Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 141 Those who don’t sleep have Aina’s tail to play with~

Luo Xi glanced at the text projection floating in front of his eyes.

[Traveler, you have entered a deep sleep...]

The situation in the dream world has been stable for the time being, but in reality, it seems that I am in trouble again.

The middle-aged man looked at Luo Xi's confused expression and thought he was still in a dazed state.

After all, as a college student living in peaceful times, who has ever encountered such a thing?

He shouted to the back: Xiao Mu, come and talk to him, I'm not good at talking to young people.

Okay, Brother Zhang.

A handsome young man opened the door and walked in.

The young man sat down, smiled at Luo Xi, and said, Hello, Mr. Luo, my name is Mu Yao. I am the Mu of cattle and Yao of Riyao. I am also a staff member of Haicheng City Tourism Bureau.

You don't have to worry about being arrested by us because of what happened last night. Those people are extremely vicious wanted criminals who specialize in killing dream travelers, that is, game players like you. You killed one of them. Logically speaking, , we will also offer you a reward, but first please describe in detail what you encountered last night.


Only then did Luo Xi realize that these people were talking about the player hunters who attacked him last night.

[Note: Traveler, do you think that the bad things you did to the beast-eared lolita in the dream world were discovered by the police? 】

I just sucked Aina's big tail for a while! That’s not a bad thing!

Luo Xi did not answer, but asked first: Why am I being targeted by them?

The middle-aged man said: Those player hunters should have a forum or other channels to collect the identity information of all possible players across the country and share it with each other. You are probably on their suspicion list. During this time You have shown something different from ordinary people to some extent, right?

Luo Xi: ...

He thought for a while and said slowly: Last night, I was playing games in bed, and they suddenly broke open the door of my house and attacked me. There were three people in total. I resisted with all my strength, and then I killed one of them. One and the other two then ran away. At that time, I was almost frightened to death and my head was dizzy, so I left the house and ran outside to relax.

Mu Yao: (⊙o⊙)...

Fight to the death?

You can challenge three and still kill one and frighten two away. Are you sure you are resisting desperately?

The middle-aged man laughed at the side and said: It's normal. After all, he has become a transcendent of the alienation system. Many of those player hunters have not officially entered the transcendent, so they just rely on the good talents they extracted to do evil everywhere. .”

Luo Xi: !

How do these people know... He patted his hair.

Oops, the hat is gone!

Seeing that Luo Xi looked a little uncomfortable, Mu Yao quickly explained: Sorry, our staff couldn't wake you up in the park, so they sent you here. Your hat fell off on the way, so we found you. The virtual image of alienated characteristics.”

But you don't have to worry about what we will do to you. In fact, some staff in our Dreamland Tourism Bureau are taking the path of alienation. After all, the path of sublimation, as far as we know, requires too many resources. too much.

The middle-aged man also said: There are many unlucky players who have become aliens in the dream world, or simply chose the talents of aliens from the beginning. We are not like the 'normal' people in the dream world. Patients with the disease will only be endlessly persecuted, which is purely inhumane behavior.

Luo Xi: ...

Their words made him feel a little more at ease.

Also, how come someone takes the initiative to choose a different talent from the beginning?

The middle-aged man paused and said: Of course, alienation will still cause a lot of problems. If it really reaches the point of irreversibility, then we can only recommend that you do not resurrect after death, and never play Dawn online. That way, your level of alienation is permanently stuck at the moment the character dies.”

Luo Xi nodded silently.

It turns out that there are ways to suppress alienation in reality.

He asked, What's going on with this game?

Mu Yao smiled bitterly: I don't know too well. In fact, our department and personnel were only established a few months ago. You should know that there is a conference at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and there will be members of our Tourism Bureau at that time. The leader is here to answer questions, I suggest you go over and listen.

How many months ago was it formed?

Luo Xi frowned and said, Could it be that there was an older group of players before this internal beta?

Mu Yao looked back at the middle-aged man and saw him nodding, so he said, You are right. Dawn has been tested on a small scale several times before. Each time, the total number of players in the world was less than one. Thousands, this time it is a large-scale internal test, with a total of 100,000 places.

That's it.

Luo Xi looked out the window. It was pitch black outside. He asked:

what time is it now?

Two o'clock in the morning. Mu Yao said with a smile: We have sent people to clean up your house and make sure not to leave a trace of blood. Of course, I suggest you move.

Luo Xi: ...

Needless to say he will move.


The middle-aged man's cell phone suddenly rang.

When he picked it up and took a look, his expression suddenly changed.

Luo Xi picked up his mobile phone that was placed on the bedside.

[The conference originally scheduled to be held at 2 pm on October 1st has been postponed, and the restart time is uncertain. All players are asked to protect their privacy and not disclose any personal information. Some of the information that can be disclosed will be sorted out and sent to In the mailbox of the citizen who confirms the traveler’s identity]

Mu Yao looked at his phone and wondered, Why was it suddenly postponed? Many people are waiting.

The middle-aged man said solemnly: Perhaps the superiors feel that there is an inner ghost inside.

With so many players gathered together, if there is a mole in the top management, there is a possibility that they will all be wiped out, and the consequences will be disastrous.

The mole......

Luo Xi's head hurt when she heard it.

The middle-aged man looked at Luo Xi and suddenly asked: Mr. Luo, are you interested in joining us? After passing the assessment, you can get a formal establishment, with a monthly salary of about 20,000, and five insurances and one fund.

Luo Xi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: Sorry.

In the past, it might have been good to join the system and get a high salary, but in this context of not knowing what it will be like when you get up tomorrow, you should just be a commoner.

The middle-aged man sighed with regret.

Although there will be more and more players in the future, even if there is potential, it will take time to develop.

The higher authorities must also come up with a way to punish those player hunters, otherwise it will cause panic in the future and the whole society will be in chaos.

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years, change the source app! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving or before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download huanyuanapp here.]

Luo Xi asked softly: Can I go back?

Okay, this is near the park where you slept last night.

The middle-aged man nodded: Be careful lately. If you need help, then call us. You must have improved in the prey evaluation of those player hunters. Also, don't be fooled by power. That tramp last night I almost drowned you. Originally, your behavior required a period of detention, but considering your emotional instability at the time, I let it go.

Luo Xi: ...

After Luo Xi got off the bed, the middle-aged man gave him a new hat. He smiled and said: Whenever we find a way to hide the alienation characteristics, we will notify players like you as soon as possible.


Luo Xi put his hat on his head, opened the door and walked out.

Then, he discovered that this place was really a police station! There is a policeman on duty in the hall.

[Note: Traveler, you really still got oranges, right? This is where lolicon belongs! 】

No road race!

After Luo Xiren left, Mu Yao looked at the middle-aged man and asked, Why don't you keep him and ask more questions? The things in his house make me a little concerned...

Like that closet of children's clothes.

That college student seems to have a normal body shape, and even women's clothing cannot be worn in that small size. He shouldn't have done some perverted behavior to the little girls in that world in the game, right?

There's nothing to ask about other people's games. It will arouse the other person's resentment.

The middle-aged man sighed: This kind of thing will probably become less common in the future. After the game is updated, we won't even have the restriction of confiscating mobile phones. The world is about to change.


A sneeze—

Luo Xi, who had just walked out of the police station, sneezed loudly for no apparent reason.

These days have been really magical.

Compared with his twenty years of life, the experiences of these few days can be said to have completely reshaped his outlook on life.

I don’t know what will happen in the future.

[Note: At least, Traveler, you still have the animal-eared Loli here]

Yes, I also have animal-eared loli...

Dog text shut up!

After scolding the dog text, Luo Xi felt better.

He took a taxi and when he returned to the old house, he found someone waiting for him outside the old house.

The man in protective clothing said to him: Hello, sir, we have cleaned up the scene and installed the door back. You can check in again. Please go to bed early.


Luo Xi's current psychological endurance has not yet reached the point of being invincible.

Of course, he can't just leave. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Maomao and their furniture are all here.

I'll find a new house in two days and then move everyone out.

Luo Xi came upstairs and took a look, and found that there was indeed no trace of blood here. There was only a faint smell of blood in the air.

Luo Xi sat beside the bed and felt something in her heart.

How about playing the game again?

He didn't really want to sleep anyway.

In the game now, he should be in Weier and Aina's room. Of course, it is not ruled out that Maomao threw him out of the room after he fell asleep.

【Traveler, you are sleeping soundly...】

【Do you want to wake up? 】

Luo Xi hesitated a little.


[Traveler, you opened your eyes secretly]

[You find that you are still sitting on the ground, but you are covered with a thick quilt, probably Aina or Wei'er put it on you]

【Ding! Your touching value +10]

[Traveler, you are surprised to find that the hand you put on the bed seems to have entered the bed of the two animal-eared lolita, and it is very warm]

[However, maintaining the position of holding the hat and placing it beside the bed for a long time made you feel that your hands were a little numb. You wanted to move a little, but you touched something warm, which seemed to be a soft, plush ball. velvet objects]

【What could it be? 】

【Aina’s big tail! (instant answer)]

【Ding! Your happiness value +20]

Luo Xi: !

[Note: Secretly Rua Big Tail, Lolita Control Traveler, have you already counted all this? Si! —]

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