Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 843: Not much, just two million dollars

The problem is that Valenrio swears, but there is no other way. The coast guard ship closest to the east coast of Zhejiang also needs 700 nautical miles, and the nearest base is 900 nautical miles.

Even if the situation is reported, it will take 48 hours to wait for the base to dispatch a helicopter or rescue vessel.

If this is normal, it would be okay to starve people for 48 hours, so I just waited. What is terrible is there is not a super virgin named Christina on the island.

This product not only recorded the ugly state of the Coast Guard rescue failure with film camera equipment, but also informed the filmmakers in Hollywood and European investors of the incident through satellite phones.

It immediately made Hollywood and Europeans excited and almost went crazy.

Is there such a good thing?

The rescue helicopter of the Coast Guard was smashed by the Japanese crew, but it was a big country in the East that rescued them.

Oh my God, what a great theme, you know that Hollywood is preparing for a movie called "Black Hawk Down", Christina provides another piece of amazing material, and another "Dolphin Drowning"? Hmm~~ it is indeed a good idea!

Although the idea was good, it had to be confirmed to act, so Hollywood and European investors released the news that the Coast Guard rescue failed and the plane was damaged.

Xuan even caused an uproar in the West.

Many spokespersons of a major foreign country were almost bombarded with scumbags by this question, but they answered the same caliber, that is, the damage to the Coast Guard rescue helicopter is purely a rumor. The Coast Guard is based on its professional and rigorous The professional attitude guarantees that the personnel and equipment of the Coast Guard are safe at all times.

It sounds better than singing, but privately, the Coast Guard headquarters put a lot of pressure on the Rush commander who was going to the Yangtze River Delta, and that was to keep those trapped on the island anyway. The Coast Guard members were rescued.

The Coast Guard can’t do anything about it. The Black Hawk fall in Mogadishu, Somalia, has already embarrassed a big country outside the region. If the coast guard really drowned a dolphin, the skin of a big country outside the region would be even worse.

So while things are still under control, reporters are facing the coast guard headquarters, where can the Rush find a way as soon as possible.

Since the headquarters has such an attitude, the commander of the Rush, who is about to visit the Yangtze River Delta, is naturally willing to go. After the headquarters has agreed, he immediately contacted a major eastern country for assistance.

So not to mention that a large country in the East offers a sky-high price of 300,000 US dollars for a sortie, which is a murder price of 1 million US dollars. The Coast Guard has to bear it for the sake of skinny.

Fortunately, the Internet was still underdeveloped in the 1990s. I don't know what social media is. The Coast Guard on the other side of the ocean can still sloppy with the media. Zhuang Jianye does not know the real situation on the other side of the Pacific.

Otherwise, how can it be possible to ask for this price, how can it be increased five times ten times.

In the worst case, I have to learn from Comrade Chen Fang. He drove 200,000 US dollars a sortie, which is good. I don't want to add 100,000 and report it to the Coast Guard.

What is meant by middlemen earning the difference? What is meant by the king of the downfall? Look at Old Comrade Chen Fang to understand.

So that Zhuang Jianye hated him. He had known it for a long time, so he called for half a million dollars. Anyway, Chen Fang had to increase the price to collect the wool of the Coast Guard. Why didn't he get a little more?

In the end, he called for 200,000 US dollars...MMP, Jiang is still hot, careless!

Thanks to Valenio's ignorance of Zhuang Jianye's thoughts, otherwise he would not complain that a friend from a large country in the East was shameless from afar, but he would really kill him with a knife.

But I am still aggrieved. 300,000 US dollars for a sortie is too high. Even the Coast Guard like a local tyrant is a bit painful. There is no way. There are two sorties for a rescue. Take off and land from around the island. Get on the Rush and leave.

Come and go is $600,000.

If you make another round trip, it will double directly. If you make three or four rounds, their Rush's funding this year will have to burn.

Therefore, it is necessary to let a large country in the East get an economical price on the model. It is best to bring back three Coast Guard members including Yellen at one time. This saves worry and money.

Because of this, after scolding F and S's extraterritorial Zuan cultural classics, Valenrio calmed down and started to reduce costs with all his heart.

So he tried his best to shorten the sorties and reduce the cost. Of course, the commander of the Rush agreed with both hands. After all, no one’s money was brought by the wind, even if it was a local tyrant-like Coast Guard.

Therefore, the specific coordination task was handed over to Valenrio.

Valenrio was indeed savvy and capable, and his operation was as fierce as a tiger. He just found the maritime supervision department in the complicated structure of the Yangtze River Delta fishery administration, maritime affairs, maritime patrol, and maritime police, and then passed the maritime supervision department. Chen Fang, the actual person in charge of the helicopter lifting of rescue supplies, was contacted.

Immediately afterwards, the two had a cordial and friendly conversation on the satellite phone, and then...then both had a MMP in their hearts at the same time.

The reason is simple. The helicopter provided by Zhuang Jianye is nothing but the ZB-MAXpro unmanned helicopter that is located over the island and is about to complete the rescue mission.

Chen Fang, who was right in front of Zhuang Jianye, felt his mood when he heard these words. It's not nonsense that drones carry people.

If it wasn't for the satellite phone in his hand that was connected to an outsider, Chen Fang would almost scold his mother directly.

Compared with Chen Fang’s restraint, Valenrio had to be more straightforward. He covered the phone, and the Zuan words beginning with F and S. There was no way, except for the problem that Chen Fang was worried about, Valenri Ao still cares about the cost.

You must know that Yellen has reported to him a long time ago that even if the ZB-MAXpro unmanned helicopter can carry people ~www.ltnovel.com~, it will not be too much, because it is a typical single-engine single-seater helicopter, in other words By the way, the ZB-MAXpro unmanned helicopter can only carry one member at most.

The Coast Guard members trapped on the island are three, one at a time, one at a time, not to mention the efficiency, but a lot of dollars just went out, not many, but it was Rush for more than half a year. Funding, 1.8 million US dollars.

So Valenrio objected desperately, and Chen Fang couldn't tell, and finally could only look at Zhuang Jianye.

Zhuang Jianye didn’t have so much idle time to accustom Valenrio, and said directly: “If you like to do it or not, think about it in three minutes. Otherwise, when you return to the flight and let the plane pass, you have to pay for ground handling, fuel, and maintenance. Not much, only 2 million US dollars."

When these words reached Valenrio's ears through an interpreter, Zhuang Jianye obviously heard the sound of a "boom~~" head hitting the wall from the phone. Yes, Valenrio really hit the helicopter. On the floor glass of the command room.

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