"It seems that this saint is still good!" Xiao Huo nodded affirmatively.

Compared with many flood novels, the saints who only care about the profit-making are the real saints.

There is just one point that makes Xiao Huo very puzzled.

In this unfamiliar high-end flood wilderness world, isn't there a shadow of a mythical person?

Listed as: Sanqing Dao Ancestor, Wa Huang and the like.

With this question in mind, Xiao Huoyi asked Gu She: "Senior, in your world, can there be Sanqing, can there be Emperor Wa?"

"After the Seven Great Sages, are there any more Sages?"

At this second, Hongjun Dao people and the six great saints also showed curiosity.

Oh, yes!

Is there any of them Sanqing, is there any Wa Huang?

Gu She said lightly: "Yes." "

In a word, Hongjun and others completely understood.

It turns out that the so-called high-end world also has the shadow of myths such as the Three Dao Ancestors and the Wa Emperor.

Mapping all the worlds, this is the myth of invincibility!

"After the Seven Saints have demarcated everything, they went into hiding and pursued the Mixed Yuan Dao, and the rules of the world are controlled by the Emperor Taitian, who was born from the 25th Heavenly Dao. "

"However, Emperor Taitian is about to abdicate in order to pursue the Mixed Yuan Dao, and there are also acquired beings in the wilderness who are not conceived by the innate ancestor Qi. "

"Among the Protoss, there is a dark tide surging right now. "

Later, Sanqing appeared, and they preached for the acquired souls, and many acquired souls have already caught up. "

"After Taiyi abdicated, it was Emperor Jun and Haotian who competed for the throne, and at the same time, the gods were also looking forward to the emergence of the next generation of Seven Saints. "

"When I first crossed this world, the predictions circulating in my world were that the most likely winner in the future was Sanqing. "

"Because the three Qings are the roots and feet of Pangu's great will, and at the same time, they have mastered the three ancestors of Xuanyuan and formulated the level of cultivation rules, and their contributions to the gods are huge. "

"The Seven Saints of the previous generation had praised it, saying that their path to mixing was even before them. "

"Hou Tu Niangniang, who inherited the legacy of the Earth Emperor, is about to complete the great reincarnation of the Earth Emperor, and Nuwa Niangniang, who inherited the Avenue between the Earth Emperor and the Human Emperor, was created by her. "

"There are also two people who have a lot to do with the destruction saint Rahu. "

But neither of these gods nor the gods were birdy of him, even Rahu. "

"Because their Great Dao Law is not loved by the gods, although the two of them are not good among the gods. "

"The rest are the Great God of Fuxi, the Ancestor of the Styx, the Ancestor of Zhen Yuanzi, the Ancestor of the Northern Stygian Kunpeng, the Ancestor Phoenix of the Phoenix Clan, the Ancestor of the Qilin Clan, the Ancestral Dragon of the Dragon Clan, and so on. "

"These great gods are all candidates for the next saint. "

"Their strength has reached its peak, as long as the supreme virtue does something beneficial to heaven and earth and the gods, then they will be the next saints. "

"In my realm, after becoming a saint, the ethereal Mixed Yuan Dao is much easier. "

Say a little bit down.

It pulls out a powerful worldview for everyone.

I have to say that Zu Qi evolved everything.

The innate gods and spirits are transformed by ancestors, or the three emperors are ignited.

There are also acquired souls in later generations, but there are three Qing Dao ancestors who formulated a cultivation system and passed it on to their Dao.

When Xiao Huo heard this, he instantly felt comfortable.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's not easy to find some shadows of reading Honghuang novels in my previous life!"

Emperor Ye Tian sighed very approvingly: "I didn't expect that we, as traversers, would be so ignorant one day. "

"Perhaps, I didn't read enough books in my previous life. "

"There is no end to the sea of books, and there is no end to learning!"

At this time, the corners of Xiao Huo's mouth raised: "If you read novels to divide the realm....."

"100,000 words miscellaneous, 1,000,000 words scholar, 5,000,000 words book lovers, **word bookworms, **word bookmakers, **word book masters, **book saints, **word book gods, **word book fairies..."

"It's a coincidence that the little brother has just turned ten years old in Lanxing, and he is called a generation of book immortals!"

Emperor Ye Tian: "???"

Xiao Chen: "???"

Shopkeeper Zhou: "???" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Gu Tianzun: "???"

The traversers couldn't sit still.

I saw Emperor Ye Tiandi smile lightly: "Brother, your path is narrow, and there is no gold content when you look at it." "

"Look at my brother..."

"Bookworm: A newcomer to the world of novels, belonging to a sponge physique, can absorb all kinds of popular Xiaobaiwen, cool text, profound and wonderful writing, and even some can't understand the ancient text. In the book, I don't care about logic, I only care about coolness. "[]

"Shuzong: Shuzong belongs to reading some novels and forming their own reading system, such as some readers prefer fantasy and Xianxia; Wait a minute. "

"This scholar already has its own bearing, just as the so-called belly has poetry and books, they can already guide the world of novels. "

"The Book King: The Book King is a character who has already been crowned king in the world of novels, why is it said that he can be called king?"

"This part of the readers is picky, they start to pick books to read, and if they can't attract them at the beginning, they just abandon the book. When you encounter a favorite novel, you are fascinated by it, and you can't even sleep, and the king of books can be called a bookworm. "

"The Book Emperor: The Book Emperor is a general character who belongs to the emperor of the novel world, they have their own line, and they can basically guess the plot, writing style, and imagination of the novel. "

"Most people don't want to go to the cinema because the short story knows the end at a glance for them. "

"The emperor of books, they don't chase any author when they read books and talk about logic, they are believers in excellent novels, and they are the emperor of readers. "

"Book Saint: What level of character is the Book Saint?"

"It is really harder to look through all the books and find the treasure books that can enter your own eyes than to find a needle in a haystack, waiting for those chapters to comfort yourself every day, just like a drunkard who can't put down a good wine, and can never let go. "

"Book Emperor: Book Emperor belongs to the 233 authors of the Preservation Department, and all the lists have been swept through and I can't find books that can be read. "

"Ask the group one by one, can the great god open a new book, when will it be updated?"

"I'm so fascinated, I can't read normal fine books, and I only recognize a few books that write brilliant books. "

"It's a coincidence that I'm a million-dollar reader in the Blue Star's sea of books, contemptuous of thousands, defeated all the heroes, independent of the highest place, empty, lonely and cold, and called the emperor in the book world!"

Hongjun Daoren: "???"

The Six Sages: "???"

It seemed that he saw someone pretending.

I thought I would hear something, Tongsheng, Xiucai, Juren, Jinshi, Hanlin, University Scholar, Semi-Saint, Yasheng, Saint and the like, who knew that there was a book immortal, the Book Emperor.

Just show them this?

"Good fellow, look at me for a while!"

Xu Ke, the leader of the Bombing Heaven Gang, strolled out and smiled evilly.

"How can the book world be so small? There is only one Xiao Huo, Emperor Ye Tiandi, let's see this gang leader give you a sample. "

"Illiterate books under 100,000 words, 101,000,000 scholars, 1,000,000-100,000,000-scholars, 101 billion-scholars, 101 billion-book ghosts, 1,010,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 "

"A generation of book gods came to report!"

As Xu Ke's words fell, a shout sounded.

"The gang leader is mighty!"

"Bomb the Sky Gang!"

"Bomb the !!".

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