Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 136: I will raise your daughters, so don’t worry about them.

Luo Xi deeply felt the murderous aura coming from Liya beside him.

To be honest, he himself didn't dare to look at the projected images.

The young wolf-eared little Lolita was driven into unconsciousness by being raped by a strange big brother. This kind of thing was also seen by her mother through magical surveillance means. Thinking about it, she felt very tortured.

Although Luo Xi actually didn't do anything too extreme, he still took action against his daughter.

[Note: Traveler, isn’t it a very exciting thing to be judged by your mother-in-law for what you have done? 】

Luo Xi: ...

You dog text is purely for watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

The scene changes.

—In the hotel, Aina blinked her moist eyes and said shyly: Aina will grow up well. When Aina grows up, my brother will marry Aina...

- Well, I will marry you Aina when my brother comes back. Luo Xi in the screen said without thinking.

Liya: ...

Judging from Aina's expression and tone, her little daughter has been completely deceived by this guy, right?

Although Aina was not related by blood to her, she had regarded Aina as her biological daughter since she adopted the child. Now that she saw her little daughter being cheated away, she felt like she wanted to hit someone very much.

No wonder Weier said he was a pervert.

No normal person would talk to a girl of this age about getting married.

We have to wait at least another three years!

However, Aina is a child who can smell the good and bad in people. Does it mean that she is so close to this young man that this guy is just paying lip service and actually has a kind heart?

Liya glanced at Luo Xi.

The young man lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to look at her.

Maybe he is a good person who can risk his life to break into a dangerous place like the City Lord's Mansion with Wei'er.

So let me take a closer look.

The projected pictures were suddenly divided into many parts. In the picture, Luo Xi always secretly took advantage of Wei'er's absence and touched Aina's tail and ears, which was clearly seen by Liya. He also asked Aina if she wanted to marry him. Everything was released.

Liya: ?

Why do you feel like something is wrong?

Why does this young man like to touch the alienated features of her daughter so much?

Even patients with alienation disorder themselves don't have a good impression of alienation characteristics. Does this guy like it too much?

Luo Xi's head was lower.

Now he just wants to die and start again.

Remake Dafa, hurry up and save my life.

Liya waved gently.

Let’s take a look at Weier’s.

The child Weier called him a pervert, but she didn't feel much resentment in her heart. Liya was a little curious about what happened between the two of them.

In the picture, some scenes of Luo Xi and Wei'er together were revealed.

Cong Weier took Luo Xi into the city together.

Arrive at Lena's hotel.

Enter the black market and get the staff.

The two were talking in the room before dawn, and Wei'er was touched by the young man's tail and ears...

Liya: ...

She didn't want to watch anymore.

At this time, in the Shengyin Nursing Home, Luo Xi used the power armor as a decoy to attract firepower and let Wei'er in.

Liya's eyes narrowed slightly.

etc! What's this?

When Weier told her what happened recently, she did not explain in detail how they entered the nursing home.

This power armor is an old model, but even if it is an old model, it is impossible for ordinary people to get it. How did you get it? And what's the secret of this storage technique?


Luo Xi raised her head blankly and asked, Mother-in-law, are you talking to me?

Liya: ???

What did this guy just call me?

After Luo Xi finished shouting, she realized that she had actually said the words 'Mother-in-law'.

[Note: Traveler, you are so brave! 】

Shut up the dog text, it's all your fault. My mother-in-law, my mother-in-law, has led me astray!

Luo Xi panicked and started talking nonsense: Well... I mean you are as broad-minded as your mother-in-law. You have raised your two daughters to such a big age in such a difficult and difficult environment. It’s truly admirable…”

Hey, what did I say?

Liya: ?

Co-author: Are you really eyeing my two daughters?

Liya raised her hand and said: Stop, stop talking. The more you talk, the more I want to beat you. Let me tell you how you did these things.

Her main body didn't know what the current situation was. If the main body was still alive and heard Luo Xi's words, he would have died a hundred times.

Luo Xi looked up at himself in the screen and said suddenly: Ah, you are talking about this. Actually, there is something you may not believe. I am not from this world. I am a traveler from other worlds. This kind of accommodation The ability comes with it, and I can even be resurrected after death.

Liya said in her mouth, Do you think I'm a bad guy? ’ looked at Luo Xi.

Does this guy think she's easy to fool around with?

Although she is just a historical projection, she also has the wisdom and part of the memory from the time when Liya arrived.

Luo Xi immediately said: If you don't believe it, you can look back. There should be a scene of my resurrection after death.

Liya waved her hand lightly.

The scene in the nursing home started to jump back. However, in the scene where Luo Xi was hit by a spell and was hugged by Wei'er and escaped, there was a black screen and nothing was displayed.

The corner of Luo Xi's mouth twitched and said: Well, I'm really not lying to you...

Liya didn't express any doubts. She frowned and said, It's indeed a bit weird. You were hit by the third level of life shattering. You are so weak now. Ten lives are not enough to kill you.

It breaks my heart, old man.

Okay, I believe you for now. Strange things happen from time to time in this world, but it's a pity that my real body is not here.

Liya pointed at the armor on the screen and said: So what's going on with this armor? Where did you get it? Complete power armor is not something ordinary people can get... Wait a minute, this is the heart of the furnace. As a power source for armor?!”

Luo Xi's eyes suddenly changed when he saw Liya, and he became very expectant.

Luo Xi swallowed his saliva and said: This armor was originally an empty shell without a power furnace. It was given to me by the workshop owner of Shenxiang Workshop. Your furnace core became its power source. There is still something in the armor. There is a very strange elf, who seems to be the will of the birth of the armor...

The furnace core is a rune creation, and its matching rate with ordinary armor is very low. This is why I am trying to find ways to study the other main bodies of the rune armor, otherwise a single furnace core will not be of much use.

Liya looked at Luo Xi with strange eyes: You can actually make the heart of the furnace match the ordinary old-fashioned power armor. Even if it is just luck, it is enough to show that you are talented. As for the will you mentioned, it is probably inside the armor. It’s not surprising that the soul was born.”

Luo Xi: ...

This was the first time he heard Liya praise him since meeting her.

But mother-in-law, are you sure that the Sparkling Elf is nothing special?

The little elf who talks a lot about pornographic jokes is not a pornographic joke, but when you look at it, it is a pornographic joke. No matter how you think about it, it’s weird!

Liya continued: You can try to combine those unfinished rune scrolls with the heart of the furnace. If it doesn't work, forget it. I guess it won't work either. The completion of those scrolls is too low. A complete rune armor may not be something a magician of my level can create.

Luo Xi nodded subconsciously.

Well, isn't Liya going to hold him accountable for the things that happened to her daughters?

Thinking too much.

The projected image is still playing.

Soon, Luo Xi and Wei'er entered the city lord's mansion together.

Ah this...

Luo Xi wanted to escape.

It's a pity that I can't escape.

Liya also managed to see the scenes of Luo Xi touching Weier several times.

On this night, Weier was touched three or four times. Although Luo Xi might not have done it intentionally, as a mother, she would always be a little angry when she saw her daughter being taken advantage of by a man.

Liya waved her hand to eliminate the projection, and her figure gradually became slimmer.

Hey, I wanted to stay a little longer, but unfortunately time is really running out now.

Luo Xi blinked: Ms. Liya, are you going to disappear completely?

Liya glanced at Luo Xi: Why do I think your tone sounds a little happy? But don't worry, the runes that condense my projection will also be integrated into the heart of the furnace. If my body is dead, that's it. If I'm still alive , once I see you and touch the heart of the furnace, I will know the memory of today.

Luo Xi: ...

Don’t do that kind of thing!

Liya was silent for a long time and said slowly: So, you'd better take Wei'er and Aina and the others away from Winter City, and try every means to leave this place of right and wrong before the festival day comes, so that you can You’ll never see me again.”

Luo Xi was stunned.

Does the mother-in-law mean to admit that it is legal for him to abduct her daughters?

Phew, that's not kidnapping, that's traveling together.

[Note: Traveler, you have completely exposed your little thoughts~]

Luo Xi raised her head and stared at Liya's face, which was similar to Wei'er's but more beautiful and mature, and said with a smile:

Don't worry, Ms. Liya. Weier and Aina will be left to me. I will definitely protect them. You don't have to worry. UU Reading www.uukkanshu.net

After all, he has the greatest confidence.

[Note: Translation, mother-in-law, I will raise your daughters, so don’t worry about it~]

Don’t translate the dog text randomly!

Liya raised her eyebrows.

This guy always feels that if his daughters are handed over to him, big problems may occur. That's it for Weier. She will be an adult soon. She can indeed find someone to rely on in the future, but the child Aina, from those scenes Look, this pervert probably dares to do something.

Also, what he said about him coming from another world sounded very unreliable.

No, you have to find a way to retain this part of your consciousness, even if it's only for two days, until they can get through this disaster.

[To be honest, I have been using the Huanyuan app recently to read and catch up on updates. It allows me to switch sources and read aloud with many different sounds. .huanyuanapp is available for Android and Apple. 】

I don’t know if furnace heart is okay?

You can try it.

Let this guy sleep for a while first, and she will use her last strength to try.

In front of Luo Xi's eyes, Liya's figure completely disappeared.

Luo Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

Being with this big cat really puts him under a lot of pressure.

Next, after returning from here, it’s time to think about returning home.

Luo Xi squinted and looked around.

It is still the clean workshop from before.

Hey, why isn’t this dream over yet? ! Let me out!

Give me the exit key, Dog Text!

[Note: Dear, there is no exit button here. Traveler, you are sleeping peacefully at this moment~]

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