Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 842: Some friends come from afar, shameless!

If Zhuang Jianye knew what Chen Fang and others thought, he would surely laugh without hesitation: "What? Conscience? Do you think I can have that stuff for Zhuang Jianye?"

Of course, Zhuang Jianye didn’t know what Chen Fang and the others were thinking, and Chen Fang and the others couldn’t say anything they thought. They even took out the big hat of formalism. Chen Fang and others would dare to say, believe it or not. Put big hats on them in minutes?

As a result, the atmosphere of the entire ground control room seemed very strange. Ren Zhuang Jianye cracked and talked endlessly. Chen Fang and others were still as stable as old dogs, staring only at the pictures on the various monitors, and Quandang heard nothing.

In this strange atmosphere of embarrassment, the cadres of Xiangzhou Disaster Relief Headquarters walked in again and reported to Chen Fang in a low voice: "A major country outside the region just contacted us, and hopes that we can send a helicopter to the island. A member of the Coast Guard rescued it."

Chen Fang was stunned when he heard the words. He immediately looked at the reporting cadres in surprise, and then asked for a long time: "Help? How to help? Don't they know that we don't even have a helicopter?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the cadres who came to report with him gave a twitch on his face, as if he had a poor bowel movement, and his expression was very strange. Chen Fang had been irritated by Zhuang Jianye a long time ago.

Look at the virtues of your subordinates, so you won't be angry: "There is something to say, there is fart."

"Yes!" The reporting cadre nodded quickly, and then said carefully, considering the words: "The coast guard commander who is about to visit said that we have unmanned helicopters, and they are no worse than them in hardware facilities. It shouldn’t be difficult to watch the players on the island. After hearing about it, the superior thought that our side was really capable, so...just...just..."

The cadre who came to report wanted to say, "Let us leave this task to us." However, halfway through what he said, Chen Fang's old face, which was blown black by the sea breeze, was about to turn to the bottom of the pot, and it was very gloomy. It's terrible, but it didn't come out after a long time.

Chen Fang really wanted to scold his mother.

Who could have imagined that the coast guard helicopter of a major country outside the region was forcibly demolished by a Japanese crew member trapped on the island. As a result, it failed to save the lives, and instead got into it.

That’s all, just hop in and just hop in, and then it’s hard to continue. As a result, a big country outside the region fully demonstrated what interests are more important than face. Turning around, he smiled and hoped that the rescue department of a big country in the East would give them to them. Rescued.



The momentum of your five unmanned helicopters coming across the sea is still shocking. You actually said that you are incapable. Who believes it, so don’t talk secretly in front of the bright people. The Coast Guard has all kinds of postures. Set it up, just wait for you to come, hurry up, stop the ink, hurry up, the most fierce one!

To tell the truth, I received a call for help from the upcoming coast guard commander. The main leaders of the marine surveillance in the Yangtze River Delta were also embarrassed, although they knew that Chen Fang and others sent a group of helicopters to the island with the help of Ascendas Group. Transporting rescue supplies, it is also heard that these helicopters use new unmanned technology.

But after all, he was not at the scene and did not know the details, so after receiving a call from the coast guard commander, he contacted Chen Fang, hoping that he could eliminate the interference and rescue the coast guard members.

No way, this is an absolutely face-saving thing for domestic rescuers. You must know that a large country outside the region was so arrogant after the end of the Cold War. It usually wouldn't bow to people. This time, they came here to ask for help. The leaders of the Marine Supervisor were more excited than they had won a battle, so I very much hope that Chen Fang will find a way to solve this problem.

The problem is that Chen Fang really wants to solve it, but the helicopter is not his. Even if it is his, the unmanned helicopter can't sit on people. Is it possible to make a gondola to hoist the Coast Guard members?

What accident is really going to happen, who will bear this kind of foreign responsibility?

Because of these structural contradictions and concerns, even if Chen Fang wants to scold his mother, he can’t say anything. You can’t tell your superiors, I’m sorry, leadership. The helicopter belongs to the Ascendas Group. I can’t mobilize it. Even if it’s mobilized, nothing. People can’t ride a helicopter either.

The leader must not blow up his hair.

So the matter became frozen.

Just when Chen Fang was calm and frowning, thinking about how to reply to the leadership of the Marine Supervisor, Zhuang Jianye, who had been disgusted by him for a long time, suddenly spoke again: "Rescue the Coast Guard members? This is a good thing, a proper rescue between the two countries. A model of strengths working together, Captain Chen, this can't be denied. If I were you, I would do it well if I sharpened my head."

The dark-faced Chen Fang almost couldn't hold back a slap and called Zhuang Jianye out of the door. He dared to feel that you were not a member of the sea supervisor, and you didn't have a backache when standing and talking. However, before Chen Fang could retort, Zhuang Jianye let Chen Fang the whole Where was the person stunned: "Of course, I also know that the rescue force of the marine surveillance is weak. In this case, the dispatch of the helicopter is covered by our Ascendas Group. Isn't it about saving people to their boats? Something."

At this moment, Chen Fang was almost moved to cry. Look at what a responsible entrepreneur is and what a good young man is in the new era. Regardless of Zhuang Jianyeping's usual money, everything is money, which puts the capitalist's game on the dust. Comrade Zhuang Jianye can still handle the issue of right and wrong.

However, just as Chen Fang began to change his view of Zhuang Jianye, he wanted to make a big red flower for Zhuang Jianye's wear on the spot, and the next words of Zhuang Jianye made Chen Fanggang's fire of hope extinguished instantly.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that our helicopters are charged according to sorties for international business, 200,000 sorties per sortie, to ensure fairness and fairness."

Chen Fang took a mouthful of old blood, before he waited for it, he was choked back by Zhuang Jianye's subsequent sentence: "Also, 200,000 is not RMB, but US dollars!"


"Shameless~www.ltnovel.com~ despicable, take advantage of others..."

The furious Valenrio roared madly in the helicopter command room on the Rush. There was no way. When he heard that a rescue helicopter from a major eastern country needed to pay 300,000 US dollars per flight, Valenrio almost came close. Did not smash the window on the spot and jump into the sea.

I have seen robbery during the fire, but never seen such a robbery, 300,000 per sortie, no US dollars.

It’s not that a certain big country in the East is a country of etiquette. It’s not just a matter of having friends coming from afar. As long as you show your face, you can talk about everything, even if you put your wife and children in, you won’t say anything.

As a result, the reality of 300,000 U.S. dollars a sortie was like a wide whip, which made Valenrio, who had previously hoped to prostitute the rescue force of a certain eastern country in the east, called a sour.

There are friends who come from afar and talk, shamelessly, it's almost the same!

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