Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 176 Pervert, do you want to leave me without saying goodbye after you've taken adva

Over there in the living room.

Rena went to the kitchen and seemed to be preparing ingredients.

Hill was lying on the window sill, looking at the long street in the distance. The young man's back was getting farther and farther away.

Daisy, the bunny-eared girl, held her daughter in her arms and asked Chu Tian softly: Isn't he from your hometown? I felt that when he went down, his mood seemed a little wrong. Why don't you catch up and take a look?

Is there anything to see?

Chu Tian hugged the back of his head with both hands, lay on his back on the sofa, and joked: I can guess it with my toes. That guy must have been scolded by the mother of the two lolita, so he left in shame. After all, if it were on our side, that guy’s behavior would have led him to be thrown into the bureau and jailed for ten years.”

Daisy: !

Is it that serious?

Little Rabbit Winnie said weakly: But, brother, he didn't do anything wrong?

Chu Tian shrugged.

In this world, you may not have done anything wrong.

However, although the culture and common sense of the two worlds are different, many parts are still the same. For example, how can a mother tolerate her daughter being 'cheated' emotionally by a strange man?

What's more, this mother is incredibly powerful...

Chu Tian murmured: Brother Luo, brother Luo, why don't you go and attack the mother of the two animal-eared lolita? If the attack is successful, won't you just take off directly? How can a young and immature girl be better than A mature and seductive mature woman, these young men really don’t understand the beauty of big sisters at all.”

Having said that, Chu Tian narrowed his eyes, and his sense of reality quietly synchronized. He first glanced at the bedroom where the door was still closed, and then stood up and went to the window to look out.

Luo Xi has completely disappeared.

Hey, where is the person?

Hill said without raising his head: He has already walked out of Graystone Street.

Chu Tian was stunned: Really left? That's not true, right? I thought he was just pretending. How could a senior lolicon give up on loli? Was Brother Luo driven away by that Liya? No, I I have to go to her and argue with her. She has helped her daughters so much, so it’s fine if they don’t abduct them, but they can’t be driven away! She’s too stingy!”

Hill: ...

What is this strange man talking about?

Chu Tian immediately went to knock on the bedroom door.

But before he knocked twice, the bedroom door creaked open.

A pair of indescribably beautiful purple eyes looked at Chu Tian.

Chu Tian suddenly felt as if he was being targeted by a ferocious tiger, and even his soul was trembling.

Liya said: Sorry, the hot water and tea are on the table. Let's drink first. I will cook later.

Snapped! —

The door was closed again.

Chutian's forehead and back were covered in sweat.

He walked back to the sofa stiffly and sat down with difficulty, his eyes dull.

Brother Luo, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, your mother-in-law is really terrifying. How on earth did you capture both of her daughters?

Fortunately, he did not overestimate his ability to change his goals.

It’s better to be the big sister with rabbit ears...

Brother Luo, you'd better wish for yourself.

In the bedroom.

Liya snapped her fingers.

In an instant, Weier and Aina's voices could finally be heard, but their bodies were still frozen on the stools.


Aina's sobbing voice suddenly stopped.

Can you talk now?

She wanted to speak immediately to ask her mother to let her go, but before that, she secretly glanced at her sister, who was also frowning.

Is Sister Weier sad too?

Liya came over and sat where Luo Xi originally sat, looking at her two daughters helplessly.

After not seeing each other for three years, when I came back, I found that both my precious daughters wanted to run away with a strange man, and it was the same man!

This made her, a mother, very angry.

How charismatic does that guy have to make you two want to go with him? !

Mom has just come back, shouldn’t you all want to follow her?

However, Liya also felt from this that her daughters had indeed grown up.

But she missed the best three years of growing up with them.

Wei'er looked at her mother, pursed her thin, pale lips, and said, Mom, what do you want to do? It's okay if you don't want us to leave, but you shouldn't treat him like this. This time he really helped. He has done a lot to us, but he can actually leave us alone...

Liya shook her head and said: I know, of course I know the things he did, and I even know the importance of him this time better than you.

Weier: Then-

Liya stared at her eldest daughter's light red eyes, which were different from her own and were affected by the alienation factor, and suddenly asked:

Do you like him? Weier? Tell the truth.

Wei'er was stunned.

What is mom asking?

What do I like about him?


Who is this?

Is it Luo Xi, the pervert? !

After understanding Liya's question, the cat-eared girl's pretty face suddenly turned red, and within a few seconds it spread to the base of her ears, and white air came out of her head.

Impossible! I don't like that perverted knuckle!

Liya: ......

Well, although Liya didn't know what tsundere meant, she could also see that Wei Er's words could be completely reversed.

Aina whispered: But Aina likes brother Luo Xi!

Liya said angrily: Mom didn't ask Aina about you!

Compared with his biological eldest daughter, the originally timid younger daughter was able to express her thoughts directly without blushing when faced with this kind of thing.

Weier glanced at Aina and clenched her little fists on the stool.

Aina is going to say,

Aina said angrily: It was originally agreed that brother Luo Xi is the future husband that Aina found for sister Wei'er, but she has never wanted her, so Aina can only ask for it herself, and she won't be prepared in the future. I gave it to Sister Weier, and when Aina becomes an adult, Aina will marry her brother!

No! Weier shouted subconsciously.

From Aina's description, the cat-eared girl imagined a scene where she would sit in the hall and witness the wedding of two people three years later.

Just this imagined picture made Wei'er feel very suffocated for some reason. If it came true, the girl didn't know what would happen to her.

Liya looked at her two quarreling daughters and felt like a large source crystal light bulb.

She had some doubts about whether she should show up?

In that case, these two children should be very happy to accompany the young man to leave Winter City and travel carefree, right?

Aina wanted to refute her sister again, but suddenly her little nose twitched.

She glanced at her mother thoughtfully. The smell coming from her mother was very bland, and she couldn't analyze anything.

However, I still feel that something is wrong with my mother. Thinking about it carefully, her previous attitude towards brother Luo Xi was indeed a bit harsh.

Liya helplessly held her forehead: Hey... forget it, you two kids are really. If I just drive him away, I'm afraid you two will blame me for the rest of your life.

Weier and Aina's eyes lit up.

Liya snapped her fingers, released the restraints on her two daughters, added some runes to them, and then said: Go and call him back. He has walked about three or four kilometers now. He was far away. Although he hesitated a little during this period, he still walked very fast. He really wanted to leave here directly. Those words seemed to be serious.

Mom is so nice!

Without thinking, Aina immediately jumped off the stool and ran outside. Before opening the bedroom door, she turned back with a smile and said, Because what brother Luo Xi said is always serious!

No one knows better than her.

Wei'er was not in a hurry. She nodded to Liya, blinked her long snow-colored eyelashes, and asked: Mom, what do you want to do? In fact, I don't want to leave. After all, I finally met my mother. We met, so...

You should go too.

Liya smiled at her eldest daughter and said, Otherwise, Aina would have taken the lead. If that child wasn't a little younger, Wei'er, your personality would have no advantage at all compared to hers.

Weier: ...

Girls with cat ears have red lips.

- My heart and my actions are as clear as a clear mirror, and everything I do is righteous.

After Weier also left, Liya stood up, came to the bedroom window, looked at the direction of the Winter Sacred Tree, and repeated this sentence in a voice that only she could hear.

This entire sentence should have been spoken by someone like a hero, such as Heath and North, so that there wouldn't be too much of a sense of disobedience.

That young man probably just heard this sentence from somewhere, so he said it, right?

But if it’s just the first half of the sentence…

Liya chuckled.


Travelers from other worlds.

The power of resurrection.

That guy kidnapped the hearts of my two daughters. Then I'll study it for you. It shouldn't be a problem, right?


Luo Xi walked quickly in the snow.

He didn't know if it was because of the cold, but he shivered violently.

[Note: Poor traveler, did you just leave like this? Where is your loli abduction plan? If your mother-in-law doesn’t give it to you, then go steal it! 】

The plan is over.

And there was no plan from the beginning! Don’t slander me with dog texts!

As for what else to do if you can stay there without leaving?

bid farewell?

It only adds to the sadness. UU Reading www. uukanshu.nett

Anyway, just knowing that they are okay.

Liya will definitely take good care of them in the future, but he cannot bring them a stable life, and he is still a person from another world, looking at this side through a screen.

[Remaining synchronization time: 10 minutes and 10 seconds]

so slow.

Luo Xi sighed lightly.

Brother Luo Xi!

Suddenly, Luo Xi heard a soft voice calling his name.

Luo Xi turned around.

Suddenly, a little guy threw himself into his arms, crying: Brother Luo Xi, don't leave! You are a liar! You obviously agreed to travel with Aina! And why, brother Luo Xi, you You have to nod! Don’t you like Aina, brother?”

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source-changing App, huanyuanapp. 】

Luo Xi was stunned: Aina, why did you come out?

Liya released it?

So Cat... The white light flickered slightly.

Luo Xi felt an object appear next to him again.

A familiar and petite hand grabbed his right hand.

The cold wind blew by, and the cat-eared girl's snow-colored hair was blown up. Her light red eyes stared at him and said: You pervert, go back with me first! You've wiped my oil so many times, and you can't even think about it. Are you being responsible and running away without saying goodbye? As long as you show one-tenth of your courage to tease me and tease my sister, you won't act like a mouse in front of my mother!

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