Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 599: Speechless

"Change the topic? Change the topic? Your son just gave you a grandson, and your daughter has been admitted to the university. My child has not graduated from elementary school. Do you think it is appropriate to have our child?

Also, you used to be in a military uniform. You have been in a military uniform for your entire life. You have been mindful of exercises. I don’t know anything about war and command. I just came here to behave. Do you think we can talk about exercises together?

Of course, if you drink some wine, I don’t mind telling you about the domestic and foreign situation. How can I say that when I first started working, I talked with your age old man and aunt that was a speculation. It’s a pity to drill. Discipline must be observed during this period and no alcohol. "

As he said, Zhuang Jianye stretched his hands helplessly and looked at Song Changzheng: "You said, if we don't talk about business matters, will there be no common topics?"

"Fuck you, if I think I’m old, I’ll just say it. Is it interesting to talk so much nonsense?" Song Changzheng was immediately exasperated by Zhuang Jianye. After a smile, he sat down across from Zhuang Jianye and took a drink. Lifted his eyelids and glanced at Zhuang Jianye, and sighed: "Your aircraft is good. The key is that our company has bought 28 Plateau Eagle B in the past few years; 16 TM-9 aircraft have been saturated. How else do you let us buy it? Can't we make our airline lose money just to take care of you?

Besides, although your aircraft has good performance, it is still too small. It is not cost-effective for our airline in terms of operating costs. So, Xiaozhuang, I really can’t do anything about this, unless you can do it. For airplanes with larger passenger capacity, otherwise, don't talk about me. I can't agree with you even if you bring the central leadership over. It is not in line with market laws. "

Although Song Changzheng’s words are sharp, they are really correct. Low cost and high performance are always the only way for airlines to make profits. Otherwise, Boeing 737 and Airbus a320 will not become world-renowned best-selling aircraft.

The reason is very simple, because these two narrow-body trunk airliners meet all the airlines' needs for profitability: more passengers, good fuel economy, low maintenance costs, high commuting rate...

It is precisely because of hitting the g point of the airline that these two models have become the hottest models in the world.

Ascendas Group has grown up quite well in China, but it is not even a younger brother compared to RenBoeing and Airbus. Compared with Renda's 737 and 320, the products in its hands are even younger brothers. No countertop.

As for those that meet the airline profitability standards, it’s even more difficult to talk about, because the main products of Ascendas Group can only be classified as general aviation in a strict sense. They can’t even talk about branch lines, let alone 737 and 320. Similar to the trunk line.

Therefore, whether it is Plateau Eagle b or tm-9, the airline sales are not very satisfactory. The main reason is that Song Changzheng said that although Plateau Eagle b and tm-9 did not make airlines lose money, they did not make them earn. Too much. Compared with them, they are more willing to operate passenger and cargo aircraft with 50 seats. That is the main profit of airlines.

This is not difficult to understand, because airlines have the same idea as cargo trucks. The efficiency of an extended heavy truck with a load of 40 tons is always much better than that of a battery truck with a load of more than ten kilograms. The profit is even worse. do not.

The same is true for aircraft operations. Take Ascendas Group’s main plateau Eagle B for example. Passenger and freight are both good at it. They have also gained a good reputation in the plateau and border regions, but the airlines disappeared after the first batch of orders. In the following, the reason is very simple. For a dozen flights of Plateau Eagle b, airlines can solve the problem with a single regional passenger aircraft. Not only is the efficiency high, but the time and cost saved can be repeated several times. This is more profitable than the Plateau Eagle b. To be several times or even dozens of times higher.

The airlines are not fools. They support domestic production and support domestic production, but they cannot blindly throw money into it. No one’s money comes from the wind.

Of course, if domestic aviation conditions are as developed as those in the United States, the models under the Ascendas Group will not be so. After all, the application of general aviation is still very wide. The problem is that domestic civil aviation has not started for a long time, and the level is relatively low. The demand for general aviation is still in its infancy. Even if the Ascendas Group is working hard, it will get some friendly orders, which can not solve the actual problem.

As for exporting to foreign countries, it is not that Zhuang Jianye does not want to do it, but that under the turbulent environment, the applications for European and American airworthiness certificates of several models of Ascendas Group have been frozen without restrictions. You must know that this can be regarded as a kind of access to the world market. With this license, the aircraft can be sold on the world aviation market.

But if not, you can still sell it. After all, the airworthiness certificate does not restrict market sales, but the regular airports of various countries will prohibit these models from landing. Who would buy such aircraft?

Because of this, after so many years, Ascendas Group has no export records except the Plateau Eagle series ordered by Nepal and the tm-9 aircraft jointly produced with Thailand.

It is also for this reason that the Leipzig company in Germany unscrupulously offered to purchase a full set of technology and production licenses for the "small forklift" helicopter. The fundamental reason was to conclude that without them, Ascendas helicopters would not even have the opportunity to go abroad.

It was against this background that Zhuang Jianye ran to the headquarters of the capital in the past two years without shame, and finally became the most unpopular person in the headquarters. It was the spring breeze of domestic infrastructure that allowed Ascendas Group to survive.

Otherwise, with so many R&D expenses and spreading stalls every year, it is really not enough to rely on the one-shot sale of several models.

So this time through the national defense mobilization exercise ~www.ltnovel.com~ I saw the leader of United Airlines. Naturally, Zhuang Jianye could not let it go. He completely regarded himself as a dog skin plaster. Even if he was torn off, he would stick a piece of skin. Therefore Even knowing that Song Changzheng was telling the truth, Zhuang Jianye still shook his head: "Lao Song, what you said is biased."

"How biased?" Song Changzheng immediately retorted: "You are all small planes. It's not cost-effective to operate. You can't let our airline lose money."

"But we already have a 50-seat regional airliner. How about your airline? Isn't it an elbow?" Zhuang Jianye didn't show any weakness: "If I can get a new model, I won't say anything. A BAe-146 from British Aerospace, I said Mr. Song..."

Speaking of Song Changzheng, who leaned down from the sofa to face each other, Song Changzheng was called from Lao Song to President Song: "I don't understand. Your airline keeps saying that if you want to reduce costs, then introduce a low-cost aircraft. The United Kingdom The bae-146 is just a regional airliner with less than 100 seats. It is actually equipped with four engines. Airbus and Boeing’s trunk lines are dual-engines. You said that the cost is reduced. Tell me that the maintenance cost of four-engines is higher than that of two-engines. How much cheaper?"

Song Changzheng opened his mouth when he heard the words, but he just couldn't say a word, there was no way, he was really speechless.

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