Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 175 Aina: Let me accompany my brother on the trip, while my sister goes with her mother!

Liya held it in for a long time and finally replied with four words.

It's ok.

She also knew that Luo Xi's reply was not simply the question she wanted to ask.

Luo Xi is saying that during this period of time, everything he did was done with a clear conscience, so it was as clear as a mirror.

To be honest, if Luo Xi was not afraid of death or her disgust, he could have the confidence to point at her and say to her, weren't Wei'er and Aina just taken advantage of by him a few times, so what happened?

Of course, no matter what kind of person Luo Xi is, Liya will not really hurt him.

If Luo Xi had not intervened as a variable this time, Liya could have imagined that the current situation would definitely be quite bad.

North will definitely use Weier to obtain the true book of the Winter Sacred Tree, thereby breaking the seal she set back then. Once Heath completes his promotion, the Snow Disaster Muselite will come, and the consequences can be imagined.

Luo Xi scratched the back of his neck and smiled awkwardly.

Fortunately, no one here knows the origin of what he said.

Liya stared at Luo Xi's face.

She originally wanted to ask several questions about his thoughts about his daughters, but she rejected them one by one.

There is no need to ask so bluntly anymore.

Judging from the memory left by the rune projection, the reason why Luo Xi was unwilling to take Aina away alone was because he did not want to give up on Wei'er. This guy even called her projection several times, Mother-in-law.

Although he used a joking tone at the time, who knows what he really thought in his heart?

Liya could easily guess what this young man was thinking.

He wanted to take his two daughters with him.

And if he hadn't come back, maybe he would have succeeded by now, no, he had definitely succeeded.

Wei'er and Aina obviously have a good impression of him.

After all, people risked their lives to save them. That is an undeniable fact. Girls who are in love will always have a good impression of men because of this kind of thing.

So... let's try another way.

Liya wanted to know, what would his emotions and mentality be like if he knew that for all his efforts during this period, he would get nothing in the end, and that neither Weier nor Aina would leave with him?

Given that you have a good relationship with Wei'er and Aina.

Liya suddenly said: I think there is something I have to tell you. I hope you can understand.

Luo Xi's heart suddenly contracted.

What is it?

Liya said it so solemnly, it must be a very serious matter.

[Note: Is it possible that your mother-in-law is going to give your daughter to you? Are you already destined to be his future son-in-law? Great! 】

That's not impossible... Dog Text I know everything can be found in dreams, but this is a dream world, and we're not daydreaming, right?

We'll be leaving the day after tomorrow.

Liya looked at Luo Xi and said: I will take Wei'er and Aina with me. Do you have any ideas? Where will you go then? Or are you going to continue living on Graystone Street? I learned from those runes From the memory fragments, I learned that your relationship with Hill is not bad, maybe you can find a way to make a living in Winter City in the future?

[The problem of slow update of new chapters is finally solved with an app that can change the source. Download huanyuanapp here. Change the source App and view the latest chapters of the book on multiple sites at the same time. 】

[Note: hoho, it’s over now, traveler, the two beast-eared lolita you tried so hard to abduct are about to be taken away by your mother-in-law~ Why don’t you try to save them? 】

Are you leaving the day after tomorrow?

Luo Xi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Then, Luo Xi shook his head and chuckled: That's great. They have been waiting for you, Ms. Liya, for three years. They finally waited for you to come back. Family reunion is the most beautiful thing in the world. What can I think? .”

As for me, you don't have to worry. The world is big anyway, and I have many places that I am interested in. I have long wanted to go shopping around.

After all, as a traveler from another world, you should travel everywhere, right?

【Ding! Your happiness value -30】

After Luo Xi finished speaking, he lowered his head.

I didn't expect to be separated so soon.

Although Luo Xi had already expected it.

But any normal parents would not let their daughter go out with a strange man, right? That's irresponsible.

And in Liya's opinion, he was not strong enough to protect her daughters, even if he did save them both this time.

Luo Xi didn't dare, let alone make such a seemingly excessive request to Liya.

It would be fine if Liya didn't come back.

But she's back.

The mother and daughter were reunited, and Wei Erina and the others looked so happy clinging to their mother's side. How could I ruin such a scene?

Otherwise, what should I say?

—You leave your daughters to me and I want to take them on a trip?

Just thinking about this scene, Luo Xiguang felt like he was no longer himself. That was the real disdain.

[Note: So traveler, why do you feel unhappy? 】

Who knows?

Luo Xi was certain that he did not force himself to say these words.

It's just...he's a little sad.

Isn’t it okay to be sad?

Liya felt the fluctuations coming from the runes.

Is this young man feeling very lost now?

But when he said those words with a smile, his tone was very sincere.

It doesn't look like a fake.

Liya nodded and said: As long as you understand. By the way, you can take away the hearth and rune armor. Now no one else can use it except you.

She raised her hand, and the black iron ball and hat placed in the living room appeared next to Luo Xi in the halo.

Yeah. Luo Xi was silent.

He observed the black iron ball.

[Rune Powered Armor·Starfire (Sleep Mode)]

Is this a parting gift to him?

Not bad.

Wei'er's heart tightened inexplicably when she saw Luo Xi's smiling but pitiful look.

Although this pervert is indeed a pervert, he should not be treated like this.

All her experiences in the past few days were not false. Sometimes Wei'er would suddenly have the illusion that Luo Xi had died in front of him several times.

Although Luo Xi obviously only died in front of her once...


Wei'er wanted to say, Mom, I've grown up anyway, so it doesn't matter if I go out with this guy to see the world. Just take good care of Aina, and I will visit you regularly.

Liya snorted lightly.

White runes flashed.

Liya didn't have to guess what her eldest daughter was thinking.

Wei'er immediately realized that her voice could not be transmitted at all, and her body was fixed on the stool by the power of the runes. Only her head and tail behind her could still move.

The girl was anxious but couldn't say a word.


At this time, Aina said softly: Brother Luo Xi said before that if he goes on a trip in the future, he will take Aina with him. Aina doesn't want to break his promise, so mom, why don't you go with Sister Wei'er the day after tomorrow? Let’s go, how about Aina traveling with brother Luo Xi for a while?”

Luo Xi: (ΩДΩ)

Wei'er: ???

[Note: Little Aina, the cute wolf, still feels sorry for you, Traveler~]

Luo Xi also suddenly remembered something.

Very early on, this wolf-eared loli seemed to have issued a mission to him.

There should be saved records in the task record column.

[Aina’s mission: take her on a trip with you when you leave] (from Chapter 33)

[Task reward: Aina’s favorability towards you +50]

Aina, a child, may have long been looking forward to seeing the outside world, but because of Liya, she never thought of leaving Gray Stone Street.

Wei'er blinked at Luo Xi and wanted to speak.

But not a single word of what was said came out.

She looked at Aina again, and her tail behind her stretched towards Aina.

As a result, Aina turned her head, grabbed her sister's tail in her hand, and said seriously: Sister Wei'er, Aina knows what you want to say, and Aina will definitely take a good look at brother Luo Xi!

Wei'er (〃>﹏\u003c〃) pulled back the tail that Aina had grasped.

I'm furious!

Mom and Aina are both idiots!

Maomao stared at Luo Xi who seemed to be mute.

And Luo Xi, please tell me something too!

You obviously want to invite me to go on a trip together, but you were always trying to get me out of trouble during that time. Why don't you say a word now?

This is not the perverted you at all!

Quickly change the real Luo Xi back!

Liya: ...


Were these two daughters really not brainwashed by any spiritual magic or abilities?

Luo Xi lowered his head and looked at his remaining synchronization time.

Eighteen minutes left.

so slow.

He just wants to leave the dream world now and go out and have a good rest.

Aina wanted to say something else.

Liya knocked on Aina's head and whispered: Aina, do you think your mother will allow you to go out alone with a strange man? How old are you?

Wei'er nodded repeatedly.

Aina said: But brother Luo Xi is not a strange man. He is very good to Aina, and he will marry Aina in the future -

Liya flicked her fingers.

Runes flashed.

For a moment, Aina was also silenced and frozen by Liya. She could only look at each other with her sister beside her, glaring at each other.

Luo Xi: .

Ms. Liya, are you sure this won't cause rebellious psychology in the children?

Weier took the opportunity to stretch out the cat's tail and hit Aina on the head twice.

Stupid sister!

Aina (〃>_<〃) puffed up her face.

What a bad sister!

Aina also wanted to extend her tail and hit her sister on the head, but the tail was not long enough. In the end, Weier used her tail to tease Aina crazily.

Liya glanced at her two daughters and said, Okay, I've told you this. Just pretend you didn't hear what Aina said. This child is still young and doesn't understand anything.

Luo Xi nodded subconsciously.

Isn't Liya going to hold him accountable for tricking Aina into marrying him?

Then Luo Xi saw Aina looking at him with a wronged expression on the opposite side, her dark-gold eyes filled with big tears. It seemed that if he nodded, UU Reading www.ukkshu.net would cry immediately. Come out the same.

After Luo Xi hesitated for a moment, he nodded.

Originally, it was because of the words he said in a moment of trance, coupled with the impact of the lack of retrieval due to a coincidence of time, that this wolf-eared loli had such a high impression of him.

Now, it's time for everything to get back on track.

And Wei'er... Luo Xi suddenly didn't dare to look directly at Maomao. Maomao's resentful eyes made him feel on pins and needles.

Luo Xi suddenly stood up, put away the black iron ball on the ground, picked up his hat and put it on his head.

He did not look at the reactions of Weier and Aina, and raised his hand to press the hat on his head: Ms. Liya, if there is nothing else, I want to set off today, okay? I do have a lot of things to think about. Go.

Today is Wei'er's birthday, why don't you stay for a meal?

Still not.


Luo Xi nodded, turned around and opened the bedroom door.

Then, under the surprised eyes of everyone, he walked through the living room, opened the door of the living room, and walked downstairs.

After walking for a few minutes, Luo Xi turned back and looked at the long street full of snow.

That's good.


[Note: Traveler, you are crying~]

I don't.

It was just snow that got into my eyes.


Liya helplessly looked at Aina who was crying but was unable to make a sound and Weier who was angry.

These two kids, you don’t know how much painstaking efforts mom and I put into testing that guy!

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