Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 135 Liya: Let me know what you did to my daughters

Liya's pull suddenly brought Luo Xi closer to her. Her fingers tapped Luo Xi's arm. Many strange runes emerged from her hand and entered Luo Xi's body, and then quickly He ran out and returned to Liya's hands.

Are you checking his body?

Luo Xi felt that his scalp was numb. He could neither advance nor retreat.

Um...Ms. Yue...Liya, what do you want to do?

[Note: Traveler, you should shout: Mother-in-law, I don’t want it! What I love are your girls! 】

Dog text, you really want me to die!

Soon, Liya's purple eyes lit up, and she stared at Luo Xi with great interest, as if she wanted to cut his body open to see.

Maybe it was just because of the phantom. Even though he was very close, Luo Xi still couldn't smell anything about Liya. But facing such a beautiful beauty at such a close distance, the little heat that initially rose in Luo Xi's heart was gone. All retreat.

He even felt his body shaking.

It was the feeling of being a weak prey and being targeted by a hunter.

[Note: This is the feeling of a wild boar eating the owner’s cabbage being discovered by the owner~]

That’s not called stealing food, right? The owner is gone!

Liya bent her right index finger and touched her chin lightly, looking like a curious girl.

It's strange. Obviously his original bloodline is that of a pure ordinary person. The alienation factor of the dragon-type source beast is inherently violent and difficult to stabilize. Once infected, the erosion will only continue to deepen. Even the disaster-level dragon factor can already It makes people miserable, let alone a king-level alienation factor.

The initial erosion and infection of this factor is likely to cause death. Don't you feel any discomfort now?

Luo Xi shook his head blankly.

[Warm reminder: The Great Will has perfectly matched the initial fusion of factors for you, Traveler, so you won’t have the feeling of dying or dying at the beginning. Praise the Great Will! 】

Luo Xi: ...

Praise the hammer, tell me what the hell is this great will!

To be honest, there is basically no uncomfortable feeling, but it is a bit difficult to deal with the horns on the head. If the horns are longer, the hat may not be able to cover it.

I don't know if there is any way to get rid of this thing.

Generally, patients with dragon factor alienation will be tortured by pain until the moment of death. Your situation is very unusual.

Liya retracted her hand and sighed softly: If my body were here, I would definitely be very interested in you.

Luo Xi: ......

[Note: Traveler, my mother-in-law is interested in you, and the road to being a thief has begun! You know, the two lolita combined x2 are not as big as my mother-in-law! 】

Don’t be a thief in the dog text! What Liya said was clearly that she wanted to slice him into pieces and use them as research material! And what you say is all about tigers and wolves!

Mom, I found it too.

Wei'er spoke from behind Luo Xi: This guy is indeed very strange. Not long after I met him, the factors in his body awakened. The degree of alienation seems to have deepened today, but he has always behaved normally. , there have been some changes in the alienation characteristics.”

Liya said thoughtfully: Perhaps he is very compatible with this factor. I have also heard that some people did not suffer much torture after being infected by the factor of high-level source beasts, but in the end they silently degenerated into He has created a new origin beast and still retains the wisdom of the past.”

[To be honest, I have been using Huanyuan App recently to read and catch up on updates. Switching between sources allows me to read aloud with many different sounds. Huanyuan App, Android and Apple are both available. 】

Luo Xi: !

Can a human become a source beast? !

Seeing Luo Xi's surprised look, Liya explained: The walking alienation factor is originally the only way for source beasts above the disaster level to give birth to offspring. It erodes other creatures and causes them to alienate in their own direction. If the alienation is successful, Will become its heir, why do so many men abandon their biological children who were infected during the fetal stage? It is because they feel that they have been cuckolded by the Origin Beast.

Luo Xi subconsciously looked back at Maomao, who looked equally astonished.

Why would Maomao's father abandon his biological daughter? Force your wife to leave home with your daughter?

Although it was still difficult to understand, he felt that he might have some understanding.

Liya waved her hand lightly and pushed Luo Xi back to Weier's side.

Put it aside for now and talk about it later. Since you came here today, you must be in a very dangerous situation. Tell me what you found and what is the situation outside. I don't have much time. I’ll try to give you some advice.”

Luo Xi looked at Maomao and said, Maomao, you tell me.

Wei'er nodded and began to quickly talk about the things they encountered from the time they entered Winter City to now.

At this time, Luo Xi felt that the clarity in front of his eyes was rapidly declining.

【Ding! Talent: The immersive duration has ended and it has returned to the normal synchronization state]

After a few more minutes, Weier finally finished roughly telling what happened in the past few days.

After hearing this, Liya's expression looked a little gloomy, but she was also a little relieved: You are really lucky to have met Reina's child from the beginning, otherwise the situation would have been even worse.

Weier nodded lightly: Sister Reina has helped us a lot, and she is also looking for you, mother.

Hey... I'm sorry for that child. Next time I see her, please help me say sorry to her.

I have to tell you something. North has probably been keeping an eye on you, Weier. He has the ability to control almost all the rats in the city as his spies. He knows everything here.

Wei'er's complexion changed slightly.

Liya raised her hand and said: But he definitely can't monitor it here. You can rest assured for the time being. He wants you to be the key to breaking the seal, but if I set the seal, it won't be easy. It was cracked by others, so he must need something else as a medium, something related to me, remember, don’t touch anything he gave you.”

The automated equipment I left behind should be the internal runes that were last changed through remote control before the real me disappeared. It's a pity that you didn't get even a staff earlier, otherwise you might still have a chance to avoid North. Under the watchful eye, leave Winter City as soon as possible so that we won’t reach this point now.”

And that guy Delkos actually became the chancellor. How many people were missing that time? Won't all the high-level officials in Winter City be gone? The residents of the Forest of the Living Dead and Greystone Street... He may want to use the aliens on Greystone Street to complete his omen of promotion to the fourth level.

Liya's expression became a little worried: The current situation is really bad. In fact, it's best for you to hide here now. The rune seals I set here can prevent the fourth-level strong men, but I'm afraid their time is up. You are so anxious...I should have sent you away from Winter City in the first place, it was my mother who was too arrogant.

Mom, please stop blaming yourself.

Weier glanced at Hill, went up and lowered her voice and said, There is something else I want to tell you.

Soon, Maomao told Liya something about Hill.

Liya was silent for a moment. She looked at Hill and said loudly: Sir, your adoptive father...listen, you don't have an adopted father at all! No one dares to be a bloodline recognized by the sacred tree. His foster father! That is blasphemy against the sacred tree!

I know Mazar. He is the first consul appointed by your father. I didn't know his identity originally, but since he dares to be your adoptive father, he must be from the Church of Truth.

He may have used some kind of high-level magic to influence your mind. Logically speaking, the person in charge of the sacred tree cannot be affected by ordinary magic. But now that the canon is in trouble, that's not necessarily the case.

You must remember, Hill, you have no adoptive father!

Hill's eyes suddenly widened.

He groaned in pain, squatted down and covered his head, but he still took out his notebook and reluctantly started writing on it.

-I don’t have a foster father, and my foster father is fake.


Suddenly, Liya's voice became noisy, and many cracks appeared in her already solid body. The runes that made up her body kept popping up and dissipated into light spots.

Weier exclaimed: Mom, what are you doing...

Weier, mom's time is coming, I hope... we still have a chance to meet again.

Liya looked at her dissipated body with some regret.

Then, she looked at Luo Xi and said, Since you can use the hearth, maybe you can try the other things I left here.

Luo Xi: ?

What to try?

Liya waved her hand and placed it on the table far away. A box buried under many books flew over. She said: Origin element furnace heart is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to use. It requires extremely pure fire attribute element element to make it. Operation, the king-level dragon alienation factor in your body gives you the conditions you meet.

It is the power furnace I designed for the rune armor, but at that time I only completed the furnace core, and the rest of the parts were only roughly completed. In fact, the furnace core was not completely completed.

However, since you can use the furnace core, other parts may be able to be used. It will be a bit of a help at this time. Just close your eyes and don't resist no matter what you feel.


Although Luo Xi felt that these words were strange, he still closed his eyes obediently.

Suddenly, Luo Xi felt his body suddenly falling.

【Ding! Traveler, you are being affected by an unknown spell and are being judged... You have the idea that you have no resistance to this spell]

[This technique is passed]

Liya's voice sounded: Open your eyes.

Luo Xi opened her eyes.

Then, he found that the environment around him had changed. All the dust and dust disappeared, becoming bright and clean.

Looking back, Maomao and Hill were gone.

Don't worry, this is your dream.

Luo Xi: .

Why is it a dream again?

What is this called?

A dream within a dream?

He looked around blankly. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Liya appeared on his right hand in that light blue dress, and the runes on her body had stopped disintegrating.

Luo Xi said confusedly: Didn't you say you are running out of time...

Liya's face that looked like Weier looked over, squinting like a fox and smiling.

There is no time, so I have to use the remaining time to find out what you have done to my precious daughters. The heart of the furnace also has the runes I drew. As the current owner of the heart of the furnace, I can recreate some of your experiences while using it.

Luo Xi: ?!

Oops, he was fooled!

Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the better she is at playing with people's hearts.

No wonder the old city lord became Liya's licking dog.

Liya raised her hand and pointed forward: Let me see what you did to Aina first.

A projected image appeared in front of the two of them.

On the screen, Luo Xi was over at the hotel, talking to the information shop owner, and accidentally found Aina lying on his lap, telling Aina that she was unconscious.

From another person's perspective, this scene looks a bit... If a police officer in the real world saw this scene, he would definitely pick up the handcuffs and take the victim away without saying a word.

[Note: The loli dandruff traveler is indeed going to be judged by his mother-in-law! 】

Luo Xi: ...

He felt that the sight next to him was bitingly cold.

What method can be used to avoid pain from sharking?

Waiting online, urgent.

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