Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 847: The air is suddenly quiet

Just when the five Yun-15plus escorted by two Su-27s began to descend quickly, the air-to-air radar on the Rush finally captured this unusual target.

The result was not bad, and Valenrio and the others were scared to death.

There is no other reason. The Rush, the target of such a dense formation, was completely unaware of it before. Let alone them, the Okinawa base with many aviation and aerospace reconnaissance methods is also the same for this fleet of five light transport aircraft. I don't know.

Because of this, when this formation descended from the sky, the scene that shocked Valenrio and others was no different from a meteorite hitting the earth, which was already detached.

Immediately, one question after another popped up like swiping the screen in his mind, how did a certain big country in the East do it? How can there be no news about the assembly of a transport fleet of this size in advance? How did they assemble, how did they get in, and how did they suddenly appear outside of Zhejiang Province?

Valenrio and others were puzzled, but Zheng Quanli, who had already parachuted onto the shooting range island at this time, knew very well, and even in some respects, the most exciting landing in the annual planning exercise organized by the headquarters Most of the battle ideas in the island exercise were his own.

The reason why the island landing exercise was included in this year’s annual exercise is mainly because the domestic security environment has changed. The Soviet Union in the north collapsed. The army of one million that was pressed on the northern border suddenly dissipated, and the security threats to the north disappeared. In the 1990s, the headquarters shifted its security focus from the northern inland to the southeast coast.

One is because the growing share of trade requires troops to effectively protect domestic trade and transportation routes; the second is that well-known historical issues require troops to make effective transformations.

In this context, on the basis of several previous landing exercises, this year’s headquarters’ annual exercises have added a test subject, that is, it is of strategic significance to seize in a surprise attack without the surrounding area. Core island.

In the words of the head of the headquarters who is in charge of the entire annual exercise, this landing exercise highlighted eight characters, unexpectedly attacking it!

Because of this, the exercise force did a lot of work before launching the formal exercise, including the land exercise force assembled in the depths of the Yangtze River Delta. The structure of its heavy force group attracted all the attention to cover the real sharp knife— -Airborne troops scattered in several second-tier airports in the central region.

Of course, strategic deception alone is not enough, and tactical coordination in formal operations is equally important.

For this reason, Zheng Quanli has led his troops to drill dozens of times, and he has long been familiar with it. The specific process is not complicated. The airborne troops scattered on the second-line airport gather in a certain airspace on the 15plus, and then conduct a dense formation to make it The radar reflected signal is similar to a large civil aviation passenger plane, and then quickly arrives in the exercise airspace along the civil route, thereby achieving unexpected combat intent.

As for how there is no imaginary enemy force how to judge one's own actions to achieve unexpected goals, Zheng Quanli's method is simple and rude. Just find an "audience".

So the Rush, who was going to visit and messing with Yaozi on the way, was taken by Zheng Quanli.

Since we are disturbing the wind and rain on the coast of East Zhejiang, we will save people later, and send helicopters later, but I don’t know that the coast of East Zhejiang is the backyard of the Coast Guard. If that’s the case, then just look at the host’s hand-picking the dog. If you don't get home for great training, it's best to comment and communicate.

As for how much shadow it will leave in the other party's heart, Zheng Quanli doesn't have the idle time to think about it. You can watch all the good shows. It's not bad to confiscated the ticket money. What else?

Where did Valenrio know so many behind-the-scenes stories, thinking that they happened to be a blind cat and a dead mouse. While sinking in, they were really surprised by the sudden appearance of the Yun 15plus fleet.

But before they recovered from the shock, the situation on the radar screen once again caused their empty brains to immediately short-circuit.

What does the sudden emergence of light transport aircraft want to do? Actually want to prepare to land on the shooting range island?

Are people in a big country in the east going crazy? Let’s not talk about whether there is enough space for light transport aircraft to land on the shooting range island. Even if there is, there is neither ground protection nor perfect guidance facilities in the invisible night. There is a complicated climate left by a typhoon, and all the factors are added together. Even if it is lucky to fly over, how can it be possible to land?

Let alone a big country in the East, even a big country outside the region dare not play like this.

Although a large country outside the region also emphasizes the ability of short-range take-off and landing of fixed-wing aircraft without support at night, the problem is that there is no support. In fact, early teams, space satellites and even early reconnaissance are necessary. But even so, this type of tactical exercise is necessary. The risk is still great, and a large country outside the region dares to reach out and try only through cross-guarantee at night when the weather conditions are excellent.

Of course, the disintegrated former Soviet Union is an exception. Their extreme fighting style has always been simple and rude, so they often have accidents in such short take-off and landing exercises of fixed agent aircraft that are unsupported at night.

But regardless of the cautiousness of a great power outside the region or the arrogance of the Soviet Union, both are superpowers, with strong manipulation experience and technological accumulation, which can ensure that they can minimize risks to the maximum extent.

Are these things a major country in the East?

Others don't know, Valenrio and the others have never heard of it anyway. In that case, isn't it crazy that the pilot of the other light transport plane dare to do this?

"It seems that the international news will have a big hit tomorrow."

Looking at the situation on the radar, Yellen, who has flight driving experience, shook his head with a little regret.

Valenrio didn't finish, he just stared at the monitor screen for a moment of silence, and sighed deeply: "Contact the rear base. The exercise of a major power in the east was smashed by himself at the most exciting moment."

Obviously Valenrio is not optimistic that five light transport aircraft can land on the island. There is no way that the technical difficulty of short-range take-off and landing of fixed-wing aircraft without support at night is too great. The requirements for the aircraft itself are equally high. At the very least, there must be a night-time landing aid on the plane.

The only countries in the world that can produce this type of equipment are the United States and France. ~www.ltnovel.com~ As for the others, don’t accept a large country in the East. Even the former Soviet Union, which has a strong aviation power, does not have it. If not, then the East How did the light transport aircraft of a large country fall? Do you rely on the pilot's eyes? Come on, it's an airplane, not a car. If the pilot's eyes can solve the problem, why should there be so many sensors and electronic devices on the airplane?

Because of this, Valenrio judged that this time a certain great power in the East was dying. If so, he could only regret that this good show was over.

However, just as Valenrio’s words were just uttered, the communications officer was about to contact the Okinawa base, and the monitoring station in the command room suddenly heard an excited cheer: "A successful landing!"

After Valenrio and others listened to it through an interpreter, they looked at the picture of the shooting range island returned on the command screen, and the air in the entire command and control room suddenly became extremely quiet.

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