Gurney escaped extremely quickly.

Blood escape one after another, instantly vacated the position of more than four hundred meters.

But it was still affected by an enhanced version of Evil God’s power.

Gurney’s blood shield was torn to shreds in an instant, and at the same time, the interference neutralization barrier on his body was also broken. The shield of the magic gold dragon mark necklace was also broken shortly afterwards.

After three consecutive layers of defense were broken, this power has already weakened a lot.

When hitting Gurney, Gurney also felt a sharp electric pain.

The ordinary magician is estimated to be killed on the spot.

Fortunately, Gurney’s fleshy body was strong enough to carry this attack and quickly escaped from the attacked area.

With this wave of attacks, Gurney also completely exposed the silhouette.

Ashley was even more jealous when she saw Gurney, full of killing intent.

“die for me!”

This killing intent woman was bombarded against Gurney.

boom~ boom~ ……

boom~ boom~ ……

The spells bombarded one after another, and the huge stone tablets wherever they went , The stone-shaped nests, and the wide corridors spread out, were blasted to pieces one after another, and rubble was flying all over the sky.

And Gurney flees madly under the power of this explosion.

Sabrewielder “Claudia”, who used the power of Evil God to recover quickly, not at all rushed over, but guarded Ashley’s side to prevent Gurney from attacking Ashley. Blow.

He knew how powerful this Captain Jack, who fled quickly during the bombing, was powerful.

There are already two extremely powerful experts who have fallen into the hands of this guy.

At this moment, Gurney was fleeing frantically, and there was so much breathing opportunity.

The range of the thunderball is too large, with a radius of 50 meters, and the diameter is within a hundred meters.

Secondly, under the blessing of the power of Evil God, the casting distance has reached more than 2,000 meters. Almost the entire space is within its casting range.

What’s more important is that this female magician is also a one-second overlapping magician. One second falls from more than a dozen spells. Gurney really has several points of overwhelming.

“If this goes on, a mistake, or there is no time to avoid it, don’t die also seriously injured.”

I turned my eyes away from the female law that was madly casting on me near the altar. Curse teacher.

“Do you think that you have high-level terrorist power?”

“You have it, and I also have it.”

“Evil God confronts the terrorist Cthulhu creatures, see who of us is more terrifying.”

The figure suddenly stretched, and quickly opened up a wide range of positions.

Gurney directly raised his hand and used the puppet secret line to hang out the terrifying flesh and blood of the dominator directly three meters above his head.

The moment Pupu’s flesh and blood, like black bacon, appeared on top of Gurney’s head.



Two indescribable mournful screams were passed from the altar at the same time.

When Gurney looked over carefully.

I saw that the terrifying Evil God power blessed on the two of them suddenly agitated, and the faces of both of them showed terrifying and hideous expressions.

The bodies of the two of them exploded rapidly as if they were blowing balloons.

Gurney moved slightly in his heart, quickly hiding the flesh and blood of the dominator.




It is like the sound of a balloon exploding.

The two people on the altar, and the exploded flesh and blood, fluttered toward Gurney, and quickly fell to the ground, staining the ground nearby with blood red, and the broken fleshy powder was even more mushy. In one place.

“It seems…your Evil God power is not an opponent of the great Cthulhu creatures that control the entire universe on top of the stars.”

“Even if it is just The existence of the dominator is still not something that Evil God’s power can contend with.”

In this way, Gurney is more full of desire to control the mysterious power of Cthulhu.

At this time, Gurney thought secretly in his heart.

“boom~ boom~ ……”

There was also a violent explosion in the distance.

Obviously, the daughter of Evil God and the expert in the middle of Tier 6 have begun to attack the Dragon Slayer and George.

I quickly came to the altar and quickly packed the extraordinary storage ring of the two and the extraordinary equipment exploded on their bodies.

Gurney rushed out quickly.

With a little divine force, the strength of these two Tier 5 Transcenders has greatly increased, making it difficult for Gurney to fight back.

If it wasn’t for Gurney’s speed and defense, he would have died long ago.

Although the two Transcenders are not wizards, they do not have the ability to bombard them at a long distance.

George and Siegrud are also absolutely uncomfortable.

In a large dragon’s nest space.

Gurney found George.

At this time, George’s body was full of fluctuations of Profound Truth of Time.

Its speed has exploded five or six times faster than before.

Obviously, at this moment, it is also burning its own time, fleeing frantically under the chase of this sixth-order extraordinary powerhouse, which is blessed with a little evil God’s Force.

Even so, George is uncomfortable.

Lofus in the middle of the sixth tier is burning with red source force flames. This is the effect of the source force blooming under the blessing of evil God’s Force.

And this makes Loves as a “Fire Element Knight” faster and more flexible than George.

Every charge is a distance of two to three hundred meters, and it is fast terrifying.

Very flexible during the charge and can easily change direction.

Fortunately, George still has the ability to travel through time, so he can barely escape under the opponent’s attack, or he will die early.

But George was not feeling well at this time.

The corners of his mouth were filled with blood, and his arm seemed to be injured. It could be seen that George was struggling to flee.

And this method of burning time is also difficult to last.

Compared between the Shadow Sequence and the Fighting System sequence, in terms of its own bearing capacity under pressure, it is obviously a victory for the Fighting Sequence.

When I saw Gurney coming.

George within both eyes, who was already on the verge of desperate situation, suddenly burst into light.

“Help me quickly.”

Although I don’t know how Gurney got rid of the two guys, but at this moment Gurney is here. This is the last straw he can rely on. .

The opponent is Knight, an element of the starry sky sequence, and he is more restrained.

In addition to the fact that the opponent has the blessing of God’s Force, he has indeed beaten George without the power to fight back.

The power of Evil God is that the entire world must suppress its terrifying existence.

One can imagine how magnificent these forces are.

Even if there is only a trace of blessing on the opponent, this is unbearable for George.

Gurney separated a very long distance, a soul-fixing magic ring curse was lost.

However, when this soul-fixing divine ring curse just landed on you on that Lofus.

chi chi…

The burning power of the source force directly burned Gurney’s soul-fixing magic ring curse.

“Sure enough!”

Gurney was not surprised to see this scene.

The soul-fixing divine ring curse, after all, is only a high-level spell, and the difference between the sixth-order source power under a little divine force blessing is still too large, and it will be burned when locked.

“Hurry up, I can’t hold on anymore.” George fleeing frantically at this time shouted.

Next moment Gurney has already condensed the Arcane channel next to him.

Boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four consecutive shooting methods, the precise strikes were on Loves.

Every bullet exploded on Loves, and a large amount of burning source force splashed.

You can even see the fist sized sunken wound clearly on Loves’ body. Fight it back again and again.

Although it did not cause too fatal damage.

These four shooting methods happened to solve the urgent need of George who was almost caught up.

George, who was quickly out of danger, did not rush to Gurney.

Instead, he stopped on a cliff platform more than 300 meters away from Loves.

This location is very good. If the Fire Element Knight chases him down, then Gurney will have a perfect shooting environment.

And if the other party wants to hunt down Gurney, he also has a good chance to recover quickly.

One turned his hand and poured a bottle of raw Life Spring water down. George paid close attention to the situation on the scene.

It did not exceed George’s expectations.

This element Knight rushed to Gurney.

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