Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 142 Aina’s sleeping face is too cute~ Dog text is actually useful (sure)

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[Traveller, you gently touch the big soft tail with your fingers, but you don’t dare to use force because you are afraid of waking Aina who has fallen asleep]

[Aina's head is lying on the pillow on the bed next to you at the moment. Her breathing is particularly steady. A little further over there, there is a lighter breathing sound, which is obviously Wei'er's.]

[Traveler, do you want to continue to follow Aina's tail? (Doing this may wake Aina~)】

Luo Xi sighed and chose [No].

Aina aside, Maomao allowed him to sleep in their room, even if they didn't let him go to the bed, it also represented the cat-eared girl's trust in him.

How could I destroy this trust?

Luo Xi didn't want to be thought by Wei'er as a real perverted lolita control or something.

Of course, the most important thing is that through the projected text rua, he can get nothing except false happiness points.

[Note: Traveler, is it possible that Maomao has already regarded you as a real perverted lolicon? She has called you many times~]

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Maomao, she must have just said it smoothly.

[Note: Poor traveler, you can deceive everyone, but don’t deceive yourself~]

Luo Xi: (╬ ̄ Pan ̄).

Shut up the dog text!

[Traveler, you stopped your eagerness to move]

[Unlike that arrogant cat-eared girl, you can rub the little wolf girl's tail and ears at any time. You are not in a hurry and secretly rub Aina while she is sleeping. Although it is a bit exciting, there is always a feeling. The feeling of next work]

[Moreover, the hearth hat with Liya's projection attached to it is still on the bed. This 'mother-in-law' may come to you at any time.]

[Note: Traveler, come out with your wolf nature! If you were given another half hour of temporary synchronization time, would you show such Buddha nature? 】

Haha, you should give it to me. If you give it to me, I will call you big brother.

Luo Xi was too lazy to pay attention to the dog text and took out his mobile phone to check the time.

It's almost three o'clock in the morning.

But it's not a big problem.

Mao Ka's side took a day off anyway during the day. Even if the official conference was stopped, he could still take a day off.

As for renting a house and moving, wait until these two days have passed. I feel like I can take a day off tomorrow. I just feel sorry for the trust of that rich little woman Ai Xue.

After all, once he chooses to look back, everything will return to zero within that day.

In short, instead of spending your time doing other things, lie in bed and play Dawn all day.

Luo Xi was going to solve all the problems with Wei'er before talking about it.

After tomorrow night, on Wei'er's birthday, everything may be revealed.

Liya and North, the Church of Truth, and the old city lord...

Will all the events and conspiracies surrounding the Divine Tree in Winter City finally converge on a petite girl like Maomao?

Luo Xi's heart became a little heavy.

He'd better go to bed first.

It took Luo Xi about ten minutes to move all the furniture from Weier's family that was originally stored upstairs to the downstairs, including beds, wardrobes and other items.

Luo Xi stood on the uneven floor of the old house on the first floor.


There is no need to sleep upstairs, so let’s make do with sleeping on the first floor for two days.

So, where to sleep?

He looked at the bed beside the wall, which was the big bed in Maomao's house.

In the previous attack, Weier's bed was not stained with blood because it was placed in the corner. As for Luo Xi's own old bed, it was poked by the two sharp spikes at the beginning. Almost useless.

Luo Xi yawned tiredly.

I can borrow this bed to sleep on for a few days. It should be fine, right? It's a waste to put it here.

At worst, if I have a chance in the future, I will change the sheets and sheets for the cats and the others.

Luo Xi walked over and lay down on the bed.

On the soft bed quilt, the familiar sweet smell from Weier and Aina, like sun-dried flowers, immediately poured into his nose.

No wonder they say girls’ beds usually smell good.

It is indeed fragrant. After all, I have been sleeping for a long time and the smell has been soaked in.

[Note: Traveler, you are indeed becoming more and more perverted! (*′﹃「*)】

You are the pervert if you post this dog text with this expression...

For some reason, Luo Xi felt sleepy as soon as he lay down.

Speaking of which, I died once yesterday, and today I seem to have lost 20% of my attributes.

It's time to rest...

As a result, Luo Xi's consciousness gradually fell into darkness.

I do not know how long it has been.

Luo Xi felt as if he had had a very long dream.

In the dream, he was standing somewhere in the sky shrouded in thick clouds and mist. In front of him was a towering tree that grew from the ground and penetrated the sky and the earth. If the sky is tens of thousands of meters high, then there are also giant trees. Tens of thousands of meters.

After a long time, a golden morning light dispersed the heavy clouds and fog, bringing the warm morning light and the dawn of dawn.

Luo Xi lowered his head and looked down. His sight spanned a distance of tens of thousands of meters. He saw a prosperous country below, where everything was constantly living and growing.

At a certain moment, an indescribable rich darkness emerged, completely engulfing the morning light in the sky.

Luo Xi felt that his consciousness was instantly frozen by the coldness of the darkness.

The giant tree burst out with endless light, constantly confronting the darkness.

I don’t know how much time passed.

The giant tree collapsed with a scream.

A book that seemed to be engraved with the truth and mystery between heaven and earth, exuding seven-colored light, appeared from the damaged trunk of the giant tree, and disappeared without a trace before the darkness came.

The country under the giant tree was completely swallowed up.

Ha ha......

Luo Xi gasped for breath and sat up suddenly from the bed.

The images in the dream are beginning to be erased at an exponential speed.

This dream...is it trying to convey something to him?

The giant tree I saw in my dream was the Tree of Eternal World, right? br/\u003e

It's not at the same level as the Winter Sacred Tree, which is hundreds of meters high.

An incredible idea came to Luo Xi's mind.

When the giant tree collapsed, the book with seven-colored light... was it the same book he saw when he triggered Liu Yue's talent?


This word suddenly appeared in Luo Xi's mind.


Is that the Gendian that Rena's shopkeeper mentioned?

A source code that can go back in time, a mythical thing, is not the opponent of that darkness?

Moreover, since it can reverse time, why didn't it reverse time at that time?

When I first chose talents, that ‘? ? ? , why would you give this talent to him again?

The more I think about it, the more headache I get.

Compared to the pit Weier fell into in Winter City, Luo Xi felt as if she had fallen into a bigger pit.


Although day and night exist in the dream world, and dawn and dusk occur every day, Luo Xi thought the name of the game was strange at first.

Now, he may understand that the name of the game was not chosen randomly.

Luo Xi reached out and touched his back.

I broke out in a cold sweat.

Even Weier's bed was made wet by him.

He checked the time, morning

Half past five.

I slept for just over two hours.

However, I am not that sleepy anymore. With my current physical attributes, even if it drops by 20%, the impact will not be very big.

Luo Xi glanced at the projected text.

【Traveler, you are sleeping soundly...】

【Ding! Traveler, you have obtained a temporary dream synchronization (30 minutes) (HD version), do you want to use it? 】

[Note: This is a special gift from us to you, the traveler. Please quickly say thank you, brother~]

Luo Xi: !

Damn it, did Gouwen really get him 30 minutes of synchronization time?

Speaking of which, Chu Tian said that his text was not so strange. Could this dog text be the one? ? ? ,, or the so-called ‘great will’?

No, I will never give in to the dog text. This is the sugar-coated bullet of the dog text!

However, he wanted to see the way Maomao and Aina looked when they were sleeping, and this was a high-definition version...

Luo Xi's hand suddenly shook accidentally.


His whole body instantly collapsed, his head tilted, he was buried in the quilt, and he peacefully lost consciousness.


Luo Xi shook his head.

The first thing that came back was the sense of smell, that familiar smell, very similar to the bed he slept on before, lingering on the tip of his nose.

He blinked.

It was still dark outside, so the room without a light source was also very dark.

However, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net he could see the stickers on the wall ahead in the darkness.


Synchronize with immersive dreams with the same clarity!

Although there is no attribute bonus, there is more time.

[Note: Traveler, should you say thank you, big brother? 】

Luo Xi: Brother...

Although Luo Xi was a little reluctant, he didn't expect that Gou Wenwen actually did it.

This also shows that there may be an unimaginable existence hidden behind this dog text who complains about him all day long.

[Note: Hum~(???), little brother]

Luo Xi: ...

For some reason, he imagined a scene where a little loli was hiding behind the screen and laughing happily.

Throwing this nonsensical thought out of his mind, Luo Xi slowly turned his head and looked at the two sisters Wei Erina who were still sleeping.

In the darkness, Aina faced him, eyes closed tightly, without any defense.

In fact, his hand under the quilt was still in contact with the little wolf girl's big soft tail, and even rested under his hand.

Luo Xi suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Could it be that Aina was afraid that he would be too tired, so she put her tail over to cushion him?

From his sight, Aina's little face revealed a faint pink color, her long eyelashes were trembling slightly, and the pair of wolf ears on her head made this young wolf-eared lolita look like a young and budding girl. breath.

【Ding! Your happiness value +20]

The sleeping face of the little wolf girl is so cute!

The pair of wolf ears on Aina's head moved.

A pair of tea-gold eyes opened and looked at Luo Xi in confusion.

Brother Luo Xi?

fox in cupboard

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