A group of traversers has to divide one of the superior.

Compete to find out who is well-read.

Nowadays, there are book immortals, book emperors, book gods, book maniacs, book saints, and book masters.....

This scene gradually stunned everyone.

Hongjun, an old man, gently stroked his beard and sighed: "It seems that the so-called traversers are also boring! "

"Out of breath!"

Tongtian couldn't hold back a little, glanced at the teacher with a thief's eyes, and muttered secretly: "It seems that when the heavens were fishing before, that one fished out a lot of flood novels!"

"At the beginning, Hongjun was used as a horse boy, and the Taoist ancestor was sacrificed to the sky...."

When Tongtian still wanted to say it, he was already gagged by Hongjun.

The vicious eyes glared directly.

"It's a good day, and he dares to make fun of him as a teacher. "

"Believe it or not, let you intercept the sect and go to the West to become a monk!?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhun Ti and Jieyin's eyes lit up.

Tongtian, talent!

Interception disciples, treasure!

If there is a Tongtian Sect Master, as well as the entire sect disciples, join their Western Sect.


It's a little exciting to think about.

"The teacher said well, the poor monk saw that the benefactor of Tongtian was a person with remorse and deep Buddha fate, and it happened that the Buddha Western Sect lacked a Buddhist master. "

After finishing speaking, Zhun Ti continued: "Daoyou's bones are amazing, at first glance, he is a rare person who cultivates Buddha for thousands of years, and the Buddha is even more brilliant under the door. "

"If you don't like the position of deputy sect leader, I still have the Buddha of Joy, and you can practice Joy Zen."

Zhun Ti and the introduction said with red ears and red ears, and they were very excited.

The eyes that see through the sky are getting hotter and hotter.

"me off. Tongtian angrily scolded the second monk of the West, and then his face changed, and he instantly flattered: "Teacher, what did I just say about coming here, why are you so wise and martial?"

Hongjun Daoren: "......"

Yuan Shi Tianzun: "......."

Taishang Laozi: "......."

I have to say that this person's ability to survive is not ordinarily strong!

And on the other side.

Relative to the hilarity of this side.

Many people sighed a little.

Chen Ping'an, who came to the world with a sword, stared at the candle dragon in the arena, and his eyes were full of divine light: "The world of Middle-earth is full of wonders. "

"In the middle of heaven and earth, there is a scholar who once used a sword to split the Tianhe Waterfall, and he is the most proud in the world. "

"On the side of the cliff of the East China Sea, there is a nameless Taoist who does not want to fly up and sit on the top of the mountain, and only wants the breeze to blow on his face. "

"In the Pure Land of the West, there is an old monk who likes to invite people to drink chicken soup and tell stories to people, and he has nine heavenly dragons. "

"In the wilderness of southern Xinjiang, there is a blind painter who drives a gold-armored puppet as high as the mountains to move 100,000 mountains and pave a splendid picture. "

"A poor boy who grew up in the north, when he saw one day thousands of Edgeworth Immortals above his head, like a swarm of locusts passing through the border. "

He wanted to go and see with his own eyes the scholar that the storyteller was talking about, the monstrous tide of the East China Sea, the yellow sand of the West, and the majestic mountains of the Southern Wilderness. "

So, one day, the young man took up the wooden sword and began to go south. "

Some people who heard this story knew that this Chen Ping'an was talking about himself.

But if you see through it, you can't say it.

They just want to know, now....

"Daoyou, what happened later?" Ye Futian asked in a condensed voice.

Chen Ping'an said with enjoyment in his eyes: "Later, the young man saw more wonderful things, and also saw more myths and stories, which were bizarre. "

"In a short period of time, I have seen the dispute between Emperor Desolate Heaven and Emperor Ye Tian, and I have tried my best. "

"I've seen Houtu and Nuwa's beautiful figures. "

"I have seen that the first emperor would rather be the emperor of the people for a while than the unyielding of the eternal son of heaven. "

"After seeing the end of the Tao, it is Da Luo, the power of the mythical Da Luo. "

"I also saw the unyielding of the human race, the self-improvement of the human race, the sages of humanity, and the emperor Xuanyuan...."

Chen Ping'an gradually closed his eyes.

Remembering a lifetime. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mud Bottle Lane, Inverted Hanging Mountain, Shujian Lake, Sword Qi Great Wall, Su Xinzhai, Senior Brother, Ning Tao....

The sword in the hand, the big sleeves are fluttering, and the spring breeze lingers.

I want to hand over my own sword path.

At this moment, Chen Ping'an opened his eyes, stared at the arena, and said with a chuckle: "The world is full of wonders, and I, Chen Ping'an, only have one sword, which can move mountains, pour the sea, subdue demons, suppress demons, and kill gods, pick stars, break rivers, destroy cities, and open the sky!"

The Nine Tribulation Sword Lord smiled: "I have lived two lives, the first life, the ruthless swordsman amorous sword, in my world there is only a sword, and there is no room for the rest of the people." "

"However, if I live again, I understand that a ruthless sword is not as good as a sentient sword. "

"The next three days, the middle three days, the last three days, it's really a good memory!"

"A smile of wind and thunder, a rage of the sea and cold, one hand breaks the sky, and a sword dances the sky!"

"A good man, that is, to dance the wind and clouds, to dominate the world, and to be a monarch!"

"Who accompanies me, Qiongxiao dances? Who accompanies me, proud of the world.... Nine!heavy!day!"[]

A soaring sword intent rose into the sky.

Then another sonorous voice sounded.

"In the territory of Great Xia, the gods forbid!"

"If the night ends, I will stand before ten thousand people, and I will face the abyss with my sword, and the sky will be stained with blood!"

Lin Qiye read a familiar sentence, recited the night watchman's oath countless times, and stared at the arena in front of him.

Unconsciously, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly smiled and said, "Zhao Air Force, if you see the scene in front of you, you will definitely say that you are handsome." "

"Isn't this more handsome than your sword?"

The warm picture in front of me touched many people.

Oh, yes!

Every visitor has their own wonderful story.

Maybe they came here, in addition to sharing their own wonderful stories, more to see the wonderful things of everyone.

"Wonderful, this trip to the Arena of All Worlds was not in vain. "

"The candle dragon has already played, where is the great god Fuxi?"

"Let's see the excitement that belongs to you!"

Ye Futian glanced around.

Maybe it's answering the call.

Maybe it's destined in the dark.

A figure slowly got up and walked slowly towards the arena.

The Origin Heavenly King stared at the figure in front of him and smiled lightly: "Are you going to play?"

"yes, you can't let this guy (good Zhao) wait so long. "

"It's night, it's time for this guy to complain about me. "

The boy touched his nose, a little playful.

Lingbao Daozu looked at Fu Xi in front of him and patted him on the shoulder: "Then you behave well, this time I will press you to win!"

"If you lose, the control of the next Doji will be gone. "

Fu Xi slapped away Lingbao Dao Ancestor's hand in disgust: "It's only one Dao Ji, you are also a Dao Ancestor, why are you still so stingy, just this one, don't suppress the past that ten Dao Ji said?"

Even if he was as powerful as Lingbao Dao Ancestor, he was speechless by Fu Xi.

"Forget it, forget it, go to meet the little dragon first, remember to bet later, and help me press a share." Just press myself. "

Lingbao Dao Ancestor smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Looking at the embarrassment of Lingbao Dao Ancestor, it is too good for Dao Ancestor.

"Lingbao, are you still raising it?"

Lingbao turned his head to look at Taishang with a smile on his face, and his face suddenly turned dark: "Plus, why don't you add! "。

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