Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 133: Maomao, your development is not good, look at how old your mother is

God changed his job to a Cao thief. He was not Chu Tian, ​​and he did not have the ambition to be a Cao thief.

[Note: So, Traveler, do you want to be firm on the path of animal-eared lolicon control and never waver? 】

What I am particularly interested in is not being a lolita control person!

And why are your words so weird, Dog Text! Where was it copied? ! Please tell me the truth!

Luo Xi cursed Gou Wenwen in her heart and continued to observe the figure of the woman in front of her.

Liya's body is undulating under the cover of the light blue dress. Her delicate face, which looks like a cat, has no flaws at all. Her black hair is scattered lazily on her arms, and she is about 1.7 meters tall. Due to his height, even if the whole person is motionless, he still releases a terrifying temptation that seizes the soul.


Luo Xi suddenly understood why the old city lord was so naughty, created so many portraits of Liya, and was even rumored to use the entire Winter City to pursue him.

With such an alluring figure and appearance, it is completely impossible to tell that this is a woman in her thirties who has given birth to a child. Just looking at her from a distance is enough to make the man want to move. Even he feels a little dry. got up.

Luo Xi wanted to know what Weier's biological father was thinking. Just because his daughter had become a mutant, he wanted to kill his daughter, so that Liya had to take her daughter away from home?

[By the way, the best app for reading and listening to books is the source-changing app, huanyuanapp. Install the latest version. 】

You must know that tiger poison does not even eat seeds.

I lost my daughter and my wife. Isn’t this a loss of blood?

Besides, can they really not afford to raise a child with alienation syndrome? Liya alone is enough.

It can only be said that some of the concepts held by humans in this world are outrageous.

If it weren't for the fact that she had no other choice, Liya wouldn't have brought Weier to Winter City, right?

[Note: Traveler, let me ask again, do you have the ambition to be a thief? 】


But, is this really the living Liya?

Luo Xi has discovered that the figure of 'Liya' seems a bit transparent and not solid.

After all, it was transformed from the runes of the abandoned scrolls here. No matter how magical the rune creation is, it is impossible to create a living person out of thin air, right?

However, as more and more runes flowed into the figure of 'Liya', her figure gradually became more detailed and clear.

Wei'er walked forward in despair, and the girl stretched out her hand tremblingly, wanting to touch the figure who was so close to Chi Chi.

However, her hand failed, and a piece of rune was scattered by her, turning into tiny points of light.

When her hand passed through Liya's body, Maomao's face suddenly showed an uncontrollable feeling of loss.

This was not the mother she and Aina thought about day and night.

The mother here seems to be just an illusory shadow.

Mom, you are talking, where are you?

The girl raised her head and looked at the phantom, calling helplessly, hoping to get a response from her mother.

The illusory figure in front still lowered his head.

Luo Xi glanced at the remaining time to synchronize.

【8 minutes 21 seconds\\/? ? ? 】

He said aloud: Maomao, wait a moment, don't worry, haven't you noticed that your mother's figure is gradually becoming clearer?

When it comes to things related to Liya, Cat's IQ will always drop significantly.

Only then did Weier come back to her senses and glanced at the nearby scroll.

The runes in the abandoned scroll are still pouring out, entering the phantom of my mother, strengthening her body.

So, when this phantom is completely solidified, will mother come back?

Thinking of this, Wei'er felt happy again. She glanced at Luo Xi gratefully, thanking him for reminding her again.

Then Wei'er discovered that Luo Xi, a pervert, seemed to be staring at her mother's face and there. Although the phantom was wearing clothes, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Wei'er took two steps, lightly kicked Luo Xi's calf, and said angrily: Pervert, where are you looking?!

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +15]

Luo Xi: ...

I just appreciate beauties seriously. Why are you so angry, Maomao?

If you don't show it to me, why don't you come over and let me know, Maomao?

Just as she said, Luo Xi grabbed Maomao's hand and pulled her over with her doubtful eyes.

What are you doing? Well...

Luo Xi held the girl's shoulders. He looked at the phantom in front of him, then looked at Maomao, and compared them a little.

How should I put it? To say that Maomao is Liya's daughter is more appropriate than to say that the two of them are sisters.

Liya is a grown-up version of a seductive black-haired cat without cat ears.

Maomao is a cute version of Liya who has shrunk, had animal ears, and dyed white hair.

Luo Xi's eyes crossed the girl's chest.

Even this shrinkage is too great.

Unfortunately, Weier may only be able to maintain such a body shape in the future. The originally excellent family genes have become recessive traits due to the so-called alienation factor.

[Note: Traveler, don’t feel pity, who doesn’t know what you are thinking, legal cat-eared lolita yyds, right? 】

Dogbr\u003eFacing Luo Xi's gaze, Wei'er subconsciously hugged her chest and said uneasily:

What weird things are you thinking about? I'm warning you, don't touch me casually anymore! I'll be angry!

The times I touched it casually...those times were all accidents.

Luo Xi boasts that she still has a bottom line. Of course, the ears and tail don't count. After all, there is no actual law that stipulates that the ears and tail of a beast-eared girl cannot be raped.

Why do I feel like there's something wrong with your eyes...

Maomao followed Luo Xi's line of sight and glanced at her breasts, and then at her mother's phantom, which was so bright that it almost squeezed out of her clothes.

The girl immediately realized what Luo Xi was thinking.

【Ding! Wei'er's anger towards you is +20]

Wei'er's pretty face suddenly turned red, the girl o(\u003e_

Luo Xi: ...

Finally, Weier gave the order to the steel doll that had come over to stop moving.

Maomao panted lightly and did not look at Luo Xi.

She felt angry just looking at this guy.

The girl hugged her breasts a little aggrievedly.

She also quietly compared it with the phantom of her mother in front of her.

Wow, the gap is indeed huge.

In fact, three years ago, her physical development was still normal. Otherwise, Luo Xi would only be able to touch the ribs, not to mention the soft parts.

However, not long after her mother left, her growth stopped. It is estimated that in another year, Aina may be taller than her, right?

I don’t know if at that time, I can tell who the sister is from her appearance...

Luo Xi smiled and said, Are you feeling relaxed?

Wei'er was stunned, turned her head, and blinked her light red eyes: Did you do it on purpose just now?

She was indeed a little distracted before. After all, she saw her mother whom she hadn't seen for three years. Did Luo Xi deliberately tease her to regain her composure?

Luo Xi smiled noncommittally.

[Note: Traveler, your acting skills are really getting better and better! 】

Shut up!

Hill watched behind for a long time, then walked up to the two of them and said, Don't have high expectations. This phantom may not have wisdom. Maybe she is just a runic device left by Aunt Liya. I don’t know what it is specifically, but Aunt Liya has gone too far in the rune field. Even those fifth-level magicians may not understand the runes as thoroughly as Aunt Liya.”

Weier said softly: It's okay. Even so, I'm very happy to be able to see the shadow left by my mother.

Hill fell silent.

At least Weier saw the shadow left by her mother, what about him?

Now, he only has his foster father left.

My foster father... my foster father? He is... the consul, my foster father...

The young boy hugged his head, squatted down and began to groan, muttering a bunch of words that were incomprehensible.

Wei'er said in confusion: What happened to him?

Luo Xi also looked a little confused.

This time they had deliberately not mentioned Hill's adoptive father. Why could he suddenly recall it on his own?

Wait, did this kid say that he started losing his memory recently?

If remembering the so-called adoptive father will cause him to lose his memory, does this mean that something that Hill's adoptive father had imposed on Hill is about to expire? So when Hill was about to remember it, he forced it to continue by erasing his memory?

If this curse-like thing on Hill could be broken...

Hill, who controls the power of the Winter Sacred Tree, may be their biggest comeback!

After about a minute, Hill raised his head blankly, saw Luo Xi and Wei'er in front of him, and exclaimed:

Who are you... Is that Aunt Liya?! This is Aunt Liya's workshop?! Why am I here?

Luo Xi pointed to his pocket: Don't ask anymore, just take a look at the notes.

Notes, yes, notes.

Hill took out the note and looked at it: You are my friends. I will help you find traces of Aunt Liya and my father... So that's it.

Luo Xi turned around and looked at the phantom in front of him: Yes, UU Reading www.uukanshu.nt This is our current result.

Suddenly, the figure of Liya, who was motionless in front of her, started to fluctuate, and her closed eyes frowned slightly, as if they were about to open at the next moment.

Luo Xi: !

A living cat mother is not really going to appear, right?

As soon as Luo Xi's thoughts came to an end, Liya's eyes opened completely. They were a pair of pale purple eyes that were as charming as a fairy, making people feel like they were being sucked in when they looked at them.

Liya's eyes immediately looked at the girl in front, with some surprise, joy, and then anger.

Weier... why did you come here and bring the heart of the furnace... Isn't that something you can activate? Is someone controlling you? Didn't I succeed at that time? Has everything been pushed to the worst possible situation?

Mom...wu, wu...where have you been in the past three years...

Wei'er finally couldn't control her emotions and burst into tears. She wanted to throw herself into her mother's arms, but after taking a few steps, she remembered that it was just an incorporeal phantom.

Liya didn't answer Weier's question. She looked at Hill who was standing blankly, showing a little guilt.

Then, Liya looked at Luo Xi, her eyes became cold and biting, and she said coldly:

Who are you?

Luo Xi: ...

[Note: This man’s name is Luo Xi, he is a lolicon who tried to abduct your two daughters]

No road race!

Isn’t this a successful abduction?

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