"Uh, what is this?"

Watching the seven-colored deer turn into a box, Ash looked confused, and even looked around, the previous light was only the skill of the seven-colored deer, so he wanted to find the missing seven-colored deer.

Dr. Ohki, however, had already picked up the box in front of him, opened it, and found that it contained an invitation.

Opening the invitation, Dr. Ohki saw what it was about.

"Dear Dr. Ohki, the Super Dimension Train is about to come to your world, and due to the needs of passengers, we sincerely invite you to come and popularize Pokémon-related knowledge for the passengers of the Super Dimension Train......

"As a thank you, Super Dimensional Exchange Company will definitely give you a satisfactory thank you gift"

"If you agree, please arrive at the location of the extradimensional train by noon tomorrow......"

After reading the contents of the invitation, Dr. Oki looked confused.

Invitations to give lectures in the past?

To be honest, Dr. Oki didn't expect that this was the thing in the box made of the seven-colored deer.

"Dr. Oki, what's that?"

Ash didn't find the seven-colored deer, so he turned his attention back to Dr. Oki.

"I don't know"

Dr. Oki scratched the back of his head and said with some confusion.

At this time, the "Bibi Bird", who had been peeping on the side, flapped its wings and landed on Dr. Ohki's shoulder, and its eyes were fixed on the invitation in Dr. Ohki's hand, as if trying to detect the difference in this invitation.

"Oh, the Bibi bird you haven't seen before, are you interested in this thing?"

Seeing the Bibi bird that landed on his shoulder, Dr. Oki did not drive the other party away, but shook the invitation in his hand with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, "Bibi Bird" couldn't help but roll his eyes, he was reading the content of the invitation, you were dangling, what did I think?

So the "Bibi Bird" stopped pretending, and directly shone on his body, and then turned into a pink kitten-like creature.

It's dreamy.

Seeing the dream transformation, Dr. Ohki's originally shaking hand froze directly in mid-air, and the smile on his face directly froze.

"Wow, what a cute Pokémon!"

Ash on the side, looking at the appearance of the dream, exclaimed directly, he didn't know anything about the Pokémon world, and he didn't understand the meaning of the dream at all.

So Ash thinks that Fantasy is no different from other Pokémon.

"Hee-hee, of course, I'm the cutest of all."

Ash's praise made Dream feel good, so Dream made an exception and said a word to Ash telepathically.

She could feel Ash's pure heart, such a human being, she liked the most.

"Eh, are you talking to me?"

Hearing the voice of the dream, Ash couldn't believe it, because even if he didn't have common sense, he knew very well that Pokémon couldn't speak.

Dream circled around the sky, then leaned in and nodded smugly.

"Okay, that's amazing, Dr. Oki, have you seen it, there are talking Pokémon!"

Ash pulled Dr. Oki's clothes and said excitedly.

And Dr. Ohki, who was pulled by Ash's clothes, finally recovered from the shock, and his expression became excited as he looked at the dream.

"Dream, I actually saw Dream!"

Although this kind of Pokémon has always been recorded, I don't know how many Pokémon Dr. wants to see Dream with his own eyes, but he has never been able to achieve his wish.

And now, Dream has come to his side, and even stood on his shoulder just now, which makes Dr. Oki ecstatic.

If I can make Dream like it here, then I won't be able to see Dream more often?

Thinking of this, Dr. Ohki immediately wanted to communicate with Dream.

But at this time, Dream doesn't have the heart to pay attention to others, and she can communicate with Ash because she feels good about Ash.

As for Dr. Oki, although he is not bad, he is not as pure as Ash.

Picked up the contents of the invitation with his superpowers, and read it word by word, and then thought about it with his little head.

What is a superdimensional train?

What's going on with the coming to the world?

Also, why is it that the thing that can be focused on by Scarf Dragon is just to invite a Pokémon doctor to impart knowledge?

After thinking about it, Dream found that he didn't seem to be able to figure out these things.

So Dream decided not to think about it, he was just here to collect information, and these things should be a headache for the guy who should have a headache.

Thinking of this, Dream used his superpower to send a signal, and in an instant, Diluka and Palokira, who were far away in Sinnoh, used their abilities, ignoring the connection between space and Dream.

After the connection was completed and he told the other party the results of his investigation, Dream opened his eyes again and looked at Dr. Ohki.

"Yo, you're pretty good, you can get in touch with something that alarmed Diluca and Paluki."

Dream said with a grin.

And hearing the dreamy words, Dr. Oki grew his mouth again.

The names Dialuka and Palukiru are not unfamiliar to Dr. Ohki, because in the Sinnoh region, there are stories about these two mythical beasts.

One is in charge of space, one is in charge of time.

These two existences are even more ethereal than dreams, after all, although dreams have seen few people, she is recorded after all, but Dialuka and Palokiru have only appeared in myths and legends.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, Diluka and Palukiru are really just people's imagination.

But now, listening to the meaning of the dream, Dialuka and Palukiru are real.

And not only that, the invitation that appeared in front of him directly alarmed those two existences.

"Oh my God, what the hell did I come into contact with?"

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