on the arena.

Playing out a monstrous battle.



The two mythological figures directly set off a visual feast.

At the height of the sky, at the intersection of time and space, two supreme beings collided.

Faintly, there are hundreds of millions of long rivers of time, winding like dragons.

Cutting off the eternal time and space, with a slight movement, bursting with infinite power.

The two are entangled, colliding.

With the strength of the hybrid powerhouse, at most, you can only see the tip of the iceberg projected from above time and space.

"That candle dragon is the farthest and most ancient dragon, the strongest dragon in mythology, and now that he has a battle, I don't know if the great god of Fuxi can win. "

Is it so exciting?

Tang Haishen raised his head, wanting to take a look.

When he opened his eyes, he closed them again.

Just... What did he see just now?

The faintly exposed corner at the intersection of time and space directly made his heart tremble.

The corner that was revealed, before his eyes, touched his heart and impacted the avenue.


A loud sound of horror made Tang Haishen couldn't help it, and screamed directly.


The candle dragon made a wave.

The long river of avenues stirred up waves one after another.

Between the ups and downs of just one wave, it seems to encompass layers of universes and many time and space, among which there is a grand atmosphere of Zhaozhao Fierce 25.

The long river is surging, and it plays thousands of real dragon weather.

Throughout the ages, it seems that all the dragon powerhouses have manifested in the long river.

The Dragon of Destruction, the Dragon of the Sky, the Ancestral Dragon, the Ying Dragon, the Black Dragon...

And Fuxi was not to be outdone.

Evolve the sea of people, humane weather.

One eternal empire after another, layered on top of each other.

Zu Xia, Huang Shang, Tian Zhou, Shen Han, Dao Song, Mo Yuan, Wu Ming, Demon Qing and so on Daluo Eternal Dynasty.

Everyone just glanced at it casually, and they saw a corner of Saint Tang manifested.

"You see, it's that Li Tang Sage. "

Most of the people in the arena just glanced at a corner.

But that's enough.

What's the picture?

Magnificent to the extreme.

It is the Holy Tang Dynasty and the Prosperous Tang Dynasty.

It is like a picture scroll of time and space, embellished with the heroism and magnificence in it.

Among them, there seem to be ten thousand immortals coming to the dynasty, celebrities and gentlemen, Jin Ge Iron Horse, Haoran righteousness, sword immortals, the ancestor of the Tao...

I saw that the humane lord stood with his sword in his hand, and the hundreds of millions of saint Tang soldiers under his command sang loudly: "Hu no one, Han Daochang, Your Majesty's longevity is boundless, but the song is flying, and the warriors of the Central Plains are guarding the Quartet!"

The saint sat in Chang'an City, the army was headed, the Hu people were destroyed, and the Han people Yongchang was confident and domineering.

In the world of the Holy Tang Dynasty, how can the Hu people mess with the Central Plains and invade our land?

A lifetime of conquest, all nations come to court, and all the captives are destroyed.

Kill even more outside the territory, and point the sword at all worlds.

It is an eternal imperial dynasty that has been established.

The sound of hundreds of millions of soldiers stepping on horses was stirred together under the majestic and majestic aura of the Great Dao leaked out by that Li Tang sage.

Chaos stirred up, time and space wailed, and the chains of the heavens were broken layer by layer.

Seem... It's hard to bear the oppression of this corner scene!




Time and space are shattered.

Hongjun and the others in the flood desolation realm stood up one by one.

The scene in front of me is really exciting.

The ancestor of the mythical dragon and the mythical humane ancestor are in dispute.

Zhen Yuanzi and the other quasi-saint powerhouses only looked at them a few times, and their hearts were shattered.

It was dark in front of him, and it became a shadow and a nightmare of eternal life.


This ancestor of the earth immortals didn't dare to look at it anymore, so he could only close his eyes and guard his heart.

But he found that within the Dao Heart, an incomparably huge imperial body had been suppressed.

With his back to him, the emperor's spine was straight, pressing on his heart like a dragon of time and space.


Zhen Yuanzi was shocked: "It's terrifying, this kind of existence, is it the male lord of the Eternal Emperor Dynasty?"

"Like the First Emperor!!"

Gu Tianzun also saw this scene, but compared to others, he saw it more comprehensively.

Staring at Li Tang's Holy Lord, this projection of the heavens of existence sighed: "It is worthy of being an imperial dynasty that can be as famous as Immortal Qin, this Saint Tang Overlord's cultivation is unfathomable!"

The giants of the Heavenly Stream could all feel the aftermath spread after the collision of the two terrifying wills.

The two sides are scrambling for the long river, not to be outdone, and compete with each other to the extreme.

Such a big battle is simply amazing.


It's really exciting.

Some mythological characters also sighed: "Sure enough, the collision of their will to fight has already determined the direction of the next Yuan Time and Space, the Ten Thousand Worlds and the Heavens..."

However, this big war has only just begun.

Candle Dragon glanced at the humane brilliance manifested by Fuxi, and the corners of his mouth raised: "It seems that humanity has made great progress after all these years of development. "

"Their Tao rhyme, because you are the emperor, can you make good use of it?"

Fu Xi smiled: "Each other, each other." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


They're working again.

With the cultivation of the supreme Dao qi that diffused, one figure after another climbed higher and higher from the mother river of years.

The legendary mythical Da Luo Tian actually shook.

One after another, the majestic existence of the Buddha flowed out of the Great Luo Heaven, radiating all the pluralistic rivers. []

It's not a real body, it's just a manifestation of the Great Dao, and it suppresses everything.

"It's Him!"

Someone in the universe exclaimed.

In one of the thirty-six great heavens, endless divine brilliance filled it.

With this astonishing divine voice spreading.

I faintly saw the sacred hall of the Great Luo Heaven on that side.

And inside the temple is an endless space-time spinning, and a multiverse on one side is hidden there, among which are trillions of angels and demons, flying.

"Divine Dragon!"

Suddenly, in the depths of endless time and space, there were sacred praises and voices of worship.

And in the depths of the temple.

His divine voice is indifferent and ruthless, both loving and selfless, and at the same time seemingly ruthless.

Suddenly, the Great Dao manifested and turned into a giant dragon that dominated the entire universe.

Cast into the call of the candle dragon.

"Is it the projection of that one, his avenue, can also be used by the candle dragon?"

In the long river of hundreds of millions of tumblings, countless avenues are colliding and intertwining.

One side of the multiverse lives and dies with it.

There are more and more dragons in the course of history, and they are gradually suppressing the humane river of Fuxi.

Fu Xi smiled lightly: "Everyone, it's time to come out and have fun." "

Under the call of Fu Xi, the mythical Daluo Heaven above the infinite earth lit up again and again.

One majestic presence after another has appeared in various forms.

Those who exist, free from all time and space!

Omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent.

Invisible, unthinkable, elusive.

They control the infinite multiverse, and even the infinite multiverse, and are the true masters, the transcendents.

In the event of a thought, the trillions of worlds will collapse.

It is the real giants in the Great Luo Heaven.

And now they are really not there, but the Dao Fruit and the Great Dao have indeed been borrowed.

An emperor dressed in black and gold, with flying black hair, a domineering temperament, a wild imperial aura all over his body, and cold eyes overlooking the heavens and all worlds.

In the arena, when the Houtu of the God Realm saw that figure, he was surprised: "Yes, Di Xin!"

Dr. Chen nodded: "That's right, it's Emperor Xin, it's just the Emperor of the Nine Heavenly Emperors, Xin!"

"The Holy Lord of the Holy Tang Dynasty has come out, and the 883 Emperor Xin of the Imperial Merchant has appeared, is there anything else?"

After a while, one by one, one by one, couldn't help it.

Fu Xi out, how can the myth of belonging to humanity not come out!?

An indifferent divine voice did not belong to the Lord of the Holy Tang, nor to the Emperor Shang Di Xin, but to an existence in another mythical Daluo Heaven.

As he stood up, the armies of the world were also ready to move.

That's the plane he rules, the Great Army.


The dragon and the humanity are in contention.

I saw that the endless encompassing endless, all the strange and strange river was shaken, and countless time and space flew up like water droplets.

Endless light and shadow shine in time.

This is the real big war.

A great war between the infinite universes.

"Lord of the Heavenly Week!!

"Is he here too?"

On the Mother River of Time and Space, another piece of Da Luo Tian also moved.

In an instant, it crossed the Mother River of Time and Space, bringing boundless splashes!

A large hand reached out of it, and the shadows under its palm drooped, plunging the countless multiverses into darkness.



Bombarded in the river of the true dragon manifested by the candle dragon.

Quick as a wink.

"Bang la la"

The boundless hurricane of time and space, the laws of the avenue, and the concept are like wild horses out of control...

One river after another, a big storm was set off.

After everyone saw this existence clearly, they couldn't help but gasp: "It's... It is the lord of the gods. "

In the boundless and vast sky, another figure appeared.

The boundless Dao was arrogant, condensed into a monarch in a Taoist robe, shook the dust towards Di Xin, and struck the past:

"Emperor Ben, Song Daozong!"

Zu Xia!Huang Shang!Tian Zhou!Shen Han!Sheng Tang!Dao Song!Mo Yuan!Wu Ming!Demon Qing!

Except for the Lord of Immortal Qin, the rest of the Eternal Emperor Dynasty has all appeared.

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