Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 598: Crooked

It's no wonder that this scholarly military officer reacted in this way. Those American articles were talking about the subversive nature of the e-8 alliance, and the rest was talking about professionalism.

Even a single screw can write several professional articles. With three generations of equipment such as satellites in the sky and m1 tanks on the ground, the system is huge and suffocating.

The result is that these scholar-style officers become more desperate as they study. Not to mention the extravagant hopes of catching up with the United States. They can have 30% of the US military's current capabilities.

The question is will the Americans really stand there for you to chase? It's impossible to think about it, so when you catch up to today's level, the Americans are already a few floors higher.

Moore's Law is not a display, it is happening.

If you want an aircraft and combat system similar to the e-8 United Star, except for the simple category you think about, everything else is difficult to reach the sky.

The result is such a complicated thing. The airborne troops used civilian aircraft and their own UAV command and control cabin to solve it. The simplicity is horribly simple.

This has made it possible for the scholar-type officers who have devoted countless efforts to research American data and inquired about foreign technical templates so that they have been so embarrassed. The feelings of these two years have all been wasted?

This shock is no longer subverting the Three Views, but almost almost destroying the Three Views.

So the unwilling scholar-type officer was stunned for a moment, and then stubbornly asked the next question: "The problem of communication and connectivity is solved, what about detection? After all, it is a civilian aircraft, it is impossible to install synthetic aperture radar, and it does not have large How to accurately detect high-altitude electric power supply?"

The core of the U.S. e-8 joint satellite is the multi-module radar detection system under the belly of the aircraft. It is divided into different bands, different frequencies, what synthetic aperture radar, what microwave detection, in short, a high-end one.

However, because of its complexity and high-end, ordinary aircraft platforms cannot be carried. The U.S. military can only refurbish it with the retired Boeing 707. This classic large passenger aircraft is used as a platform for e-8.

The carrier platform of the terrain \\environmental protection integrated detection aircraft that can be used by airborne troops is only a tm-9 aircraft with a take-off weight of just over five tons and a carrying capacity of less than three tons. How to inherit the heavy detection equipment?

On this issue, other scholar-type officers understood the hidden meaning of the speaker, and even the head of the headquarters who was sitting on the sidelines raised his brows, looking very interested.

However, this question is obviously the wrong person. Zheng Quanli is a commanding talent. Although he belongs to the technical-oriented compound command in the military, Zheng Quanli's skills are limited to understanding and bold use. To put it bluntly, as long as he can win the battle, he dare Try, as to how many scientific and technological achievements there are, what are the connections between these scientific and technological achievements, and what principles are applied, he really doesn't know.

If not, Zheng Quanli wouldn't have to work hard to lead troops on the front line. He would go to the Academy of Military Sciences to be a researcher, drink tea, and write articles at ease.

So after hearing this, Zheng Quanli frowned involuntarily, asking whether your comrade was full and almost blurted out.

Fortunately, his Yu Guang glanced at the head of the headquarters, his mind was suppressed, he looked startled, and replied with a serious face: "As a front-line commander, my goal is to win this battle. As for detection I never think about the details, I only care about whether this thing is good or not, whether it can help me complete the established tactical strategy, so whether I am civilian or military, domestic or imported, as long as I can beat the opponent, I think that. It's a good thing."

In a word, the head of the headquarters has a strange look, and several scholar-type officers have a straight face.

Zheng Quanli’s words are powerful and solemn. In fact, the translation means, don’t talk to me about the minutiae, what happened to the civilian aircraft? I can win the battle with it. What are you guys good at beeping? Rather than letting go, it's better to go back and think about how the troops can't even deal with civilians here. It's not ashamed.

They are all studying foreign military dynamics and combat theories. The IQ is not above 120. Of course, if you can understand Zheng Quanli's implication, it is natural to understand that they are really embarrassing.

But it didn’t happen, because every word Zheng Quanli said was very reasonable. What's more, if you do a good job of academics and ask the front-line commanders specific technical questions, it is like an automobile engineer asking a new driver who just got his driver’s license. There are several ways to adjust it, and it just asks the wrong person.

Therefore, a few scholar-type officers could only hold back. The last scholar-type officer simply ignored Zheng Quanli, turned and stood at attention to the head of the headquarters: "Report to the head, I want to go to the Ascendas Group."

"And I."

"I am going too……"

Several scholar-type officers asked for instructions. Not only them, but also the heads of the troops who accompanied the head of the headquarters. When they saw the head of the headquarters, he smiled, and he drove the door with his hand, sat on it, waited for the car to start, and found that a bunch of people did not move. , The head of the headquarters pulled down the window and shouted: "Why are you standing there? Do you want to watch it?"

After finishing speaking, the car started up and left with smoke and dust.

A bunch of people stayed in place for a long time before they realized that they got into the car one after another and walked clean in a blink of an eye. Only Zheng Quanli was left looking at all this blankly, and when everyone was gone, what came to mind. , Shouting at the leaving team: "Who will win this exercise?"


"If the Red Army wins, I'll just say it. The maneuvers will never deviate from its ancestry. The Red Army won't win without reason."

In the tower lounge of a military airport on the outskirts of Beijing ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Song Changzheng, the general manager of United Airlines, put down the phone in his hand and showed such an expression on his face.

On the side, Zhuang Jianye took a sip from the water glass, and waved his hand at Song Changzheng indifferently: "Don't interrupt, just talk about business. How many planes are TM-9 so good, don't you come here? They are in the exercise. Show that I don’t believe you Old Song didn’t see it."

Song Changzheng was in the Naval Air Force before. Later, the Air Force began to refit An-26 with d-46ml turboprop engines. Song Changzheng, who had relevant experience, was seconded by the Air Force, and was later directly retained by the Air Force and transferred to active service in the Air Force.

However, Song Changzheng did not persist for a few years. As he reached the age limit, he retired from the Air Force the year before and was assigned to United Airlines as a member of the party group. At the beginning of this year, he changed his term and became the general manager.

In this national defense mobilization exercise, United Airlines and Ascendas Group were spotted. As the general manager, Song Changzheng naturally had to come to the front line. Originally, Song Changzheng was still full of pride and wanted to regain the prosperous years of his military career. As a result, he met Zhuang Jianye. , The exercise in full swing somehow was confused and distorted.

Now that Zhuang Jianye is here again, Song Changzheng's old face collapsed: "I said Comrade Xiao Zhuang, I beg you, can we change the topic?"

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