"Terran High Heaven?"

"Push the infinite universe and suppress all gods, demons, demons, and immortals!

"The First Clan of the Ten Thousand Domains?"

I have to say that this human emperor gives them very different senses.

Full of force.

In an instant, the protagonists of the human race silently puffed up their chests.

There is a distinction between the heels and the feet, and the innate ones are congenitally sacred, and the acquired ones are inherently sacred.

But what did Emperor Xuanyuan do?

led the human race to conquer all worlds and laid down a piece of territory.

Let the entire heavens and worlds, and the endless universe be full of traces of the human race.

Previously, they also saw Qin Shi Huang, who had risen since the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors.

Establish a multiverse empire, one realm to raise one soldier, and ten thousand realms to raise one general.

And it seems that the merits of this human emperor are to make the ten thousand worlds full of traces of the human race.

Heaven wants to cut off your way, draw your sword and go to heaven.

This is the unique spirit of the human race, self-improvement.

"Ang !!"

Hongjun Daoren, at this moment, looked at the figure in shock.

"The sun is shining!"

"It's really a dazzling rays of the sun!"

"Emperor Xuanyuan has actually become the Heaven of the Ten Thousand Worlds, and the True Yang Candle shines!"

I had to look at the true yang with the eyes of the Tao again, but I found that the brilliance of the sun was boundless, strong and high.

The endless and majestic light makes Hongjun Dao people intoxicated.

"The Great Sun, the Beginning of the Sun of All Worlds......."

At this moment, Hongjun Daoist finally understood what is the secluded sun and what is the beginning of the yang.

"You see, this is the Human Emperor Xuanyuan, the person who has attained the rank of Human Emperor among the three emperors of heaven, earth and man. "

The Six Sages: "......"

Teacher, this time, you don't have to be an orator.

We've all seen it.

Xiao Huo silently gave a thumbs up: "Emperor Xuanyuan, worthy of Emperor Xuanyuan, awesome!"

Xiao Chen and Emperor Ye Tian all nodded.

There is such an unknown scene in history.

It turns out that there are no years of quietness, and there are always people who are carrying the weight forward, leading the human race to open up the first road.

"Daoist friends, can you see clearly, just now...."Saint King Yang Qi asked Dr. Chen.

After all, the light of the sun just now was very dazzling.

As soon as the light unfolded, the entire Sea of Chaos was enveloped!

It is even more irrepressibly expanding, covering the infinite void dimension, covering infinite time and space, all tangible and intangible, and all conceptual nothingness.

In an instant, the world changed!

The law changes, the avenue changes, the time and space change........ From the vast expanse of time and space to the small dust particles, everything has undergone earth-shaking changes in its thoughts!

Is this the power of infinite diversity?

Dr. Chen glanced at Saint King Yang Qi and said lightly: "Cultivation has reached my level, no matter what kind of weird environment, what kind of upside-down and chaotic time and space, and even laws and avenues, it is meaningless. "

"Heaven and earth are false, only I am true!"

Shopkeeper Zhou nodded approvingly: "This is the power contained in the so-called creature that has come true. "

"Everything can be false, but I alone am true."

Quite a few people were touched.

Right now.... What now?

Emperor Xuanyuan is out, what about the Demon Emperor Taiyi?

At this moment, everyone looked at the arena silently.

You must know that Emperor Xuanyuan's opponent is also the master of an infinite multiverse.

A true detachment.

At the moment in the arena opposite, the opposite of Emperor Xuanyuan.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

A roar of the Heavenly Demon roared through the Nine Heavens.

In the midst of the roar of the ten thousand demons, somewhere in the arena, a domineering voice suddenly came out: "You are the high heaven of the ten thousand realms, the beginning of the true yang?"

"Do you know that the one who is really in charge of the way of yang is this emperor Taiyi!"


As a domineering voice fell, the endless time and space actually roared in unison, and a big shock occurred.

A great sun of supremacy slowly rises.

Under the light of the sun, the chaotic sky that burned and boiled was even more flooded.

In the midst of the endless chaotic air currents, a majestic figure like the Emperor of Heaven was outlined.

"It's you!"

Emperor Xuanyuan seemed to recognize who this person was.

In the arena, they were all confused.

Could it be that these two masters who are in charge of the infinite multiverse can't know each other?

"It's... It's...."Hongjun didn't know what to say.

I only felt an unprecedented shock.

Is this the collision that the strong should have?

At this moment, the protagonists of the Ten Thousand Worlds who were shaken again by the ascension of the sun could see a majestic figure and stepped out.

"Demon Emperor?"

"Demon Emperor?"

"Demon Emperor?"

Heavens and worlds, endless universes.

One side of the supreme realm resounded one after another.

They.... They seemed to recognize who this person was.


Another round of True Yang rose into the sky, instantly dimming the light of all worlds.

The people in the arena were all staring at each other, and every side of the heavens and worlds was shaken.

That.... That figure stepped forward violently, like a moth to a flame, colliding with the light of the sun!


Man and Yang are combined, and it seems that he is the True Yang itself.

It is the high heaven of all worlds, and the true yang of all worlds.

The heavens of all worlds, the great realm of Hengsha then brightened.

It seems to be a long time, and it seems that in an instant, the boundless years are rolling and moving, like Wang Yang in the reverse current, a majestic figure suddenly stepped out.

Let out a long howl that shook the world: "I am the Demon Emperor Taiyi, and I will come to the world !! now"

The rumbling sound of the sky shook the boundless chaos, like hundreds of billions of reckless beasts rushing towards the ten directions.

Layers of sound waves vibrated for it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Buzz! Buzz!

The voice of the Demon Emperor covered the boundless, shaking the universe.

And in the endless and infinite river of time and space, huge flags continue to gather.

In the end, it was stacked bigger and bigger, and the reddest became an infinitely huge banner containing endless demonic energy.

In the arena, Hongjun, who saw this thing in the world, lost his voice at this moment and said: "This is the Demon Flag?!"

"No, the Demon Banner was not created by Nuwa, how did it become Taiyi's charge?"

"No, no, this is not a demon banner in one realm, it is a demon banner in ten thousand worlds!"

"You see, every plane ruled by the Demon Emperor has a demon flag rising, just now the Demon Emperor gave an order, and actually summoned countless demon flags, and finally formed this supreme demon flag. "

Listening to the explanations of others, Yuan Shi couldn't help but tremble and said: "Could it be that the demon flag in my realm is just a small flag, and the real demon flag is in Taiyi's hands?"

Yuan Shi silently looked at the Pangu banner in his hand, and suddenly it was not fragrant.

At this moment, countless people were shaken.

Originally.... It turns out that the so-called demon banner is actually like this.

The demon flag is a sacred object of the demon clan, and the demon flag can summon all the demons in the world when it moves, and it is the supreme holy object held by the demon emperor.


Completely shocked.

It was at this time that they took a look over.


The demon banner hunted and moved, blowing a boundless storm that shook the nine heavens: "Return!"

An endless ancient, ancient text that does not exist in the world sounded.

It was the roar of the law, the whisper of the avenue, and the praise of ten thousand Buddhas and ten thousand immortals.

Infinite diversity, heavens and worlds, immeasurable dimensions.

Past, present, future.

At this moment, they were all shaken!

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The world was shaken.

Any dimension with a demon clan was inexplicably summoned and let out a roar of looking up to the sky.

This roar pierced through all worlds, stirring up the ninety-nine layers of heaven, and reaching the other side of the universe.

"Demon Emperor!"

"Demon Emperor!!"

"Demon Emperor !!"

In the desolate world, the demon master Kunpeng saw the demon flag and knelt down inexplicably.

Journey to the West, Bull Demon King, Peng Demon King, Jiao Demon King.... , all of them gave birth to the heart of worship.

In the fairy sword world, the Heavenly Demon Emperor was even more prostrate on the ground, trembling.

They.... What do they see?

The supreme existence of the demon race.


In a chaotic world, a long and dimensionless chaotic ancient snake was swimming, and suddenly a huge head larger than the multiverse suddenly poked out, and ripples rippled in the scarlet vertical pupils.

"Demon Emperor?!"

In the indescribable Mother River of Time and Space, ripples rise.

The Mother River of Time and Space is supreme, and suddenly an immeasurable Kun jumps out of the Mother River of Time and Space, and with a long roar, it turns into a Dapeng and shakes the chaotic sky above.

Staring at the figure, the divine flag: "The Demon Emperor has actually descended!"

Anyone who belongs to the demon clan, at this moment, they only feel that their hearts are constantly swaying.

It was an indescribable kind force, under the shaking of the demon flag, constantly calling them to duty!

"Recruit demons, ten thousand demons gather, don't dare to disobey!"

Fang Fang, who was ruled by Taiyi, couldn't help but be amazed.

How long has it been?

A derivation?

Ten Epochs?

I can't remember.

It's been a long, long time since they've seen the Demon Banner.

Finally.... What's going on?

So that they can see the Demon Banner waving in the Ten Thousand Worlds again?

There are some cultivators of the demon clan's supernatural powers, or those who have brought a little bit of demon clan (Wang Hao) bloodline.

Inexplicably, after getting close to the demon flag, his perception of the Tao and even his cultivation have been much smoother.

"Demon fetish?"

One respect, one person, all touched.

They all felt the call of the demon flag, and they all raised their eyes to look at the sky.

on the arena.

When the Demon Emperor Taiyi settled, his life began to appear on the big screen.

[Infinite Multiverse Master, Demon Emperor Taiyi. 】

[The place where Taiyi is located is a supreme flood realm, and this flood is supreme, commanding countless Zhou Tian worlds. 】

[An ordinary golden immortal here has transcended the long river of time, immortal and immortal, and freely opened up a small world. 】

[Da Luo Jin Xian, Da Luo is omniscient and omnipotent, endless time and space are eternally free, and can freely open up the world. 】

[Here, the saint is omniscient and omnipotent, and there are no secrets in the multiverse. 】

[This is the most terrifying plane of the heavens, the grave of all those who travel through!]

[In this world, there are fierce beast tribulations, dragon and Han tribulations, lich wars, god tribulations, chaotic westward journeys, and even lawless chaos, but every master of the tribulation has survived so far. 】

[Rahu Demon Dao and Hongjun Immortal Dao stand side by side, the two Lich clans are still fighting endlessly, and the disciples of the three sects are all over the world.....]

[All races, all spirits, gods and demons are there. 】

The heavens seem to have become a playground. Male】

[And the Demon Emperor Taiyi is the leader of the Supreme Flood Desolate Demon Clan, the real chess player. 】。

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