Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 604: 1 start to make new 10

Song Changzheng began to follow the trend, and Qi Hong was naturally no match for Zhuang Jianye's hard foam, and soon agreed to let the technicians of Tengfei Group come and take a look.

This is not to say that Song Changzheng and Qi Hong were really brainwashed by Zhuang Jianye with a few words. Look for the tree of Ascendas Group to hang completely. You should think about other ways. As the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome. A road is never a bad thing.

What's more, aircraft maintenance is not about repairing bicycles. The master will do it in twos or twos. It takes ten and a half months for the ordinary, and the complicated one and a half years is also common.

For such a long time, Song Changzheng and Qi Hong were enough to turn the Tengfei Group around, and it is not too late to draw a conclusion on whether the Tengfei Group can undertake the maintenance task.

Zhuang Jianye didn't care about this. In recent years, Ascendas Group has turned to infrastructure facilities, which does not mean stopping the pace of technological development. It is just that the Ascendas Group has paid more attention to the foundation in the past two years compared to the concentrated expression in the previous years. Innovations and breakthroughs.

To borrow from martial arts, Ascendas Group pays more attention to the cultivation of internal strength, so except for certain academic papers that are allowed to be published, the outside world has no idea what is going on with Ascendas Group. They all think that the aviation industry has been rising. Rising star is about to become a contractor.

But in fact, Ascendas Group has been making solid progress in aviation in recent years. With Lin Guanghua’s core team, the advanced light transportation platform has been continuously polished. It is now undergoing intensive testing, and derivative models based on such platforms have been put on the agenda.

The helicopter team brought over by Professor Zhao, relying on the high-end aviation processing capabilities of Ascendas Group, successfully resurrected the Z-6 at the Xiangzhou plant, and derived two improved models of "small forklift" and "air pickup" based on this.

In addition to these two major projects, Zhuang Jianye has also launched another project in the past two years, which is to separate the after-sales service department of Ascendas Group and establish a brand-new Ascendas Aviation Repair Factory. Qiao Shiming, the deputy general manager, is in charge.

Speaking of this Qiao Shiming, he was a person who didn’t show up and did not leak when he was in the Yunshi team. He belonged to the kind that would be unrecognizable when he was thrown into a crowd. In addition to his introverted personality, he didn’t like to talk, and he was even more vulnerable. note.

In the words of the person in charge of the Yunshi team at the time, Xiao Qiao is more suitable as a spy than a technology.

It is such an existence that resembles a transparent person, but it is responsible for the design of the load-bearing structure, an important part of the Yunshi project.

Such a person is definitely the top talent among the talents. It belongs to the existence of cattle x who can continue to go retrograde when the team collapses. Therefore, when the superior disbands the Yun-10 team, the others are in panic and do not know what to do next, but Qiao Shiming It was scrambled by several aviation manufacturing companies.

There is even an American aviation giant who offered Qiao Shiming an annual salary of 200,000 U.S. dollars, as well as the generous treatment for his family to join the US citizenship and immigrate to the US.

The Tengfei Group at the time was still the Tengfei factory, and it also joined the fight against Qiao Shiming. It stands to reason that the Tengfei factory at that time was compared with the giants in the United States, and even compared with the big domestic factories, it was a younger brother, and there was no chance at all. of.

But in the end, Qiao Shiming not only rejected the annual salary of 200,000 US dollars from the American giant, but also rejected the attractive treatment of the domestic aerospace company. He carried a dilapidated briefcase and followed Zhuang Jianye to the Tengfei factory without hesitation.

Let alone the Americans, even the domestic industry insiders don’t understand, where is not good, how did you go to the Ascendas factory? You must know that at that time, the only thing that the Ascendas factory could get was the aerial model except for the drone. In the eyes of the industry, there was no tabletop at all. What could Qiao Shiming do in the past? Calculation of bearing structure for aviation model?

However, no matter how puzzled other people are, Qiao Shiming chose the Tengfei Factory at that time for no other reason, just because of one thing and one sentence.

The stuff is the trial production data of Yunshi aero engine, which was compiled by Zhuang Jianye when the Yonghong factory trial-produced the data room. Later, after the development of the Tengfei factory, Zhuang Jianye transferred this batch of data from the Yonghong factory to the Tengfei factory through the relationship. Keep it properly as a technical reserve.

As for a word, it's simple and straightforward. Follow me to the Ascendas factory and let's build the new Yun X together.

Qiao Shiming is low-key, transparent, and usually silent, but it does not mean that he has no thoughts and is just a tool person who can breathe. On the contrary, Qiao Shiming belongs to the kind of person who walks directly to the black when he sees a path.

To put it bluntly is the axis.

Therefore, the superiors requested that the Yunshi team be disbanded, and all personnel, all equipment, and all designs were disbanded. Qiao Shiming didn't say anything, but he had a lot of ideas in his heart, but there was no way he had ideas. He was just a technical worker and couldn't control his superiors. His will can only be silently endured.

But the fire that personally let go of the big plane never went out.

At this time, Zhuang Jianye came over and gave Tengfei Factory’s ambitions and gave him hope. Naturally, he didn’t even want to go to Tengfei Factory, because other big factories had nothing other than salary and job title, and even the specific job was nothing. No.

However, Tengfei Factory keeps the complete drawings, tooling and process data of the Yunshi aeroengine trial-produced model, but this is countless times better than those large factories. After all, those large factories are more destroyed, and only Tengfei Factory is doing its best to preserve. .

The subsequent development also proved that Qiao Shiming’s choice was correct. When splitting the Yunshi team and the production line, Zhuang Jianye kept the essence of the core as much as possible, and based on this, established the sales and service department of the Ascendas Factory. The drones returned to the factory have started to carry out all-round maintenance of the Plateau Eagle b and tm-9.

Zhuang Jianye made the core team of Yunshi through the most difficult moments in the form of after-sales service, while Qiao Shiming started with the Plateau Eagle series and gradually became a core member of the Ascendas Group's aircraft research and development team~www.ltnovel.com~especially advanced light During the development of the transportation platform, Qiao Shiming's structural design greatly accelerated the development progress.

At this time, Qiao Shiming has become the deputy chief engineer of Ascendas Group. His status and salary are not what it used to be. However, Qiao Shiming did not just go step by step. Instead, he submitted a memorandum to Zhuang Jianye during the static test of the prototype of the advanced light transport platform.

It deeply pointed out the shortcomings of Ascendas Group's aircraft research and development, especially in the field of large aircraft, with almost zero experience and technology. Therefore, it is recommended that the group make early preparations in this regard.

This memo coincides with the idea that Zhuang Jianye is planning to take advantage of the international situation and take advantage of European and American countries to pretend to be a big tail wolf to engage in technical barriers to seize the domestic civil aviation professional maintenance market.

We must know that civil aviation aircraft are big guys. If they can make money and cultivate technical talents for the production of large aircraft in the future, it is definitely a profitable business for Ascendas Group.

So Zhuang Jianye directly decided, let Qiao Shiming, as the deputy general manager of the Ascendas Group, lead the Ascendas Aviation Repair Factory composed of a core team of Yunshi. Everything was ready, but the customers were missing. So Zhuang Jianye turned into a gold salesman, and made a tough decision. Song Changzheng and Qi Hong got it.

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