!

Luo Xi said: Well, Ms. Liya, can you move your feet first? I will return your furniture to you later.

[Remaining synchronization time: 8 minutes and 20 seconds]

In just eight minutes, he can exit this world and send everything in the old house back to this world.

Thinking about it now, what he did was indeed a bit unethical. He originally wanted to go with Wei'er and the others, so he moved all the things in the house. Now that he was preparing to leave alone, he forgot to return these items.

After all, many of them are the personal belongings of the two sisters.


Liya sneered and used a little more strength on her feet.


Luo Xi (((;;))) looked at the armor part that had been dented by the step. The edge of the shoe had already rubbed against his face. If it had been offset by a few centimeters, his head would have been stepped on. Gone.

Ah woo~

The elf Xinghuo yawned sleepily, floated to Luo Xi's eyes, and said with drooped eyelids: Master, the source element consumed last night has not recovered yet, and now it has bottomed out. The damage can no longer be restored. Let Xinghuo Go to sleep first, it’s pretty safe now anyway~”

Wait! This isn't safe at all! Starfire, didn't you see the woman outside?

I saw it, but I definitely can't beat her... This woman doesn't have murderous intent, ugh~ Master, come on, good night~ mua.

Xinghuo hugged Luo Xi's forehead and kissed her, and the figure shattered in front of Luo Xi's eyes, turning into countless points of light.

At the same time, the solid black armor on Luo Xi's body gradually turned into black liquid and gathered to the side, turning back into the black iron ball.

Liya also put away her shoes.

If you just step on this guy's head, wouldn't you be rewarding him?

Get up. Liya said.

Luo Xi sat up from the snow, shaking her body slightly.

Liya squatted down and said with a smile: Forget about the furniture and so on. We won't live here anymore anyway, but what about Weier and Aina? How are you going to return them to me?

Huh? Aren't they all here?

Luo Xi's words to Liya made her look confused.

At this time, he felt his face was poked.

Luo Xi turned to look at the little wolf girl with a smile on her face.


Brother, your face is a little dirty.

Aina gently used her sleeves to wipe away the dust on the part of Luo Xi's face that was rubbed by Liya's shoes.

【Ding! Your touching value +20]

As expected, Aina is the best.

The little wolf girl said quietly: Brother Luo Xi, why did you run away just now? It seems that Aina has to find a way to keep her disobedient brother by her side.

Luo Xi: ...

He shuddered.

Is this wolf-eared loli really going to become a yandere?

[Note: Traveler, you are asking for it. You deceived a pure and lovely girl. After flirting with her, you irresponsibly tried to run away. You scumbag! You must know that the end of a scumbag is a hatchet! 】

That’s not called cheating!

Except for those free words he said to Aina, he had never lied to them.

He just wants them to live a good life with their mother!


After a murmur that sounded like a reproach, Luo Xi felt something soft being pressed against his back, and two slender hands stretched out from behind and hugged his waist.

Cat Cat...

Wei'er rested her head on his back and said in a clear voice with a sobbing sound: Don't be so hasty yet, okay? Believe me, I can convince my mother. When the time comes, let her take Aina and leave first, and then Let’s go to distant places together again…”

Aina suddenly became furious, her wolf ears stood up, (〃>﹏<〃) said: Sister, you are so bad! Why didn't mom take sister and you go! Aina is going anyway! Otherwise, don't go at all! Let's go! Brother Luo Xi, go out and trick other girls!

Liya's expression sank slightly.

The two kids made it seem like it would be very sad to leave her.

She wanted to curse.

Liya's voice suddenly sounded directly in Luo Xi's ears: Boy, look again, are you sure you didn't steal them? My two daughters have been made like this by you, you want to leave now Forget it, leave all the mess to me, you think so beautifully!

Luo Xi: ...

So what should I do?

[Note: So, sinful traveler, do you think your mother-in-law said you only stole their people? You’re almost done with the strategy and want to run? impossible! 】

What can be done!

The favorability level was already so high, and he couldn't lower it back casually. He didn't know how many times he had taken advantage of Maomao, but he could only make the other person angry, and the favorability level would not drop at all.

Not to mention Aina.

Ever since this little wolf girl's favorability changed that day, no matter what kind of intimate gestures she took, her favorability would only continue to increase.

Seeing Luo Xi's expression become confused, Liya smiled with satisfaction.

She took out the blue echo from a rune halo and waved it casually. In an instant, the huge white rune halo engulfed everyone. Aina subconsciously threw herself into Luo Xi's arms, and then this person on the snowy field Several figures disappeared in an instant.

Greystone Street.

The living room of the house.

Chu Tian was still a little anxious on the sofa.

Brother Luo wouldn't really just leave like that, right?

Hill looked back at the window, his eyes flashed with ice blue light, and smiled: It's solved, as expected of Aunt Liya, they are coming back.

Chu Tian was confused: Huh?

On the carpet in the living room, after a rune halo disappeared, four people suddenly appeared.

Liya lowered her head and glanced at the two daughters hugging Luo Xi on the carpet, her brows twitching slightly.

Let's forget it this time.

Regardless of the fact that he teased his daughters, my heart and conduct are as clear as a mirror... This young man named Luo Xi did it.

Besides, those teasing behaviors were not too excessive after all.

Chu Tian looked at this scene in shock.

What's going on?

Luo Xi was holding the little wolf-eared loli in her arms, and the cat lady behind her was also holding him tightly, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

They were hugging each other, but the mother of the two animal-eared lolita turned a blind eye to this scene.

Could it be that Brother Luo has captured Liya in a short period of time? Has this whole family been captured by him?

【Ding! Chutian’s envy for you is +40]

Luo Xi tried to stand up from the ground.

However, both Weier and Aina hugged him tightly, not giving him a chance to get up.

【Ding! Your happiness value +30]

[Note: The long-lost happiness value is back again! Sure enough, hanging out with animal-eared lolita is the source of your happiness, Traveler? 】

But this kind of happiness carries the risk of being stabbed by my mother-in-law!

Liya nodded slightly to the people in the living room: Sorry, everyone, I have to deal with some things at home. I will prepare dinner later. Lena, please clean up all the ingredients first.

Okay teacher, I've almost taken care of it. Reina's voice came from the kitchen.

Well, thank you.

Liya once again carried the three people on the carpet into the bedroom, and then slammed the door.

Chu Tian stared at the bedroom door blankly.

He only wanted to use one word to describe it.



Liya separated the three people and placed them on three stools.

This time, she sat on the stool opposite, and Luo Xi and Wei Erina sat on the three stools opposite.

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source-changing App, huanyuanapp. 】

Okay, you can talk now.

Liya snapped her fingers.

The three of them were silenced by her from the moment they moved.

Luo Xi shrank his neck and said cautiously: What should I say?

Wei'er and Aina suddenly became anxious on both sides of Luo Xi.

Why can't they speak?

Liya glanced at her two daughters: What are you two so anxious about? Just listen to me first! And you, your name is Luo Xi, right? What I told you before was just to test you. I am the kind of person who knows how to The one who drove away the savior of my daughters? Besides, you also saved me.

Luo Xi nodded subconsciously, and when Liya's eyes became sharp, she quickly shook her head.

He asked doubtfully: Ms. Liya, what do you want to do? Why do you want to get me back?

Luo Xi didn't think Liya's reason for stealing her things was very credible. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

If Liya hadn't stopped Xinghuo halfway, Luo Xi would have really prepared to leave immediately. After all, he had gained nothing in Winter City. The rune-powered armor of Xinghuo alone was already huge. of harvest.

[Note: My mother-in-law is testing the character of my future son-in-law~ Of course I can’t let you run away like this]

Dog text you shut up.

Luo Xi glanced at the text prompt.

[Remaining synchronization time: 2 minutes and 20 seconds]


Liya smiled and said, I have a commission for you. Of course, you can choose not to agree. Anyway, it doesn't matter to me.

Luo Xi asked doubtfully: Entrustment? What kind of commission?

I'm going back to my original family in a few days. For some reasons, I can't bring Weier and Aina with me.

Liya said lightly: So, I hope you can take care of Weier and Aina for a while. Will you accept this commission?

Wei'er and Aina were both stunned, looking at their mother in disbelief.

Luo Xi said in confusion: Let me take care of Wei'er and Aina? Are you sure you're right?

Am I hallucinating?

From the beginning, Luo Xi never thought about this possibility, which sounded ridiculous.

What mother would leave her daughter to an unknown stranger?

[Note: Traveler, you have received two daughters as a gift from your mother-in-law. How do you feel now? 】

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