Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 605: Takeoff Aviation Repair Factory

At the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains, Qingrui City, located between Xiping and Cotton, is the location of Ascendas Aviation Repair Factory.

Since it is located in the center of the aircraft production base in Xiping and the power production base of cotton, it can obtain the supply of parts produced in the two places, which is a good location for product maintenance.

The local government thinks so. So two years ago, Ascendas Group planned to separate the after-sales service department. When the aviation repair shop was established, the leaders of Qingrui City came to the door, hoping that Ascendas Group could build the new factory in Qing Rui.

In fact, it is not only Qingrui, but the leaders of several surrounding counties and cities have come to their door when they heard about this, and even several counties and cities in Hexi Province, the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains.

No way. In the past few years, Ascendas Group's drive to the local economy is obvious to all. Among other things, it is not clear what the leading cadres in Xiping used to be. The industry is half-dead, and agriculture is restricted by the terrain, and even self-sufficiency is difficult.

Finally, I hoped that a third-tier zero-degree factory would come over, but the operation was still poor, but it needed a place to fill it.

It can be said that the poor are getting their pants fast.

Since the Ascendas Group moved its main production capacity, the impoverished and closed Xiping is like weeds watered by the rain, immediately rejuvenated.

The construction of factory buildings, the transportation of equipment, the placement of personnel, the employment of ordinary positions, and even the food and drink in the factory area, each is a large industry, and it is not a small industry, but a comprehensive one.

After only a few years, Xiping, who used to need to block his pants to live, no longer has to worry about the pants he wears. He can wear one and throw one away.

The Xiping region, which has made huge profits, certainly understands how this result was obtained. After fully absorbing the experience and lessons of Huancheng, several local leaders have always regarded supporting Tengfei Group as a priority for their governance, thus creating a mutual promotion between the enterprise and the locality. A virtuous circle.

By the way, when Ascendas Group was preparing to build a repair shop, the leaders of Huancheng City also came over, hoping that Ascendas Group could return to Huancheng.

No way, since the Ascendas Group reorganized and moved its main business out of Huancheng, Huancheng's economic situation has gone from bad to worse.

I originally thought that after leaving the Ascendas Group and coming to the McDonnell Douglas joint venture factory, Huancheng will usher in a more rapid development. The joint venture factory that Nacheng wanted to ask grandpa to grandma would not only look good in numbers, other Not at all.

In the past, Ascendas Group was able to contribute more than 60% of its fiscal revenue. McDonnell Douglas' joint venture plant is good. Under the aura of the joint venture plant, various preferential policies have been demanded all over the place. As a result, the local finance has shrunk greatly.

That's all. The joint venture can't make a contribution. It can drive other industries and make up for fiscal revenue. Ascendas Group did just that at the beginning, which made Huancheng's economy prosperous.

As a result, the McDonnell Douglas joint venture factory did not pay attention to the place except for the employees to buy some daily necessities. It completely used its own system. There was no way for the place to be touched. Instead, it had to solve the staff’s accommodation, factory occupation and environmental pollution. Wait for the mess of wiping your ass.

Therefore, within two years, the local leaders in Huancheng City went crazy, wishing that the McDonnell Douglas joint venture plant came from and where to go. However, it is easy to ask God to give it away. The McDonnell Douglas joint venture plant is supported by the ministries and committees. Normally hard, it can get through the sky every minute, so I changed a few cadres to find faults, and the entire Huancheng area couldn't be honest.

As a result, many old leaders of Huancheng began to miss the past of the 23rd branch; many grassroots cadres chanted over and over again about how to work comfortably when the factory was there. Gradually, Huancheng came to a consensus that it had to take off. The group is back.

Therefore, I heard that Ascendas Group is going to build a new factory, the local leaders of Huancheng went to Ascendas Group to find Zhuang Jianye. They knew the reason and moved with affection, and even took out the collective letter of some Huancheng people familiar with Zhuang Jianye. I hope Can impress Tengfei Group with the original fish and water conditions.

Zhuang Jianye looked at the letter and said that he was not moved. It was fake. No matter what, Ascendas Group really started in Huancheng. The Chinese people have a plot of nostalgia. Zhuang Jianye is no exception, not to mention that many of the backbone of Ascendas Group are now. Huancheng people, even if they are not there, there are relatives and family members in Huancheng, it can be said that the bones are connected to the tendons.

If it wasn't for several local leaders in Huancheng, he wouldn't want to leave Huancheng.

However, enterprises are not charities, and they cannot decide their direction based on temporary likes and dislikes. Huancheng is a good place, otherwise Ascendas Group will not rise from then on. The problem is that Ascendas Group has formed its own industrial chain in Xiping and Cotton at this time. Going to Huancheng is tantamount to lengthening the efficient industrial chain, leading to increased costs.

This is not something a company should do.

So Zhuang Jianye donated two million to Huancheng’s education, and then another three million to fund Huancheng’s local finances, and told Huancheng at a cost of five million that the Ascendas Group had not forgotten them, and at the same time blocked continued pleading Q.

Then the new factory was settled in Qingrui without hesitation.

Qingrui also knew that it was not easy for him to invite the Ascendas Group, and even Zhuang Jianye was embarrassed by the discount package.

You should know that Zhuang Jianye's cheeky is well-known in the aviation industry. It can make Zhuang Jianye, who didn't know what shyness, is embarrassed. It shows how big the discount Qingrui is.

Not to mention anything else, just the large plot of land and the three aluminum mines have earned back the five million that had been subsidizing Huancheng.

In this way, a large factory was erected in the outskirts of Qingrui.

At this moment, Qi Hong was standing at the modernized Ascendas Aviation Repair Factory~www.ltnovel.com~ after looking at it for a long time before taking back his gaze. At this time, a middle-aged man next to him suddenly questioned: "Manager Qi, are you sure this is an aviation repair shop? Is this too large?"

It’s no wonder that this person is so puzzled. The average repair shop has one or two workshops, but the Tengfei aviation repair shop can only see seven or eight workshops. That’s not to mention that there are vehicles on the open ground in the distance. And the crane is still busy, apparently still building a new factory.

Calculated on this scale, what kind of aircraft repair shop is this? The aircraft manufacturer is almost the same.

"This...I don't know too much. I heard from Ascendas Group's President Zhuang that their aircraft repair shop was built in accordance with international first-class standards, so the scale is a bit large." Qi Hong didn't know how to explain it, so he could only borrow Zhuang Jianye. In the original words.

But the man next to him snorted from his nose and uttered eight words blankly: "Waste for no reason, blind arrogance."

When Qi Hong heard this, his old face just twitched. He wanted to say something, but before he could speak, the middle-aged man beside him had already raised his leg and walked towards the factory. Qi Hong smiled bitterly and shook his head. The chief technical engineer of the company has a straight-forward temper. He also has a headache.

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