[The controller of the infinite multiverse, the human emperor Xuanyuan. 】

[Infinite Multiverse Master, Demon Emperor Taiyi. 】

When I saw this PK list, countless people were touched.

According to the so-called cultivation process.

Mixed elements.



Every step is a leap forward.

Unexpectedly, this time, there was actually a ruler of the infinite multiverse.

Infinite multiverse!

How to understand it?

Many people looked at Dr. Chen silently.

Perhaps at this moment, Dr. Chen must have something to say.

Dr. Chan: "???"

"Ahem!" Dr. Chen coughed, "As a researcher, I have something to offer." "

"You can understand it this way, the multiverse is a theoretically infinite or finite collection of possible universes. "

"It includes everything that exists and can exist: all space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them. "

"The various universes contained in the multiverse are called parallel universes, also known as parallel worlds, parallel space-time, parallel dimensions, and alternate universes. "

"Parallel universes generally refer to other universes that may exist outside of our universe that are similar to the universe we know. "

"Have you ever heard of stacking boxes? The infinite multiverse is infinite overlapping. "


At this moment, many people seem to understand whether they understand or not.

"Stacking boxes?"

"Isn't it that I can't understand it this way, pluralism is the collection of infinite monolithic universes, and infinite pluralism is the collection of infinite multiverses?" Fang Han said lightly.

Saint King Yang Qi did shake his head: "That plurality is also an infinite number of monolithic universes, infinite multiplicity is an infinite number of 25 innumerable monomer universes, infinite * infinite is still infinite, how to distinguish it?"

"A multiverse is separated from the middle, and there are countless monomeric universes on both sides, how can it be proved that it is not two multiple!"

At this time, Shopkeeper Zhou couldn't help but walk out and interjected.

"Countless monolithic universes are one plurality, countless multiverses are infinitely diverse, and countless infinite multiverses are stacked with one more layer of boxes!"

That's how you understand it. "

Dr. Chen nodded: "Infinite diversity is infinite diversity. "

"Pluralism is a collection of a work that includes an infinite number of monolithic universes and many other space-time structures. "

"Because the multivariate models are not the same, it is not possible to use the monolithic universe as the origin of absolute data conversion. "

"The worldview with the modern background once the level of the space-time structure reaches the level of the multiverse, then the specific vocabulary of the multiverse will directly appear. "

And in the context of ancient times or other eras, there will also be similar words, such as the heavens and ten thousand worlds, the three thousand worlds, and so on, depending on the situation. "

"First of all, it is necessary to identify the monolithic universe, the countless universes that have never been multiverse, but are part of the aggregate set of time and space in the multiverse. "

Quite a few people seem to understand.

But I didn't seem to understand.

But no matter what, the controller of the infinite multiverse is very awesome at first glance!

"Good fellow, Emperor Xuanyuan! There are too many myths about Emperor Xuanyuan. Xiao Huo said excitedly.

Unexpectedly, the myth I saw in Lanxing will be staged one day.

"It seems that the weight of the PK of the two myths still occupies a large part of the power. "

However, not every game will be a mythological duel, and fairness will come out naturally. "

Emperor Huangtian thought for a moment and spoke.

But the people in the desolate world are not calm.

Hongjun Daoist silently looked at the name that appeared on the big screen.

Emperor Xuanyuan, he can understand.

But what about the Demon Emperor Taiyi?

Their world is almost past the gods, and the Lich War has long since passed.

The Eastern Emperor had already died early in the morning.

"Teacher, wasn't the Eastern Emperor Taiyi dead during the Lich War?" Tongtian wondered.

Yuan Shi frowned and asked: "Yes, teacher, besides, isn't the Demon Emperor the Emperor? Taiyi is the Eastern Emperor, how did he become the Demon Emperor?"

Hongjun: "......."

Every time you encounter something you don't understand, you have to be asked.

However, although he is very powerful in the desolate world, in the heavens and all worlds, he does not mean omniscient and omnipotent.

You ask me, how do I know.

But in order to maintain the dignity of the teacher, Hongjun master's demeanor was full of words: "Don't worry. "

"You'll find out in a moment. "

When the six saints heard Hongjun's words, they immediately swept around the arena.

I want to see the so-called human emperor style.

At the same time, no one was dying staring at the arena.

Not for anything else.

Expect.... Expect to see an infinite level of existence.


on the arena.

Ancient songs, which seem to have passed through immeasurable years, are resounding in the ears of the protagonists of all worlds.

The ancestor of the human race shook and roared!

"Heaven and earth are yellow, the universe is desolate, all beings are like ants, and the avenue is on the top. "

"The rise is small, the bloody battle is eight famines, the fire is shining, and there is endless hope. "

"There are nests and flints, Fuxi Yanhuang, the glory of the ancestors, how can they forget!"

"The position of the emperor of the people, carrying hope, the emperors of all generations, will never forget!"

The oldest humane ancestral ballad sounds!

This song touched countless human races.

Ancient songs are full of the blood and tears of the human race.

The human race is in the end, but when will there be less endless heroic spirit that competes with all things in heaven and earth?

One by one, the people of the human race stood up unconsciously.

How can you forget?

How dare you forget?

The children of the human race all trace the origin of this song.

It was a corner of the arena. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Six figures with strange faces, high crowns and broad belts, containing the atmosphere of endless vicissitudes of life, sat cross-legged.

One of them, one with a sword, the emperor's breath permeated the nine heavens.

"Emperor of the People!"

At this moment, the figure seemed to be summoned.

Silently stood up. []


As soon as this person came out, the earth was shocked.

The vast chaotic sky, the cosmic chaotic sea, all boiled.

One by one, the protagonists of the world looked solemnly at the past.

They.... What do they see?

That one, step by step, like the great sun step by step into the world.

The sun rises in the sky, pouring hundreds of millions of sunshine.

It is as if the boundless golden divine rays are majestic and endless, rippling from the heavens of all worlds.

Render the boundless sky, the ten directions of heaven and earth.




The sound of footsteps dispelled all the darkness in the world.

An inexplicable red sun rises, shining in the sky of eternity.

The universe is peeling away, the sky is far away, time and space are boiling, and the avenue is retreating.

The supreme and greatest, the most masculine and rigid breath swept across the infinite, far and wide.


A slight trace of momentum exploded, and layers of heaven in the universe actually fell from the dimension.

The infinite void all underwent earth-shattering changes at the moment when the great sun appeared.

There is no more time and space, no more laws, no more avenue textures.

The vast and boundless sea of chaos turned into a thin piece of paper in an instant, under the light of the great sun!

At this moment, or rather, there is no concept of time and space.

Under the sun.

It is as big as the congenital sacred, and as small as the planktonic ants.

Even the countless creatures on the vast continent have all lost the concept of time and space, and even for them, they can't perceive anything.

At this moment, the giants of the Heavenly Stream, the mythical existence, looked at that person deadly.

I unconsciously produced a change in my heart.

The sun is above all else!

Its light shines not only in the arena, but in the heavens and all worlds.

"What a person, Emperor Xuanyuan, deserves to be the master of the infinite multiverse. Dr. Chan sighed.

Shopkeeper Zhou also nodded: "Such an existence should be included in my Ten Thousand Realms Building!"

Dr. Chan: "???"

"I didn't expect that Emperor Xuanyuan's Great Sun Power would be used to such an extent!!," Zhou Taiyi said in a condensed voice.

Lord Li glanced at Xuanyuan and said in a deep voice, "It's not over yet!"

That figure is reflected in the hearts of countless people.

The dimensions of the heavens are constantly rising and rising.




The heavens and all the worlds, one side of the universe is not calm.

They looked at Emperor Xuanyuan, calling one by one.

387 "Your Majesty. "

"Emperor Xuanyuan. "


"Yellow Emperor!"

"Yang Zu!"


Suddenly, in the Hengsha Ten Thousand Worlds, countless people bowed down and bowed down to this existence.

And on the arena.

A venerable hybrid magnate, an innate saint, couldn't help but be shocked.

No matter how cultivated they are, at this moment, in their eyes, there is only that rising red sun.

The red sun filled their eyes, and they couldn't see anything.

The domineering of Emperor Xuanyuan can be seen.


The sun rises, and the candle shines on the heavens and all the worlds.

Finally, Emperor Xuanyuan landed in the arena.

On the big screen, the life of Emperor Xuanyuan began to manifest.

[The controller of the infinite multiverse, the human emperor Xuanyuan. 】

[Originated from a broken humane world, and was revered by the world as the human emperor of the three emperors of heaven, earth and man. 】

[He is the head of the Five Emperors and the first ancestor of humanity. Living in Xuanyuan Hill, called Xuanyuan, built in Youxiong, also known as Youxiong. Some people also call it "Dihong". 】

[In the two hundred and thirty years of the human emperor's calendar, the human emperor Xuanyuan chased the Central Plains and ruled the world, because the world was broken and destruction was imminent, he immediately looked out of the universe and looked for a way out. 】

[The conquest begins, conquers the heavens, conquers the worlds, and conquers the universe. The starry sky ignited the flames of war and burned the entire outside of the realm. 】

[For the sake of survival, for the sake of the tribe, Emperor Xuanyuan will not hesitate. 】

[The conquest is endless, and since then there is no end to the worlds of humanity!]

[The world of gods was shattered, the demon race was defeated, the power of the demon was also dimmed, the mystery of the immortals was also defeated, and all the races and ancestors were defeated by the Xuanyuan Sword. 】

[Push the infinite universe horizontally, suppress all gods, demons, demons, and immortals!, is the emperor of men!]

[The human race has also made a great name in the heavens and all worlds, and has become the first clan in the ten thousand domains. 】

[All the fingers of the Xuanyuan Sword are all conquests, and everything as far as the eye can see is the territory of the human race. 】

[Since then, humanity has been eternal. 】

[Human Emperor Xuanyuan turned into a great sun, shining on the heavens, the heavens and all worlds, shining on the entire human race, and becoming the high heaven of the human race. 】。

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