Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 165 The real Liya! A unique sacred tree

After being enveloped by that cold light, an irresistible chill penetrated into Luo Xi's soul.

Luo Xi's fist hitting the Rat King's old face froze immediately.

Countless white rune halos appeared on the black rune armor, seemingly trying to resist the invasion of this cold light.

But the next moment, a huge force came from the air, and Luo Xi was slapped on the back, which directly eliminated the remaining action time of Xinghuo. The armor cracked, causing him to fall out of Xinghuo, and together with the people below The rat king North, who was frozen by the cold light, fell into the trunk of the winter sacred tree.

The two of them just disappeared.

The Book of Ice and Snow flickered and flew into the sacred tree again.

After the Luo Xi people disappeared, Starfire's armor parts continued to fall off like liquid, and finally merged back together to form a black steel sphere.

A gentleman's hat with a white background and black rim slowly fell on the sphere.

This is the scene that Weier saw when she came.


【Ding! Traveler, you are affected by [Canon: Winter]]

[Your intelligence is 19 and is being judged... The judgment failed... Ding! The judgment was successful! Traveler, you are immune to the annihilation punishment of the Winter Sacred Tree]

【Ding! Talent: Immersive (Killing Intention) has ended]

【Ding! Traveler, you have come to a special space, and you have triggered a temporary dream synchronization (???). Do you want to use it? 】

【Ding! Because the traveler has not responded for a long time, the temporary dream synchronization triggered this time will be cancelled...]

[Note: Yes. Plus: HD perspective]


Luo Xi reluctantly opened her eyes.

A ray of colorful light dimly dimmed from his eyes.

For some reason, he felt like he couldn't breathe, but there was no suffocating feeling in his chest.

Where is this place?

Luo Xi sat up from the cold ground.

Suddenly, in the bright light coming from nowhere, snowflakes were falling, and many strange human-shaped ice-shaped tunnels were erected, extending forward in front of his field of vision, with no end in sight.

Luo Xi: ?

Am I still dreaming?

[Note: From a certain perspective, Traveler, you are indeed dreaming now. Of course, you can also slap yourself and see if it hurts~]

Who are you fooling with this dog text?

I'm not an idiot. Even if I hit myself in a synchronized state, it will still hurt!

For some reason, Luo Xi felt relieved after seeing Gou Wenwen's complaints.


How is he doing with Rat King North?

Luo Xi remembered that he was beating that stinky rat wildly. At that time, all he could think about was hammering the thing to death, and then he suddenly lost consciousness. When he woke up again, he was here.

If that's the case, I should be out of dream sync by now, right?

Why am I still in the dream world?

Luo Xi looked at the remaining synchronization time in the lower right corner of the text [? ? ? 】.

Hey, is there something wrong?

[Note: A temporary synchronization was triggered just now. Since you, Lazy Dog Traveler, have not woken up, I will confirm it for you (???)]

Luo Xi: ...

Don't think that being cute will make me ignore what you did!

Dog text, what is that thing behind you? !

Come out quickly and let me be healthy!

Of course, Luo Xi just thought about it. He glanced behind him and his eyes suddenly shrank.

The old man's version of Rat King North was already lying on the ground motionless.

He walked over and kicked him gently.

North's body was as cold as stone.

He should be dead, right?

Suddenly, a hole appeared on the old man's head, and a small green snake came out and stabbed towards Luo Xi.

【Ding! Your fright value +10]

Luo Xi took two steps back.

However, the moment the little snake approached Luo Xi, its body froze and it fell down weakly. After falling to the ground, it quickly solidified into an ice crystal. Its body was constantly transforming. In just ten seconds, it Completely transformed into a pure ice sculpture.


Luo Xi crushed the ice snake with one foot.

This stinky rat still wants to plot against him?

He looked at the other ice sculptures.

Could it be that this is how the ice sculptures here are formed?

Luo Xi raised his hand, caught a snowflake falling from the cave wall, and rubbed it gently.

The snowflakes turned into a strange symbol on his hand, and the symbol turned into tiny points of light, completely dissipating between his fingers.

【Ding! Your shock value +20]

This...isn't this a rune?

Luo Xi suddenly raised his head and touched the snowflakes everywhere. The moment he touched them, all the snowflakes dissolved into fine runes.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp]

Here, it is like a dream made of runes, like ice and snow.

Dog text, where is this place?

[Note: Traveler, what do you think? 】

Luo Xi pondered: I guess it's the inside of the Winter Sacred Tree? But doesn't it mean that there is no space in the Sacred Tree, and it is impossible for living people to survive?

[Note: Stupid traveler, I can only say that your cheap mother-in-law is really a genius. With her first-hand rune magic, she used the power of the sacred tree itself in the depths of the winter sacred tree. Such a place has been opened up]

I see...it's a hammer.

Luo Xi said with a look of astonishment: You mean, Maomao and their mother, Liya, is really not dead?

To be honest, Luo Xi had completely given up on finding the real Liya and letting her make a comeback in the previous battlefield. Liya's projection didn't think she was still alive, so how could he find her?

Luo Xi looked into the depths of the ice cave.

Go straight ahead from here. When you go out, can you see Liya?

【Ding! Your fear value +30】

[Note: Traveler, what are you afraid of? Could it be that he didn't dare to see her because he did unspeakable things to her two daughters? 】

certainly not!

Anyway, Liya here doesn’t know what he did.

Wait until I hide that hat...where's my hat?

Luo Xi touched his head and realized that not only the hat, but also the spark had disappeared.

Forget it...what does he have to be afraid of?

Luo Xi took a deep breath and took steps.

Wait, there seems to be no air here.

So what is he breathing?


Between a narrow valley that is almost entirely covered with ice and snow.

Snowflakes are still falling, and there are beautiful white petals everywhere, and a sweet floral fragrance fills the valley.

At this moment, there were three people sitting idle outside a building made of ice and snow, listening to the occasional sounds from inside the building, playing cards made of ice in their hands.

A fat man said dissatisfied: What is Liya doing again? I want to sleep.

I don't know. A red-haired woman said.

The fat man threw down a card: She is doing some incomprehensible things every day, and she doesn't know if they are of any use. If she continues like this, Heath will really advance to the next level.

Then it's useful for you to play cards? the red-haired woman mocked.

That's not impossible...well I'm a loser. The fat man lowered his head and refused to defend.

Liya must be anxious too.

A blond middle-aged man sighed: Even if we eliminate the mutations caused by the omen every day, we still won't be able to suppress Hiss. According to my calculations, he is only one step away from promotion. A small part, the leak of power a few days ago may have caused changes outside.

Heath the bastard...

The fat man curled his lips and said: Who would have thought that that guy Heath was sneak-attacked into the sacred tree. I thought there was something wrong with him, but I didn't expect that he took advantage of the situation. Fortunately, Liya He reacted quickly at that time, otherwise, if he had successfully completed the omen ritual, he would really have become a natural disaster, and everyone would have died by then.

By the way, how does the Kingdom of Light conduct censorship? Let the people from the Church of Calamity become the controllers of the sacred tree? And it has been passed down for at least five generations?

Maybe Heath became the bishop of the Church of Calamity after becoming the city lord. The red-haired woman said.

It's possible...but I can't understand this even more. If the person who controls the sacred tree is not good enough, why should he worship the source of disaster?

A cold female voice sounded: There is a very deep connection between the source of disaster and the eternal world tree. There is not much essential difference between worshiping the eternal world tree and worshiping the source of disaster. There is only the difference in people's hearts. Desire and depravity.”


The middle-aged man looked back at the woman wearing a light blue coat who came out and asked, How's it going?

The woman slowly shook her head and said: He has been preparing for too long. Even if he is unable to act now, we cannot find out all his arrangements, and we also cannot act at will.

Yeah, I'm going numb. I've been trapped here for a long time.

The fat man couldn't help crying and said: My children and wives are waiting for me to go back. What should I do if I go home one day and find that my wife has remarried?

The middle-aged man said speechlessly: Those hundreds of brothers who died didn't say anything. You are just crying here. Shut up.

Liya had attracted nearly a hundred people in one breath, but now they were the only ones left. Except for some hidden members of the Church of Truth who were personally killed by them, it could be said that everyone died here.

The middle-aged man looked at Liya and said, How long is expected?

Liya shook her head: It's possible at any time.

She looked up at the sky with some sadness.

It was a 'sky' with countless black cracks spreading. From time to time, dark colors appeared and were purified away by white light.

If she remembered the time correctly, this day should be the festival day of the Winter Sacred Tree.

She also didn’t know if the rune information of the equipment leading to the remotely changed City Lord’s Mansion had been conveyed to Wei’er and Aina at the last moment. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net She only hoped that the two children could stay away from the cold winter. city.

Of course, she also knew that North would definitely not give up after that, and he would definitely continue to plot the true code and push the matter to the point of no return.

But she really had no choice.

In fact, in addition to the rune information for Wei Erina, she also hid some messages in the runes of the staff.

If people from Noah's Church could see it, they would know what was going on here, and know that Hiss was trying to use the Winter Sacred Tree as a sign of his promotion to the fifth level - the Ice and Snow Disaster.

But after such a long time, the Kingdom of Yaoguang still hasn’t sent anyone over... Is it because those staffs are too inferior? So it can’t spread at all?

But it has been three years.

Or is there someone in Noah’s church deliberately pretending not to see it?

Snapped! —

Suddenly, a deep crashing sound attracted the attention of several people.

Several people looked over there.

A human-shaped object fell out of the hole in the cliff. It lay o(x﹏x)o on the hard ice, as if it had been knocked unconscious.

The fat man looked confused and said, Is that a person? Right? Is that a person?

It seems to be a human being.

Liya, who was wearing a light blue cotton-padded jacket, floated to that person's side like a gust of wind, and said doubtfully:

Strange, how did he get in here? The true code was sealed by me. Even if North lifted the seal, then we should go out together, instead of someone being stuffed in... It's still an alienation Syndrome patient, dragon factor? How did he get in...

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