Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 846: Night attack


A new type of heavy fighter that was just equipped in the 1990s by a major eastern country was originally produced in the Soviet Union.

Valenio, who is a Coast Guard lieutenant colonel, is naturally familiar with these familiar information. Otherwise, he would not be able to judge the exact model based on the vague silhouette in the dark night.

But because of this, Valenrio was surprised, because before leaving the command and control room, he had been staring at the electronic detection system on the Rush. From dusk to late night, the air-to-air radar on the Rush Except for normal civilian flights, there is no high-speed movement signal from combat aircraft at all.

What does this show?

Seeing the Su-27 flying past almost wiping the mast of the ship, the answer is self-evident. This is an ultra-low-altitude penetration tactic for the aviation unit of a major eastern power.

Designed to evade radar detection and launch a surprise attack on the target.

And to be able to complete ultra-distance and ultra-low-altitude penetration in the dark, the pilot must be the best in both equipment and mission. Needless to say, the Su-27 is a heavy fighter that can rival the F-15 of a large country outside the region. The performance is there.

As for the pilot, it is even more so, because of the calm and leaping momentum, Valenrio knew that the Su-27 cockpit was definitely an experienced ace pilot.

Ace fighters and ace pilots, Valenrio felt unusual instantly in this silent late night.

How long has the sea ban notice been issued? Three hours or five hours? The meteorological conditions after the typhoon are still very complicated, and the more important thing is that it is close to the midnight of the early morning.

So fast and so suddenly, this exercise by a big country in the East is indescribably strange from every aspect.


Just as Valenrio was looking up at the sky with a hot dog in his mouth, his brains were running frantically. What kind of exercise intentions the troop that had assembled in the depths of the Yangtze River Delta that was originally conducting land confrontation exercises on the eastern coastal water network wanted to achieve? .

The Su-27 aircraft that passed over them suddenly flashed a red light under the wing, and more than a dozen aviation rockets burst out. At the same time, several Su-27 fighter jets rushed from the other side in a dense formation at low altitude. It came, and immediately pulled up, like the previous Su-27 fighter, tilting the rocket at a desert island in the open sea.

At this time, Valenrio also woke up from his thoughts, turned his head and spit the hot dog in his mouth into the sea, and then ordered Yellen and others: "Immediately turn on all surveillance systems including the infrared night vision system."

Yellen and the others also reacted. The originally uncertain combat exercise for a major eastern country’s landing on the island began in an unbelievable way. It is impossible to rush over and observe closely, because the Rush is at dusk. It has been separated by warships.

However, the shipboard equipment on the Rush is not for food, and it is not possible to play at close range. It can still be managed from a distance. So Valenrio gave an order, and Yellen and others did not care for supper. , Immediately rushed back to his battle position, the boot that should be turned on, the positioning of the positioning.

Soon through the infrared night vision system, radar imaging system, photoelectric sensing system and four geostationary reconnaissance satellites positioned over the Asia-Pacific region, the display on the Rush finally showed a clearer scene.

It is a deserted island close to more than 100 kilometers off the coast of eastern Zhejiang. It has always been used as a shooting range for the coastal navy. The terrain is narrow and long, low in the west and high in the east. There is a small open space on the east side of the highland, about three or four football Field size.

Over the years, the coastal navy has liked to set the target position in this open space. Not only is this position good visibility, suitable for direct aiming, and bypassing the island, but also can be used as a test for naval firepower to destroy the reverse **** from east to west. In recent years, the island has been hit beyond recognition by various artillery shells, bombs, and missiles.

If this is on land, Valenrio really doesn't know the situation of this type of military shooting range. The problem is that this is the sea. For a country with maritime hegemony, every movement of all countries at sea is one-way transparent to them.

So Valenrio not only knew, but also knew how to sail and avoid the danger of not entering the shooting range, and at the same time not delay shutting down those old warships of a great eastern country that mocked the fast-draining naval guns and bombarded the island.

Of course, most of those days were watching the excitement, but now it is different. There is no large-scale fleet build-up on the sea, and there are no rushing combat ships. The main force assembled in the depths of the Yangtze River Delta just didn’t move at all. .

In other words, the land-based confrontation exercises are still on land and have nothing to do with it.

However, Su-27 appeared here, carrying out an unusual night low-altitude raid. Could it be a separate exercise for the Air Force? Simple open shooting?

Valenrio became more confused as he looked at it, not only him, but the intelligence analyst at the rear base was also a forehead question mark, although judging from various channels, the annual exercise of a major eastern country was to do some exercises on island landings. Otherwise, the exercise area will not be placed in the Yangtze River Delta, which is densely covered with water and cannot deploy large-scale forces.

If you want to land on the island, you must have early actions, such as the deployment of landing ships, the assembly of land forces, and the collection of sea and air forces.

As a result, none of these.

I thought that a certain major power in the East was not ready yet, but less than 5 hours after the ban on the sea was issued today, the Su-27 fighter jets deployed in two directions along the southeast coast began by means of ultra-low-altitude penetration under the cover of night. A raid-style night strike.

All sorts of weird actions make everyone know that this is unusual, but they don’t know how unusual, because all the elements for landing operations are not available. Does a big country in the east think that it can use a few Su-27 fighter jets? Control an island?

Please, even if a country outside the region dare not to be so generous, OK?

Just when Valenrio frequently communicated with the rear base through the radio and couldn’t figure out the situation for a long time, the radar controller on the side suddenly shouted: "Lieutenant Colonel, look..."

Hearing this, Valenrio slid his seat over while holding the phone, and then looked at the dots that suddenly popped out on the screen, his eyes condensed: "When did they show up?"

The radar operator spit out two words, "Suddenly!"


At the same time ~www.ltnovel.com~On the desert island off the coast of eastern Zhejiang that was used as a shooting range by the coastal forces, a Yun 15plus rushed past the island, leaving blossoming umbrella flowers in the night. The sound of a huge explosion on the island quietly descended on a high ground on the east side.

Zheng Quanli gathered his umbrella bag and handed it to the soldier on the side. He immediately picked up the microphone from the portable radio carried by the signal soldier, and looked at the moss and gravel clearing below the high ground with a somewhat cumbersome night vision device. , Issued the most critical command tonight: "The night attack begins!"

The words were over. On a certain area of ​​10,000 meters off the coast of East Zhejiang, five Yun-15plus aircraft in a dense formation all deflected, and they soon followed the Su-27 hovering in this airspace and directed straight at the shooting range desert island. Slightly down...



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