A majestic lord of the Eternal Emperor emerged.

Let this competitive PK directly ignite.

Xiao Huo said a little helplessly: "I also want to see the tip of the long river of time." "

Emperor Desolate Heaven also nodded: "This kind of big war, if you can't watch it, it's a pity." "

"Hey, it's a pity, it's a pity! But our strength seems to be too weak..."Emperor Ye Tian tried to open his eyes, but they were suppressed by the dazzling light.

For the first time, Emperor Ye Tian was angry at his weak strength.

The heavens and the worlds, there are countless situations like this.

"Zu Xia!Huang Shang!Tian Zhou!Shen Han!Sheng Tang!Dao Song!Demon Yuan!Wu Ming!Demon Qing!"

"It's hateful, the First Emperor of my Immortal Qin has not returned, otherwise, how can such a big war be without the demeanor of the old Qin people?"

What to do?

What to do!?

At this time, Hongjun Lao Dao sighed: "The battle between those two is really too fierce. "

"If it weren't for the Supreme Presence, the aftermath of the terrifying arena would directly bring the entire universe to ruins. "

One by one, the protagonists of the world, looking at that one expectantly.

That One is supreme.

That one is the best.

On a high platform.

Jiang Chen seemed to sense something and looked down.

"Want to see it for yourself?"

"Isn't it a pity that you can't face up to such a humane demeanor?!"

As a person who is looking forward to being wonderful, Jiang Chen is naturally able to understand the feelings of Xiao Huo and others.

So, he didn't hesitate, and directly tapped the big screen.

Contemplation in all worlds.

"If you can't see clearly, you can see the big screen. "

Xiao Huo looked at the emotional picture on the big screen and immediately became excited.

"Thank you, thank you. "

"Xie Zun. "

The arena was crowded with people, and sound after sound resounded.

They were watching the battle.


on the field.

The endless world seems to be fighting for hegemony and slaughter.

The infinite river brings boundless splashes!

In the long river of humanity in Fuxi, there is a heavenly demon exhaling with one claw, and the boundless dark green Dao power is like ink soaking a large river of candle dragon manifestation.



The rich demonic aura seeped down, rolling ripples.


The heavenly dome of the great universe was directly seen through.

Stained dark green blood dripped from above and scattered into this square space.

All of a sudden.

Within the galaxy of the rolling universe, boundless tyrannical intent swept through, polluting all life in this great universe in an instant.

At this moment, the dragon powerhouses in the countless dragon rivers began to fly with their hair, their red eyes and seemed to be crazy.

This is a thought of going against the sky, against the gods, and against the way.

Transmitted from all the living beings in this great universe.

The fairy god was contaminated and turned into a demon.

The sound waves rolled like a cosmic tsunami, detonating one galaxy after another.

This demon's mind is not a demon cultivated by all things.

It's a kind of demonic idea to go against the sky and grasp oneself.

He is the master of the Demon Qing Empire above all the great time and space.

With supreme power, the nonsense infects the long river civilization deduced by the candle dragon.

"What a humane civilization, what a Fuxi~!"

"The candle dragon is not bad! it is worthy of being the first dragon in mythology. "

This time, the people in the arena were happy.

Be able to witness the battle and enjoy the style of two myths and legends.

Xiao Huo was excited at this time.

It seems that a question has also come to mind: "You say, is there any strong person who can be stronger than the strong man in Da Luo Tian?"

When Emperor Ye Tian and Emperor Huangtian heard this, they were a little at a loss.

Xiao Huo's brain is different, and he can actually come up with this kind of problem.

Oh, yes!

Except for the mythical powerhouses?

What else did they see?!

Shopkeeper Zhou, Gu Shensha, the master of the main temple, the goldfinger multiverse, the spirit of truth, what do you say about this kind of strong person?

"Maybe ask that one. "

Emperor Ye Tian and Emperor Desolate Heaven's eyes lit up.

The predecessor they are talking about is naturally Dr. Chen.

Those who do research must be very knowledgeable!

"Seniors. Emperor Ye Tian arched his hand.

Dr. Chen glanced at Candle Dragon and Fu Xi, then turned his head and said, "Actually, in addition to occupying the mythical Da Luo Tian, there are actually many strong people in the mythology. "

"They are very different from these strong people, they do not belong to the roots of the eternal river, but the strong people born in the void time and space. "

"Such as the ancient sunken sand. "


At this moment, Emperor Ye Tian and Emperor Desolate Heaven realized that the strong did not ask where they came from.

"Even a creature whose roots are not in the eternal river cannot preach on the Mother River of Time and Space, but it can take another path. "

"The Mother River of Time and Space is the evolution of eternal history, and it is a reality that has existed since ancient times. "

And these beings born from the void of time and space, the root of the Tao, is also in the void, in the mystery and the mystery. "

"It's all in the way!"

"The strong man in the eternal reality, the preaching is created out of nothing, and it is the embodiment of being. "

"And the strong one in the void of time and space, the preaching is in existence and non-existence, which is the embodiment of nothingness. "

"The distinction between existence and non-existence, figuration and abstraction, is within the Tao. "

Therefore, the Tao is extreme, and there is no distinction between equals, but it is just two sides of the same body. "


Hearing Dr. Chen's explanation, Emperor Ye Tian and Emperor Huangtian were struck by lightning.

If he says that, he understands.

I see!

In this case, wouldn't the follow-up be more and more exciting.

After all, there are still too many masters, too many powerful worlds.

Mirror the flow of the heavens and meet the flow of mythology.

The flow of the main god meets the flow of system control.

...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

While they participate, they will witness this wonderful together.


Endless, countless rivers set off waves of giant wolves, constantly washing the universe.

One by one, the will of the mystical awakened.

On the big screen. []

What can be seen is several pairs of incomparably huge eyes.

The many laws and principles outline a pair of eyes with infinite and far-reaching eyes.

They are all infinitely large, and between the flow of light and shadow, they reveal different temperaments.

Or mysterious.

or non-phase non-phase.

or not immortal......

At this moment, they began to move, turning into figures.

Fall into the camp of Fuxi, or Candle Dragon.

And now manifesting in the endless sea of time and space is a figure glowing with divine light.

He is the Divine Dragon, in many worlds, and by many names, the Dragon of Light, the Dragon of Creation....

I saw this supreme and beautiful dragon, and suddenly said indifferently: "I said, there must be light!"

With this supreme divine voice spreading.

One world after another, in the white halls of the divine kingdom.

A voice rang out in unison.

"God said, 'Let there be light, and there will be light!'"

"God said, 'Let there be light, and there will be light!'"


One after another, the voices gathered, and suddenly shot out a huge beam of light!

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

As the white and holy shine on the universe, the dimension is reflected.

Suddenly let Fuxi's long river of humanity stagnate.

Endless universe and universe dimensions, all of which have been stagnated under this light!

This light is like the truth that encompasses everything, and is the origin of everything.

One by one, the mighty of humanity have been assimilated by the light and summoned to throw themselves into the arms of the dragon.

"It's the Divine Dragon's Creation Light!"

Someone in the arena recognized the dragon.

Recognize his light.

This light was once the first light in an infinite civilization, it can purify everything, evolve everything, eliminate all sins, and embrace all living beings!

It is the embodiment of the dragon's sacredness!

Countless rivers of humanity have been purified and tempered.

In turn, he killed the remaining humane rivers under Fu Xi's command.

Dr. Chen and the other heavenly giants frowned slightly when they looked at the light.

It seems that this light has been seen in the Western creator God.

But this light is billions of times more powerful than that of Jehovah, the God.

Could it be that God is a believer in the dragon?

"Assimilation. "

"Purification. "

Buzz! Buzz!

This scene made the strong man under Fu Xi's command not calm.

How can a river of humanity be able to cause civil strife?

A figure stepped out.

He seemed to let the holy whiteness swallow up, unconcerned.

God says there will be light!

This light is for the truth of the world, and those who believe in God will have eternal life and enter my heaven.

Unbelievers go to hell and have no eternal life!

Just when everyone thought that this man was going to be purified, who knew that a clear drink came out.

"The son is silent, and the strange power is confused!"

A sound, like a heavy hammer, and even more like (Wang Haozhao) a ring ruler, shook on the boundless river of time and space.

One side of the world, one time and space, directly evolved into a school.


Humanity flows forever until it is unimpeded.

The countless purified armies of the Eternal Emperor Dynasty came to their senses directly.

The light was drunk back.

The ripples of the shock rolled away, and they blurred round and round.

A statue of a clay fetus in the sky manifests the worlds.

This is from the reader pointing and shouting!

Gu Tianzun looked at the man's words and exclaimed, "Could it be that one?"

"Dacheng Holy Ancestor!"

Suddenly, many strong people knew which one was the existence of this statement that broke the law of the world.

Dogma and doctrine after another.

Scholarly and upright.

Haoran Straight Road.

There can be no mistake.

It was only after a haze that everyone could see the figure clearly.

That's an old man.

It can be faintly seen that around the old man, there are many holy shadows around.

The splendor of humanity is in it.

This scene has made many people entangled.

As a human race, humanity has been emerging, showing the glory and representative blowing of the ancient human race.

But they recalled that coquettish Balian, if it was for Emperor Wa to .....

What to do?

It's so tangled!

Do I hope Fuxi loses, or does Fuxi lose?!。

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