One was a time hunter who was chased by himself and fled in a hurry, and he didn’t dare to fight back.

One is a wizard who has ultra-long-range attack methods and can cause damage to himself.

Thinking with his toes, Loves knew that he had to destroy the wizard first, and then turn around to attack the time hunter.

Otherwise, if the former time hunter’s nose is gone, the magician’s successive attacks will continue to hinder him and even cause him to be injured.

With that little divine force blessing, it is powerful.

But it is not invincible.

At least the energy of that wizard can cause some damage to him.

Watching this Fire Element Knight rushing towards him.

Gurney yelled at George as he retreated quickly.

“You go to help Zigerud, I can deal with him alone, otherwise Zigerud may be killed.”

The strength of Zigerud Although strong, but not fast enough.

And the daughter of Evil God is different from these Transcenders who borrow the power of Evil God.

It is more capable of exerting the horror and power of Evil God.

In such a short period of time, if there is nothing special about Zigerud, and only with the extraordinary profession of a dragon slayer, it is most likely to be maimed or even killed.


Without arguing with Gurney, George was straight and disappeared. When he appeared again, he already appeared at the entrance of this dragon’s nest.

Immediately, it flew towards the place where Siegrud and the daughter of Evil God were fighting in the distance.

One-on-one, they will be beaten and fled in panic.

Two to one, then at least they can have a little chance to fight back.

Using blood escape, Gurney flees quickly.

And the Fire Element Knight is chasing Gurney like a shadow.

At this time, Gurney also felt George’s pressure.

The Fire Element behind this makes terrifying really fast.

Gurney must precisely control the movement of the high-frequency blood escape technique into a blood light state, but at a later moment, he will basically be hit by the opponent’s long spear shot.

With this shot containing the power of Evil God, even Gurney would have to be stabbed through.

After confirming that George had left, Gurney skimmed the Fire Element Knight coldly.

There is no more flesh and blood than Gurney has taken out the dominator again.

In the hideous and distorted scary expression.


This Fire Element Knight burst and died.

The other party has already brought out the terrifying power of God’s Force, and Gurney will naturally not be polite with them.

This trump card method must be used at this time.

You are ruthless, and I have more ruthless than you.

After picking up the opponent’s extraordinary storage equipment and extraordinary equipment, after confirming that there is nothing left.

Gurney ran at a moderate pace in the direction where the battle explosion came from outside.

While moving forward, Gurney has already used the soul of the devil to start chanting the forbidden spell “The Guardian of True Scales and Armor”.

On the one hand, only the daughter of Evil God is left.

Three to one, there is an advantage in the number of people.

On the other hand, the more Gurney needs to experience the powerful level of the guardian of this true scale armor.

And obviously, this daughter of Evil God is a good experiment target.

After a few seconds.

With the reciting of the Dragon Language mantra by the Vice-Soul of the Demon Lord.

The horrible soul pressure came suddenly.

If Gurney’s own soul resists this forbidden spell pressure, basically when this force is suppressed, the soul will burst on the spot.

And the demon lord’s vice-soul was held, but it was not easy.

As Gurney chanted the incantion quickly, the pressure became stronger and stronger, and he had begun to hurt the soul of the Demon Lord.

After six seconds.


The silver white scaly-like globular shiny shield appeared on Gurney, wrapping Gurney perfectly.

At this time, the secondary soul of the Demon Lord has lost a full tenth of Soul Power.

It takes at least half a month to one month of cultivation to recover.

Fortunately, at this time, the guardian condense of Real Scale Armor comes, so there is no need to bear any pressure.

At this time, the “Guardian of Real Scale Armor”.

The appearance of silver scale armor emerges on the surface, arranged at a perfect fit angle, and the breath is perfectly in a state of convergence.

More importantly, the thickness of the guardian of this true scale.

The thickness of its energy barrier is as large as half a meter. This energy thickness is quite amazing.

Moreover, Gurney can feel the peculiar Profound Truth fluctuations, which are perfectly intertwined, and there is more than one Profound Truth.

The powerful spells of the forbidden spell level all involve the Profound Truth level of the natural elements.

And precisely because of this, it will have such a terrifying soul pressure.

Fortunately, Gurney himself understood the natural Profound Truth, and his soul has also been nurtured by the natural Profound Truth.

Otherwise, the secondary soul will bear the pressure of this forbidden spell even more.

After looking at the guardian of this true scale, Gurney is nodded very satisfied.

“With this forbidden spell-level powerful shield, one-on-one, you don’t have to be too afraid of the daughter of Evil God.”

Immediately, Gurney accelerated his pace and moved forward. The direction of the sound of fighting rushed over.

Soon, in another huge dragon nest space.

Gurney saw the two fighting against the daughter of Evil God.

At this time, if you use one word to describe the two, it is-miserable!

And it is quite miserable.

George’s body seemed to have been punched through a big hole, blood dripped continuously, and large areas of clothes were dyed red.

The dragon slayer Zigerud is even more terrible. His left arm has been completely broken, and one of his eyes has been blinded. The extraordinary armor on his body is widely torn apart, and his body is bloody. .

What made Gurney amazed was that at this time, the dragon slayer Zigrud was burning with an extremely fierce and domineering force, as if it were some kind of peculiar power of Dragon Race.

Although this power is not as terrifying as the power blessed by God’s Force.

But it is by virtue of this power that Siegrud is qualified to fight back in front of the daughter of Evil God who has the blessing of Evil God’s Force.

Otherwise, facing the daughter of Evil God blessed by the evil God’s Force, she would dare to fight back for fear that she would have died long ago.

This scene made Gurney frowned.

“Sure enough!”

“This Zigerud is not simple, besides the powerful starry sky sequence of Dragon Slayer, this guy really has his own secret. “

“By the way, he was able to use false beliefs to deceive the perception of Evil God, which is also a very powerful method.”

“On the other hand, George is short. It’s up, but no one is not sure if this guy will have other fortuite encounters in the future.”

“Come and help!”

See Gurney appearing at the entrance. , George roared immediately when the heart-pounding milk-white rays of light bloomed on his body.

Sigrud, who was already injured and struggling to contend with the daughter of Evil God, was suddenly excited.

Just the two of them, if you dare to resist the daughter of Evil God, I’m afraid it will only be them.

The reason they dared to resist is that George told him that Gurney was quickly beheading another guy who performed the evil God’s Force, so he dared to resist and drag the daughter of Evil God. To interfere with Gurney’s beheading.

They also experienced the fate of resisting the attack of the daughter of Evil God.

It was simply desperate sledgehammers banging their souls frantically.

Every second, the attack of the daughter of Evil God is like a hot lava wave, assaults the senses.

He felt that at most he could only take a dozen to twenty seconds, and he might be defeated.

And at this crucial point in time, that Gurney · Lawrence, this super mage, he finally came.

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