Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 166 The sense of oppression brought by mother-in-law! Luo Xi(;???;)! Fear!

Ah, it hurts...

Luo Xi held her head and sat up, her consciousness gradually returning to clarity.

This shitty place in Mader is such a rip-off.

After walking for a while in the ice cave, he saw a bright light and thought he saw the exit. Unexpectedly, he was attacked by a bunch of strange runes as soon as he stepped out, and then he walked directly out of the towering ice cave. Fell off the cliff.

Originally, with his current physique of 55 points, even if he fell with his head down from a height of dozens of meters, he should not have any serious problems. However, many of those runes were aimed at his head, and he was forced to fall. The consciousness of smashing was shut down.

Where is this?

Luo Xi looked around and found that he was not under the ice cliff outside the cave entrance, but appeared in a room. At this moment, he was lying on a wooden bed.

Someone brought him here?

who is it?

Luo Xi stood up and rolled off the bed.


The door to the room opened.

A red-haired woman looked in and saw Luo Xi getting up. She immediately shouted outside: He's awake!

A moment later, a fat man rushed in. With Luo Xi's confused expression, he hugged his body enthusiastically, and then touched the horns on his head.

Damn it! I finally met a new living person! I didn't expect that I feel particularly friendly when I see people with alienation syndrome. Brother, how did you get in? Can you still take us out?

The red-haired woman said speechlessly: Riker, don't touch me like this! It's disgusting! And didn't you hate aliens before?

I'm not disgusted! It doesn't matter if you are a different species. If you can take me out, you are my relative!

I'm talking about people feeling sick!

Luo Xi: .

He looked at the two talents on the text.

【Ding! Talent: Peer repulsion has been triggered, Rickel’s favorability towards you -50]

【Ding! Rickel's current favorability towards you is: 50 (the excitement caused by not seeing a living person for many years)]

This favorability level has been reduced by 50 and is still 50.

Simply outrageous.

Why are there so many nantongs in this winter city? And they all met him?

At this time, a somewhat familiar voice sounded.

Riker, if you have nothing to do, don't block the way. Uli, you all should go out first. I'll have a chat with him alone.

This voice...

Luo Xi suddenly trembled and raised her head stiffly to look over.

The beautiful face that looked very similar to Weier's face appeared in front of him again.


This time, Zhen Liya was wearing a light blue cotton-padded jacket, but her tall breasts, no matter how thick the cotton-padded jacket, seemed to be unable to cover up the ups and downs of her chest, her long black hair was scattered on her shoulders, and she had a pair of amethyst He looked at Luo Xi with a stern look, without any trace of warmth.

This is Weier's mother Liya, a non-illusory and intangible projection, a large version of Maomao!

[Note: A certain part is indeed bigger than that barren cat-eared girl~]

Dog text you vulgar guy, I mean big overall!

Okay, let's go find Mr. Charles and continue playing cards.

The red-haired woman forced the fat man who was still a little reluctant to leave the room and closed the door.

Liya looked over with cold eyes and asked, Who are you? How did you get in here? What's the situation outside now?

Luo Xi: 0Дq!

Let’s get straight to the point.

This Liya looks so fierce.

The pressure on the momentum is also greater.

Is it because the rune projection is just a projection after all?

[Note: Traveler, why don't you reconsider changing your job to become a Cao thief and take down this real mother-in-law? Then you can tell Weier and Aina that you two will call me daddy from now on~]

Damn! Dog text, you really don’t want me to live.

This Liya doesn't have those memories of him that the projection had, so her favorability is probably 0.

If I say something that I shouldn't say, I'm afraid everyone will evaporate directly.

Luo Xi hesitated for a while and said: Well... I don't know how I got in. Anyway, I just came in here so suddenly. When I opened my eyes, I found that I appeared in an ice In the cave, I fell off the ice cliff not long after I left...

He talked a lot.

Ice cave? Oh, did you come out from there? From that ice tomb...

Liya sighed with a complicated expression.

This young man may be hiding something, but he probably isn't lying. After all, he is only a first-level alienation patient. It is impossible to do anything to the Winter Sacred Tree with such a weak strength.

Luo Xi added: However, I do know what is happening outside. There is a mutant named North who wants to seize the sacred book of the winter sacred tree, but he failed.

Liya's eyes narrowed: Nos, he failed?

Luo Xi nodded.

That's good.

Liya's heart, which had been hanging, was slightly relieved.

This news is very important to her.

What she fears most is that North will do whatever it takes to break her seal.

As a daughter connected to her by blood, Wei'er's blood and life can be used to reversely crack her rune seals. With the lost source weapon she left behind, it can even be cracked 100%.

If it was North who let them out at this moment, it means that North had already given Weier to...

Since it was not released, it means that Wei'er may still be alive.

As for their situation.

This young man may know something.

You can ask again.

【Ding! Liya’s gratitude to you is +10]

【Ding! Liya’s favorability towards you is +5]

Liya's eyes looking at Luo Xi also became slightly gentler.

Luo Xi: ...

Favorability has increased!

This big cat doesn't look as cold as it appears on the outside.

This is like the rune projection Liya that Luo Xi saw.

Liya asked softly: How did North fail? How do you know this?

As a patient with alienation syndrome, it was already very wrong for this young man to be able to enter the inner city of winter and get close to the sacred tree.

There is something wrong with this guy, or something is going on in Winter City.

Luo Xi thought for a while and said, I said I was the one who killed him to pieces in the end. Do you believe it?

What did you say?

Liya said in a 'Do you think I'm stupid? ’ looked at Luo Xi with an expression.

Luo Xi: ...

He knew that Liya would not believe it.

To be honest, Luo Xi would not believe it if the roles of the two parties were reversed.

how to say......

Luo Xi wondered whether she should tell her about knowing her daughters first.

But I don’t know how to speak.

There is always a feeling that once I speak out, I will be judged on the spot by Liya.

never mind.

Liya shook her head and said: It's just good that North failed. Think about it, there are people from Signuo and Noah's Church outside. North shouldn't be able to make too big a storm. It might be an accident for you to come in here. Well, just like when I was able to open up this space here, the world is so big, there will always be surprises.

Since North has failed, there is only one thing I have to consider now. The same goes for you. Now that you are here, no matter what the reason is, you cannot go out at will.

Luo Xi paused, pretending not to know and asked: Um, can I ask first, who are you?

My name is Liya, Liya Solphia.

Liya glanced at the red and black dragon horns on Luo Xi's head and said: What about you? The last time I saw a patient with alienation syndrome of the Red Dragon genus was when I met the biological mother of my little daughter. It was this Residents who have moved to Greystone Street over the past few years?”

My name is Luo Xi. I just lived in Gray Stone Street for a few days...

Luo Xi pretended to be surprised and said: Ms. Liya, you already have a daughter. I thought you looked less than twenty years old.

[Note: Traveler, why is your little mouth as sweet as honey? Do you really want to win over your mother-in-law with sweet words? It’s a pity that your talent only works on little lolita with animal ears~]

Dog text shut up! Didn't you see that I was trying to please her to prevent her from suddenly getting angry and vaporizing me?

Any woman who is around thirty years old or above, as long as you say she is ten years younger, she will be very happy.

In fact, Liya does look to be in her twenties.

But her mature peach-like temperament makes people not think that she is a young girl.

Liya smiled and said: Yes, I have two lovely daughters. By the way, is there anything else happening outside? For example...the aftermath of the source disaster, or the precursor to the source disaster?

Luo Xi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: Yes, first the aftermath of the locust plague Lecaster, and then the precursor to the snow disaster Muselet, the aliens on Greystone Street have been sent into the winter inner city these days. We were frozen for almost two days by the snowstorm.

Liya's face darkened: That's true... No wonder someone with alienation syndrome like you appears here. Damn it, are the signs of the snow disaster really unstoppable?

By the way, do you know a pair of sisters over there on Greystone Street? They are feline and wolf alienated patients respectively. They are both my daughters, and the older one looks very similar to me.

Knowing is knowing...

[Note: We have known each other for a long time. If it had been a few days later, they would have become Travelers~]

Dog text, shut up!

Since you know them.

Liya looked at Luo Xi with a half-smile but not a smile: Then you should be able to recognize me the first moment you see me, right? I thought there was something wrong in your eyes when you saw me. , why didn’t you tell me earlier? What is your relationship with them?

[Note: Hehehe~ Traveler, please call your mother-in-law! 】

Luo Xi: ...

He said bravely: We are friends.

Oh my friend.

Just when Luo Xi thought Liya was going to continue asking questions, Liya sighed softly: They should all be okay?

[The problem of slow update of new chapters is finally solved with an app that can change the source. Download huanyuanapp here. Change the source App and view the latest chapters of the book on multiple sites at the same time. 】

Luo Xi was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Have they been bullied in any way?

Liya said in a deep voice: The thing I regret most now is that I didn't arrange their retreat three years ago. I was too arrogant, just like the me sixteen years ago, so I fell into the situation I am in today. This situation.”

If one day I can solve the problems here, I will definitely return all the grievances they have suffered to those who wronged them tenfold.

Luo Xi: (((;;)))!

Afraid (jpg.)

I dare not say more now.

[Note: Traveler, please tell your mother-in-law quickly that I have already deceived your youngest daughter into becoming my future wife, and your eldest daughter has almost been deceived as well. In the future, do you want one cent of the betrothal gift or two cents of the betrothal gift? 】

Dog text, why do you want me to die so much!

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