Text Game: It All Began when a Cat-eared Girl Took Me In

Chapter 132 The appearance of mother-in-law! A grown-up version of Cat!


After Weier's voice fell, a red and frightening light emerged from the eyes of the doll's head, and its body shook.

A mechanical sound sounded - 'An order from a high-level authority owner has been detected. Do you want to beat this person to death?' ’

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years, change the source app! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving or before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download huanyuanapp here.]

Luo Xi: ???

Wei'er was a bit unresponsive.

When did she say she wanted this doll to beat Luo Xi to death?

Although this guy is a pervert, even though he touched Aina, even though he rubbed her there, even though...

Maomao was startled when he thought of this.

Why did the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this guy was asking for it?

A few seconds later, the puppet sounded again.

—‘No secondary confirmation has been received, and the order is being executed. ’

The puppet raised its fist and pointed it at Luo Xi.

Weier quickly shouted: Stop, don't hit him!

Squeak—the order has been received and the operation is being canceled.

As Weier's order was given, the red light in the doll's eyes faded and its body returned to calm.

Luo Xi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Isn't this thing an artificial retard?

I feel like my IQ is far lower than that of the Spark in my power armor.

Wei'er said to herself: This thing actually listens to my orders? Then if I ask him to beat Luo Xi, just lightly, will it listen to my words?

Luo Xi's brows jumped.

Bad cat! You said what you were thinking about in your heart!

No, that’s what you want to do!

[Note: The arrogant cat-eared girl is having trouble, and it’s time to train her properly~]

This cat-eared girl doesn't want to be trained.

Luo Xi stood up and walked over, reaching out to the girl sitting on the ground.

Get up first.

Then his eyes lit up.

The lady's hat on the cat's head has gone somewhere, and the two cat ears are exposed. Although it looks a bit blurry due to the visual impairment in synchronization mode, it is still small and smart.

Wei'er turned her head and looked away from Luo Xi angrily.

Now she still feels numbness and pain in some parts of her body.

It was all because Luo Xi struggled so hard when she hugged this guy, couldn't she just stay still?

Then, Wei'er looked up and found that this guy's hands were acting erratically again, and he was trying to touch her head.

As for where to touch?

No need to think about it? It must be another characteristic of her alienation.

This guy really gave him a pole and he climbed up along the pole.


Wei'er ruthlessly knocked off Luo Xi's hand and stood up with a look of dissatisfaction on her face.

Hurry and look for any clues here, don't waste time!

Luo Xi rubbed his hand that was slapped away by Maomao.

He turned his head and observed the situation in the workshop.

Since there are only a few lights on, the light here is still relatively poor, but it can still be seen that equipment and various tools are placed in this place, and the area spans several large pillars.

By the way, where is the town owner?

Luo Xi searched for a while and noticed a thin figure standing under the steel doll.

At this time, Hill's immature child's voice sounded: I didn't expect that the automatic doll that Aunt Liya made was still in operation even after three years. I don't know what structure the internal power furnace used. , to be able to maintain standby operation for such a long time, my father was wrong at first.

Wei'er asked aloud: Have you seen this doll before?

Of course, it is an automatic doll designed and made by Aunt Liya four years ago. It uses many precious materials. Finally, dozens of master craftsmen gave it a 'basic soul' to make it obey orders. Then you can do it.”

Hill walked over, caressed the steel doll that stood still, and said with some sadness: At that time, my father always brought me to see Aunt Liya, saying he wanted her research results, but in fact I came here to talk to Aunt Liya.

But Aunt Liya always said that the research was not over yet, and she didn't want to talk to her father. In the end, she built this automatic doll, but it didn't seem to be the kind of thing that her father really wanted, so it was still a communication. I gave it to Aunt Liya for safekeeping and left it in this workshop.

Weier: ...

Fortunately, my mother did not agree to the old city lord's pursuit, otherwise she would have an unrelated brother out of nowhere.

However, it is still a bit subtle to get another side of my mother from other people's mouths that has never been shown to her and Aina's two daughters.

Weier looked around the workshop.

The girl lightly traced her fingers across the table, kicking up a thick layer of dust. No one had been here for three years, and the dust here was already thick enough to be visible to the naked eye.

Is this the place my mother has been running for a long time?

In the past, my mother said she was going on a mission, but she actually came to Winter City and did research in the city lord's mansion?

No, mom does have a relationship with the Snake and Rat Society, that's for sure.

So while mom was cooperating with the old city lord of the city lord’s mansion, she was also conspiring with the people from the Snake and Rat Society, trying to get something?

Is it the so-called Sacred Tree Canon?

But why did Mom clearly get the scripture and then give it up?

Weier couldn't figure it out at all.

These questions can only be known by asking those who were actually involved in the events that night.

Such as the Rat King North.

For example, Hill's adoptive father.

She really wanted to go back to that night and see it for herself.

While Weier was lost in thought, Luo Xi stood at a table and looked down at the books stacked on the table.

Luo Xi opened it and found that, just like the books at Wei'er's house, they were all filled with incomprehensible symbols. The arrangement and combination of various symbols looked the same as those in heavenly books.

However, Luo Xi could still understand the words written on the covers of these books.

[Rune Creation and Spell Scroll—Liya]

[Detailed explanation of rune arrangement—Liya]

[The idea of ​​rune armor—Liya]

Are these all books written by Liya?

With such exquisite skills in runes, a magician like Liya would probably be at the level of an academician in reality, right?

Luo Xi put down the books.

Then he took the hat off his head.

Rune creation.

The hat transformed into this scroll seems to be a rune creation.

The text's description of the hat came to his mind.

[Yuan Su Furnace Heart (Simultaneous, Silent)]

[Quality: Purple (Epic)]

[Type: rune creation]

[Attribute: +10% (spell, skill, weapon) power]

[Description: This is a special item that only magicians of the creation path can create...]

[Completion: 80%]

This is a piece of work that Liya left at home on Graystone Street, and it is probably quite important. I don’t know if it will be useful here.

Since he had used a load activation when operating the armor today, the hat was in a silent state at the moment and could not allow him to obtain heat. However, it was the same as when he found the staff on the black market. He might be able to find relevant clues with this.

If that doesn't work, how about packing up everything here and taking it home first, and then rummaging through it slowly?

Luo Xi thought about the feasibility of this idea.

Forget it, there's not enough time.

There was enough information obtained today. With this information back at zero o'clock of the day, he would have more time to operate.

So Luo Xi held the hat in his hand and wandered around casually.

He was already thinking about how to arrange his next actions after returning home today.

Luo Xi, don't wander around. What if you break something?

Weier shouted from behind and followed him, chasing after him.

Don't worry, I know it well.

As soon as Luo Xi finished saying this, he paused and suddenly stopped.

The cat behind him also bumped into his back.

Wei'er rubbed her forehead and said, It hurts...why did you stop?

Luo Xi murmured: Maomao, it seems we are going to get rich.

Get rich?

Wei'er looked forward and was also shocked.

At the end of the front, there is an entire wall cabinet filled with almost countless scrolls. Some of the scrolls have fallen to the ground, being shelved casually like garbage.

Wei'er has always had a question in her mind before, that is, where did all the scrolls her mother drew go? Did they all end up here?

Hill's voice sounded behind the two of them: Those scrolls are all waste. They were placed randomly by Aunt Liya after her research failed. Most of the usable scrolls were given to our city lord's palace by Aunt Liya and replaced with research ones. After all, even if my father fully supports Aunt Liya, it is impossible to give her such a huge amount of funds unconditionally.

Luo Xi: ...

Damn it, he thought he found a big treasury.

Wei'er wasn't too disappointed. She looked at Luo Xi and asked, Luo Xi, can you take all these waste scrolls away? There are other things, too. I'll leave them to you.

Yes, yes...

Luo Xi took a step forward.

Suddenly, he felt that the hat in his hand became hot. In just a moment, the temperature was so high that he could not hold it.

The things Hill called scrap scrolls in front of them all trembled slightly, seeming to resonate with the hat in Luo Xi's hand.

Then, the hat flew into the air and crashed into these scrolls.

what's the situation......

Under the astonished gazes of the three people, countless runes appeared from those scrolls, UU Reading www. uukanshu.net They gathered around the hat and condensed into shape. Finally, a figure appeared in front of the three of them.

Weier lost control of her emotions and shouted: Mom!

Hill was also surprised: Aunt Liya?! Why are you here...

Is this person Liya?

Luo Xi's eyes suddenly opened wide.

He wanted to see it, he wanted to see it very much.

Wow, I still can’t see clearly.

Then use talent. Talent should be used at this time.

[Immersive (Happy) is currently available]

【Ding! It is detected that the traveler is already in the dream synchronization mode. This talent can directly override the dream synchronization mode and obtain the corresponding status bonus. Do you want to use it? 】


【Ding! You consumed 598 happiness points]

[Immersive (happy): In this state, your character will gain a strength +59.8% bonus, and your resistance to negative mental spells will be +59.8%. The duration of this talent cannot exceed ten minutes at most]

In an instant, the fog covering his eyes receded.

Luo Xi finally saw clearly the appearance of Liya who appeared in front of her.

Her hair is as long as a waterfall, her skin is as smooth as snow, and her beautiful face is about 70% similar to Weier's. However, unlike Weier's white hair, Liya's hair is black, and her figure is indeed extremely good. , a light blue dress outlines a soft curve like a willow tree, and the huge snow peak almost stretches out the dress.

My mother-in-law is indeed a grown-up version of Cat!

[Note: Traveler, do you want to switch from Lolicon to Cao Thief? 】

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