Dr. Ohki's shock and confusion made Dream smile and dance in the sky.

Although Dream is a first-class divine beast and has lived for an unknown number of years, her personality has always been naughty, full of curiosity about everything, and she also likes to do some pranks to trick humans or Pokémon.

Right now, Dr. Ohki's shocked expression made Dream very happy.

"So, do I need to do what is said on this invitation?"

Dr. Oki swallowed and asked cautiously.

To be able to alarm the existence of such an existence as Diyaluka and Palukiru, Dr. Oki no longer knows how to decide.

"I don't know, I'll wait for Paluchy to come and confirm it by themselves."

Dream replied.

"W-what! They came over and determined for themselves?"

Hearing the dream's words, Dr. Oki was directly shuddered, he even had a chance to meet the Scannah Twin Dragons in the Sinnoh region?

Before Dream could answer Dr. Oki's question, in the next second, a crack suddenly opened in Dr. Oki's side, and at the same time, a circular hole appeared on the top of their heads.

Immediately afterward, Palukiru stepped out of the spatial rift, and Dialuka flew out of the void of time in the sky.

When they arrived at Dr. Oki's courtyard, Dialuka and Palukiru immediately looked at the invitation in front of Dream.

"It's not something from our world"

Dialka's muffled voice rang out.

Palochy nodded approvingly.

As divine beasts in charge of time and space, the two of them have the right to perceive everything in the Pokémon world, so they can detect things that are not in this world at the first time.

"So what to do?"

Paluchy pondered, and eventually, he looked at the dream again.

"Otherwise, according to the description of this thing, let this person complete this thing, during the period, the dream will follow the whole process, with her, I can rest assured"

Although Dream is naughty by nature, as a first-level divine beast, she is still trustworthy.

"Yes, but what good can I get?"

Dream laughs and begs for favors.

Diluka and Palokiru have a bit of a headache about this, and they know that they will have to pay some price if they want to get this guy to help them.

"We'll definitely give you a satisfactory reward afterwards, so it's okay."

Getting this answer, Dream nodded in satisfaction.

After the matter here is settled, Diluka and Palukiru will return to their respective dimensions, as the divine beasts in charge of time and space, they still need to stay more in their own territory.

Sending the space-time twin dragons away, Dream turned his head to look at Dr. Oki, who had been petrified.

"Very well, then the next step is to prepare according to the contents of the invitation, Dr. Ohki, right, you shouldn't let us down, right?"

The dream words made Dr. Ohki not know how to answer.

An invitation letter to impart knowledge to himself can actually lead three first-level divine beasts to appear in person, this kind of thing, Dr. Oki is sure, absolutely no one will believe it.


The next day, in the mountains behind Dr. Ohki's research institute, Dr. Ohki was walking in the jungle, and behind him, a sturdy dragon was carrying a lot of luggage with a helpless face.

And on the head of the fast dragon, there is a harmless Eevee.

Although this Eevee looks weak and deceitful, if you look closely at the dragon's movements, you can easily detect how steady the dragon's pace is.

Although the strength of the fast dragon is very strong, every time it recalls that it had just seen this Ibu before, the other party climbed on top of its head, which made it unhappy, and then the terrifying momentum shown by the other party, the fast dragon couldn't help but be frightened.

Kuailong knew that it was the breath that only divine beasts could have, and even among divine beasts, it was a top-notch existence.

So after that, no matter what Eevee did to him, the dragon never resisted.

"Well, the place described in the invitation is here"

Arriving at the location described in the invitation from the back mountain, Dr. Oki breathed a sigh of relief.

Dr. Oki is still very clear about the mountain scene behind the research institute, and this place is a very good place at the moment.

There is a small pond around, and the rocky mountain next to it has very dense forest resources, so this place is the most diverse area of Pokémon in the back mountain.

"The invitation letter said that I would come here to popularize relevant knowledge for some people, and I have to say that at least in the teaching location, the other party chose the right one."

Arriving at his destination, Dr. Oki told Kuailong to put down his luggage and began to prepare.

He didn't know who would come, but he believed that it would definitely not be easy for the other party to get three first-level divine beasts to come out.

Soon, Dr. Oki made preparations, but at this time, the other party still did not appear, so he took advantage of this time to gather the Pokémon that inhabited the neighborhood again, wanting to find out how these Pokémon lived here.

It was at this time that the extradimensional train finally descended on the Pokémon world.

Almost instantly, the eyes of Dialuka and Palukiru locked onto the extradimensional train, and they watched for a moment, not noticing any danger, before retracting their gaze.

At the same moment, the extradimensional train drove down from the sky and landed steadily not far from Dr. Ohki.

Then, the conductor stepped out of the train first.

As soon as he got off the train, the attendant saw Dr. Oki next to the train, and a smile appeared on the crew's face.

"Hello Dr. Oki, thank you for accepting our invitation to serve as a guidance advisor for this extradimensional train, and teach Pokémon catching, breeding, and other knowledge to the passengers of the superdimensional train."

"I don't know how prepared you are, but if you're ready, I'll let the passengers start being taught right away."

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