Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 465: Something better than gold

"What new material?" Li Fang asked.

Qian Qiang smiled embarrassedly, then looked at Zhuang Jianye and said modestly: "I am not very proficient in materials. Zhuang always leads this area. Let him introduce it."

Zhuang Jianye had expected Qian Qiang to say this a long time ago. No way. Qian Qiang is such a person. He has always been in direct contact with each other in his life. If he talks about aero engines, he can tell you that three days and three nights are not too tired, but he is free. He cherishes ink like gold for this one-third of the land.

Materials, especially aviation materials, can Qian Qiang, a guy who engages in gas turbine power plants, have no idea about how he can process materials into parts and apply them to gas turbine power plants?

However, he did not mainly develop it himself, nor did he achieve the results on his own. Qian Qiang felt that it was not his own thing. When he said it, there was a kind of suspicion of putting other people’s results on his face. If this result was achieved by a man Yes, Qian Qiang's cheeky still makes sense, but she is a woman, and she still got a job title and position not as stubbornly as her own when she was in Xihang University.

Qian Qiang, no matter how thick-skinned he was, didn't want a woman to stubbornly rub her back.

Zhuang Jianye didn't care about the chain of contempt in the academic circle between Qian Qiang and Song Yanan at all. They are excellent senior experts in their fields, so they should be a little arrogant. It's okay to despise each other and not look at each other, as long as you work hard for yourself.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye coughed and took the conversation naturally: “At present, the aviation technology research and development center under our Ascendas Aviation Corporation is in addition to carbon fiber composite materials. Two new series of metal matrix composite materials have been newly developed, one is aluminum-based Composite materials, the other is titanium-based composite materials.

Among them, titanium-based composite materials are silicon carbide fiber-reinforced titanium-based composite materials; there are two aluminum-based composite materials, one is silicon carbide fiber-reinforced composite material, and the other is carbon fiber made of t300 carbon fiber composite material. Reinforced aluminum-based composite material. "

"Xiao Zhuang, what did you just say you did? Carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composites?" It was not Li Fang or Song Changzheng who spoke this time, but Director Zhao, who looked on from the sidelines.

Because it was too sudden, and his voice was surprising and high-pitched, Zhuang Jianye was taken aback, but Director Zhao was particularly aware of his failure. He moved forward and stared at Zhuang Jianye's face with hope and anxiously. He said: "You are talking, did you really make carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composites? Can large-scale industrial production be carried out? What is the current output? How much inventory do you have?"

The problems were endless, and Zhuang Jianye’s head buzzed. Song Changzheng and Li Fang were a little surprised at this scene, because whether it was silicon carbide fiber or carbon fiber, they heard that they were surrounded by clouds, so that Zhuang Jianye After talking for a long time, I understood that one of the two words is aluminum and the other is titanium.

But why talk about fiber? Can we weave?

However, this absurd idea only flashed in the minds of the two of them, because it was very simple. Looking at the excited appearance of Director Zhao, it is obvious that the carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composites he said are not simple.

You must know that Director Zhao is dressed in civilian clothes for the aerospace system. Wearing a military uniform is the second artillery. He is playing nuclear deterrence. He is a national heavy weapon. Anything that he takes out is one of the best in the country.

Therefore, ordinary things are really difficult to get into Director Zhao’s eyes. Otherwise, just a few people have discussed the turbo power for so long, and others will not say a word. Apart from the embarrassment before, it is mainly because Director Zhao doesn’t care about it. thing.

No matter how powerful the plane is, it is the life of the atmosphere. Director Zhao always makes the Eastern stuff that rushes to outer space and returns to the atmosphere. The rank is not on the same level.

But now director Zhao of the high rank suddenly became enthusiastic and excited to ask Zhuang Jianye about carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composites. Obviously, this kind of thing is unusual.

So the two looked at each other, and Song Changzheng immediately stepped forward without hesitation: "Lao Zhao, Lao Zhao~~~ You see how scared Xiao Zhuang is. Calm down, calm down, come... drink some water and talk. What exactly is a carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composite material."

After Song Changzheng was so reconciled, Director Zhao also felt that he was a little gaffe. He took the water from Song Changzheng and poured it down, and then squinted at Song Changzheng and Li Fang, "Good things are better than gold." If you want something, let me tell you this. With carbon fiber reinforced aluminum-based composite material, a missile with a range of 3,000 kilometers can immediately have a range of 5,000 kilometers..."

Director Zhao’s words are true. For missiles, especially long-range missiles that can re-enter the atmosphere, structural materials such as projectile bodies, instrument compartments, fairings, internal supports, etc. not only need to be light in weight, but also strong.

Since the missile is launched into the air, the friction between the missile body and the air will generate high temperature, so the basic state of the material is also required to be stable at high temperatures and excellent creep resistance.

The above three points are only the basic requirements of advanced missile body materials. The remaining injection friction coefficient is small; it has certain thermal and electrical conductivity; good machining properties, etc., and its requirements are no more than the general material requirements on aero engines. Much less.

If not, how many countries in the world of long-range missiles can understand that although other countries are desperately catching up, no matter how they are tossing, they are always a little bit worse than the ones on the head. This is the root cause.

For the same projectile, several major countries use high-performance alloy materials, while other countries that are catching up use alloy steel. This alone means that the payload and range of catching up countries under the same thrust are much less, as for other countries. The support structure is too complicated, the fuel tank is not well sealed, and the heat dissipation of the loaded warhead is not good, which can directly make the fired missile become a large firecracker.

Compared with other countries that are catching up, the country has lost its strength. After all, there are several masterminds in the country, and the aerospace system integration ability is very strong.

But compared with the top big guys like the United States, there is still a big gap. People with the same thrust can send people into space~www.ltnovel.com~, but the country may only send a small mouse.

In addition to the technological gap, the key lies in the materials used in the missile.

According to public information, the U.S. Minuteman 3, Trident and other missiles use carbon fiber composite materials, but if the bullies really use carbon fiber composite materials such as t500 and t700 to mount long-range missiles, they will really treat the missiles as a fire war. Toss it.

Because the full name of carbon fiber composite materials such as t700 is called carbon fiber resin composite materials, the strength, lightness, and even yield cannot be said, but because of the natural preparation process, the heat resistance of carbon fiber resin composite materials is not good. When it rises rapidly, the heat generated by friction with the air is enough to burn through the shell made of such materials.

This is why fighters generally do not use carbon fiber resin composite materials to install secondary components, because at supersonic speeds, the heat generated by the body is also terrifying.

But you have to point to the nose of the Americans and say, if you fool me, the Americans will definitely respond. That is your ignorance.

Is it a carbon fiber composite material, yes, but not a carbon fiber resin composite material, but a carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composite material.

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